Clan info

By [-sophie-] on Jan 15, 2008

Pretty much for RuneScape, using socket to retrieve information on a clan that you've specified. If you specify a clan initial name it will return it's real name also.

alias -l c2 return $+($chr(3),02,$1-,$chr(3)) 
alias -l c7 return $+($chr(3),07,$1-,$chr(3)) 
alias -l error return $+($chr(3),2**[07ERROR02]**,$1-,$chr(3)) 
alias -l clan return $+($chr(3),2**[07CLAN INFO02]**,$1-,$chr(3)) 

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@]claninfo/Si:#:{ 
  var %r = $r(1,99999) 
  set $+(%,way,%r) $iif($left($1,1) == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) 
  if (!$2) { /notice $nick $error() $c2(You have) $c7(not) $c2(specified any) $c7(clan) $c2(to look up.) } 
  else { 
    set $+(%,clan,%r) $replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(95)) 
    sockopen ClanInfo. [ $+ [ %r ] ] 80 
on *:SOCKOPEN:ClanInfo.*: { 
  var %r = $gettok($sockname,2,$asc(.)) 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/feeds/lowtech/searchclan.php?search=,$(,$+(%,clan,%r))) HTTP/1.1 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf 
on *:SOCKREAD:ClanInfo.*: { 
  var %r = $gettok($sockname,2,$asc(.)) 
  if ($sockerr) { //echo -t $error $c2(Socket error:) $c7($sockerr) | $(,$+(%,way,%r)) $error $+($c2(There was a) $c7(problem),$c2($chr(44) please try again) $c7(later),$c2($chr(46))) 
    cleanup %r 
  else { 
    var %ClanInfo 
    sockread %ClanInfo 
    if (*Not Found* iswm %ClanInfo) { $(,$+(%,way,%r)) $clan $+($c2("),$c7($gettok($(,$+(%,clan,%r)),1-,95)),$c2(" was not) $c7(found),$c2($chr(46))) 
      cleanup %r 
    else { 
      if (*http://* iswm %ClanInfo) { 
        tokenize 32 %ClanInfo 
        set $+(%,text,%r) $1- 
        if (*clan|* iswm %ClanInfo) { 
          $(,$+(%,way,%r)) $clan $+($c2("),$c7($gettok($(,$+(%,text,%r)),1,124)),$c2(")) $c2(Members:) $c7($gettok($(,$+(%,text,%r)),6,124)) $c2(Avg Cmb:) $c7($gettok($(,$+(%,text,%r)),7,124)) $c2(Type:) $c7($gettok($(,$+(%,text,%r)),12,124)) $c2(Initial:) $c7($gettok($(,$+(%,text,%r)),5,124)) $c2(Cape:) $c7($gettok($(,$+(%,text,%r)),14,124))
          $(,$+(%,way,%r)) $c2(Forums URL:) $c7($gettok($(,$+(,%,text,%r)),2,124)) $c2(Memberlist URL:) $c7( $+ $c7($remove($gettok($(,$+(%,text,%r)),3,124),
          cleanup %r 
          sockclose $sockname 
alias -l cleanup { 
  unset %way [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 
  unset %clan [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 
  unset %text [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 


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WillK1llin   -  Jan 02, 2009

remote right?

[-sophie-]   -  Jan 15, 2008

Feel free to share your opinions on what I could improve :)

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