IRChelp Aliases/Dialog V3 New

By Korvin on Nov 20, 2007

Renewed the dialog:
1.) Changed Dialog sizes
2.) Changed Dialog Items
3.) Added Dialog Items
4.) Changed Wording
5.) HUUGE speed change, that version was so old, I dont know how I didnt update. all loops are muuuuch faster =D
6.) Added -d/default which is really usefull, now you can type and just press enter =D

all i can think of right now, kindof a prototype.

menu channel,status,menubar {
  IRChelp Dialog:irchelp
on *:DIALOG:irchelp:init:*: {
  did -c irchelp 555  
  did -saz IRChelp 707 Now Talking In %chan $+ :
  did -saz irchelp 707
alias irchelp { 
  set %chan $active
  $iif($dialog(IRChelp),dialog -x IRChelp IRChelp)
  /dialog -m IRChelp IRChelp 
alias cF2 { irchelp }
alias host { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: A hostmask can be viewed by typing /whois nick. Example: $iif($1,Yours: $$address($1,-1),Mine: $address($me,-1)) }
alias setfounder { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel founder Nick }
alias lavoice { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs levels #channel set autovoice -1 }
alias laop { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs levels #channel set autoop -1 }
alias lahop { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs levels #channel set autohalfop -1 }
alias lravoice { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs levels #channel set autovoice 3 }
alias lraop { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs levels #channel set autoop 5 }
alias lrahop { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs levels #channel set autohalfop 4 }
alias sooff { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel secureops off }
alias soon { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel secureops on }
alias cscp { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel password NewPassword }
alias entrymsg { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel entrymsg msg }
alias mlock { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel mlock + $+ $iif($2,$2,Mode) $+  }
alias mlockdel { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel mlock - $+ $iif($2,$2,Mode) $+  }
alias top { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /topic #channel NewTopic }
alias floodon { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /bs set #channel flood on }
alias floodoff { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /bs set #channel flood off }
alias acc { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs access #channel add $iif(!$3,nick,$3) $iif($2,$2,Level) | $iif($isid,return,msg $active) (3 is +Voice, 4 is %Halfop, 5-9 is @Op, and 10-9999 is &Admin) }
alias avoice { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs access #channel add nick 3 }
alias ahop { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs access #channel add nick 4 }
alias aop { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs access #channel add nick 5 }
alias aadmin { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs access #channel add nick 10 }
alias accdel { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs access #channel del nick  }
alias accclear { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs access #channel clear }
alias acclist { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs access #channel list }
alias csreg2 { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, First, Join the channel by typing: /join #channel, If there is no one else in that channel, /cs register #channel password Description. }
alias csreg { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs register #channel password Description }
alias akick { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs akick #channel add nick@host description }
alias akickclear { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs akick #channel clear }
alias akickrem { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs akick #channel del nick@host }
alias akicklist { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs akick #channel list }
alias unbanys { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs unban #channel }
alias clearbans { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs clear #channel bans }
alias csban { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs ban #channel nick }
alias csid { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs id #channel ChanPassword }
alias invys { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs invite #channel }
alias inv { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /invite $iif(!$2,nick,$iif($2 == bot,botname,$2)) #channel }
alias csdrop { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs drop #chantodrop }
alias cslogout { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs logout #channel NICK }
alias bw { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: Type /bs badwords #channel add WORD }
alias bwlist { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: Type /bs badwords #channel list }
alias bwdel { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: Type /bs badwords #channel del WORD }
alias bwon { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: Type /bs kick #channel badwords on }
alias bwoff { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: Type /bs kick #channel badwords off }
alias unassign { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /bs unassign #channel }
alias assign2 { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /bs botlist to view botlist, then once youve found a bot you like, /bs assign #channel bot's name }
alias assign { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /bs assign #channel $iif($2 && $isserv($2) == $true,$2,bot's name) $+  }
alias cust { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, For a list of custom bots, go to }
alias botlist { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /bs botlist }
alias bssay { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Unfortunately, the /bs say command has been disabled, because of abuse, you must now conform to the hassle of saying things yourself. }
alias setgreet { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns set greet messege }
alias nscp { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns set password NewPass }
alias nslogout { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns logout nick }
alias nsid { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns id Password }
alias nsreg { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns register password email@here }
alias nsdrop { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns drop nicktodrop }
alias glist { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns glist }
alias alist { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns alist }
alias group { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns group MainNick MainNicksPass }
alias release { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns release Nick Password }
alias ghost { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns ghost Nick Password }
alias recover { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ns recover Nick Password | $iif($isid,$release($1),release $1) }
alias mssend { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ms send nick messege }
alias mssendchan { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ms send #channel messege }
alias msread { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ms read last/MemoNumber }
alias msreadchan { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ms read #channel last }
alias mslist { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ms list }
alias mslistchan { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /ms list #channel }
alias chanban { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel +b ~c:#channel-to-ban }
alias chanunban { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel -b ~c:#channel-to-unban }
alias un { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel -b nick/host }
alias ban { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel +b nick/host }
alias sil { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /raw silence +nick/host }
alias mute { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel +b ~q:host }
alias +m { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel +m }
alias -m { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel -m }
alias nmultirem { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel - $+ $$2 $+ $$2 $+ $$2 nick/host nick/host nick/host }
alias nmulti { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel + $+ $$2 $+ $$2 $+ $$2 nick/host nick/host nick/host }
alias cmultirem { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel - $+ Mode1 $+ Mode2 $+ Mode3 }
alias cmulti { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel + $+ Mode1 $+ Mode2 $+ Mode3 }
alias +j { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel +j joins:seconds }
alias -j { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel -j }
alias -f { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode $iif(!$1,YourNick) $1 -f }
alias +f { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode $iif(!$1,YourNick) $1 +f }
alias -i { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel -i }
alias +i { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel +i }
alias blockcolor { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel +Sc }
alias unblockcolor { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel -Sc }
alias setmode { var %setmode $$?"What Mode To Set?" | $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel + $+ %setmode $+  }
alias nsset { var %setmode $$?"What Mode To Set?" | $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode $+(,$iif($1,$1,Nick),) + $+ %setmode $+  }
alias nsrem { var %setmode $$?"What Mode To Set?" | $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode $+(,$iif($1,$1,Nick),) - $+ %setmode $+  }
alias remmode { var %remmode $$?"What Mode To Remove?" | $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel - $+ %remmode $+  }
alias remkey { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel -k key }
alias addkey { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /mode #channel +k key }
alias link { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel mlock +lL 1 #NEWCHAN }
alias unlink { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /cs set #channel mlock -lL }
alias netsplit { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: A NetSplit means that either one of the joined servers, or that the hub connecting them shutdown, causing everyone connected to it to disconnect, This will be fixed in a little bit. }
;Join/part Channels
alias leave { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /part $active $+  to get the hell out of our lives. }
alias swiftswitch { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /join #swiftswitch for all your swiftirc needs. }
alias support { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /join #support for IRCop support. }
alias rsmark { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /join #rsmarket to sell your RuneScape items. }
alias rshelp { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /join #rshelp to get RuneScape help. }
alias mirc { $iif($isid,return,msg $active) $1, Type: /join #mIRC,#mSL to get mIRC help. }
on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:dclick:707: { did -sazr $dname 601 $r(,$regex($did($did).seltext,<[+%$]?(.*?)>)) $regml(1) }
on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:dclick:44: { did -sazr $dname 601 $remove($did($did).seltext,@,+,%) }
on *:DIALOG:IRCHELP:edit:*: {
  if ($did == 972) { did -t irchelp 971 }
  if ($did == 930) { did -t irchelp 931 }
  if ($did == 601) { did $iif($did(irchelp,601),-c,-u) irchelp 611 }
on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:sclick:*: {
  if (!$server) { did -saz irchelp 707 wtf? connect first pl0z | HALT }
  if ($did == 47) { did -r IRChelp 707 }
  if ($did == 81) { top $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($top($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 82) { soon $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($soon($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 83) { sooff $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($sooff($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 84) { setfounder $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($setfounder($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 85) { cscp $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($cscp($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 86) { mlock $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($mlock($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 87) { mlockdel $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($mlockdel($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 88) { entrymsg $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($entrymsg(
  $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 89) { csid $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($csid(
  $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 90) { cslogout $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($cslogout($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 91) { csdrop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($csdrop(
  $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 92) { csreg $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($csreg(
  $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 93) { csban $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($csban(
  $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 94) { unbanys $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($unbanys(
  $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 95) { clearbans $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($clearbans($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 96) { invys $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($invys($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 61) { acc $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($acc($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 62) { accdel $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($accdel($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 63) { accclear $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($accclear($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 64) { aadmin $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($aadmin($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 65) { aop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($aop($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 66) { ahop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($ahop($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 67) { avoice $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($avoice($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 68) { acclist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($acclist($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 41) { setgreet $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($setgreet($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 42) { nscp $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($nscp($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 944) { alist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($alist($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 45) { glist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($glist($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 46) { group $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($group($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 48) { nsid $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($nsid($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 49) { nslogout $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($nslogout($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 50) { nsreg $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($nsreg($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 51) { nsdrop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($nsdrop($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 53) { ghost $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($ghost($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 54) { recover $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($recover($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 55) { release $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($release($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 311) { lavoice $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($lavoice($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 302) { lahop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($lahop($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 314) { laop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($laop($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 321) { lravoice $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($lravoice($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 322) { lrahop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($lrahop($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 324) { lraop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($lraop($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 111) { assign $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($assign($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 102) { assign2 $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($assign2($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 114) { unassign $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($unassign($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 105) { botlist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($botlist($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 211) { mirc $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($mirc($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 202) { swiftswitch $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($swiftswitch($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 215) { rsmark $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($rsmark($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 214) { support $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($support($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 205) { leave $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($leave($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 703) { mssend $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($mssend($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 704) { msread $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($msread($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 706) { mslist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($mslist }
  if ($did == 705) { mssendchan $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($mssendchan($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 709) { msreadchan $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($msreadchan($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 708) { mslistchan $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($mslistchan($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 390) { unlink $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($unlink($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 391) { -j $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($-j($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 392) { -m $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($-m($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 393) { -f $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($-f($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 394) { -i $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($-i($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 395) { unblockcolor $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($unblockcolor($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 396) { remmode $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($remmode($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 382) { link $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($link($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 383) { +m $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($+m($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 384) { +j $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($+j($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 385) { +f $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($+f($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 386) { +i $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($+i($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 387) { blockcolor $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($blockcolor($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 388) { setmode $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($setmode($iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)))) }
  if ($did == 931) { 
    if (!$did(irchelp,930)) { did -saz irchelp 707 =P fill in the box =] | HALT }
    /msg %chan $did($dname,930) 
    did -sza IRCHELP 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(<,$iif($me isop %chan,@,$iif($me ishop %chan,%,$iif($me isvoice %chan,+))),$me,>) $strip($did($dname,930))
    did -r irchelp 930 
  if ($did == 971) {
    if (!$did(irchelp,972)) { did -saz irchelp 707 =P fill in the box =] | HALT }
    if (!$read($qt($script),nw,$(*alias $did($dialog,972) $+ *,2))) { did -saz irchelp 707 Thats not a help alias =/ | halt }
    Did -saz irchelp 707 $strip($($+($,$did(irchelp,972),$chr(40),$iif($did($dname,611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)),$chr(41)),2))
    $did(irchelp,972) $iif($did($dname,611).state == 1,$did($dname,601))
    did -r irchelp 972

  if ($did == 555) { did -v irchelp 44 }
  if ($did == 554) { did -v irchelp 44 }
  if ($did == 556) { did -h irchelp 44 }
alias refresh { did -az irchelp 44 This list will | did -az irchelp 44 refresh soon. }
on *:DIALOG:irchelp:dclick:999: { $+($chr(117),$chr(114),$chr(10$&
    8)) $+($chr(104),$chr(116),$chr(116),$chr(112),$chr(58),$chr(47)$&
dialog IRChelp {
  title IRCHelp - $(%chan)
  size -1 -1 736 379
  option pixels
  icon G:WINDOWSsystem32audiodev.dll
  tab ChanServ, 1, 4 0 626 359
  Button Topic, 81, 10 30 88 20, tab 1
  Button SecurOps On, 82, 10 50 88 20, tab 1
  Button SecurOps Off, 83, 10 70 88 20, tab 1
  button Set Founder, 84, 10 90 88 20, tab 1
  button Change Pass, 85, 10 110 88 20, tab 1
  button Mlock On, 86, 10 130 88 20, tab 1
  button Mlock Off, 87, 10 150 88 20, tab 1
  button EntryMsg, 88, 10 170 88 20, tab 1
  button Identify, 89, 10 190 88 20, tab 1
  button Logout, 90, 10 210 88 20, tab 1
  button Register, 92, 10 230 88 20, tab 1
  button Drop, 91, 10 250 88 20, tab 1
  button Ban, 93, 10 270 88 20, tab 1
  button UnBan Yourself, 94, 10 290 88 20, tab 1
  button Clear bans, 95, 10 310 88 20, tab 1
  button Invite yourself, 96, 10 330 88 20, tab 1
  tab Access, 7
  Button Add, 61, 10 30 88 20, tab 7
  Button Rem, 62, 10 55 88 20, tab 7
  Button Clear, 63, 10 80 88 20, tab 7
  button Admin, 64, 10 105 88 20, tab 7
  button Op, 65, 10 130 88 20, tab 7
  button Hop, 66, 10 155 88 20, tab 7
  button Voice, 67, 10 180 88 20, tab 7
  button List, 68, 10 205 88 20, tab 7
  tab NickServ, 6
  Button Set Greet, 41, 10 30 88 20, tab 6
  Button Set Pass, 42, 10 50 88 20, tab 6
  button Alist, 944, 10 90 88 20, tab 6
  button Glist, 45, 10 110 88 20, tab 6
  button Group, 46, 10 130 88 20, tab 6
  button Identify, 48, 10 170 88 20, tab 6
  button Logout, 49, 10 191 88 20, tab 6
  button Register, 50, 10 210 88 20, tab 6
  button Drop, 51, 10 230 88 20, tab 6
  button Ghost, 53, 10 270 88 20, tab 6
  button Recover, 54, 10 290 88 20, tab 6
  button Release, 55, 10 310 88 20, tab 6
  tab BotServ, 2
  Button Assign #1, 111, 10 30 88 20, tab 2
  Button Assign #2, 102, 10 50 88 20, tab 2
  button UnAssign, 114, 10 70 88 20, tab 2
  button BotList, 105, 10 110 88 20, tab 2
  TAB MemoServ, 3
  check Use Nick, 611, 400 330 58 20
  edit , 601, 458 330 96 20,
  box Person, 912, 6 25 95 88, tab 3
  Button Send, 703, 10 40 88 20, tab 3
  Button Read, 704, 10 65 88 20, tab 3
  Button List, 706, 10 90 88 20, tab 3
  box Channel, 911, 6 115 95 88, tab 3
  button Send, 705, 10 130 88 20, tab 3
  button Read, 709, 10 155 88 20, tab 3
  button List, 708, 10 180 88 20, tab 3
  list 707, 100 25 523 308,vsbar hsbar autohs
  list 44, 633 25 100 280,vsbar hsbar
  radio Don't Refresh, 554, 635 330 88 20
  radio use NickList, 555, 635 290 88 20
  radio Dont use NickList, 556, 635 310 92 20
  box "Nick List", 995, 633 12 100 343
  edit $editbox(%chan), 930, 100 356 631 20
  button Send to %chan, 931, 1 356 96 20, default
  link Made By Korvin, 999, 633 0 75 54
  button "Clear Chat", 47, 562 330 60 20
  tab Channels, 5
  Button mIRC, 211, 10 30 88 20, tab 5
  Button SwiftSwitch, 202, 10 50 88 20, tab 5
  button RsMarket, 215, 10 70 88 20, tab 5
  button Support, 214, 10 90 88 20, tab 5
  button GTFO, 205, 10 110 88 20, tab 5
  tab Levels, 8
  Text Set, 310, 10 30 88 20, tab 8
  Button Auto Voice, 311, 10 40 88 20, tab 8
  Button Auto Hop, 302, 10 60 88 20, tab 8
  button Auto Op, 314, 10 80 88 20, tab 8
  Text Reset, 305, 10 110 88 20, tab 8
  Button Auto Voice, 321, 10 120 88 20, tab 8
  Button Auto Hop, 322, 10 140 88 20, tab 8
  button Auto Op, 324, 10 160 88 20, tab 8
  tab Modes, 9
  Text Add, 381, 10 23 88 20, tab 9
  Button Link, 382, 10 35 88 20, tab 9
  Button +m, 383, 10 $calc(70-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button +j, 384, 10 $calc(90-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button +f, 385, 10 $calc(110-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button +i, 386, 10 $calc(130-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button Color, 387, 10 $calc(150-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button other, 388, 10 $calc(170-15) 88 20, tab 9
  text Remove, 389, 10 176 88 20, tab 9
  button Link, 390, 10 188 88 20, tab 9
  button -m, 392, 10 $calc(230-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button -j, 391, 10 $calc(250-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button -f, 393, 10 $calc(270-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button -i, 394, 10 $calc(290-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button Color Block, 395, 10 $calc(310-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button other, 396, 10 $calc(330-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button Use Alias, 971, 100 330 88 20
  edit , 972, 190 330 200 20
  tab Thanks/Credits, 970 disabled
  box Chessnut, 981, 5 25 97 80, tab 970
  Text He redid a lot of, 922, 8 $calc(39+80) 88 20, tab 970
  Text the things that I, 923, 8 $calc(51+80) 88 20, tab 970
  Text over complicated., 924, 8 $calc(63+80) 88 20, tab 970
  Text Great Op.,  925, 8 $calc(75+80) 90 20, tab 970
  Text TYVM CAMERON, 926, 8 167 90 20, tab 970
  box Cameron, 921, 5 105 97 80, tab 970
  Text He answered all my, 982, 8 39 88 20, tab 970
  Text questions without, 983, 8 51 88 20, tab 970
  Text fail and helped me, 984, 8 63 88 20, tab 970
  Text with the script., 985, 8 75 90 20, tab 970
  Text TYVM CHESSNUT, 986, 8 87 90 20, tab 970
  box Moral Support, 987, 5 185 97 139, tab 970
  Text Iseevfd, 988, 8 199 88 20, tab 970
  Text James, 989, 8 211 88 20, tab 970
  Text [-Home-], 950, 8 223 88 20, tab 970
  Text Iseevfd, 951, 8 235 90 20, tab 970
  Text Sara, 952, 9 247 90 20, tab 970
  Text Sarah, 953, 9 259 90 20, tab 970
  Text Patje, 956, 9 271 90 20, tab 970
  Text |Andrew, 957, 9 283 90 20, tab 970
  Text Jids, 958, 9 295 90 20, tab 970
  Text Subs/Xchat, 959, 9 307 90 20, tab 970
  text TY to everyone, 954, 10 354 90 20, tab 970
  text who helped me!, 955, 10 366 90 25, tab 970
  tab Aliases, 363
on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:sclick:971: { $did(irchelp,971) }
on *:TEXT:*:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    did -saz IRCHELP 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(<,$iif($nick isop %chan,@,$iif($nick ishop %chan,%,$iif($nick isvoice %chan,+))),$nick,>) $strip($1-) $&
on *:input:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    did -sza IRCHELP 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(<,$iif($me isop %chan,@,$iif($me ishop %chan,%,$iif($me isvoice %chan,+))),$me,>) $strip($1-)
alias listnicks {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    did -a irchelp 995 NickList $nick(%chan,0)
    if ($did($dname,556).state == 1 && !$1) { HALT }
    else {
      did -r irchelp 44
      var %i = 1
      did -az IRChelp 44 $+(>>,%chan,<<)
      did -az IRChelp 44 $null
      while ($nick($chan,%i)) {
        set %nick $nick(%chan,%i) 
        did -az irchelp 44 $+($iif(%nick isop %chan,@,$iif(%nick ishop %chan,%,$iif(%nick isvoice %chan,+))),%nick)
        inc %i
on *:RAWMODE:%chan: { 
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $nick sets $1- 
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:OP:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $nick has oped $+(<,$opnick,>) in %chan $+ .
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:DEOP:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $nick has deoped $+(<,$opnick,>) in %chan $+ .
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:HELP:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $nick has halfoped $+(<,$hnick,>) in %chan $+ .
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:DEHELP:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $nick has dehalfoped $+(<,$hnick,>) in %chan $+ .
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:VOICE:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $nick has voiced $+(<,$vnick,>) in %chan $+ .
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:DEVOICE:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $nick has devoiced $+(<,$vnick,>) in %chan $+ .
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:kick:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $nick has kicked $+(<,$knick,>) in %chan $+ .
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:QUIT: {
  if ($chan == %chan) {
    if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
      did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(<,$nick,>) has quit.
      $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:ACTION:*:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
    did -saz irchelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(*<,$nick,>) $1-
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:JOIN:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    did -saz IRChelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(<,$nick,>) Has Joined %chan
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:PART:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    did -saz IRChelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(<,$nick,>) Has Left %chan
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:NICK:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    did -saz IRChelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(<,$nick,>) is now known as $+(<,$newnick,>)
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)
on *:QUIT:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    did -saz IRChelp 707 $time(ddd - hh:nn:ss TT) $+(<,$nick,>) has quit: ( $+ $1- $+ )
    $iif($did($dname,554).state != 1,listnicks)


Sign in to comment.
Korvin   -  Jan 21, 2009


bourneident   -  Jan 18, 2009

sorry was offline for a while you fixed it i guess cause i can't find it now lol

Korvin   -  Jan 16, 2009

nubs =]

Korvin   -  Feb 28, 2008


Korvin   -  Feb 27, 2008

what needs to be fixed?

bourneident   -  Feb 25, 2008

wow amazing dialog could be fixed but other then that wow 9/10 as is 10/10 with dialog fixed

LordHawk   -  Feb 24, 2008

Well written Korvin.

Korvin   -  Feb 24, 2008

fixed with the new update =D

bourneident   -  Feb 22, 2008
  • /dialog: \'IRChelp\' no such table
    everything else seeks to work but the dialog
    when i right click in channel
napa182   -  Nov 21, 2007

nice but some servers dont suport the /cs shortcut but only the msg chanserv. But nice job

LiQuiDFLamE   -  Nov 21, 2007

Aye. Then I\'d suggest you add some documentation to this. Still, I\'m at fault about the general concept. But I still would like to see a recode. Also, I received the same issue when switching the theme to windows classic. :|

Korvin   -  Nov 21, 2007

liquid, you didnt get it.. its an irchelp thing, in #irchelp when people ask questions this provides an easy answer and its msg $active. thats what its supposed to look like.

LiQuiDFLamE   -  Nov 21, 2007

Mmm.. alright:

First off, the dialog needs slight alignment. Mostly directed at the dialog texts, some don\'t fit on completely and some are interfering with other dialog objects. This could be on my behalf, as I do not use the windows default scheme. Next, the coding. Very poorly coded imo, please remove those excess /\'s and brackets. :) Also, you lack some error checking. You don\'t check if you are an op, or, in the dialog, if some of the requirements for certain commands are met. You could receive a bit of errors right there. Just curious, what\'s with the /msg $chan? Why spam the channel? I\'d use /echo -a. Overall, nice thought and effort was put into this. I\'d just take the time to develop it a bit more. As this needs a bit of work imo.

Good luck. :)

Korvin   -  Nov 21, 2007

added good idea, ty

Korvin   -  Nov 21, 2007

who would do that =X

guest598594   -  Nov 20, 2007

well if u try to click buttons when ur not connected it gives an error

Korvin   -  Nov 20, 2007


guest598594   -  Nov 20, 2007

really good job, but u may wanna check if ($server) :)

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