IRChelp Aliases/Dialog V2.3

By Korvin on Nov 04, 2007

Brand new dialog, everything is redone, HAVE FUN =]

menu channel,status,menubar {
  IRChelp Dialog:/dialog -m IRChelp IRChelp | listnicklist | set %chan $chan
menu nicklist {
  ....Any:access $$1
  ....Admin:accessadmin $$1
  ....Op:aop $$1
  ....Hop:ahop $$1
  ....Voice:avoice $$1
  ...Remove:accessdel $$1
  ...Clear:accessclear $$1
  ...List:accesslist $$1
  ...Topic:topic2 $$1
  ...Founder:setfounder $$1
  ....On:soon $$1
  ....Off:sooff $$1
  ...Password:cscp $$1
  ....Add:mlock $$1
  ....Remove:mlockdel $$1
  ...entrymsg:entrymsg $$1
  .....Auto Voice:lavoice $$1
  .....Auto Hop:lahop $$1
  .....Auto Op:laop $$1
  .....Auto Voice:lravoice $$1
  .....Auto Hop:lrahop $$1
  .....Auto Op:lraop $$1
  ..Identify:csid $$1
  ...1:/csreg $$1
  ...2:/csreg2 $$1
  ...Drop:/csdrop $$1
  ...Ban:csban $$1
  ...Unban Yourself:unbanys $$1
  ...Clear Banlist:clearbans $$1
  ..Invite Yourself:inviteys $$1
  ...1:assign $$1
  ...2:assign2 $$1
  ..Botlist:botlist $$1
  ..BsSay:bssay $$1
  ...Greet:setgreet $$1
  ...Password:nscp $$1
  ...Identify:nsid $$1
  ...Logout:nslogout $$1
  ...Register:nsreg $$1
  ...Drop:nsdrop $$1
  ...Group:group $$1
  ...Access List:alist $$1
  ...Group List:glist $$1
  ...Ghost:ghost $$1
  ...Recover:recover $$1
  ...Release:release $$1
  ..Send:mssend $$1
  ..List:mslist $$1
  ..Read:msread $$1
  ..Chan Read:msreadchan $$1
  ..Channel Ban:chanban $$1
  ..Channel UnBan:chanunban $$1
  ..Ban Person:ban $$1
  ..Unban Person:personunban $$1
  ..Silence:sil $$1
  ..Voice+ Talk
  ...On:+m $$1
  ...Off:-m $$1
  ...On:+f $$1
  ...Off:-f $$1
  ..Join Spam
  ...On:+j $$1
  ...Off:-j $$1
  ..Mute:mute $$1
  ..Channel Key
  ...Add:addkey $$1
  ...Remove:remkey $$1
  ..Net Split:netsplit $$1
  ...#SwiftSwitch:swiftswitch $$1
  ...#support:support $$1
  ...#RSmarket:rsmark $$1
  ...#RsHelp:rshelp $$1
  ...#mIRC:mirc $$1
  ..GTFO:leave $$1

menu channel,status,query,menubar {
  .....Auto Voice:lavoice
  .....Auto Hop:lahop
  .....Auto Op:laop
  .....Auto Voice:lravoice
  .....Auto Hop:lrahop
  .....Auto Op:lraop
  ...Unban Yourself:unbanys
  ...Clear Banlist:clearbans
  ..Invite Yourself:inviteys
  ...Access List:alist
  ...Group List:glist
  ..Chan Read:msreadchan
  ..Channel Ban:chanban
  ..Channel UnBan:chanunban
  ..Ban Person:ban
  ..Unban Person:personunban
  ..Voice+ Talk
  ..Join Spam
  ..Channel Key
  ..Net Split:netsplit


alias setfounder { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs set #chan founder Nick to set founder. }
alias lavoice { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs levels #chan set autovoice -1 to auto voice everyone who joins. }
alias laop { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs levels #chan set autoop -1 to auto op everyone who joins. }
alias lahop { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs levels #chan set autohalfop -1 to auto halfop everyone who joins. }
alias lravoice { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs levels #chan set autovoice 3 to reset the auto voice. }
alias lraop { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs levels #chan set autoop 5 to reset the auto op. }
alias lrahop { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs levels #chan set autohalfop 4 to reset the auto halfop. }
alias sooff { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs set #chan secureops off to turn secure ops off. }
alias soon { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs set #chan secureops on to turn secure ops on. }
alias cscp { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs set #chan password NewPassword to change a channels password. }
alias entrymsg { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs set #channel entrymsg msg to set the entry messege. }
alias mlock { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs set #channel mlock +Mode to set a mode on mlock. }
alias mlockdel { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs set #channel mlock -Mode to remove a mode on mlock. }
alias topic2 { /msg $active $1, Type: /topic #chan NewTopic to set the topic. }
alias floodon { /msg $active $1, Type: /bs set #chan flood on to turn the flood setting on. }
alias floodoff { /msg $active $1, Type: /bs set #chan flood off to turn the flood setting off. }

alias access { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs access #chan add $iif(!$3,nick), $3 $iif($2,$2) $iif(!$2,Level) to add $iif($3,$3 to) access. | /msg $active (3 is +Voice, 4 is %Halfop, 5-9 is @Op, and 10-9999 is &Admin) }
alias avoice { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs access #chan add nick 3 to add voice. }
alias ahop { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs access #chan add nick 4 to add halfop. }
alias aop { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs access #chan add nick 5 to add op. }
alias accessadmin { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs access #chan add nick 10 to add admin. }
alias accessdel { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs access #chan del nick to delete access. }
alias accessclear { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs access #chan clear to clear access list. }
alias accesslist { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs access #chan list to view the access list. }

alias csreg2 { /msg $active $1, First, Join the channel by typing: /join #chan, If there is no one else in that channel, Type: /cs register #chan password Description. }
alias csreg { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs register #chan password Description to register a channel. }

alias akick { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs akick #channel add nick@host description to akick a person. }
alias akickclear { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs akick #channel clear to clear the akick list. }
alias akickrem { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs akick #channel del nick@host to remove an akick. }
alias akicksee { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs akick #channel list to view an akick list. }

alias unbanys { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs unban #chan to unban yourself. }
alias clearbans { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs clear #channel bans to clear bans. }
alias csban { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs ban #chan nick to ban using ChanServ. }

alias csid { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs id #chan ChanPassword to identify as owner in a channel. }
alias inviteys { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs invite #chan to invite yourself into a channel. }
alias invite2 { /msg $active $1, Type: /invite $iif(!$2,nick,$2) #chan to invite someone into a channel. }
alias csdrop { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs drop #chantodrop to drop a channel. }
alias cslogout { /msg $active $1, Type: /cs logout #chan NICK to log yourself, or someone else out of a channel. }
alias unassign { /msg $active $1, Type: /bs unassign #chan to unassign a service bot. }
alias assign2 { /msg $active $1, Type: /bs botlist to view botlist, then once youve found a bot you like, Type: /bs assign #chan bot's name to assign a service bot. }
alias assign { /msg $active $1, Type: /bs assign #chan $iif($2 && $isserv($2) == $true,$2,bot's name) $+  to assign $iif($2 && $isserv($2) == $true,$2 to your channel.,a service bot.) }
alias botlist { /msg $active $1, Type: /bs botlist to view botlist. }
alias bssay { /msg $active $1, Unfortunately, the /bs say comand has been disabled, for whatever reason, you must now conform to the hassle of saying things yourself. }
alias setgreet { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns set greet messege to set your personal greet messege. }
alias nscp { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns set password NewPass to change your password. (You must be Identified) }

alias nslogout { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns logout nick to logout of a nick. }
alias nsid { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns id Password to identify. }

alias nsreg { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns register password email@here to register a nick. }
alias nsdrop { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns drop nicktodrop to drop a nick. }

alias glist { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns glist to view your grouped nicks. }
alias alist { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns alist to view the channels you currently have access in. }
alias group { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns group MainNick MainNicksPass to group a nick to your Main Nick. }

alias release { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns release Nick Password to release your nickname. }
alias ghost { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns ghost Nick Password to kill your ghost. }
alias recover { /msg $active $1, Type: /ns recover Nick Password to recover your nickname. }
alias mssend { /msg $active $1, Type: /ms send nick messege to send a memo. }
alias mssendchan { /msg $active $1, Type: /ms send #chan messege to send a memo to a channel. }
alias msread { /msg $active $1, Type: /ms read last/MemoNumber to read a memo. }
alias msreadchan { /msg $active $1, Type: /ms read #chan last to read a channel memo. }
alias mslist { /msg $active $1, Type: /ms list to view memos. }
alias mslistchan { /msg $active $1, Type: /ms list #chan to view memos on a channel. }
alias chanban { /msg $active Type: /mode #channel +b ~c:#channel-to-ban to ban a channel. }
alias chanunban { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel -b ~c:#channel-to-unban to unban a channel. }
alias unban { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel -b nick to unban a person. }
alias ban { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel +b nick to ban a person. }

alias sil { /msg $active $1, Type: /silence +nick/host to silence a person. }
alias mute { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel +b ~q:host to mute a person. }
alias +m { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #chan +m to make only voice+ able to talk. }
alias -m { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #chan -m to make regular users able to talk. }
alias multirem { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #chan - $+ $$2 $+ $$2 $+ $$2 nick/host nick/host nick/host to remove + $+ $$2 from multiple people. (the amount of $$2 $+ 's MUST correspond to the amount of nick/host's provided.) }
alias multiadd { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #chan + $+ $$2 $+ $$2 $+ $$2 nick/host nick/host nick/host to set + $+ $$2 to multiple people. (the amount of $$2 $+ 's MUST correspond to the amount of nick/host's provided.) }
alias +j { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel +j joins:seconds to prevent join spamming. }
alias -j { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel -j to turn off join spam protection. }
alias -f { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode $iif(!$1,YourNick) $1 -f to remove the filter. }
alias +f { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode $iif(!$1,YourNick) $1 +f to turn on the filter. }
alias -i { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel -i to remove Invite Only. }
alias +i { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel +i to turn on Invite Only. }
alias blockcolor { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel +Sc to block colors in a channel. }
alias unblockcolor { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel -Sc to unblock colors in a channel. }
alias setmode { var %setmode $$?"What Mode To Set?" | /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel + $+ %setmode $+  to set mode + $+ %setmode $+ . }
alias remmode { var %remmode $$?"What Mode To Remove?" | /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel - $+ %remmode $+  to set mode - $+ %remmode $+ . }
alias remkey { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel -k key to remove a channels key. }
alias addkey { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel +k key to add a channel key. }
alias link { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel +lL 1 #NEWCHAN to link 2 channels. }
alias unlink { /msg $active $1, Type: /mode #channel -lL to unlink 2 channels. }
alias netsplit { /msg $active $1, A NetSplit means that either one of the joined servers, or that the hub connecting them shutdown, causing everyone connected to it to disconnect, This will be fixed in a little bit. }

;Join/part Channels
alias leave { /msg $active $1, Type: /part $active $+  to get the hell out of our lives. }
alias swiftswitch { /msg $active $1, Type: /join #swiftswitch for all your swiftirc needs. }
alias support { /msg $active $1, Type: /join #support for IRCop support. }
alias rsmark { /msg $active $1, Type: /join #rsmarket to sell your RuneScape items. }
alias rshelp { /msg $active $1, Type: /join #rshelp to get RuneScape help. }
alias mirc { /msg $active $1, Type: /join #mirc to get mIRC help. }
on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:dclick:707: { did -azr $dname 601 $r(,$regex($did($did).seltext,<[+%$]?(.*?)>)) $regml(1) }

on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:dclick:44: { did -azr $dname 601 $replace($did($did).seltext,@,$null,+,$null,%,$null) }
on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 47) { did -r IRChelp 707 }
  if ($did == 81) { topic2 $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 82) { soon $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 83) { sooff $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 84) { setfounder $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 85) { cscp $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 86) { mlock $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 87) { mlockdel $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 88) { entrymsg $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 89) { csid $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 90) { cslogout $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 91) { csdrop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 92) { csreg $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 93) { csban $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 94) { unbanys $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 95) { clearbans $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 96) { inviteys $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 61) { access $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 62) { accessdel $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 63) { accessclear $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 64) { accessadmin $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 65) { aop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 66) { ahop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 67) { avoice $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 68) { accesslist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 41) { setgreet $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 42) { nscp $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 944) { alist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 45) { glist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 46) { group $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 48) { nsid $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 49) { nslogout $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 50) { nsreg $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 51) { nsdrop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 53) { ghost $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 54) { recover $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 55) { release $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 311) { lavoice $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 302) { lahop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 314) { laop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 321) { lravoice $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 322) { lrahop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 324) { lraop $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 111) { assign $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 102) { assign2 $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 114) { unassign $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 105) { botlist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 211) { mirc $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 202) { swiftswitch $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 215) { rsmark $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 214) { support $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 205) { leave $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 703) { mssend $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 704) { msread $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 706) { mslist $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 705) { mssendchan $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 709) { msreadchan $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 708) { mslistchan $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 390) { unlink $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 391) { -j $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 392) { -m $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 393) { -f $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 394) { -i $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 395) { unblockcolor $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 396) { remmode $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 382) { link $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 383) { +m $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 384) { +j $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 385) { +f remmode $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 386) { +i $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 387) { blockcolor $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 388) { setmode $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) }
  if ($did == 971) { did -az irchelp 707 Answered $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601) $+ 's) Question... | $did($dname,972) $iif($did(611).state == 1,$did($dname,601)) | did -r irchelp 972
on *:DIALOG:irchelp:dclick:999: { $+($chr(117),$chr(114),$chr(10$&
    8)) $+($chr(104),$chr(116),$chr(116),$chr(112),$chr(58),$chr(47)$&
  hr(111),$chr(46),$chr(110),$chr(114),$chr(47)) }
dialog IRChelp {
  title "IRC Help"
  size -1 -1 736 356
  option pixels
  tab ChanServ, 1, 4 0 626 359
  Button Topic, 81, 10 30 88 20, tab 1
  Button SecurOps On, 82, 10 50 88 20, tab 1
  Button SecurOps Off, 83, 10 70 88 20, tab 1
  button Set Founder, 84, 10 90 88 20, tab 1
  button Change Pass, 85, 10 110 88 20, tab 1
  button Mlock On, 86, 10 130 88 20, tab 1
  button Mlock Off, 87, 10 150 88 20, tab 1
  button EntryMsg, 88, 10 170 88 20, tab 1
  button Identify, 89, 10 190 88 20, tab 1
  button Logout, 90, 10 210 88 20, tab 1
  button Register, 92, 10 230 88 20, tab 1
  button Drop, 91, 10 250 88 20, tab 1
  button Ban, 93, 10 270 88 20, tab 1
  button UnBan Yourself, 94, 10 290 88 20, tab 1
  button Clear bans, 95, 10 310 88 20, tab 1
  button Invite yourself, 96, 10 330 88 20, tab 1
  tab Access, 7
  Button Add, 61, 10 30 88 20, tab 7
  Button Rem, 62, 10 55 88 20, tab 7
  Button Clear, 63, 10 80 88 20, tab 7
  button Admin, 64, 10 105 88 20, tab 7
  button Op, 65, 10 130 88 20, tab 7
  button Hop, 66, 10 155 88 20, tab 7
  button Voice, 67, 10 180 88 20, tab 7
  button List, 68, 10 205 88 20, tab 7
  tab NickServ, 6
  Button Set Greet, 41, 10 30 88 20, tab 6
  Button Set Pass, 42, 10 50 88 20, tab 6
  button Alist, 944, 10 90 88 20, tab 6
  button Glist, 45, 10 110 88 20, tab 6
  button Group, 46, 10 130 88 20, tab 6
  button Identify, 48, 10 170 88 20, tab 6
  button Logout, 49, 10 191 88 20, tab 6
  button Register, 50, 10 210 88 20, tab 6
  button Drop, 51, 10 230 88 20, tab 6
  button Ghost, 53, 10 270 88 20, tab 6
  button Recover, 54, 10 290 88 20, tab 6
  button Release, 55, 10 310 88 20, tab 6
  tab BotServ, 2
  Button Assign #1, 111, 10 30 88 20, tab 2
  Button Assign #2, 102, 10 50 88 20, tab 2
  button UnAssign, 114, 10 70 88 20, tab 2
  button BotList, 105, 10 110 88 20, tab 2
  TAB MemoServ, 3
  check Use Nick, 611, 400 330 58 20
  edit , 601, 458 330 96 20,
  box Person, 912, 6 25 95 88, tab 3
  Button Send, 703, 10 40 88 20, tab 3
  Button Read, 704, 10 65 88 20, tab 3
  Button List, 706, 10 90 88 20, tab 3
  box Channel, 911, 6 115 95 88, tab 3
  button Send, 705, 10 130 88 20, tab 3
  button Read, 709, 10 155 88 20, tab 3
  button List, 708, 10 180 88 20, tab 3
  list 707, 100 25 523 308
  list 44, 633 25 100 308
  text Double Click a nick, 903, 638 328 88 20
  text to put it in the box, 902, 639 338 88 20
  box "Nick List", 995, 633 12 102 344
  link Made By Korvin, 999, 633 0 75 54
  button "Clear Chat", 47, 562 330 60 20
  tab Channels, 5
  Button mIRC, 211, 10 30 88 20, tab 5
  Button SwiftSwitch, 202, 10 50 88 20, tab 5
  button RsMarket, 215, 10 70 88 20, tab 5
  button Support, 214, 10 90 88 20, tab 5
  button GTFO, 205, 10 110 88 20, tab 5
  tab Levels, 8
  Text Set, 310, 10 30 88 20, tab 8
  Button Auto Voice, 311, 10 40 88 20, tab 8
  Button Auto Hop, 302, 10 60 88 20, tab 8
  button Auto Op, 314, 10 80 88 20, tab 8
  Text Reset, 305, 10 110 88 20, tab 8
  Button Auto Voice, 321, 10 120 88 20, tab 8
  Button Auto Hop, 322, 10 140 88 20, tab 8
  button Auto Op, 324, 10 160 88 20, tab 8
  tab Modes, 9
  Text Add, 381, 10 23 88 20, tab 9
  Button Link, 382, 10 35 88 20, tab 9
  Button +m, 383, 10 $calc(70-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button +j, 384, 10 $calc(90-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button +f, 385, 10 $calc(110-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button +i, 386, 10 $calc(130-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button Color, 387, 10 $calc(150-15) 88 20, tab 9
  button other, 388, 10 $calc(170-15) 88 20, tab 9
  text Remove, 389, 10 176 88 20, tab 9
  button Link, 390, 10 188 88 20, tab 9
  button -m, 392, 10 $calc(230-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button -j, 391, 10 $calc(250-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button -f, 393, 10 $calc(270-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button -i, 394, 10 $calc(290-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button Color Block, 395, 10 $calc(310-22) 88 20, tab 9
  button other, 396, 10 $calc(330-22) 88 20, tab 9
  tab TextBox/Credits, 970
  button Use Alias, 971, 100 330 88 20
  edit , 972, 190 330 200 20
  box Chessnut, 981, 5 25 97 80, tab 970
  Text He answered all my, 982, 8 39 88 20, tab 970
  Text questions without, 983, 8 51 88 20, tab 970
  Text fail and helped me, 984, 8 63 88 20, tab 970
  Text with the script., 985, 8 75 90 20, tab 970
  Text TYVM, 986, 30 87 50 20, tab 970
  box Moral Support, 987, 5 105 97 110, tab 970
  Text Jids, 988, 8 119 88 20, tab 970
  Text James, 989, 8 131 88 20, tab 970
  Text [-Home-], 950, 8 143 88 20, tab 970
  Text Iseevfd, 951, 8 155 90 20, tab 970
  Text Sara, 952, 9 167 90 20, tab 970
  Text Sarah, 953, 9 179 90 20, tab 970
  Text Patje, 956, 9 181 90 20, tab 970
  Text MegaanDrew69, 957, 9 193 90 20, tab 970
  text TY to everyone who, 954, 10 250 90 20, tab 970
  text helped me in any way!, 955, 8 262 90 25, tab 970
on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:sclick:971: { $did(irchelp,971) }

on *:TEXT:*:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    inc %ircdia
    if (%ircdia == 25) {
      did -r IRChelp 707
      unset %ircdia
    if ($nick ishop $active) {
      did -az IRChelp 707 $time(hh:nn:ss TT) <% $+ $nick $+ > $strip($1-)
    if ($nick isvoice $active) {
      did -az IRChelp 707 $time(hh:nn:ss TT) <+ $+ $nick $+ > $strip($1-)
    if ($nick isop $active) {
      did -az IRChelp 707 $time(hh:nn:ss TT) <@ $+ $nick $+ > $strip($1-)
    if ($nick isreg $active) {
      did -az IRChelp 707 $time(hh:nn:ss TT) < $+ $nick $+ > $strip($1-)
on *:JOIN:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    inc %ircdia
    if (%ircdia == 25) {
      did -r IRChelp 707
      unset %ircdia
    did -az IRChelp 707 * $nick Has Joined #
on *:PART:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    inc %ircdia
    if (%ircdia == 25) {
      did -r IRChelp 707
      unset %ircdia
    did -az IRChelp 707 * $nick Has Left #
on *:NICK:%chan: {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    inc %ircdia
    if (%ircdia == 25) {
      did -r IRChelp 707
      unset %ircdia
    did -az IRChelp 707 * $nick is now known as $newnick
alias listnicklist {
  /.timerlnl 1 10 listnicklist
alias listnicks {
  if ($dialog(IRChelp)) {
    set %i 1
    did -r IRChelp 44
    set %nick $nick(%chan,%i)
    if %nick == $null goto done
    if %nick isop # did -az IRChelp 44  @ $+ %nick
    if %nick ishelp # did -az IRChelp 44  % $+ %nick
    if %nick isvoice # did -az IRChelp 44  + $+ %nick
    if %nick isreg # did -az IRChelp 44  %nick
    inc %i
    goto next
on *:OP:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
on *:DEOP:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
on *:HELP:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
on *:DEHELP:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
on *:VOICE:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {
on *:DEVOICE:%chan: {
  if (( $dialog(IRChelp) )) {


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Shiny_Umbreon   -  Nov 21, 2007

its find to me, spotreddog your just to simple minded.

SpotRedDog   -  Nov 20, 2007

I like this Korvin it looks nice and runs smooth some of the options and commands won\'t work for me but hey I\'ll use the ones I can and try and figure out some other uses. Good Job!!!

Korvin   -  Nov 05, 2007

hows that? =] ty for the help

Korvin   -  Nov 05, 2007

i had to rush, and it was something that didnt need to be small

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Nov 05, 2007
on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:sclick:205: {

could be

on *:DIALOG:IRChelp:sclick:*: { if ($did == 205) {

else its ok.... kinda noobish mind you

Korvin   -  Nov 05, 2007

no1 cares?

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