media player

By token on Sep 20, 2007

to open: either use the menu in a channel window or /, this will create a minizable desktop/mirc window with the mp3. to change directories: (for users with directories already) /aud.load destroydir -> /aud.load, (for new users) just open the dialog or type /aud.load. to enter the channels you do not want to display it in, change the %i variable to the desired value (remember to seperate the values by commas) to change the method of display (echo/msg(or descrive)) change the isoff to ison or vice versa. if you need to change the the type of msg, go the second value in the %i variable and change it to msg or describe.



/quickmedia .play
/quickmedia .pause (type again to resume)
/quickmedia .stop
to edit if you want to enable the broadcast change the %i variable to off or on depending on your choice.

alias -l aud.ent { 
  if ($istok($1,mp3,46)) { return -p }
  if ($istok($1,wav,46)) { return -w }
  if ($istok($1,mid,46)) { return -m }
alias -l { 
  if ($dialog(mplay)) && ($inmp3) { 
    ;nT0xIc8's scroll/seek bar
    did -c mplay 4 $round($calc($calc($insong.pos / $insong.length) * 100),0) 
    did -ra mplay 3 $+($gmt($round($calc($insong.pos / 1000),0),nn:ss),$chr(47),$gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000),0),nn:ss))
  else {
    if (!$dialog(mplay)) { 
      .timerpos off 
    if (!$inmp3) { halt }

alias { 
  var %int = $did(mplay,11).sel
  var %i = $did(mplay,11).seltext
  set -nu1 %temporary %int
  splay $aud.ent($nopath(%temporary)) $read(playlist.txt,%int)
  did -ra mplay 3 $gmt($round($calc($insong.pos / 1000),0),nn:ss)
  did -a mplay 2 $iif(!$sound($inmp3).artist,$remove(%i,.mp3,.wma,.mid),$sound($insong).title - $sound($insong).artist)
  .timerplay 0 1

alias aud.stop { 
  .timerplay off 
  splay -p stop
  splay -w stop
  splay -m stop
  did -ra mplay 3 00:00/00:00
  did -ra mplay 2 << no song is currently playing >>
  if (%aud.pause) { unset %aud.pause }

alias aud.pause {
  if ($inmp3) { 
    if (!%aud.pause) { set %aud.pause 1 }
    if (%aud.pause = 1) {  
      .timerplay -p 
      splay pause
      did -ra mplay 2 << song is currently paused >>
      inc %aud.pause 1
    if (%aud.pause = 2) { inc %aud.pause 1 }
    if (%aud.pause = 3) { 
      .timerplay -r 
      splay resume
      did -ra mplay 2 $iif(!$sound($inmp3).artist,$remove($did($dname,11).seltext,.mp3,.wma,.mid),$sound($insong).title - $sound($insong).artist)
      unset %aud.pause

alias aud.load { 
  var %tmpdir $sdir(C:,Music Files)
  if ($dialog(mplay)) did -r mplay 11
  var %x 1 
  if (%getnum|mp3 = 1) { inc %getnum|mp3 }
  while ($findfile(%tmpdir,*.mp3,%x)) {
    if ($dialog(mplay)) { did -a mplay 11 $nopath($findfile(%tmpdir,*.mp3,%x)) }
    write playlist.txt $findfile(%tmpdir,*.mp3,%x)
    inc %x
  var %x 1  
  while ($findfile(%tmpdir,*.wav,%x)) {
    if ($dialog(mplay)) { did -a mplay 11 $nopath($findfile(%tmpdir,*.wav,%x)) }
    write playlist.txt $findfile(%tmpdir,*.wav,%x)
    inc %x
  var %x 1 
  while ($findfile(%tmpdir,*.midi,%x)) {
    if ($dialog(mplay)) { did -a mplay 11 $nopath($findfile(%tmpdir,*.midi,%x)) }
    write playlist.txt  $findfile(%tmpdir,*.midi,%x)
    inc %x
  if ($1 = destroydir) { 
    remove playlist.txt
    unset %getnum|mp3
    goto start
  if ($1 = remfile) { 
    if ($2-) {
      if ($read(playlist.txt,$nopath($1)) { write -dl $v1 }

dialog mplay {
  title "media player"
  size -1 -1 159 116
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 4 2 150 33
  text "", 2, 8 11 137 8
  text "", 3, 8 23 38 8
  scroll "", 4, 51 23 95 8, range 0 100 horizontal bottom
  button "<<", 5, 17 97 23 12
  button ">", 6, 40 97 23 12
  button "||", 7, 63 97 23 12
  button "[ ]", 8, 86 97 23 12
  button ">>", 9, 109 97 23 12
  box "Playlist", 10, 6 36 139 58
  list 11, 10 43 130 46, size

on *:dialog:mplay:init:0:{  
  var %x 1
  inc %getnum|mp3
  if (%getnum|mp3 iswm 1) { aud.load }
  else {
    while ($read(playlist.txt,%x)) { 
      did -a $dname 11 $nopath($v1)
      inc %x
on *:dialog:mplay:sclick:6:{
on *:dialog:mplay:sclick:5:{ 
  did -c $dname 11 $calc($did($dname,11).sel - 1)
on *:dialog:mplay:sclick:9:{ 
  did -c $dname 11 $calc($did($dname,11).sel + 1)
on *:dialog:mplay:sclick:8:{ 
on *:dialog:mplay:sclick:7:{ 
;nT0xIc8's scroll in dialog format
on *:dialog:mplay:scroll:4:{
  if ($devent == scroll) { 
    if ($did == 4) { 
      if ($insong == $true) { 
        var %t $round($calc($did(mplay,4).sel / 22000 * $insong.length),0) 
        splay seek $calc((%t + $did(mplay,4).sel) * 200) 

on *:dialog:mplay:close:{ 

alias { 
  var %f = @title - @duration
  var %c = channels,not,allowed,to,use
  var %i = ison,msg
  if ($insong) {
    if ($gettok(%i,1,44) = isoff) { 
      echo -a $replace($gettok(%f,1-,44),@duration,$gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000)),nn:ss),@title,$iif(!$sound($insong.fname).artist,$remove($replace($nopath($insong.fname),_,$chr(32)),.mp3),$sound($insong.fname).title - $sound($insong.fname).artist))
    elseif ($gettok(%i,1,44) = ison) { 
      var %c = 1
      while ($chan(%c)) { 
        if (!$istok(%i, $chan(%c),44)) { $+(/,$gettok(%i,2,44)) $chan(%c) $replace($gettok(%f,1-,44),@duration,$gmt($round($calc($insong.length / 1000)),nn:ss),@title,$iif(!$sound($insong.fname).artist,$remove($replace($nopath($insong.fname),_,$chr(32)),.mp3),$sound($insong.fname).title - $sound($insong.fname).artist)) }
        inc %c

;----------------- QUICK ACCESS PLAY -----------------

alias quickmedia { 
  if ($1) { 
    if ($v1 = .play) { 
      var %i on
      var %s = $$sfile($mircdir, choose a file to play:) 
      splay $aud.ent(%s) %s
      if (%i = on)
    if ($v1 = .pause) { 
      if ($insong) { 
        if (!%tmpo) {
          splay pause
          set %tmpo 1
        elseif (%tmpo) { splay resume | unset %tmpo }
    if ($v1 = .stop) { 
      if ($insong) { splay stop }

;---------------- OTHER ------------------

menu channel { 

alias { if (!$dialog(mplay)) { dialog -mdo mplay mplay }


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Mudkipz   -  Jan 20, 2008

how would i add more than one song at a time?

RubixCube   -  Sep 30, 2007

Really nice media player token good work. There is just a minute bug that I found. In your aud.load alias, it doesn\'t check if the playlist.txt is already made. As a result, it adds on to the playlist.txt when changing your directory. Here is the fixed code:

alias aud.load { 
  if ($isfile(playlist.txt)) write -c playlist.txt
  var %tmpdir $sdir(C:,Music Files)
  if ($dialog(mplay)) did -r mplay 11
  var %x 1 
  if (%getnum|mp3 = 1) { inc %getnum|mp3 }
  while ($findfile(%tmpdir,*.mp3,%x)) {
    if ($dialog(mplay)) { did -a mplay 11 $nopath($findfile(%tmpdir,*.mp3,%x)) }
    write playlist.txt $findfile(%tmpdir,*.mp3,%x)
    inc %x
  var %x 1  
  while ($findfile(%tmpdir,*.wav,%x)) {
    if ($dialog(mplay)) { did -a mplay 11 $nopath($findfile(%tmpdir,*.wav,%x)) }
    write playlist.txt $findfile(%tmpdir,*.wav,%x)
    inc %x
  var %x 1 
  while ($findfile(%tmpdir,*.midi,%x)) {
    if ($dialog(mplay)) { did -a mplay 11 $nopath($findfile(%tmpdir,*.midi,%x)) }
    write playlist.txt  $findfile(%tmpdir,*.midi,%x)
    inc %x
  if ($1 = destroydir) { 
    remove playlist.txt
    unset %getnum|mp3
    goto start
  if ($1 = remfile) { 
    if ($2-) {
      if ($read(playlist.txt,$nopath($1)) { write -dl $v1 }
  • Really simple edit.

It would be great if you can add an add file feature as well. I have a large directory of songs. Perhaps a:

var %s = $sfile(C:\\,Choose a song to add)
write playlist.txt %s
token   -  Sep 25, 2007

Update: added a quick media option and edited a few bugs

Zsadist   -  Sep 24, 2007

Very nice. Though I found I hated hash tables, you seemed to have done well with this one. I work more with ini\'s but still, nice job :3

token   -  Sep 23, 2007

stargazer989, was the dialog open when you typed this? i probably am going to add a quick use part so that you don\'t recieve that error. but the dialog should be open for the commands atm.

Akishoot, thank you. ^^

Akishoot   -  Sep 22, 2007

Nice work on this one, token. The use of the horizontal scrollbar like that is truly unique. :3 I like it :D

stargazer989   -  Sep 22, 2007

ok i\'m getting \" * Invalid parameters: $did (line 21, mp3system) \" when i type /
any suggestion this is the only error so far ?

Kyousoukyoku   -  Sep 22, 2007

Nice! Looks a lot better now. :)

token   -  Sep 22, 2007

alright kyou, i have made the updates. thank you so much for the feedback.

Kyousoukyoku   -  Sep 22, 2007

Couple things. 1) Where is the command? I can\'t even open the dialog. :( 2) Your intro isn\'t updated. ;) 3) I would add a bit more functions. Perhaps an add file and remove file ability as SilentExile has stated and everything can only be set through one time. What if I wanted to add channels or change the directory? Other then that, I haven\'t performed extensive testing so I can\'t say anything else. Nice job on the coding though. =)

token   -  Sep 22, 2007

performed extreme updates. made in into a neast dialog that may require a bit of setup at first. and at Kyousoukyoku, that would be cool. i\'ll try and figure out a way to include that.

Kyousoukyoku   -  Sep 22, 2007

Pretty good, but I think it would be cool if you added a way to use multiple playlists. I would either make it a dialog or use window commands if that is what you are trying to do, it just makes it easier to utilize.

token   -  Sep 21, 2007

thanks SilentExile, i am currently trying to find a way to manipulate everything through a new window. this window will include all of the features your are asking. =)

SilentExile   -  Sep 21, 2007

The thing I like about this snippet is that it doesn\'t require a dialog to function. It\'s simple to control and manipulate. I would add a little more functionality to this snippet. Perhaps an an add
file/remove file option and a previous & next function? Maybe more info on the disp. message? Nice job for your first time with hash tables.

token   -  Sep 20, 2007

completely reworked everything. it now includes a bit more compatibility then the last. hope you enjoy the update. =)

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