-.-Maths v2.0-.-

By SL on Jul 11, 2004

Ok here is my secondversion of the maths game...this time around you can set the game and it will basicly continue untill u top it...NOTE:Load it in a bot then use another client to activate it...here is the basic commands

!maths set (add a number here) eg !maths set 50 (this will random which numbers to use between 0 and 50)
!maths ans (the answer of the question given)
!maths off (To stop the game)

Allso IMPORTANT TO DO THIS : Add a text file named maths.txt with the following in it + - / * and each 1 of those 4 have to be on a sepirate line

;Coded : SL
;server : irc.4everlost.co.za
;room : #slc
;webpage : http://slchat.50megs.com/Home.htm
;Date codded : 12/07/2004
on 1:text:!maths*:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($2 == set) {
      if ($3 == $null) { msg $chan 7Sorry $nick you have to use as follow 10!maths set and a number(this will be the highest number used in the math game) }
      if ($3 != $null) {
        goto start
    if ($2 == ans) {
      if ($chan == %sl.m6) {
        if (%sl.m7 != on) { 5,0Sorry but The game is not on at the moment }
        if (%sl.m7 == on) {
          if (%sl.m7 != on) { msg $chan 7,0Sorry $nick the game is off ask an op to activate it }
          if (%sl.m7 == on) {
            if ($3 != %sl.m5) { msg $chan 10,0Sorry $nick u seen to be a dumbass...that was not correct }
            if ($3 == %sl.m5) {
              msg $chan 7Congratulations it was indeed %sl.m5
              msg $chan 12Next Question...
              goto start
              set %sl.m1 $3
              set %sl.m2 $read($mircdirmaths.txt)
              set %sl.m3 $rand(0,%sl.m1)
              set %sl.m4 $rand(0,%sl.m1)
              set %sl.m5 $calc(%sl.m3 %sl.m2 %sl.m4)
              set %sl.m6 $chan
              set %sl.m7 on
              msg $chan 6To answer the question do the following7 type the following10 !maths ans and the answer of the question
              msg $chan 7The question is %sl.m3 %sl.m2 %sl.m4
        if ($chan != %sl.m6) { msg $chan 6Sorry wrong channel and it i only active in %sl.m6 }
    if ($2 == off) {
      if ($nick isop $chan) {
        msg $chan 12,0The Mathematics game is now off
        unset %sl.m1
        unset %sl.m2
        unset %sl.m3
        unset %sl.m4
        unset %sl.m5
        unset %sl.m6
        set %sl.m7 off
      else { msg $chan 5Sorry you must ba an op }
    if {$2 == $null) { msg $chan 5Unknown command }
  else { msg $chan 5Only ops have permition to set the game }


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