Spin the Bottle

By Riht_2 on Aug 13, 2007

Warning: After a long time of being idle in the snippets world, I've decided to work on a shinier Spin the Bottle script. With a bit more knowledge of scripting than I used to have--Or so I hope... I may be able to get something... "Better" this time around. So keep your eyes peeled!

~~ Spin the Bottle, v7.0 is now set up! ~~
This should work a lot better than the last. I've added a dialog and some other stuff that is sure to please all you users who actually support me and the script. It's simple, yes, but it works. You may still see a few small errors, but that's 'bout it. I've just added some useless stuff. But oh well. ;D If you have any suggestions, please send them to riht_messenger@msn.com, or Riht on irc.Lucidchat.net.

~~ Thank me if this works ~~
I've tried to make it so there are aliases for most commands. I think I've got this to be able to work with commands only, for those who only are able to use a keyboard.

~~ Have fun, enjoy Spin the Bottle v7.0! ~~


On *:Load: {
  set %bx 4,1{7{8{
  set %by }7}4}
  set %Spinning No
  set %bottle Off
  if ($Version < 6.0) {
    unload $script
    echo -s Goto www.mIRC.com to get the latest version of mIRC to use this script!
  if ($Version >= 6.0) {
    .timer.yes 1 3 echo -s %bx You may use this script! %by
On *:Unload: {
  if ($Script = %myname)
  echo $Active %bx ;_; Thank you for using me.. %by
  unset %bx
  unset %by
  unset %lander
  unset %bottle-on-chan
  unset %Bottle
  unset %spinning
  unset %command
  unset %bfile
  unset %dia
  unset %myname
On *:Join:%Bottle-on-chan: {
  if ($me = %myname) .notice $Nick %bx Welcome to $Chan $+ !  I am $Me $+ !  The script I am running on was designed by riht_2!  You can find this script on www.hawkee.com! Commands are: !Spin <text> %by
Menu Channel { 
  Spin the Bottle Dialog: spdia
  Spin the bottle Themes 
  .Spin The Bottle
  ..Choose Colors { colorchoose }
  ..For the Hell of it?
  ...Spin Label
  ....Pokmon { set %bx 4,1(15o0) | set %by 4,1(15o0) | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Shuttle { set %bx 15,1(14[4.0Spin.ini14]15)14=15(14[9,1 | set %by 9,1 14]15) | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Rickety { set %bx 915(14[12,10Spin14]15X14[10 | set %by 14]15X14[7) | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Splitten { set %bx 4[14Sp4/14litt4/14in4]14[15 | set %by 4] | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Magi-calc { set %bx 8,15=7,144,1Spin7,148,15=3,9 1 + 1 = | set %by 8,15]7,14]4,1] | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Chains { set %bx 151415{7Spin15}141514-15[2 | set %by 141514] | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Frationz { set %bx 8745[10 Spin 5]4786 | set %by 478 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ...No Spin Label  
  ....From my FMSG script { set %bx 8,0%7,15%4,14%5,1%0 | set %by 5%4,14%7,15%8,0% | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Looks like Ghalereon { set %bx 4,1[0 | set %by 4] | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Omfg, Kirby { set %bx 13(6>12''13)6>15,14 | set %by 6<13(12''6<13) | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Flyte { set %bx 0,1.1112119 | set %by 1112110. | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Crossz { set %bx 88,118,128,2 | set %by 8,128,118,0 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Morrowind { set %bx 1,5\7\/1/8 | set %by 1\7\/1/ | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....FFBot { set %bx 7-12(15:12)7-14 | set %by 7-12(15:12)7- | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....Black and Red diamondz { set %bx ۰4۰۰4۰ Spin 1۰4۰1۰4۰12 | set %by 1۰4۰1۰4۰ | set %by 1۰4۰1۰4۰ | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ...ZZZ's request(s)
  ....ZZZ(Request1(Red) { set %bx 4,1|4,5|4,1|5,4|4,5|4,1 | set %by 5,1|4,5|5,1|4,1|5,4| | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Request2(Silver) { set %bx 15,0|0,15|14|15,14|1|8,1 | set %by 1,14|15|14,15|0|15,0| | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Request3(Green) { set %bx 9,0|0,9|3|9,3|10|11,10 | set %by 10,3|9|3,9|0|9,0| | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Request4(Pink) { set %bx 13,0|0,13|6|13,6|5|4 | set %by 5|13|6,13|0|13,0| | Echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Request5(Orange) { set %bx 8,0|0,8|7|8,7|4|8,4 | set %by 4,7|8|7,8|0|8,0| | Echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Blood 'n Stone) { set %bx 4,114,1 | set %by 4,114,1 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Aero) { set %bx 0,19,14 | set %by 0,19,1 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Looks emoish) { set %bx 0,1201c4201c0 | set %by 4,1201c0,1201c | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Acid) { set %bx 8,111,114 | set %by 8,111,1 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Aura) { set %bx 1115912 | set %by 91511 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Skyflake) {  set %bx 0,11114 | set %by 011 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ....ZZZ(Egyption) { set %bx 4,097 | set %by 4,09 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  ...Tatsu's request(s)
  ....Tatsu(TheFinger) { set %bx ..|., (o.o) | set %by (o.o) ,.|.. | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  .Bottle On/Off: { bonof $chan }
  .Bstop: { bstop }
  Command List
  .Notepad a new file: { wfl }
  .Select a file: { sbf }
  .Open bottle msgs: { bsgs }
Alias bstop {
  if (%bottle = On) {
    set %Response $?!="Do you wish to turn the script off?"
    if (%Response = $True) {  echo $Active %bx The script is now set off %by | unset %Bottle-On-Chan | set %Bottle Off | set %spinning No }
    elseif (%Response = $False) { echo $Active %bx Script was not turned off! %by }
  else {
    echo $Active %bx The script is not on! %by
On *:Text:!Spin*:%Bottle-On-Chan: {
  if ($Me = %myname) {
    if (%Spinning = Yes) {
      .notice $Nick %bx Sorry, someone else is spinning right now! %by
    if ($Chr(36) isin $1-) {
      .notice $Nick %bx Sorry, that is an invalad symbol, to spin please remove it! %by
    if ($Chr(37) isin $1-) {
      .notice $Nick %bx Sorry, that is an invalad symbol, to spin please remove it! %by
    if (Guest isin $Nick) {
      .notice $Nick %bx Change your nick ( $Nick ) to use this script!  I think Guests are gay fags with no lives what-so-ever~!  Nah, just srsly, change the nick.. D: %by
    if (%Spinning = No) && ($Chan = %Bottle-On-Chan) && (%Bottle = On) {
      if (%bfile != $Null) {  
        set %Spinning Yes
        set %command $Read(%bfile)
        if ($2 != $Null) .timer.1 1 1 msg $Chan %bx $Nick is spinning the bottle saying, " $+ $Strip($2-) $+ " %by 
        if ($2 = $Null) .timer.1 1 1 msg $Chan %bx $Nick is spinning the bottle %by 
        .timer.2 1 3 msg $Chan %bx The bottle spins yelling in a funny voice: "Wheee!!" %by
        .timer.3 1 4 set %Lander $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0,a)),a)
        if (Guest isin %Lander) { .notice %Bottle-on-chan %bx Force ( %Lander ) to change their name or have them gtfo! *Stops the script in a few seconds* %by | set %spinning No | return }     
        if (%Lander != $Nick) { .timer.4 1 5 msg $Chan %bx The bottle has stopped at %Lander : $Nick must %command %lander %by }
        if (%Lander = $Nick) { .timer.4 1 5 msg $Chan %bx The bottle has stopped at the $Nick who spinned the bottle!  $Nick must $Read(%bfile) themself! %by }
        .timer.5 1 5 set %Spinning No
      elseif (%bfile != $Null) {
        Echo $Active %bx Sorry, but you need to create a file for the actions. %by
        Echo $Active %bx Type them in seperate lines, make sure you put it in the mIRC directory, named bottle. %by
      if (%Command = $Null) {
        set %command "Owner was too lazy towards me, thus nothing happens to"
        echo -a %bx Please select a .txt file %by
Alias Spfontt {
  if (%Ttext != On) { set %Ttext On | echo -a Set spin the bottle text on! }
  elseif (%Ttext = On) { set %Ttext Off | echo -a Removed spin the bottle text! }
Menu Channel {
  Special Font:/spfontt
  Set Topic: /sptopic
on 1:INPUT:*: {
  if (/ !isin $Left($1,1)) && (%TText = On) { msg $Active [ %bx ] $Strip($1-) [ %by ] | halt }
Menu Nicklist {
  BottleKick "Kick + Why" { kick  $Active $$1 %bx $$?="Reason:" %by }
  BottleKickBan "Kick + Ban + Why" { .timer 1 2 ban $1 | kick  $Active $$1 %bx $$?="Reason:" %by }
Alias Sptopic { topic $Active %bx $$?="Topic:" %by }
Alias colorchoose { set %bx (( $+ $?="Text Color(0,15):" $+ , $+ $?="Background Color(0,15):" | set %by )) | echo $Active %Bx This is how the text looks now :D %by }

On ^*:Nick: {
  if (%Spinning = Yes) && (%Lander = $Oldnick) { set %Lander $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0,a)),a) }


alias sbf { 
  unset %bfile
  echo -a %bx Please select a text file %by
  .timer^sfile 1 5 set %lfile $Sfile($Mircdir)
  if (.txt isin %lfile) { set %bfile %lfile }
  if (.txt !isin %lfile) {
    echo -a %bx Please choose a valad file!  It must be a .txt, not " $+ [ %lfile ] $+ "! %by
  unset %lfile
alias wfl {
  echo -a %bx Create a new file through here. %by
  .timer^textpad 1 5 run notepad.exe
alias bsgs {
  if (%bfile != $Null) {
    echo $Active %bx Opening up [ %bfile ] $+ ! %by
    .timer.1 1 2 run " $+ [ %bfile ] $+ " "notepad.exe"
  elseif (%bfile = $Null) {
  echo -a %bx There is no file selected.  Please select one. %by }
alias lstdsgns {
  window @Bottle-Effects
  clear @bottle-effects
  echo @Bottle-effects 1 4,1(15o0) Example 4,1(15o0)
  echo @Bottle-effects 2 15,1(14[4.0Spin.ini14]15)14=15(14[9,1 Example 9,1 14]15)   
  echo @Bottle-effects 3 915(14[12,10Spin14]15X14[10 Example 14]15X14[7) 
  echo @Bottle-effects 4 4[14Sp4/14litt4/14in4]14[15 Example 4]      
  echo @Bottle-effects 5 8,15=7,144,1Spin7,148,15=3,9 1 + 1 = Example 8,15]7,14]4,1]  
  echo @Bottle-effects 6 151415{7Spin15}141514-15[2 Example  141514]
  echo @Bottle-effects 7 8745[10 Spin 5]4786  Example 478
  echo @Bottle-effects 8 8,0%7,15%4,14%5,1%0  Example  5%4,14%7,15%8,0%          
  echo @Bottle-effects 9 4,1[0  Example  4]          
  echo @Bottle-effects 10 13(6>12''13)6>15,14  Example  6<13(12''6<13)          
  echo @Bottle-effects 11 0,1.1112119  Example  1112110.          
  echo @Bottle-effects 12 88,118,128,2  Example  8,128,118,0          
  echo @Bottle-effects 13 1,5\7\/1/8  Example  1\7\/1/          
  echo @Bottle-effects 14 7-12(15:12)7-14  Example  7-12(15:12)7-          
  echo @Bottle-effects 15 ۰4۰۰4۰ Spin 1۰4۰1۰4۰12  Example  1۰4۰1۰4۰    1۰4۰1۰4۰          
  echo @Bottle-effects 16 4,1|4,5|4,1|5,4|4,5|4,1  Example  5,1|4,5|5,1|4,1|5,4|          
  echo @Bottle-effects 17 15,0|0,15|14|15,14|1|8,1  Example  1,14|15|14,15|0|15,0|          
  echo @Bottle-effects 18 9,0|0,9|3|9,3|10|11,10   Example 10,3|9|3,9|0|9,0|          
  echo @Bottle-effects 19 13,0|0,13|6|13,6|5|4  Example  5|13|6,13|0|13,0|          
  echo @Bottle-effects 20 8,0|0,8|7|8,7|4|8,4  Example  4,7|8|7,8|0|8,0|          
  echo @Bottle-effects 21 4,114,1  Example  4,114,1          
  echo @Bottle-effects 22 0,19,14  Example  0,19,1          
  echo @Bottle-effects 23 0,1201c4201c0   Example 4,1201c0,1201c          
  echo @Bottle-effects 24 8,111,114  Example  8,111,1          
  echo @Bottle-effects 25 1115912  Example  91511          
  echo @Bottle-effects 26 0,11114  Example  011          
  echo @Bottle-effects 27 4,097  Example  4,09          
  echo @Bottle-effects 28 ..|., (o.o) Example   (o.o) ,.|..   
  echo @Bottle-effects Warning: All numbers below 0 or above 28 will set borders to Null!
alias bffct {
  set %ec $?="What number? 1-28"
  if (%ec <= 0) { set %bx $Null | set %by $Null | echo $Active All borders are now set to nothing at all! ;D }
  if (%ec = 1) { set %bx 4,1(15o0) | set %by 4,1(15o0) | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 2) { set %bx 15,1(14[4.0Spin.ini14]15)14=15(14[9,1 | set %by 9,1 14]15) | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 3) { set %bx 915(14[12,10Spin14]15X14[10 | set %by 14]15X14[7) | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 4) { set %bx 4[14Sp4/14litt4/14in4]14[15 | set %by 4] | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 5) { set %bx 8,15=7,144,1Spin7,148,15=3,9 1 + 1 = | set %by 8,15]7,14]4,1] | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 6) { set %bx 151415{7Spin15}141514-15[2 | set %by 141514] | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 7) { set %bx 8745[10 Spin 5]4786 | set %by 478 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 8) { set %bx 8,0%7,15%4,14%5,1%0 | set %by 5%4,14%7,15%8,0% | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 9) { set %bx 4,1[0 | set %by 4] | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 10) { set %bx 13(6>12''13)6>15,14 | set %by 6<13(12''6<13) | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 11) { set %bx 0,1.1112119 | set %by 1112110. | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 12) { set %bx 88,118,128,2 | set %by 8,128,118,0 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 13) { set %bx 1,5\7\/1/8 | set %by 1\7\/1/ | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 14) { set %bx 7-12(15:12)7-14 | set %by 7-12(15:12)7- | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 15) { set %bx ۰4۰۰4۰ Spin 1۰4۰1۰4۰12 | set %by 1۰4۰1۰4۰ | set %by 1۰4۰1۰4۰ | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 16) { set %bx 4,1|4,5|4,1|5,4|4,5|4,1 | set %by 5,1|4,5|5,1|4,1|5,4| | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 17) { set %bx 15,0|0,15|14|15,14|1|8,1 | set %by 1,14|15|14,15|0|15,0| | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 18) { set %bx 9,0|0,9|3|9,3|10|11,10 | set %by 10,3|9|3,9|0|9,0| | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 19) { set %bx 13,0|0,13|6|13,6|5|4 | set %by 5|13|6,13|0|13,0| | Echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 20) { set %bx 8,0|0,8|7|8,7|4|8,4 | set %by 4,7|8|7,8|0|8,0| | Echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 21) { set %bx 4,114,1 | set %by 4,114,1 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 22) { set %bx 0,19,14 | set %by 0,19,1 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 23) { set %bx 0,1201c4201c0 | set %by 4,1201c0,1201c | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 24) { set %bx 8,111,114 | set %by 8,111,1 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 25) { set %bx 1115912 | set %by 91511 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 26) { set %bx 0,11114 | set %by 011 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 27) { set %bx 4,097 | set %by 4,09 | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec = 28) { set %bx ..|., (o.o) | set %by (o.o) ,.|.. | echo $Active All borders are now set to %bx and %by }
  if (%ec > 28) { set %bx $Null | set %by $Null | echo $Active All borders are now set to nothing at all! ;D }
  unset %ec
dialog spin {
  title Spin_the_Bottle
  size 300 200 300 360
  button "Select a file", 3, 1 20 299 32, Flat
  button "Open the file", 4, 1 52 299 32, Flat
  button "List Bottle Effects", 5, 1 84 299 32, Flat
  button "Set Bottle Effect", 6, 1 116 299 32, Flat
  button "Cancel", 7, 1 148 299 32, Cancel
  text "Botnick:", 11, 4 1 74 18
  edit "", 10, 68 1 96 18, autohs
  button "", 12, 168 1 132 18, flat
  button "On/Off(Active)", 13, 1 180 300 36, Flat
  text "Thank you for choosing to use 'Spin The Bottle v7.0' by Riht_2 @ Hawkee.com.  I hope everything is working correctly. I've added the dialog so it may possibly make things better for you, the user, to run the script.  Send me an email or memo if it doesn't.", 8, 1 280 300 64 1, center
  text "I'm found at:", 15, 1 332 300 14 300, center
  link "http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/3054/", 14, 54 348 300 14 300, center
  text "Channel:" 16, 2 217 96 64 left
  edit "", 17, 48 217 64 18, autohs
  button "Join" 18, 116 217 48 17, flat
  button "Part" 19, 164 217 48 17, flat
  button "Hop" 20, 212 217 48 17, flat
  button "Modes" 21, 260 217 39 17, flat
  button "List Modes" 22, 1 235 299 20
  edit "<modes here>" 23, 2 257 298 20
on *:DIALOG:spin:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 3) { sbf }
  if ($did == 4) { bsgs }
  if ($did == 5) { lstdsgns }
  if ($did == 6) { bffct }
  if ($did == 12) && ($did !== $Null) { myname $did(10) }
  if ($did == 13) { bonof $Active }
  if ($did == 14) { run "iexplore.exe" " $+ $did(14) $+ " }
  if ($did == 18) { if ($me !ison $did(17)) join $did(17) }
  if ($did == 19) { if ($me ison $did(17)) part $did(17) }
  if ($did == 20) { if ($me ison $did(17)) hop $did(17) }
  if ($did == 21) { mode $did(17) $did(23) }
  if ($did == 22) { helpop chmodes }
on *:DIALOG:spin:close:*: {
  set %dia off
alias spdia {
  if ($dialog(spin) = $Null) {
    .dialog -mdiero Spin Spin
  if ($dialog(spin) = $Spin) {
alias bonof {
  if (%bottle != on) { set %bottle on | set %bottle-on-chan $1 | echo -a %bx The script is now set onto $1 %by | notice $1 %bx Spin the bottle has been turned on! %by }
  elseif (%bottle = on) { set %bottle off | set %bottle-on-chan $1 | echo -a %bx The script is now set off of $1 %by | notice $1 %bx Spin the bottle has been turned off! %by }
alias myname { set %myname $left($1-,26) | %myname = $replace(%myname, $Chr(32),_) | nick %myname }
alias bottlehelp {
  echo -s %bx Welcome to Spin the Bottle v7.0!  I've made the script a lot nicer now!  Hope you all love the new dialogue.  I didn't set it to unload the script yet, though. %by
  echo -s %bx  Aliases %by
  echo -s spfont - %bx Talk with the script's colors, may interfere with other talkers. %by
  echo -s sptopic - %bx Set topic with the script's borders. %by
  echo -s sbf - %bx Select the .txt file for the script! %by
  echo -s wfl - %bx Write a new file in Notepad. %by
  echo -s bsgs - %bx Opens up selected file so you can add more and save! %by
  echo -s bstop - %bx Stops the script from operating in the current channel. %by
  echo -s spdia - %bx Opens up the dialog! ;D %by
  echo -s bonof - %bx Sets the script to a channel. "/bonof <channel here>" %by
  echo -s myname - %bx Sets the bot's name, so you no longer have to be confused. "/myname <namehere>" (26 characters, replaces spaces with underscores) %by
  echo -s bffct - %bx Sets the bottle's borders, or "effects". "/bffct" Will open up a thing that gives you the idea. Type /lstdsgns for all the designs and their numbers, which will be on the left side. %by
  echo -s %bx Have fun! %by


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Riht_2   -  Jul 18, 2010

After being gone for so long... It's about time I start a new attempt. This script will have a major makeover--I plan on including a system for modes of play--Specifically

1) Same Sex Select - For homosexuality
2) Doesn't Matter - For bisexuality
3) Give me the opposite - For heterosexuality

Therefore making the game more comfortable for players--Given they are okay with the setting. There will be more usage of .ini, and it will be divided into genders, as I made clear.

[-DDC-]Darkness   -  Mar 21, 2008

Hmm.... I\'ve just used the script. It doesnt seem to work that well, buddy. I\'d reccommend testing the script before posting.

Riht_2   -  Mar 18, 2008

- I\'m just glad that the thing is working. I\'ve messed up quite a lot before.

Jonesy44   -  Mar 18, 2008

crazy harcode spam mofo ! havent tested the script yet, taking an irc break, will do sometime soon (Y)

Riht_2   -  Mar 18, 2008

There, no more problems with the bottle.txt file. For all who actually use this script, if you have any suggestions, please send a memo to Riht at irc.lucidchat.net. ^^

Riht_2   -  Oct 26, 2007

I might add more color settings to it. Maybe some other stuff.

Riht_2   -  Sep 15, 2007

I have added some new designs, I shall add more later.

Riht_2   -  Sep 08, 2007

Okay ZZZ, I posted the new colors >>

Mono   -  Sep 08, 2007

let me check

Riht_2   -  Sep 08, 2007

Hello ZZZ, are the new color schemes working?

Mono   -  Sep 08, 2007

hey its me ZZZ

Riht_2   -  Sep 07, 2007

Okay, now the Channels list is more organised. It should work still with them moved.

Riht_2   -  Sep 07, 2007

I added some requested color schemes to this. They seem pretty nice.

Riht_2   -  Sep 07, 2007

There, more updates on this script. I hope it works better now.

Riht_2   -  Sep 06, 2007

Maybe these new updates will be better, maybe I should set a variable for that action that the %Lander is told to do so it won\'t show up blank when you start it up. Please don\'t complain if you don\'t understand it at first. It\'s an okay script, well, seems okay to me. I\'ve got it working pretty well already.

Hawkee   -  Aug 25, 2007

I\'m sorry Riht, but you cannot remove the first snippet after you\'ve already added the same one again. You must maintain your first.

Riht_2   -  Aug 24, 2007

Admins of this place, please delete this snippet :<

xDaeMoN   -  Aug 22, 2007

We already told you to just update this snippet since you newer snippets (updates) will just be deleted per the rules.

Riht_2   -  Aug 22, 2007

Yeah, it sucks, I hope they get rid of this one so I can just update the newer one >>

Callison1   -  Aug 20, 2007

That\'ll be because I had the file on the wrong directory, which means your script doesn\'t check if there is anything in the file, also, it doesn\'t check if there was an $2 after the !spin command.

Callison1   -  Aug 20, 2007

I had the script in my main nick \'Callison1\'s remotes, and I typed \'!spin hello there\' on my bot \'Callibot\'s client, and the last message returned was \'!!! The bottle has stopped at Callison1 : Callibot must Callison1! !!!\'

Riht_2   -  Aug 19, 2007

Uhh... you turn on your remotes?

Anti   -  Aug 13, 2007

Riht_2 it doesnt work :/

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