Hash Table Manager & Viewer Dialog

By Scakk on Aug 05, 2007

Have a lot of Hash Tables? Here is a way to see what you have in each one. There is also ways to add tables , items to tables & items/data to tables.

Update1: Found an issue where you could not add data that was not a number. Fixed that.

Update2: You can now enter data of 0 or a negative number. Also explianed better in the pop box what is happening when you click " Add Item " button. Thanks goes to xDaeMoN for pointing these out to me.

Update3: Gave examples of what is happening when you click " Add Item " button.

Update4: Now the "R button" will disappear when you click on a different item in a previous box.

Ex: Click on a item in the "Item" list the "R" will disappear in the "Data" list.
Ex2: Click a new hash table in "Table" and the "R" will disappear in the "Item" and "Data" list.

Update5: Issue where if you close the input box while changing data it erased the data. Now the data will not change unless you input data.

menu * {
  Hash Manager: hshviewer
alias hshviewer {
  if (!$dialog(hsh)) { dialog -m hsh hsh }

dialog hsh {
  title "Hash Manager v.2"
  size -1 -1 423 420
  list 1, 11 17 121 260, vsbar sort
  list 2, 151 17 121 260, vsbar sort
  list 3, 291 17 121 260, vsbar
  box "Table", 4, 4 2 135 275 
  box "Item", 5, 144 2 135 275
  box "Data", 6, 284 2 135 275
  button "New Table", 7, 4 280 60 20,
  button "Delete", 8, 80 280 60 20, 
  button "Add Item", 9, 144 280 60 20, 
  button "Delete", 10, 220 280 60 20, 
  button "Edit Data", 11, 284 280 120 20, 
  edit "", 12, 70 305 350 20, read autohs center
  edit "", 13, 70 330 350 20, read autohs center
  edit "", 14, 70 355 350 20, read autohs center 
  text "Table Name", 15, 5 307 60 20, center
  text "Item", 16, 5 332 60 20, center
  text "Data", 17, 5 357 60 20, center
  button "R", 18, 65 280 15 20, 
  button "R", 19, 205 280 15 20, 
  button "R", 20, 405 280 15 20,
  text "*R buttons resets the list above it and following list where applicable.*", 21, 5 380 418 20, center
  text "*No information is erased from a hash table.*", 22, 5 395 418 20, center

alias chsh2 { 
  if (!hsh2) { halt }
  else { dialog -x hsh2 hsh2 }
alias re.fresh {
  did -r hsh 1,2,3 
  var %x 1
  while ($hget(%x)) {
    did -a hsh 1 $hget(%x)
    inc %x
alias re.fresh2 {
  var %x 1
  did -r hsh 2
  while ($hget($did(1).seltext,%x).item) {
    did -a hsh 2 $hget($did(1).seltext,%x).item
    inc %x 
alias re.fresh3 {
  did -r hsh 3
  did -a hsh 3 $hget($did(1).seltext,$did(2).seltext)
alias re.fresh4 {
  did -h hsh 12,15,13,16,14,17
  did -r hsh 2,3
  did -u hsh 1  
  did -v hsh 12,15 {
    if ($did(1).lines == 1) { did -ra hsh 12 There is one table to choose from. | halt }
    else { did -ra hsh 12 There are $did(1).lines tables to choose from. } 
on *:dialog:hsh:close:* { chsh2 }

on *:dialog:hsh:init:* {
  did -h hsh 12,13,14,15,16,17
  did -h hsh 18,19,20
on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:1 {
  did -h hsh 19,20
  if ($did(1).seltext == $null) { 
    did -h hsh 12,15,13,16,14,17 | did -h hsh 18 | did -r hsh 3 | did -r hsh 2 
    did -v hsh 12,15 {
      if ($did(1).lines == 1) { did -ra hsh 12 There is one table to choose from. halt }
      else { did -ra hsh 12 There are $did(1).lines tables to choose from. | halt } 
  else { 
    var %x 1
    did -r hsh 2,3 
    did -h hsh 13,16,14,17
    did -v hsh 18
    while ($hget($did(1).seltext,%x).item) {
      did -a hsh 2 $hget($did(1).seltext,%x).item
      inc %x
      did -v hsh 12,15
      did -v hsh 18
      did -h hsh 13,16,14,17
    did -ra hsh 12 $did(1).seltext  $qt($hget($did(1).seltext).size)
    if (!hsh2) { set %a $did(1).seltext | hsh2 | dialog -s hsh2 -1 -1 -100 -100 | halt }

on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:2 {
  did -v hsh 19
  did -h hsh 20
  if ($did(2).seltext == $null) { did -h hsh 13,16,14,17 | halt }
  else { 
    did -r hsh 3
    did -ra hsh 3 $hget($did(1).seltext,$did(2).seltext)           
    did -ra hsh 12 $did(1).seltext  $qt($hget($did(1).seltext).size) 
    did -ra hsh 13 $did(2).seltext 
    did -v hsh 13,16
    did -h hsh 14,17

on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:3 { 
  did -v hsh 20    
  if ($did(3).seltext == $null) { did -h hsh 14,17 | halt }
  else {
    did -ra hsh 12 $did(1).seltext  $qt($hget($did(1).seltext).size) 
    did -ra hsh 13 $did(2).seltext 
    did -ra hsh 14 $did(3).seltext
    did -v hsh 14,17 
on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:7 { 
  hmake $$?="Table Name Slots:"

on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:8 {
  if ($did(1).sel) {
    if ($input(Are you sure that you want to delete $did(1).seltext,qy,Confirmation)) {
      .hfree $did(1).seltext 
      did -r hsh 1
on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:9 { 
  if ($did(1).sel) {
    if ($$?="+ ( Item with Data ) Ex: /hadd HashTable Item Data $crlf $+ - ( Item without Data ) Ex: /hadd HashTable Item" == -) { set %a $did(1).seltext | hsh2 |  dialog -s hsh2 -1 -1 145 155 | halt }
    else {
      .hadd $did(1).seltext $input(Enter item name,qe,Item Name) $input(Enter Data,qe,Data?)

on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:10 {
  if ($did(2).lines) {
    if ($input(Are you sure that you want to delete $did(2).seltext,qy,Confirmation)) {
      .hdel $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext
      did -r hsh 2,3
      did -h hsh 13,16,14,17
      did -h hsh 19,20
      did -v hsh 12,15,13,16 {
        if ($did(2).lines == 0) { did -h hsh 13,16 | halt }
        if ($did(2).lines == 1) { did -ra hsh 13 There is one item to choose from. | halt }
        else { did -ra hsh 13 There are $did(2).lines item to choose from. | halt } 

on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:11 {
  if ($did(3).lines == 0) { halt }
  else { 
    var %x $input(Current Information $crlf Table: $did(1).seltext $crlf Item: $did(2).seltext $crlf Data: $hget($did(1).seltext,$did(2).seltext),oe,Change Data To?)
    if (%x == $null) { halt }
    if (%x !isalnum) {
      .hdel $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext 
      .hadd $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext %x
      did -o hsh 3 1
      did -ra hsh 3,14 %x
    if ((%x isletter)) { 
      .hdel $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext 
      .hadd $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext %x
      did -o hsh 3 1
      did -ra hsh 3,14 %x
    if ((%x isletter) && || (%x isnum)) {
      .hdel $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext 
      .hadd $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext %x
      did -o hsh 3 1
      did -ra hsh 3,14 %x
    if (%x == 0) {
      .hdel $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext
      .hadd $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext
      did -o hsh 3 $calc(1 - %x)
      inc %x
      did -ra hsh 3,14 $calc(1 - %x)
      inc %x
    else {
      if (%x == 1) {   
        .hdel $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext 
        .hadd $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext 1
        did -o hsh 3 1
        did -ra hsh 3,14 1
      else { 
        .hdel $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext 
        .hadd $did(1).seltext $did(2).seltext %x
        inc %x
        did -o hsh 3 $calc(%x - 2)
        inc %x
        did -ra hsh 3,14 $calc(%x - 2)
        inc %x

on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:18 {
  did -h hsh 12,15,13,16,14,17
  did -h hsh 18,19,20
  did -r hsh 2,3
  did -u hsh 1  
  did -v hsh 12,15 {
    if ($did(1).lines == 1) { did -ra hsh 12 There is one table to choose from. | halt }
    else { did -ra hsh 12 There are $did(1).lines tables to choose from. } 
on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:19 {
  did -h hsh 13,16,14,17
  did -h hsh 20
  did -r hsh 3
  did -u hsh 2 {
    if ($did(2).lines == 0) { halt }
    else {
      did -h hsh 19
      did -v hsh 13,16 {
        if ($did(2).lines == 1) { did -ra hsh 13 There is one item to choose from. | halt }
        else { did -ra hsh 13 There are $did(2).lines item(s) to choose from. }
on *:dialog:hsh:sclick:20 {
  if ($did(3).lines == 0) { halt }
  else {
    did -h hsh 14,17
    did -h hsh 19,20
    did -r hsh 3 
    did -u hsh 2
    did -v hsh 13,16 {
      if ($did(2).lines == 1) { did -ra hsh 13 There is one item to choose from. | halt }
      else { did -ra hsh 13 There are $did(2).lines item(s) to choose from. }

alias hsh2 {
  if (!$dialog(hsh2)) { dialog -m hsh2 hsh2 |  dialog -s hsh2 -1 -1 -100 -100 }

dialog hsh2 {
  title "HM v.2 AddOn"
  size -1 -1 145 155 
  list 1, 10 20 125 75
  box "Item", 2, 2 2 140 80 
  button "List Item", 3, 1 87 143 20
  button "Add Item", 4, 1 110 143 20
  button "Clear List", 5, 1 133 143 20

on *:dialog:hsh2:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) { did -r hsh2 1 }
  if ($devent == sclick) { 
    if ($did == 3) { 
      var %x $input(Enter item to be entered,qe,Item)
      did -a hsh2 1 %x
    if ($did == 4) { 
      if ($did(1).lines == 0) { halt }
      else { 
        if ($did(1).seltext == $null) { halt }
        else { hadd -sc %a $did(1).seltext }
    if ($did == 5) { did -r hsh2 1 }


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Scakk   -  Oct 13, 2007

Update5: Issue where if you close the input box while changing data it erased the data. Now the data will not change unless you input data.

Scakk   -  Sep 26, 2007

@mountaindew -- Now they disappear when you click on a different item in a previous box.

Ex: Click on a item in the \"Item\" list the \"R\" will disappear in the \"Data\" list.

Ex2: Click a new hash table in \"Table\" and the \"R\" will disappear in the \"Item\" and \"Data\" list.

Akishoot   -  Sep 26, 2007


guest598594   -  Sep 26, 2007

i have actually been using this script for a while, just never noticed it was urs :P

guest598594   -  Sep 26, 2007

woops, not remove, reset button

guest598594   -  Sep 26, 2007

i also noticed that u hid the remove button until you click an item, but you should also hide/disble it again when you go to a new table with no items in it, same with edit data, u shuold disable it when no data is clicked :P

otherwise, this is a really good hash table viewer/editor, 7/10

Akishoot   -  Sep 26, 2007

I have the same problem. Like on my kick log viewer on the Easy Kicker, I put a hsbar in, it showed up, but I was unable to move it when the kick message was too long for the list. So finally I removed it and said screw it. =(

guest598594   -  Sep 26, 2007


Scakk   -  Sep 26, 2007

I tried that. They show up but as stated will not show they work even if the information in the box goes beyond the edge of the list box.

guest598594   -  Sep 26, 2007
  list 1, 11 17 121 260, vsbar sort hsbar
  list 2, 151 17 121 260, extsel vsbar sort hsbar
  list 3, 291 17 121 260, vsbar hsbar
Scakk   -  Sep 26, 2007

I was naver able to get the horizontal scrollbars to work. They will show up but will not work if an item in the list box is wider than the box.

Any suggestions how to make it work?

guest598594   -  Sep 26, 2007

great job, but you should put horizontal scrollbars in ;)

Scakk   -  Sep 19, 2007

Update2: You can now enter data of 0 or a negative number. Also explianed better in the pop box what is happening when you click \" Add Item \" button. Thanks goes to xDaeMoN for pointing these out to me.

napa182   -  Sep 14, 2007

Nice work Scakk

Ghost-lit Warder   -  Sep 14, 2007

I can see a lot of hard work and effort were put into this. In my opinion, I would at least give this a 5.5. Excellent snippet, good job Scakk.

Scakk   -  Sep 14, 2007

A rating of 4. Was there a problem? Something you think could or should be added?

Scakk   -  Sep 01, 2007

Update: Found an issue where you could not add data that was not a number. Fixed that.

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