XCept Acros v1.0

By Pwntage`Ninja on Apr 04, 2007

The design/colors can't be altered in the script, unless you go and do so yourself. You can add in acros, via dialog, by right clicking in the channel and looking under the "Acronyms" section.

I hope you all understand what an acro is, as well x_x

Paste into remotes.

on *:START: {
  %acros = off
  %xc.version = v1.0
  hmake acros
  If (!$isfile($scriptdirAcronyms.txt)) { write " $+ $scriptdirAcronyms.txt" }
  hload acros " $+ $scriptdirAcronyms.txt"
  echo -a $chr(31)
  echo -a 3,1.9:15:XCept Acronyms %xc.version - Loaded9:3.
  echo -a $chr(31)
on *:UNLOAD: { unload.cmds }
on *:EXIT: { unload.cmds }
alias -l unload.cmds {
  unset %acros %xc.version
  hsave acros " $+ $scriptdirAcronyms.txt"
  hfree acros
  echo -a $chr(31)
  echo -a 3,1.9:15:XCept Acronyms %xc.version - Unloaded9:3.
  echo -a $chr(31)
alias -l chg {
  If (%acros = on) { set %acros off | echo -a 3,1.9:15XCept Acronyms %xc.version - Off9:3. | halt }
  If (%acros = off) { set %acros on | echo -a 3,1.9:15XCept Acronyms %xc.version - On9:3. | halt }
menu channel {
  .$iif(%acros = on,$style(1)) XCept Acronyms %xc.version:/chg
  .Open Dialog:/dialog -mdi acros acros
dialog acros {
  title XCept Acros %xc.version
  size -1 -1 148 70
  option dbu
  list 1, 0 0 148 50, sort size
  button "Add Acro", 3, 0 50 37 9
  button "Delete Acro", 4, 37 50 37 9
  button "Clear Acros", 5, 74 50 37 9
  button "Edit Acro", 6, 111 50 37 9
  edit "", 2, 0 59 148 11
on *:DIALOG:acros:init:0: {
  %i = 1
  While ($hget(acros,%i).item) {
    did -a acros 1 $hget(acros,%i).item
    inc %i
  unset %i
on *:DIALOG:acros:sclick:1: {
  did -ra acros 2 $hget(acros,$did(acros,1).seltext)
on *:DIALOG:acros:sclick:3: {
  %xadd = $input(Acronym to add? IE: Lol,gqveoau,XCept Acronyms %xc.version,<Place Acronym here.>)
  %xadd.full = $input(Full Acronym? IE: Laughing Out Loud,gqveoau,XCept Acronyms %xc.version,<Place Acronym here.>)
  If ($chr(32) isin %xadd) {
    echo -a $chr(31)
    echo -a 3,1.9:15XCept Acronyms %xc.version $+ . There can be no spaces in the Acronym9:3.
    echo -a $chr(31)
    goto end
  If (!%xadd) || (!%xadd.full) {
    echo -a $chr(31)
    echo -a 3,1.9:15XCept Acronyms %xc.version $+ : Error9:3.
    echo -a $chr(31)
    goto end
  hadd -m acros %xadd %xadd.full
  did -a acros 1 %xadd
  did -ra acros 2 $hget(acros,$did(acros,1).seltext)
  unset %xadd %xadd.full
on *:DIALOG:acros:sclick:4: {
  If (!$did(acros,1).seltext) { halt }
  %Y/N = $input(Are you sure you want to delete $did(acros,1).seltext your Acronym list?,auwvyd,XCept Acronyms %xc.version)
  If (%Y/N = $no) { unset %Y/N | halt }
  If (%Y/N = $yes) {
    unset %Y/N
    If ($did(acros,2).text = $hget(acros,$did(acros,1).seltext)) { did -r acros 2 }
    hdel acros $did(acros,1).seltext
    did -d acros 1 $did(acros,1).sel
on *:DIALOG:acros:sclick:5: {
  %Y/N = $input(Are you sure you want to clear your Acronym list?,auwvyd,XCept Acronyms %xc.version)
  If (%Y/N = $no) { unset %Y/N | halt }
  If (%Y/N = $yes) {
    unset %Y/N
    did -r acros 1,2
    hfree acros
    hmake acros
on *:DIALOG:acros:sclick:6: {
  If (!$did(acros,1).seltext) { halt }
  %acro.edit = $input(Editing: $did(acros,1).seltext,eaui,XCept Acronyms %xc.version,$hget(acros,$did(acros,1).seltext))
  If (!%acro.edit) { halt }
  hadd -m acros $did(acros,1).seltext %acro.edit
  did -ra acros 2 %acro.edit
  unset %acro.edit        
on *:INPUT:*: {
  If (%acros = on) {
    If (!$inpaste) && (!$ctrlenter) && ($left($1-,1) != $readini(mirc.ini,text,commandchar)) {
      %i = 1
      %t = $1-
      %m = $0
      While (%i <= %m) {
        If ($hget(acros,$1)) { %v = $iif(%v,%v $xacro($hget(acros,$1)),$xacro($hget(acros,$1))) }
        If (!$hget(acros,$1)) { %v = $iif(%v,%v $1,$1) }
        %t = $2-
        tokenize 32 %t
        inc %i
      tokenize 32 %v
      msg $active $1-
      unset %v %t %i %m
alias xacro {
  unset %x %0 %v %txt
  tokenize 32 $1
  %x = 1
  %0 = $0
  While (%x <= %0) {
    %v = %v $+(15,$left($1,1),14,$mid($1,2,$len($1)))
    %txt = $2-
    tokenize 32 %txt
    inc %x
  return 3,1.9: $+ %v $+ 9:3.


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PoKeY   -  Jun 07, 2007

Once loaded, and enabled, EVERYTHING you say in a channel is repeated. Also, when you type, say, vg, it shows as:
[PoKeY] vg
[PoKeY] .:Very Good:.
Not too cool...

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