Channel, Bot, Nick, Oper Serv popups (help)

By PowerDragon on Feb 01, 2007

I find this really useful and helpful. This is great for noob or an IRC expert. This has mostly all the commands for ChanServ, BotServ, NickServ, and OperServ. All you do is is add it to your remotes (ALT + R). I found this in a script. So I edited it down and this is it. I hope you find it useful!

menu channel {
  .Channel Service
  ..Register a New Channel: /motident3
  ..Set Channel Environment
  ...Securefounder on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan securefounder $$?="on or off"
  ...Secureops on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan secureops $$?="on or off"
  ...Secure on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan secure $$?="on or off"
  ...Peace on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan peace $$?="on or off - if set ON will prevent users from ban/kick/remove a user superior or equal level"
  ...Topic: /msg ChanServ set $chan topic $$?="Enter Channel Topic"
  ...KeepTopic on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan keeptopic $$?="on or off"
  ...TopicLock on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan topiclock $$?="on or off"
  ...Mode Lock: /msg ChanServ set $chan mlock $$?="Enter Modes to be Locked"
  ...EntryMsg: /msg ChanServ set $chan entrymsg $$?="Entry Message to Show when Users Join"
  ...Private on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan private $$?="on or off"
  ...Restricted on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan restricted $$?="on or off"
  ...Signkick on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan signkick $$?="on or off"
  ...Opnotice on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan opnotice $$?="on or off"
  ...BanType (How to Ban)
  ....*!user@host: /msg ChanServ set $chan bantype 0
  ....*!*user@host: /msg ChanServ set $chan bantype 1
  ....*!*@host: /msg ChanServ set $chan bantype 2
  ....*!*user@*.domain: /msg ChanServ set $chan bantype 3
  ...Founder Change: /msg ChanServ set $chan founder $$?="Enter Nick"
  ...Successor Change: /msg ChanServ set $chan successor $$?="Enter Nick"
  ...Password Change: /msg ChanServ set $chan password $$?="Password to Use"
  ...Description Change: /msg ChanServ set $chan desc $$?="Description to Use"
  ...URL Change: /msg ChanServ set $chan URL $$?="URL ( include http:// )"
  ...Email Change: /msg ChanServ set $chan email $$?="Enter Email Address"
  ..XOP Settings
  ...Set XOP on | off: /msg ChanServ set $chan xop $$?="on or off (on replaces ACCESS command)"
  ...VoiceOP Users
  ....Add: /msg ChanServ VOP $chan add $$?="Enter Nick"
  ....Delete: /msg ChanServ VOP $chan del $$?="Enter Nick"
  ....List: /msg ChanServ VOP $chan list $$?="Enter Mask or * for ALL"
  ....Clear: /msg ChanServ VOP $chan clear
  ...AutoOP Users
  ....Add: /msg ChanServ AOP $chan add $$?="Enter Nick"
  ....Delete: /msg ChanServ AOP $chan del $$?="Enter Nick"
  ....List: /msg ChanServ AOP $chan list $$?="Enter Mask or * for ALL"
  ....Clear: /msg ChanServ AOP $chan clear
  ...SuperOP Users
  ....Add: /msg ChanServ SOP $chan add $$?="Enter Nick"
  ....Delete: /msg ChanServ SOP $chan del $$?="Enter Nick"
  ....List: /msg ChanServ SOP $chan list $$?="Enter Mask or * for ALL"
  ....Clear: /msg ChanServ SOP $chan clear
  ..Access Settings ( XOP off )
  ...Add: /msg ChanServ access $chan add $$?="Enter Nick" $$?="Enter Level"
  ...Delete: /msg ChanServ access $chan del $$?="Enter Nick"
  ...List: /msg ChanServ access $chan list $$?="Enter Mask or * for ALL"
  ...Clear: /msg ChanServ access $chan clear
  ..Voice | Devoice User
  ...Voice User: /msg ChanServ voice $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ...Devoice User: /msg ChanServ devoice $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ..Op | Deop User
  ...Op User: /msg ChanServ op $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ...Deop User: /msg ChanServ deop $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ..Halfops | DeHalfop User
  ...Halfop User: /msg ChanServ halfop $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ...DeHalfop User: /msg ChanServ dehalfop $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ..Protect | DeProtect User
  ...Protect User: /msg ChanServ protect $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ...DeProtect User: /msg ChanServ deprotect $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ..Kick User: /msg ChanServ kick $chan $$?="Enter Nick" $$?="Enter Reason"
  ..Ban User: /msg ChanServ ban $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ..Logout User: /msg ChanServ logout $chan $$?="Enter Nick"
  ..Clear Channel
  ...All Modes: /msg ChanServ clear $chan modes
  ...Bans: /msg ChanServ clear $chan bans
  ...Ops: /msg ChanServ clear $chan ops
  ...Voices: /msg ChanServ clear $chan voices
  ...Users: /msg ChanServ clear $chan users
  ..AKick Mask Settings
  ...Add: /msg ChanServ akick $chan add $$?="Enter Mask" $$?="reason"
  ...Delete: /msg ChanServ akick $chan del $$?="Enter Mask"
  ...List: /msg ChanServ akick $chan list $$?="Enter Mask or * for ALL"
  ...View: /msg ChanServ akick $chan view $$?="Enter Mask "
  ...Enforce: /msg ChanServ akick $chan enforce
  ...Clear: /msg ChanServ akick $chan clear
  ..Identify as Founder: /msg ChanServ identify $chan $$?="Enter Your Password"
  ..GetKey from Channel: /msg ChanServ getkey $$?="Enter Channel"
  ..Invite from Channel: /msg ChanServ invite $$?="Enter Channel"
  ..Unban from Channel: /msg ChanServ unban $$?="Enter Channel"
  ..Send Email of Password: /msg ChanServ sendpass $chan 
  ..Info on Channel: /msg ChanServ info $chan all
  ..Owner Channel/s: /msg ChanServ owner $$?="Enter a Channel to mode +q yourself, or blank for all channels (provided you have rights to.)"
  ..Deowner Channel/s: /msg ChanServ deowner $$?="Enter Channel to mode -q yourself, or blank for all channels (provided you have rights to.)"
  ..Drop Channel: /msg ChanServ drop $$?="Enter channel to DROP (you will loose ownership of channel with this comamnd)"
  .Bot Service
  ..List all Available Bots: /msg BotServ botlist
  ..Assign Bot to Channel: /msg BotServ assign $chan $$?="Enter Bot Nick for BotList"
  ..Unassign Bot from Channel: /msg BotServ unassign $chan
  ...DontKickOps on | off: /msg BotServ set $chan dontkickops $$?="on or off" 
  ...DontKickVoices on | off: /msg BotServ set $chan dontkickvoices $$?="on or off"
  ...Greet on | off: /msg BotServ set $chan greet $$?="on or off"
  ...Fantasy on | off: /msg BotServ set $chan fantasy $$?="on or off"
  ...Symbiosis on | off: /msg BotServ set $chan symbiosis $$?="on or off"
  ..Kick Options
  ...Bolds on | off: /msg BotServ kick $chan bolds $$?="on or off"
  ...Badwords on | off: /msg BotServ kick $chan badwords $$?="on or off"
  ...Caps on | off: /msg BotServ kick $chan caps $$?="on or off"
  ...Colors on | off: /msg BotServ kick $chan colors $$?="on or off"
  ...Flood on | off: /msg BotServ kick $chan flood $$?="on or off"
  ...Repeat on | off: /msg BotServ kick $chan repeat $$?="on or off"
  ...Reverses on | off: /msg BotServ kick $chan reverses $$?="on or off"
  ...Underlines on | off: /msg BotServ kick $chan underlines $$?="on or off"
  ...Badword setup
  ....Add word: /msg BotServ badwords $chan add $$?="Enter Badword for Kick"
  ....Delete word: /msg BotServ badwords $chan del $$?="Enter Badword to Delete"
  ....List all words: /msg BotServ badwords $chan list
  ....Clear all words: /msg BotServ badwords $chan clear
  .Nick Service
  ..Register: /motident3
  ..Identify: /motident3
  ..Group Add: /motident3
  ..Recover Nick: /motident3
  ..Kill Ghost: /motident3
  ..Info on Highlighted Nick: /msg NickServ info $$1
  ..Info any nick: /msg NickServ info $$?="Enter a Nickname:"
  ..Help: /msg NickServ help
  .Memo Service
  ..Memo to Channel 
  ...Send Memo to Channel: /msg MemoServ send # $$?="Enter Message:" 
  ...List New Memo #Chan: /msg MemoServ list new #
  ...Read Channel Memo: /msg MemoServ read $$?="Enter Message Number:" #
  ...Delete Channel Memo: /msg MemoServ del $$?="Enter Message Number:" #
  ..Memo to Nick
  ...Send: /msg MemoServ send $$?="Enter a Nickname and Message:"
  ...List: /msg MemoServ list
  ...Read: /msg MemoServ read $$?="Enter Message Number:"
  ...Delete: /msg MemoServ del $$?="Enter Message Number:"
  ..Create: /msg BotServ bot add $$?="BOT NAME?:" $$?="USER:" $$?="ident@host:" $$?="Realnamehere:" 
  ..Delete: /msg BotServ bot del $$?="BOT NAME?:" 
  ..Botlist: /msg BotServ botlist
  ..Assign Channel: /msg BotServ assign $$?="#CHANNEL/ROOMNAME?:" $$?="BOT NAME?:"
  ..Unassign Channel: /msg BotServ unassign $$?="#CHANNEL/ROOMNAME?:" $$?="BOT NAME?:"
  ..Set Commands
  ...Don't Kick ops
  ....ON: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" DONTKICKOPS on
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" DONTKICKOPS off
  ...Don't kick voices
  ....ON: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" DONTKICKVOICES on
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" DONTKICKVOICES off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" GREET on
  ....Set MSG: /msg NickServ set greet $$?="Greeting?:"
  ....Set greeting level: /msg ChanServ levels $$?="#roomname?:" set Greet $$?="user level?0-9999:"
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" GREET off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" FANTASY on
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" FANTASY off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" SYMBIOSIS on
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ set $$?="#roomname?:" SYMBIOSIS off
  ..Kick Options
  ....ON: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" BOLDS on $$?="# of kicks till ban?:"
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" BOLDS off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" BADWORDS on "# of kick till ban?:" 
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" BADWORDS OFF
  ....ON: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" CAPS on $$?="# of kicks till ban?:" $$?="minimum # of caps used?:" $$?="# of caps?:" 
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" CAPS off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" COLORS on
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" COLORS off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" FLOOD on $$?="# of kicks till ban?:" $$?="lines of text?:" $$?="seconds of time?:"
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" FLOOD off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" REPEAT on $$?="# of kicks?:" $$?="# of repeats?:"
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" REPEAT off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" REVERSE on $$?="# of kicks?:" 
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" REVERSE off
  ....ON: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" UNDERLINES on $$?="# of kicks?:" 
  ....OFF: /msg BotServ kick $$?="#roomname?:" UNDERLINES off
  ..Other Commands
  ...Room Info: /msg BotServ INFO $$?="#roomname?:"
  ...Nick Info: /msg BotServ INFO $$?="nickname?:"
  ...Bot Say: /msg BotServ say $$?="#roomname?:" $$?="text here:"
  ...Bot Act: /msg BotServ act $$?="#roomname?:" $$?="text here:"
  ..Global Message: /msg OperServ globalmsg $$?="Enter Global Message:"
  ..Stats: /msg OperServ stats
  ..Uptime: /msg OperServ uptime
  ..Oper List: /msg OperServ oper list
  ..Admin List: /msg OperServ admin list
  ..Service Operators
  ....Set Channel modes: /msg OperServ mode $$?="Channel?" $$?="Modes to set/unset?"
  ...Kick: /msg OperServ kick $$?="Channel?" $$?="Nick?" $$?="Reason?"
  ....Add Akill: /msg OperServ akill add + $+ $$?="What Time Limit? (0, 1d, 1w, 1m)"  *@ $+ $$?="What is the Address?" $$?="Reason"
  ....Del Akill: /msg OperServ akill del $$?="What is the Address?" 
  ....List Akill: /msg OperServ akill list
  ....View Akill: /msg OperServ akill view $$?="Pattern/Num?"
  ...Clear Modes
  ....Modes: /msg OperServ clearmodes $$?="What is the Channel?"
  ....Clear All: /msg OperServ clearmodes $$?="What is the Channel?" ALL
  ....Add SGline: /msg OperServ sgline add $$?="Nick?" $$?="Reason?"
  ....Del SGline: /msg OperServ sgline del $$?="Nick?"
  ....List SGline: /msg OperServ sgline list
  ....Add SQline: /msg OperServ sqline add $$?="Nick (or #Channel)?" $$?="Reason?"
  ....Del SQline: /msg OperServ sqline del $$?="Nick (or #Channel)?"
  ....List SQline: /msg OperServ sqline list
  ....Add Zline: /msg OperServ SZline add $$?="Ip?" $$?="Reason?"
  ....Del Zline: /msg OperServ SZline del $$?="Ip?"
  ....List Zline: /msg OperServ szline list
  ..Services Admin
  ....Threshold: /msg OperServ session list $$?="Threshold?"
  ....Hostmsg OperServt: /msg OperServ session list $$?="Host?"
  ....Add: /msg OperServ exception add + $+  $$?="time to Expire(1d,30d,0)?" $$?="Host (w/out *@)?" $$?="# of Sessions?" $$?="Reason?" 
  ....Del: /msg OperServ exception del $$?="host?"
  ....List: /msg OperServ exception list
  ...KillClones: /msg OperServ killclones $$?="Nick?"
  ...List Chans
  ....Pattern: /msg OperServ chanlist $$?="Pattern?"
  ....Nick: /msg OperServ chanlist $$?="Nick?"
  ....Secret: /msg OperServ chanlist $$?="Pattern or *" secret
  ...List Users
  ....Pattern: /msg OperServ userlist $$?="Pattern (in format: nick!user@host)?"
  ....Nick: /msg OperServ userlist $$?="Nick?"
  ....Secret: /msg OperServ userlist $$?="Nick Pattern or *" secret
  ....Add Sop: /msg OperServ oper add $$?="Nick?"
  ....Del Sop: /msg OperServ oper del $$?="Nick?"
  ....List Sop: /msg OperServ oper list
  ....Add: /msg OperServ logonnews add $$?="News?"
  ....Del: /msg OperServ logonnews del $$?="News #?"
  ....List: /msg OperServ logonnews list
  ....Add: /msg OperServ randomnews add $$?="News?"
  ....Del: /msg OperServ randomnews del $$?="News #?"
  ....List: /msg OperServ randomnews list
  ....Add: /msg OperServ Opernews add $$?="News?"
  ....Del: /msg OperServ Opernews del $$?="News #?"
  ....List: /msg OperServ Opernews list
  ...Jupe Server
  ....Add Jupe: /msg OperServ jupe $$?="What is the Server?" $$?="What is the Reason?"
  ....Del Jupe: /squit $$?="Server?"
  ....List: /msg OperServ cache list $$?="pattern?"
  ....Del: /msg OperServ cache del $$?="Host?(w/out *@)"
  ..Services SRA
  ....Set: /msg OperServ noop set $$?="Server?"
  ....Revoke: /msg OperServ noop revoke $$?="Server?"
  ....Change Nick: /msg OperServ raw svsnick $$?="Nick?" $$?="New Nick?" 0
  ....Change Nick Modes: /msg OperServ RAW :operserv SVSMODE $$?="User?" $$?="Modes to Change?(+ or -)" :0
  ....Change Chan Modes: /msg OperServ RAW : $+ $$?="Service?" MODE $$?="Channel?" $$?="Modes to Change?(+ or -)"
  ....Join Service: /msg OperServ raw : $+ $$?="Service?" join $$?="Channel?"
  ....Part Service: /msg OperServ raw : $+ $$?="Service?" part $$?="Channel?"
  ....Privmsg:  /msg OperServ raw : $+ $$?="Services" PRIVMSG $$?="Destination" : $+ $$?="Enter Message"
  ....Notice: /msg OperServ raw : $+ $$?="Service?" NOTICE $$?="Destination" : $+ $$?="Enter Message"
  ....Dcc Send: /msg OperServ raw : $+ $$?="Services?" PRIVMSG $$?="Nick?" : $+ $chr(1) $+ DCC SEND HMMMMM  23463048 204346348 $longip($ip) 2001 $+ $chr(1)
  ....Dcc Chat: /msg OperServ raw : $+ $$?="Services?" PRIVMSG $$?="Nick?" : $+ $chr(1) $+ DCC CHAT CHAT $longip($ip) 2001 $+ $chr(1)
  ....Kick User: /msg OperServ raw : $+ $$?="Services?" kick $$?="channel?" $$?="User?"
  ....Kill User: /msg OperServ raw svskill $$?="Nick?" : $+ $$?="Reason?"
  ....Readonly: /msg OperServ set readonly $$?="On/Off?"
  ....Debug: /msg OperServ set debug $$?="On/Off?"
  ....NoExpire: /msg OperServ set noexpire $$?="On/Off?"
  ...Update: /msg OperServ update
  ...Reload: /msg OperServ reload
  ...Quit: /msg OperServ quit
  ...Restart: /msg OperServ restart
  ...ShutDown: /msg OperServ shutdown
  ....Add: /msg OperServ admin add $$?="Nick?"
  ....Del: /msg OperServ admin del $$?="Nick?"
  ....List: /msg OperServ admin list
alias motident3 { dialog -m sysa sysa | did -c sysa 74 }
alias sclick { if ($_vr(soundcon,click) == 1) { blast $_vr(soundcon,73) } }
alias lsaberwav { splay $mircdirsounds\dontremove.wav }
dialog sysa {
  title "Identify and Auto-Join System"
  size 300 75 141 191
  option dbu
  tab "Auto Ident and Oper", 1, 3 4 133 159
  edit "", 7, 7 86 128 10, tab 1 return autohs autovs
  box "Nick Identifier", 10, 6 19 130 37, tab 1
  text "Nickserv Password here", 11, 42 36 69 8, tab 1 center
  edit "", 8, 7 43 128 10, tab 1 pass multi return autohs autovs
  check "Click here to Oper up on connect with Freedom", 12, 9 66 124 9, tab 1
  box "Auto Oper up", 13, 6 58 130 104, tab 1
  text "Oper Password Here", 15, 37 134 70 8, tab 1 center
  edit "", 14, 7 142 128 10, tab 1 pass multi return autohs autovs
  text "Please set your Oper nick HERE, and setup your normal registered nickname on the Register tab.  ", 16, 10 114 122 20, tab 1 center
  text "Oper Nick Here", 9, 59 77 40 8, tab 1 center
  button "Oper up", 48, 8 153 59 8, tab 1 flat
  button "De Oper", 49, 75 153 59 8, tab 1 flat
  text "Open on startup ? --=>", 4, 10 101 59 8, tab 1 center
  radio "yes", 41, 72 101 21 8, tab 1
  radio "no", 42, 96 101 20 8, tab 1
  button "Identify", 52, 103 77 30 8, tab 1 flat
  button "Change oper nick", 51, 8 77 45 8, tab 1 flat
  tab "AutoJoin", 17
  box "Auto Join", 18, 9 20 128 142, tab 17
  edit "", 19, 11 41 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 20, 11 53 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 21, 11 65 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 22, 11 77 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 23, 11 89 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 24, 11 101 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 25, 11 113 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 26, 11 125 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 27, 11 137 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 28, 11 149 50 10, tab 17 return autohs autovs
  check " #Channel 1", 29, 91 41 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 2", 30, 91 53 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 3", 31, 91 65 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 4", 32, 91 77 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 5", 33, 91 89 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 6", 34, 91 101 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 7", 35, 91 113 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 8", 36, 91 125 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 9", 37, 91 137 42 10, tab 17
  check " #Channel 10", 38, 91 149 43 10, tab 17
  text "Channels Here", 39, 13 31 46 8, tab 17 center
  text "Click box to autojoin", 40, 82 32 50 8, tab 17
  button "join", 43, 61 42 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join all", 62, 61 24 20 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 53, 61 54 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 54, 61 66 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 55, 61 78 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 56, 61 90 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 57, 61 102 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 58, 61 114 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 59, 61 126 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 60, 61 138 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "join", 61, 61 150 15 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part all", 63, 61 33 20 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 64, 77 42 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 65, 77 54 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 66, 77 66 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 67, 77 78 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 68, 77 90 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 69, 77 102 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 70, 77 114 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 71, 77 126 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 72, 77 138 13 8, tab 17 flat
  button "part", 73, 77 150 13 8, tab 17 flat
  tab "Register", 74
  box "Register Channel", 76, 5 117 130 45, tab 74
  edit "", 77, 31 88 102 10, tab 74 return autohs autovs
  text "Password", 78, 6 89 25 8, tab 74 center
  text "E-mail addy", 80, 6 99 30 8, tab 74 center
  button "Register", 81, 6 108 31 9, tab 74 flat
  edit "", 79, 36 98 96 10, tab 74 return autohs autovs
  edit "", 82, 7 131 58 10, tab 74 return autohs autovs
  text "#Channel", 83, 8 124 25 7, tab 74 center
  edit "", 84, 66 131 67 10, tab 74 return autohs autovs
  text "Password", 85, 67 124 25 7, tab 74
  button "Register #", 86, 8 152 31 9, tab 74 flat
  text "To register your nickname, type your nick,click 'Change nick' and then your password and email, click 'Register'. Once you own a registered nickname, you may join and register chatrooms!", 89, 8 36 123 27, tab 74
  edit "", 93, 41 141 92 10, tab 74 return autohs autovs
  text "# Description", 94, 8 142 33 8, tab 74 center
  box "Instructions", 95, 5 19 130 63, tab 74
  button "Drop", 91, 101 108 31 9, tab 74 flat
  button "Drop #", 90, 101 152 31 9, tab 74 flat
  box "Register nickname", 75, 5 81 130 37, tab 74
  button "Group", 98, 38 108 31 9, tab 74 flat
  button "Identify #", 97, 55 152 31 9, tab 74 flat
  edit "", 87, 6 63 127 9, tab 74 return autohs autovs
  button "Ghost", 46, 7 72 30 8, tab 74 flat
  button "Recover", 47, 102 72 30 8, tab 74 flat
  button "Identify", 88, 70 108 30 9, tab 74 flat
  check "Click here to Turn on NickServ Auto Identification", 6, 6 27 127 9, tab 74
  button "Change nick", 92, 52 72 37 8, tab 74 flat
  button "Join #", 99, 34 124 31 8, tab 74 flat
  button "Close", 3, 20 179 98 9, flat ok
  box "", 5, 0 165 141 26
  box "", 2, 0 167 141 24
  text "MoMo", 50, 75 171 32 7, center
on *:dialog:sysa:init:0:{
  if (%nickident == on) { 
    did -c sysa 6 
  if (%oper == on) { 
    did -c sysa 12 
  if (%chl.1 == on) { did -c sysa 29 }
  if (%chl.2 == on) { did -c sysa 30 }
  if (%chl.3 == on) { did -c sysa 31 }
  if (%chl.4 == on) { did -c sysa 32 }
  if (%chl.5 == on) { did -c sysa 33 }
  if (%chl.6 == on) { did -c sysa 34 }
  if (%chl.7 == on) { did -c sysa 35 }
  if (%chl.8 == on) { did -c sysa 36 }
  if (%chl.9 == on) { did -c sysa 37 }
  if (%chl.10 == on) { did -c sysa 38 }
  if (%startupz2 == on) { did -c sysa 41 }
  if (%startupz2 == off) { did -c sysa 42 }
  did -a sysa 28 %chnl.j
  did -a sysa 19 %chnl.a
  did -a sysa 20 %chnl.b
  did -a sysa 21 %chnl.c
  did -a sysa 22 %chnl.d
  did -a sysa 23 %chnl.e
  did -a sysa 24 %chnl.f
  did -a sysa 25 %chnl.g
  did -a sysa 26 %chnl.h
  did -a sysa 27 %chnl.i
  did -a sysa 7 %opernick1
  did -a sysa 8 %nickserv.pass 
  did -a sysa 14 %operpass1
  did -a sysa 77 %nickserv.pass  
  did -a sysa 79 %email.alpha
  did -a sysa 82 %reg.chan
  did -a sysa 84 %pass.chan
  did -a sysa 93 %desc.chan
  did -a sysa 87 %nick.alpha
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:7: { 
  if ($did == 7) { 
    set %opernick1 $did(sysa,7).text 
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:8: {
  if ($did == 8) { 
    set %nickserv.pass  $did(sysa,8).text 
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:14: {
  if ($did == 14) { 
    set %operpass1 $did(sysa,14).text 
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:19: {
  if ($did == 19) { set %chnl.a $did(sysa,19).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:20: {
  if ($did == 20) { set %chnl.b $did(sysa,20).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:21: {
  if ($did == 21) { set %chnl.c $did(sysa,21).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:22: {
  if ($did == 22) { set %chnl.d $did(sysa,22).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:23: {
  if ($did == 23) { set %chnl.e $did(sysa,23).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:24: {
  if ($did == 24) { set %chnl.f $did(sysa,24).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:25: {
  if ($did == 25) { set %chnl.g $did(sysa,25).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:26: {
  if ($did == 26) { set %chnl.h $did(sysa,26).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:27: {
  if ($did == 27) { set %chnl.i $did(sysa,27).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:28: {
  if ($did == 28) { set %chnl.j $did(sysa,28).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:77: {
  if ($did == 77) { 
    set %nickserv.pass $did(sysa,77).text 
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:79: {
  if ($did == 79) { 
    set %email.alpha $did(sysa,79).text 
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:82: {
  if ($did == 82) { set %reg.chan $did(sysa,82).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:84: {
  if ($did == 84) { set %pass.chan $did(sysa,84).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:93: {
  if ($did == 93) { set %desc.chan $did(sysa,93).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:edit:87: {
  if ($did == 87) { 
    set %nick.alpha $did(sysa,87).text 
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:3:{
  if ($did(sysa,6).state == 1) { set %nickident on }
  else { set %nickident off }
  if ($did(sysa,12).state == 1) { set %oper on }
  else { set %oper off }
  if ($did(sysa,29).state == 1) { set %chl.1 on }
  else { set %chl.1  off }
  if ($did(sysa,30).state == 1) { set %chl.2 on }
  else { set %chl.2  off }
  if ($did(sysa,31).state == 1) { set %chl.3 on }
  else { set %chl.3  off }
  if ($did(sysa,32).state == 1) { set %chl.4 on }
  else { set %chl.4  off }
  if ($did(sysa,33).state == 1) { set %chl.5 on }
  else { set %chl.5  off }
  if ($did(sysa,34).state == 1) { set %chl.6 on }
  else { set %chl.6  off }
  if ($did(sysa,35).state == 1) { set %chl.7 on }
  else { set %chl.7  off }
  if ($did(sysa,36).state == 1) { set %chl.8 on }
  else { set %chl.8  off }
  if ($did(sysa,37).state == 1) { set %chl.9 on }
  else { set %chl.9  off }
  if ($did(sysa,38).state == 1) { set %chl.10 on }
  else { set %chl.10  off }
  set %chnl.a $did(sysa,19).text
  set %chnl.b $did(sysa,20).text
  set %chnl.c $did(sysa,21).text
  set %chnl.d $did(sysa,22).text
  set %chnl.e $did(sysa,23).text
  set %chnl.f $did(sysa,24).text
  set %chnl.g $did(sysa,25).text
  set %chnl.h $did(sysa,26).text
  set %chnl.i $did(sysa,27).text
  set %chnl.j $did(sysa,28).text
  set %opernick1 $did(sysa,7).text
  set %nick.alpha $did(sysa,87).text
  set %nickserv.pass  $did(sysa,8).text
  set %operpass1 $did(sysa,14).text
  set %nickserv.pass $did(sysa,77).text 
  set %email.alpha $did(sysa,79).text 
  set %reg.chan $did(sysa,82).text
  set %pass.chan $did(sysa,84).text 
  set %desc.chan $did(sysa,93).text
  did -h sysa 3
  did -v sysa 3
  dialog -c sysa sysa  
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:43: { join %chnl.a }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:53: { join %chnl.b }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:54: { join %chnl.c }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:55: { join %chnl.d }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:56: { join %chnl.e }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:57: { join %chnl.f }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:58: { join %chnl.g }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:59: { join %chnl.h }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:60: { join %chnl.i }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:61: { join %chnl.j }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:62: { join %chnl.a $+ , $+ %chnl.b $+ , $+ %chnl.c $+ , $+ %chnl.d $+ , $+ %chnl.e $+ , $+ %chnl.f $+ , $+  %chnl.g $+ , $+ %chnl.h $+ , $+ %chnl.i $+ , $+ %chnl.j }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:64: { part %chnl.a }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:65: { part %chnl.b }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:66: { part %chnl.c }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:67: { part %chnl.d }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:68: { part %chnl.e }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:69: { part %chnl.f }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:70: { part %chnl.g }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:71: { part %chnl.h }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:72: { part %chnl.i }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:73: { part %chnl.j }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:63: { part %chnl.a $+ , $+ %chnl.b $+ , $+ %chnl.c $+ , $+ %chnl.d $+ , $+ %chnl.e $+ , $+ %chnl.f $+ , $+  %chnl.g $+ , $+ %chnl.h $+ , $+ %chnl.i $+ , $+ %chnl.j }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:77:  { 
  set %nickserv.pass $did(sysa,77).text 
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:79:  { set %email.alpha $did(sysa,79).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:82: { set %reg.chan $did(sysa,82).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:84: { set %pass.chan $did(sysa,84).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:93: { set %desc.chan $did(sysa,93).text }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:81: { ns REGISTER  %nickserv.pass %email.alpha }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:91: { ns DROP }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:86: { cs REGISTER %reg.chan %pass.chan %desc.chan }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:90: { cs DROP %reg.chan }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:97:  { cs IDENTIFY %reg.chan %pass.chan }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:98: { ns GROUP $$?="Nickname:" %nickserv.pass  }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:99: { join %reg.chan }
on 1:CONNECT:{
alias ajar {
  if (%nickident == on) { 
    nick %nick.alpha 
    ns IDENTIFY %nickserv.pass  
  if (%oper == on) && (%nickident == on) {
    oper %opernick1 %operpass1
    mode $me +s +eakcfjvGFWz 
    mode $me +q 
  if (%chl.1 == on) {
    join %chnl.a
  if (%chl.2 == on) {
    join %chnl.b
  if (%chl.3 == on) {
    join %chnl.c
  if (%chl.4 == on) {
    join %chnl.d
  if (%chl.5 == on) {
    join %chnl.e
  if (%chl.6 == on) {
    join %chnl.f
  if (%chl.7 == on) {
    join %chnl.g
  if (%chl.8 == on) {
    join %chnl.h
  if (%chl.9 == on) {
    join %chnl.i
  if (%chl.10 == on) {
    join %chnl.j
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:41: { enable #startupz2 | set %startupz2 on | sclick }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:42: { disable #startupz2 | set %startupz2 off | sclick }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:51: { nick %opernick1 }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:92: { nick %nick.alpha }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:52: { ns IDENTIFY %nickserv.pass  }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:88: { ns IDENTIFY %nickserv.pass  }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:49: { mode $me -o }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:48: { oper %opernick1 %operpass1 | //mode $me +s +eakcfjvGFWz | //mode $me +q }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:46: { ns GHOST %nick.alpha %nickserv.pass  }
on *:dialog:sysa:sclick:47: { 
  ns RECOVER %nick.alpha %nickserv.pass  


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LordBotTeam   -  Jan 14, 2012

What about MemoServ or HostServ. Many Servers have those two.

kyle   -  Feb 07, 2009

how do you work it

Gemster   -  Sep 07, 2007

hmm this is very very similar to the dams2k4 version

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