IRCop Assistant (Dialog)

By Ne0xC on Apr 24, 2006

This dialog is very organised and includes almost all IRCop commands and some Services Admin. Supported mainly for servers designed using Unrealircd.

alias ircop { dialog -m ircop ircop }

dialog ircop {
  title "IRCOP"
  size -1 -1 420 360
  button "Ok", 998, 280 308 60 30, ok
  tab "         Moderating       ", 100, 10 81 395 270
  tab "         Override         ", 200
  tab "       Miscellaneaous      ", 300
  box "Kill", 101, 20 106 375 60, tab 100
  text "Nick", 102, 30 121 30 15, tab 100
  edit %kill.nick, 103, 30 137 90 20, tab 100
  text "Reason", 104, 130 121 35 15, tab 100
  edit %kill.reason, 105, 128 137 150 20, tab 100
  button "Kill", 106, 283 137 40 20, tab 100
  button "Quick Kill", 107, 325 137 65 20, tab 100
  box "Kline", 108, 20 176 375 60, tab 100
  text "Nick", 109, 30 191 30 15, tab 100
  edit %kline.nick, 110, 30 207 90 20, tab 100
  text "Reason", 111, 130 191 35 15, tab 100
  edit %kline.reason, 112, 128 207 150 20, tab 100
  button "Kline", 113, 283 207 40 20, tab 100
  button "Quick Kline", 114, 325 207 65 20, tab 100
  box "Gline", 115, 20 246 375 60, tab 100
  text "Nick", 116, 30 261 30 15, tab 100
  edit %gline.nick, 117, 30 277 90 20, tab 100
  text "Reason", 118, 130 261 35 15, tab 100
  edit %gline.reason, 119, 128 277 150 20, tab 100
  button "Gline", 120, 283 277 40 20, tab 100
  button "Quick Gline", 121, 325 277 65 20, tab 100
  box "Channel Status", 201, 20 106 115 235, tab 200
  text "Nick", 202, 30 121 30 15, tab 200
  edit %override.nick, 203, 30 137 90 20, tab 200
  text "Channel", 204, 30 160 50 15, tab 200
  edit, 205, 30 177 90 20, tab 200  
  button "+v", 206, 30 200 46 20, tab 200
  button "-v", 207, 77 200 46 20, tab 200
  button "+h", 209, 30 223 46 20, tab 200
  button "-h", 210, 77 223 46 20, tab 200
  button "+o", 211, 30 246 46 20, tab 200
  button "-o", 212, 77 246 46 20, tab 200
  button "+a", 213, 30 269 46 20, tab 200
  button "-a", 214, 77 269 46 20, tab 200
  button "+q", 215, 30 292 46 20, tab 200
  button "-q", 216, 77 292 46 20, tab 200
  button "Kick", 217, 30 315 46 20, tab 200
  button "Ban", 218, 77 315 46 20, tab 200
  box "Channel Moderating", 219, 140 106 250 160, tab 200
  text "Channel", 220, 150 121 50 15, tab 200
  edit, 221, 150 137 90 20, tab 200
  text "Modes", 222, 150 161 50 15, tab 200
  button "+i", 223, 145 180 26 20, tab 200
  button "-i", 224, 172 180 26 20, tab 200
  box "", 225, 143 170 57 92, tab 200
  button "+m", 226, 145 200 26 20, tab 200
  button "-m", 227, 172 200 26 20, tab 200
  button "+s", 228, 145 220 26 20, tab 200
  button "-s", 229, 172 220 26 20, tab 200
  button "+Q", 230, 145 240 26 20, tab 200
  button "-Q", 231, 172 240 26 20, tab 200
  button "+R", 232, 205 180 26 20, tab 200
  button "-R", 233, 232 180 26 20, tab 200
  box "", 234, 203 170 57 92, tab 200
  button "+T", 235, 205 200 26 20, tab 200
  button "-T", 236, 232 200 26 20, tab 200
  button "+O", 237, 205 220 26 20, tab 200
  button "-O", 238, 232 220 26 20, tab 200
  button "+N", 239, 205 240 26 20, tab 200
  button "-N", 240, 232 240 26 20, tab 200
  button "+C", 241, 265 120 26 20, tab 200
  button "-C", 242, 292 120 26 20, tab 200
  box "", 243, 263 110 57 152, tab 200
  button "+p", 244, 265 140 26 20, tab 200
  button "-p", 245, 292 140 26 20, tab 200
  text "-", 246, 265 160 26 20, tab 200
  text "-", 247, 292 160 26 20, tab 200
  text "-", 248, 265 180 26 20, tab 200
  text "-", 249, 292 180 26 20, tab 200
  button "+G", 250, 265 200 26 20, tab 200
  button "-G", 251, 292 200 26 20, tab 200
  button "+A", 252, 265 220 26 20, tab 200
  button "-A", 253, 292 220 26 20, tab 200
  button "+u", 254, 265 240 26 20, tab 200
  button "-u", 255, 292 240 26 20, tab 200
  button "+c", 256, 325 120 26 20, tab 200
  button "-c", 257, 352 120 26 20, tab 200
  box "", 258, 323 110 57 152, tab 200
  text "-", 259, 325 140 26 20, tab 200
  text "-", 260, 352 140 26 20, tab 200
  button "+t", 261, 325 160 26 20, tab 200
  button "-t", 262, 352 160 26 20, tab 200
  button "+z", 263, 325 180 26 20, tab 200
  button "-z", 264, 352 180 26 20, tab 200
  button "+K", 265, 325 200 26 20, tab 200
  button "-K", 266, 352 200 26 20, tab 200
  button "+S", 267, 325 220 26 20, tab 200
  button "-S", 268, 352 220 26 20, tab 200
  button "+V", 269, 325 240 26 20, tab 200
  button "-V", 270, 352 240 26 20, tab 200
  button "Global", 301, 30 120 59 20, tab 300
  button "GlobOps", 302, 90 120 59 20, tab 300
  button "Wallops", 303, 150 120 59 20, tab 300
  button "GetPass", 304, 210 120 59 20, tab 300
  button "SaJoin", 305, 270 120 59 20, tab 300
  button "SaPart", 306, 330 120 59 20, tab 300
  box "", 307, 15 110 380 35, tab 300
alias F5 {
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:221: { 
  Set %omodes.Channel $did(221)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:110: { 
  Set %kline.nick $did(110)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:112: { 
  Set %kline.reason $did(112)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:103: { 
  Set %kill.nick $did(103)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:105: { 
  Set %kill.reason $did(105)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:117: { 
  Set %gline.nick $did(117)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:119: { 
  Set %gline.reason $did(119)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:203: { 
  Set %override.nick $did(203)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:edit:205: { 
  Set $did(205)
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:223:{ /mode +i }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:224:{ /mode -i }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:226:{ /mode +m }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:227:{ /mode -m }  
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:228:{ /mode +s }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:229:{ /mode -s }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:230:{ /mode +Q }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:231:{ /mode -Q }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:232:{ /mode +R }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:233:{ /mode -R }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:235:{ /mode +T }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:236:{ /mode -T }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:237:{ /mode +O }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:238:{ /mode -O }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:239:{ /mode +N }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:240:{ /mode -N }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:241:{ /mode +C }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:242:{ /mode -C }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:244:{ /mode +p }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:245:{ /mode -p }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:250:{ /mode +G }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:251:{ /mode -G }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:252:{ /mode +A }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:253:{ /mode -A }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:254:{ /mode +u }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:255:{ /mode -u }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:256:{ /mode +c }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:257:{ /mode -c }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:260:{ /mode +t }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:261:{ /mode -t }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:262:{ /mode +z }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:263:{ /mode -z }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:264:{ /mode +K }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:265:{ /mode -K }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:266:{ /mode +S }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:267:{ /mode -S }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:268:{ /mode +V }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:269:{ /mode -V }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:206:{ /mode +v %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:207:{ /mode -v %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:209:{ /mode +h %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:210:{ /mode -h %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:211:{ /mode +o %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:212:{ /mode -o %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:213:{ /mode +a %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:214:{ /mode -a %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:215:{ /mode +q %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:216:{ /mode -q %override.nick }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:217:{ /kick %override.nick Kicked! }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:218:{ /ban -k %override.nick Kicked and Banned! }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:301:{ /os global $$?="Enter text to Global here" }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:302:{ /globops $$?="Enter text to send in GlobOps here" }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:303:{ /wallops $$?="Enter text to Wallops here" }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:304:{ /cs getpass $$?="Enter Channel to GetPass" }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:305:{ /sajoin $$?="Nick" $$?="Channel" }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:306:{ /sapart $$?="Nick" $$?="Channel" }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:106:{ /kill %kill.nick %kill.reason }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:107:{ /kill %kill.nick You did something wrong. }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:113:{ /kline %kline.nick %kline.reason }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:114:{ /kline %kline.nick You did something wrong. }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:120:{ /gline %gline.nick %gline.reason }
on *:DIALOG:ircop:sclick:121:{ /gline %gline.nick You did something wrong. }


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nyfi   -  Jun 21, 2007

I find this script VERY usefull as i am a begginer at dialogs and can only do basic ones, thanks and good work.

Graham   -  Dec 08, 2006

I agree with pibb.

I\'ll use it though.

Rage   -  Jul 31, 2006

Ew, Make it cleaner Neo, ill tell u wat u need to do on msn. :P

Sasuke   -  Apr 29, 2006

Pretty good, but it could be cleaner..

Pibb   -  Apr 26, 2006

the dialog could be a little cleaner.

Ne0xC   -  Apr 25, 2006

Thanks for the comment Kutsum. I see what you\'re saying. I\'ll try to make a v2 asap

KuTsuM   -  Apr 24, 2006
  1. Wouldn\'t it make more sense to make the +/- mode buttons toggle, rather than creating 2 controls, same with the events
  2. This is hardly limited to Unreal. You need to remember, that just because someone has Unreal IRCD, it does not mean they have Anope IRC Services.

Not bad of a script, just keep the above in mind :)

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