Mass Deop Protection - mIRC

By contr0l on Jul 26, 2015

Little Mass Deop Protection script I wrote years ago.

;Mass Deop Protection with Exclusion List
;Mass Deop Protection by contr0l
;- /deopprot on/off
;- /d.exclude <-dl> nick
;  -- /d.exclude nick  adds a nick
;  -- /d.exclude -d nick  removes a nick
;  -- /d.exclude -l  lists exclusions
;Exclusion list is for you to have a list of valid ops,
;and if they attempt a massdeop, this script wont trigger.

;Note: only have one person in a channel run this at a time

;create exclusion file
on *:load:var %d $d.ex | if !$isfile(%d) { write -c %d }

on *:unload:write -c $d.ex | .remove $d.ex

menu menubar,channel {
  Mass Deop Protection $+([,$group(#deopprot),])
  .$iif($group(#deopprot) == on,$style(3)) On:deopprot on
  .$iif($group(#deopprot) == off,$style(3)) Off:deopprot off
  .Exclusion List $+([,$lines($d.ex),])
  ..Add a Nick:var %el $?="Enter a nick to exclude" | if %el { d.exclude %el }
  ..Remove a Nick:var %el $?="Enter a nick to remove from exclusion list" | if %el { d.exclude -d %el }
  ..List Exclusions:d.exclude -l
  ..Clear Exclusions list:write -c $d.ex | echo -a :: Exclusions List Cleared!

;alias to turn protection on an off.
alias deopprot { if $1 == on { .enable #deopprot | echo -a :: Mass Deop Protection turned On. } | elseif $1 == off { .disable #deopprot | echo -a :: Mass Deop Protection turned Off. } }

;alias to return exclusion file
alias -l d.ex { return $+(",$scriptdir,d.exclude.txt,") }

;alias for exclusion list
alias d.exclude {

  ;set a var holding the path and file for the exclusion list
  var %d $d.ex

  ;if wasn't called as an identifier...
  if !$isid {

    ;check for -d switch and remove nick
    if $left($1,2) == -d && $len($1) == 2 && $2 { if $read(%d, w, $+(*,$2,*)) { write -dl $+ $readn %d | echo -a :: $2 was removed from Deop Exclusion List. } }

    ;check for -l switch to list exclusions
    elseif $left($1,2) == -l && $len($1) == 2 && !$2 { echo -a :: Listing Exclusions... | var %i 1 | while %i <= $lines(%d) { echo -a %i $+ ) $read(%d,%i) | inc %i } | echo -a :: EOF }

    ;if no switches were passed, check if the nick is in the exclusion list, if not, add.
    else { if !$read(%d, w, $+(*,$1,*)) { write %d $1 | echo -a :: $1 has been added to Deop Exclusion List. } }
  else {

    ;if was called as an identifier, check for nick, and return result.
    if $read(%d, w, $+(*,$1,*)) { return $true }
#deopprot on

;when deop event occurs...
on !@*:deop:#: {

  ;check if person who is deop'n is not in the exclusion list.
  if (!$d.exclude($nick)) {

    ;add each deop'd nick to a hash entry, and clear it in 5 seconds.
    .hadd -mu5 mdp $opnick

    ;if the number of deop'd nicks still in the hash table >= 4 ... mass deop detected.
    if ($hget(mdp,0).item >= 4) {

      ;make sure you werent deopd yourself
      if ($opnick != $me) {

        ;if you weren't deop'd proceed to kill the person doing the deop'n
        mode # -o+b $nick $address($nick,2)
        kick # $nick Mass deop detected...

        ;loop thru and reop all nicks that were deop'd by the loser..
        var %i $hget(mdp,0).item | while (%i) { mode # +o $hget(mdp,%i).item | dec %i }

        ;notify channel of prevention, and clear hash table
        .timer 1 1 msg # Mass Deop Prevented! | hfree mdp

      ;if you were one of the ones deop'd, notify of detection.
      else .timer 1 1 msg # Mass Deop Detected, I'n no longer Op'd to prevent ;/
#deopprot end


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dma   -  Nov 05, 2015

does it still work?

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