Need help with a Russian Roulette script

By BitHelper on May 10, 2015

Hi guys I am here and need help AGAIN with a Russian Roulette script that I got from . The problem with this script is that the Time Ban is not working. I had to test it and I gave me a 5 minute ban. And it's been 5 minutes and still banned. So please help me here is the script from the page

; Russian Roulette v3.2 By SileNTReApR
; Below is the menu function. Don't modify unless you know what you are doing.
on *:load:{
  /echo $chan 4Russian Roulette Script v3.0 By SileNTReApR loaded. 
  /echo $chan 4Enjoy :) {
    if ($version < 6.16) { echo $chan 4This script was coded in mIRC v6.16, upgrade you may run into problems.
menu channel {
  Russian Roulette
  .Reset High Score:{
    /unset %rouletterecord
  /msg $chan 4Russian Roulette: 10The High Score has been reset. }
  .Reset Total Bans:{
    /unset %roulettebans
  /msg $chan 4Russian Roulette: 10The Total Bans has been reset. }
  .Set High Score:{
    /set %rouletterecord $$?="New High Score:"
  /msg $chan 4Russian Roulette: 10The Record has been set to:4 %rouletterecord }
  .Restart Current Game(s):{
    /unset $+(%,roulettegame.,*)
  /msg $chan 4Russian Roulette: 10The current game(s) has been restarted. }
  .Display High Scores:{
  /msg $chan 4Russian Roulette: 5Last banned:4 %roulettebannick 5Total bans:4 %roulettebans 5Record:4 %rouletterecord 5Luckiest Person:4 %luckiestperson  }
  ; You can change the OP to whatever you want.
  .$iif($($+(%,roulettereward.,$chan),2),$style(1)) Roulette Reward:if ($($+(%,roulettereward.,$chan),2)) { set $+(%,roulettereward.,$chan) 0 } | else { set $+(%,roulettereward.,$chan) 1 | set $+(%,rrecord.,$chan) $$?-="Roulette Reward" | set $+(%,r_rewardmode.,$chan) $$?-="Reward for Ultimate Record: (OP, HOP, VOICE, SOP)" | /msg $chan 4Russian Roulette: 10Roulette Reward system has been Enabled! You must beat4 $($+(%,rrecord.,$chan),2) 10to get4 $($+(%,r_rewardmode.,$chan),2) } 
; Main Script, don't modify unless you know what you are doing.
on *:text:!rr:#:{   
  inc $+(%,roulettegame.,$nick) 1 {  
    if ($me !isop $chan) { msg $chan 12I'm not OP! OP me first to play! | halt }  
    ; If you want, you can modify the chances, just chance the (1,6)
    set %russianroulette.rand $rand(1,6)
    set %banroulette.rand $rand(1,6) {
      ; You can modify the ban periods if you want. Just change the 24 hour, 12 hour etc..
      ; If you changed the chances, you can add also add more ban periods here
      ; just add them in the format of: 
      ; elseif (%banroulette.rand == #) { set %ban # hour/minute } etc
      if (%banroulette.rand == 1) { set %ban 24 hour }
      elseif (%banroulette.rand == 2) { set %ban 12 hour }
      elseif (%banroulette.rand == 3) { set %ban 6 hour }
      elseif (%banroulette.rand == 4) { set %ban 1 hour }
      elseif (%banroulette.rand == 5) { set %ban 5 Minute }
      elseif (%banroulette.rand == 6) { set %ban 1 Minute } {
        ; If you have modified the ban periods above, change the timer 
        ; to comply with your modification. 84600, 42300 etc...remember it's in seconds.        
        if (%russianroulette.rand == 1 && %ban == 24 hour) { $+(timer,24,$nick) 1 84600 mode $chan -b $address($nick,2) }
        elseif (%russianroulette.rand == 1 && %ban == 12 hour) { $+(timer,12,$nick) 1 42300 mode $chan -b $address($nick,2) }
        elseif (%russianroulette.rand == 1 && %ban == 6 hour) { $+(timer,6,$nick) 1 21150 mode $chan -b $address($nick,2) }
        elseif (%russianroulette.rand == 1 && %ban == 1 hour) { $+(timer,1,$nick) 1 3600 mode $chan -b $address($nick,2) }
        elseif (%russianroulette.rand == 1 && %ban == 5 Minute) { $+(timer,5,$nick) 1 300 mode $chan -b $address($nick,2) } 
        elseif (%russianroulette.rand == 1 && %ban == 1 Minute) { $+(timer,60,$nick) 1 60 mode $chan -b $address($nick,2) } {     
          ; You can change the death message here. But only the
          ; "10BAM! $nick is a loser, bye." part
          if (%russianroulette.rand == 1) { 
          .msg $chan 10BAM! $nick is a loser, bye. | mode $chan -e $address($nick,2) | mode $chan -e $nick | mode $chan +b $address($nick,2) | kick $chan $nick 10You are dead.4 %ban 10ban. | unset %banroulette.rand | unset %roulettebans.rand| unset $+(%,roulettegame.,$nick) | inc %roulettebans 1 | set %roulettebannick $nick }
          else { 
            ; Survivor msg, edit it you want 
            .msg $chan $nick 4is lucky. See if his/her luck holds. 5Tries this game:4 $($+(%,roulettegame.,$nick),2) 5Last banned:4 %roulettebannick 5Total bans:4 %roulettebans 5Record:4 %rouletterecord 5Luckiest Person:4 %luckiestperson | unset %russianroulette.rand
            ; DO NOT edit this bit, this is the record etc..
            if ($($+(%,roulettegame.,$nick),2) > %rouletterecord) { set %rouletterecord $($+(%,roulettegame.,$nick),2) | set %luckiestperson $nick }
            elseif (%rouletterecord == $null) { set %rouletterecord $($+(%,roulettegame.,$nick),2) | set %luckiestperson $nick } {
              ; You can change the +o (at the end) to whatever you want.
              if ($($+(%,roulettegame.,$nick),2) > $($+(%,rrecord.,$chan),2) && $($+(%,roulettereward.,$chan),2) == 1) { reward_nick $nick | msg $chan 4Congratulations $nick ! You have successfully beaten the ULTIMATE RECORD! }
alias reward_nick {
  if ($($+(%,r_rewardmode.,$chan),2 == OP) { 
  /mode $chan +o $1 }
  elseif ($($+(%,r_rewardmode.,$chan),2 == HOP) {
  /mode $chan +h $1 }
  elseif ($($+(%,r_rewardmode.,$chan),2) == VOICE) {
  /mode $chan +v $1 }
  elseif ($($+(%,r_rewardmode.,$chan),2) == SOP) {
  /mode $han +a $1 }
  else {
    .msg $chan 04Error04: Reward Mode not properly set.
; Below is the help section...You can modify the words and colors 
; but it's not recommended...
on @*:text:!roulette help*:#:{
  if (roulette reward isin $3) { 
    .notice $nick 12Roulette Reward:
    .notice $nick 12Roulette Reward is a feature in which if you manage to
    .notice $nick 12beat the specified Ultimate Record, you will receive a
  .notice $nick 12reward, depending on if it's enabled or not. }
  elseif (Status isin $3) {
    .notice $nick 12Status:
    .notice $nick 12Status allows you to check the status of the bot. If it's
  .notice $nick 12enabled or not, or if a specific feature is enabled/disabled }
  elseif (Commands isin $3) {
  .notice $nick 12The Commands Are: 4!roulette status !roulette help !russian roulette !roulette record }
  elseif (Record isin $3) {
  .notice $nick 12Displays the current records of this channel }
  else { .notice $nick 12Welcome to Russian Roulette v3.0 Help Section. 
    .notice $nick 12To request help, type !roulette help 4COMMAND
    .notice $nick 12The commands are: 4status , commands , record , roulette reward


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