Need help with a Define and Explain script

By BitHelper on May 03, 2015

I need help with a script that I got from : So I want the command to be !define Test as test and for the explain I want it to be like test is "test" (last edited by user, Month, Days, Minutes and Seconds) here is the script from the page.

on 1:TEXT:!define *:#:{
  .writeini Worddata.ini Define-Explain $2 $3-
  .msg $chan The Definition Of ( $2 ) Has Been Set.

on 1:TEXT:!explain *:#:{
  if ($readini(Worddata.ini,Define-Explain,$2) == $null) {
    .msg $chan  $2 == Not Yet Set.
  elseif ($readini(Worddata.ini,Define-Explain,$2) != $null) {
    .msg $chan  $2 == $readini(Worddata.ini,Define-Explain,$2)


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Dankirk   -  May 05, 2015

To save the last edited timestamp and user I suggest modifying the ini structure a bit. Namely you might want to consider losing the Define-Explain key in favor of the actual word. This does, however, set some rules to the definable words. For example the words can't have a "=" in them, since that's a crucial character of .ini file format.

Anyway, writing could go as:
/writeini Worddata.ini $2 definition $3-
/writeini Worddata.ini $2 user $nick
/writeini Worddata.ini $2 timestamp $timestamp

And reading:
if ($readini(Worddata.ini,$2,definition)) {
.msg $chan $2 == $v1 set by $readini(Worddata.ini,$2,user) at $readini(Worddata.ini,$2,timestamp)
else {
.msg $chan $2 == Not Yet Set.

Lucyfero   -  May 05, 2015

Hi, just 2 issues:
first use alias so that you can check the script; second you should consider an anti-flood mechanism otherwise you will get kicked.
This code works: (to check it use: !define love nature's way of tricking people into reproducing. )

on *:INPUT:#: {
if ($1 == !define) { define $me $2- | haltdef }
elseif ($1 == !explain) { explain $2 | haltdef }

on 1:TEXT:!define :#: define $nick $2-
on 1:TEXT:!explain
:#: explain $2

alias -l define {
if (%noflood) { halt }
; Silently exits
set -u10 %noflood $true
.writeini Worddata.ini Define-Explain $2- ::: Last Modified by $1 @ $date - $time
msg $chan The Definition Of ( $2 ) Has Been Set by $1 $+ .

alias -l explain {
if (%noflood) { halt }
; Silently exits
set -u10 %noflood $true
if ($readini(Worddata.ini,Define-Explain,$1) == $null) {
msg $chan $1 --->> Undefined.
else {
msg $chan $1 --->> $readini(Worddata.ini,Define-Explain,$1)

ovelayer  -  May 05, 2015

instead of using $date and $time you could allways use $ctime and $duration

BitHelper  -  May 05, 2015

Well I tried this script and it won't work.

BitHelper  -  May 05, 2015

I also forgot to add that i want people to add there own define and that OP's can only remove the define or re-define it.

ovelayer  -  May 05, 2015

here ya go

on *:TEXT:*:#coders: {
  if ($1 == !define) {
    if ($2 == add) {
      if (!$3) || (!$4) { msg $chan $+(4,ERROR,15,!) | halt }
      elseif ($read(Worddata.txt,s,$3)) { msg $chan $+(7,$3) 15is allready in my database | halt }
      write $+(Worddata.txt) $3 $ctime $nick $4-
      msg $chan $+(13,Added,15,:) $+(7,$3) 14(13Definition15:7 $4-14) 15to Worddata.txt
    elseif ($2 == del) {
      if (!$3) { msg $chan $+(4,ERROR,15,!) | halt }
      elseif (!$read(Worddata.txt,s,$3)) { msg $chan $+(4,ERROR,15,!) $+(7,$3) 15is not in worddata.txt| halt }
      elseif ($nick !isop $chan) { msg $chan $+(4,ERROR,15,!) You must be a channel operator to use this command! | halt }
      write -ds $3 worddata.txt
      msg $chan $+(7,$3) 15has been deleted form worddata.txt.
    elseif ($2 == lines) {
      msg $chan 15There are7 $lines(worddata.txt) 15words in my database.
    elseif ($2 == help) {
      msg $chan useage:
      msg $chan 15!define 13add8 <word> 14(15Adds a word and definition 14ex15: !define 13add 7test 15this is a test.14)
      msg $chan 15!define 13del8 <word> 14(15Deletes a definition 14ex15: !define 13del7 test14)
      msg $chan 15!define 13lines 14(15Shows how many words have been added to worddata.txt14)
      msg $chan 15!explain8 <word> 14(15Gives the explination of a word. 14ex15: !explain7 test14)
    else {
      msg $chan $+(4,ERROR,15,!)
  elseif ($1 == !explain) {
    if ($lines(worddata) == $null) || (!$exists(worddata.txt)) { msg $chan 15No data has been entered. | halt }
    elseif (!$read(Worddata.txt,s,$2)) { msg $chan $+(7,$2) 15is Not in my database | halt }
    var %temp = $read(Worddata.txt,s,$2)
    msg $chan $+(13,Word,15,-,,>,) $+(7,$2)    $+(13,Definition,15,-,,>,) $+(7,$gettok(%temp,3-,32))    $+(13,Last Edited,15,-,,>,) $+(15,$replace($duration($calc($ctime - $gettok(%temp,1,32))),w,44w,d,14d,h,14h,m,14m,se,14se,$chr(32),$+($chr(32),15)) ) $+(15,ago.)    $+(13,By,15,-,,>,) $+(7,$gettok(%temp,2,32))

the code wrapped on hawkee seems to have erase the char needed for the colors
i added a pastebin here:

BitHelper  -  May 05, 2015

Thank You ovelayer! The script works awesome!

ovelayer  -  May 05, 2015

your welcome =)

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