mIRC nicklist

By m1k3 on Jun 14, 2014

This is alittle something i put together enjoy :)

User Info 
.Info:/uwho $1
.Whois:/whois $$1
.Query:/query $$1
.DNS :/DNS $$1
.Why? :/ChanServ why $chan $*
.ACC :/Nickserv ACC $*
.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
.Time:/ctcp $$1 time
.Version:/ctcp $$1 version
.Send:/dcc send $$1
.Chat:/dcc chat $$1
. 2Min ?:/closemsg $$1 | /ignore -u120 $$1 2
. 5Min ?:/closemsg $$1 | /ignore -u300 $$1 2
. 10 Min ?:/closemsg $$1 | /ignore -u600 $$1 2
. 20 Min ?:/closemsg $$1 | /ignore -u1200 $$1 2
. UnIgnore ?:/ignore -r $$1 2
.Op Warnings
..Ask Age:/say 08°¹*ª*°4[12 $1 4]08°¹*ª*°  4 welcome! Age is required here :)
..EnglishWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4]  4 This is an English speaking chatroom, If you cannot comply with these rules then please join another room. Thank You! :)
.Bad Nicks
..NickWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4]  04,1 Your nick is inappropriate,04,1 Please change it by typing 04,1/nick <newnick>04 Thank you! 04,1:-)
..FloodWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4] 04,1  No flooding and/or repetitive text allowed in the channel. Thanks! :)
..Repeatwarn:/say  4[12 $1 4]    04,1Repetative text is annoying. Please stop 04,1, Thank you. 04,1:-)
..Inappropriate:/say 4[12 $1 4] 04,1 Inappropriate content04,1,04,1 Please change your way of chatting or you will be removed04,1.  Thanks! 04,1:)
..CapsWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4]   04,1 Caps are considered  yelling and rude04,1,04,1 Please drop them or be removed04,1. Thanks!04,1  :)
..SpamWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4]  04,1 Posting numbers04,1,04,1 E-mail/MSN/Yahoo or other address puts you at the risk of being  sent Spam04,1,04,1 Viruses04,1,04,1 Worms04,1,04,1 Trojans and KeyLoggers04,1.... 04,1You can also be kicked if you repeat the posting  in the channel7,1.
..SexWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4]  04,1 Please keep the sexual content to a minimum Thank you :-)
..HarassmentWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4]  04,1Do not harass other users.
..RudeWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4]   04,1Your rude04,1/04,1crude comments are unacceptable04,1,04,1 Please tone it down or be removed04,1.  :-)
..RacistWarn:/say 4[12 $1 4]   04,1Racism is not tolerated here04,1, 04,1Please tone it down or you will be removed04,1. :)
Control For Ops 
..halfop:/mode # +h $1
..dehalfop:/mode # -h $1
..Op:/mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3
..Deop:/mode # -ooo $$1 $2 $3
..Voice:/mode # +vvv $$1 $2 $3
..Devoice:/mode # -vvv $$1 $2 $3
.Special Voice
..Op:/mode # +o-k $1 2??4OpStatusForYou2??
..DeOp:/mode # -o-k $1 2??4Deop2??
..Voice:/mode # +v-k $1 2??4Voice2??
..DeVoice:/mode # -v-k $1 2??4DeVoice2??
. Kicks 
..[Kick]:/kick # $$1 %logo %kicks
..[Swear]:/kick # $$1 [Swear] You have said an unacceptable word in your message. You need to work on your social skills. %logo 
..[Repeat]:/kick # $$1 [Repeat] Don't repeat yourself as you were heard the first time. %logo
..[Text Flood]:/kick # $$1 [Text Flood] Don't flood us by typing too many lines in a row. Give a little time break before every line to prevent this in future. %logo
..[Long Text]:/kick # $$1 [Long Text] That was waaay too much typing. Are you attempting to flood? %logo
..[Punctuation]:/kick # $$1 [Punctuation] Don't use too many !'s and ?'s in this channel. %logo
..[Bad Nick]:/kick # $$1 [Bad Nick] Your nick contains offensive or unacceptable words change it by using this command --> /nick NewNick %logo
..[Bad Ident]:/kick # $$1 [Bad Ident] You have and offensive Identd change it type --> /identd ON IdentHere Then reconnect to any server. %logo
..[Bad Channel]:/kick # $$1 [Bad Channel] You are in a bad channel which is not accepted in this channel please either stay here or stay out! %logo
..[Bad Script]:/kick # $$1 [Bad Script] Get a script that does not spam the channels, get mIRC from http://www.mirc.com/get.html or join #nohack %logofor further help! %logo
..[Clones]:/kick # $$1 [Clones] You have more than one nick matching your isp in this channel. Are you trying to flood? %logo
..[Caps]:/kick # $$1 [Caps] Using excessive letters in upper case is considered shouting stop now. %logo
..[Url Ads]:/kick # $$1 [Url Ads] You are advertising websites which are bad in nature! %logo
..[Ctrl Code]:/kick # $$1 [Ctrl Code] You have used too many Ctrl Codes in your message. Make sure you don't do that again in future. %logo
..[Non English]:/kick # $$1 [Non English] You are speaking in a non English language which is not understood here either talk in English Or leave and find another channel for urself! %logo
..[Channel Ads]:/kick # $$1 [Channel Ads] Why do you advertise your channels here if your channel was so good wouldn't we be already there! %logo
..[Non Letters]:/kick # $$1 [Non Letters] Possible flooder - Usage of too many non letters!! %logo
..[Sound]:/kick # $$1 [Sound] Don't play mp3's in the channel main screen - it is against channel policies! %logo
..[Slap]:/kick # $$1 [Slap] Please mind your manners and don't slap people in this channel by using stupid popus! %logo
..[Exploiting]:/kick # $$1 [Exploiting] Leave the newbie?s alone. Stop exploiting!! %logo
..[Chan Notice]:/kick # $$1 [Channel Notice] Don?t flood us with channel notices you must be an operator to use this privilege! %logo
..[Drone]:/kick # $$1 [Drone] Possible Drone/Spam Bot %logo
..[Join/Part]:/kick # $$1 [Join Part Flood] Join part flood detected. Please don't try such foolish stunts here! %logo
..[Quit Flood]:/kick # $$1 [Quit Flood] Possible quit flood detected. %logo
..[Rev/Door]:/kick # $$1 [REV/DOOR] You are trying to flood... are u? %logo
..[Ctcp Spam]:/kick # $$1 [Ctcp Spam] Possible spam by CTCP on join! %logo
..[Notice Spam]:/kick # $$1 [Notice Spam] Possible spam by Notice on join! %logo
..[Msg Spam]:/kick # $$1 [Message Spam] Possible spammer - message on join! %logo
..[BlackList]:/kick # $$1 [Black Listed] This is nick is blacklisted in this channel please keep out! %logo
..[Away Script]:/kick # $$1 [Away Script] Using of away scripts that cause spam in channel by mass messages and notices are not allowed! %logo
..[Ctcp/Flood]:/kick # $$1 [CTCP/FLOOD] Don't Flood The Channel With CTCPS!! %logo
..[Rejoin]:/kick # $$1 [Rejoin] Please take time to read my previous kick message before joining back! %logo
..[Idle]:/kick # $$1 [Idle/Nick] Don't idle in this channel. Try to talk in main screen. %logo
..[Kick (why)]:/kick # $$1 $$?="Reason:" %logo
Kick + Bans 
...Kick (why):/kick # $$1 $$?="Reason:" %logo
..Ban, Kick (why):/ban $$1 2 | /timer 1 3 /kick # $$1 $$?="Reason:" %logo
Fast Kick:ban $$1 2 | kick # $$1 1Bye.. 7!4Fast Kick7!1 like it ? %logo
Slap!:/me slaps $$1 around a bit with a large trout
Greetings & Departures
..Greet:/say 8_13,6.3-4*13'12^13'4*3-6.13,8_8_13,6.3-4*13'1 $$1 8_13,6.3-4*13'12^13'4*3-6.13,8_13,6.3-4*' 
..Greet2:/say 4,1:8,1:3,1:12,1:13,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:4,1:8,1:3,1:12,1:13,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:9 $$1 4,1:8,1:3,1:12,1:13,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:4,1:8,1:3,1:12,1:13,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:
..Exclaim:/say 13!11¡8!9¡13!8¡11!9¡6!13¡11!8¡ 6 $$1 8!11¡13!6¡9!8¡13!9¡8!13¡11!6¡ 
..Greet3:/say 1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,108,1 Hello $$1 1,101,91,81,71,61,51,41,31,21,1
..Hello:/say  6,11{{{{{{{{{{ $$1}}}}}}}}}}
..Rose Hug:/say 3{æ{4©3{æ{4©3{æ{4©3{æ{4©2{ $snicks }4©3}æ}4©3}æ}4©3}æ}4©3}æ}
..Hi:/say  1,8  1,4  1,8  1,7  1,8  1,9  1,8  1,10  1,8 Hi there, $$1  !! 1,10 1,8  1,9 1,8 1,7  1,8  1,4  1,8  
..Hello:/say 12Hi 5 $$1 12what's up today?? :)
..Hello Today:/say 12Hello 5 $$1. 12How are you today?
..Greet Today:/say 5 $$1 12Hi there, so nice to see ya today!
..Greetings:/.timer 1 1 msg $chan 4.  .    .   .  | .timer 1 2 msg $chan 4.      .      . | .timer 1 3 msg $chan 4   . 5   {~2.1_2.5~} 4   .  7  Greetings and hugs | .timer 1 4 msg $chan 4  .   5  ( Y )   4  .   14  To my cuddly friend | .timer 1 5 msg $chan 4    . 5  ()~*~() 4  .     10  $$1  !!!! | .timer 1 6 msg $chan 4   .5 (_)-(_)4 . | .timer 1 7 msg $chan 4 .     . | .timer 1 8 msg $chan 4           . | .timer 1 9 msg $chan 2Greetings and hugs
..JumpLap:/me sees 12 $$1 and 12jumps in their lap, "Hi Babe ! "
..Sneak:/me catches $$1 sneaking in here ... 12Hi'ya5 $$1!
..Welcome!:/me  4(¯`·.,¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->13 $$1 1<-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯) * (¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸13 $$1 12¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯) (¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸13 $$1 10¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)*(_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´13 $$1 8`'·.¸_)`'·.¸_)(_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´13 $$1 3`'·.¸_)`'·.¸_)
..Wback:/me 1<4w1<4e1<4l1<4c1<4o1<4m1<4e Ž4,1 $$1  4,0Ž4,0 4b1>4a1>4c1>4k1>
..Welcome Back:/say 12Welcome back5 $$1 12......nice to have you here :)
..Wave:/me is waving to $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5
..Waves:/me waves happily 12,ø¤°`°¤ø ^Å^ ø¤°`°¤ø ^Å^ ø¤°`°¤ø ^Å^ 5 $$1 12 ø¤°`°¤ø ^Å^ ø¤°`°¤ø ^Å^ ø¤°`°¤ø ^Å^
  /say 7,7i1,5¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1T¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ1¶7þ7,7i
  /say 5,5i7,1©5©7©5©7 GoodMorning 5©7© $$1 $+ ! 5©7©5©7©5,5i
  /say 7,7i1,57¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þS7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7¶1þ7,7i
..ByeBye:/say 5 $me 13hugs and waves Goodbye to5 $$1 12!
..Goodnight:/me wishes  4,1!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í  8,1 $$1 4í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í!í! 8,1Goodnite! 
..Hug:/me 12gives5 $$1 12 a Loving (((( HUG ))))!
..NobreathHugz:/me 12HuGz5 $$1 12So long they can't breathe =)
..Huggle:/me 11,1 Runs up to13,1 $$1 11,1and tells them they are the bestest friend..... $me is sooo happy they are buds.... $me doesn't know what would do without $$1 .... 9,1:~)
..Hugs!: /me 13hugs 12{13{9{4{8{2{14{3{9{10{12 $$1 6}4}13}9}8}2}3}5}10}12}
..Ito:/me  8,1Gives11,1 $$1 12,1a9,1 Terrorfyingly, 4,1Horribly, 13,1Sadistic, 12,1and 9,1Super 4,1Evil 8,1HugGle1,1..........0,11.<<<<<<12,11Booooooo0,11>>>>>>1,1.............
..boxhug:/say 13,161361361361361312,1 $$1 613613613613613 | /say 1,1.1361315,1(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸1312,113,1 $$1 12,11315,1¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)136131. | /say 1,1.1361315,1(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸1312,113,1 $$1 12,11315,1¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)136131. | /say 1,1.13121315(_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´131213 $$1 121315`'·.¸_)`'·.¸_)136131. | /say 1,1.13121315(_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´131213 $$1 121315`'·.¸_)`'·.¸_)136131. | /say  13,161361361361361312,1 $$1 613613613613613
..bunny:/me 4,1*4*7*8*9*11*13*4*7*8*9*11*13*4*7*8*9*11*13*4*7*8*9*11*13*4*7*8*9*11*13*4 | /me 1,1----13,1(Y)1,1----9,1(Y)1,1-----12,1(Y)1,1----4,1(Y)1,1-- | /me 1,1---13,1(°.°)1,1--9,1(°.°)1,1---12,1(°.°)1,1-4,1 (°.°)1,1- | /me 1,1--13,1()¯°¯()9,1()¯°¯()1,1-12,1()¯°¯()4,1()¯°¯() | /me 1,1--13,1(_)-(_)9,1(_)-(_)-12,1(_)-(_)4,1(_)-(_) | /me 0,0----4,0Bunny12 Hugs3 for13 $$1 0,0----- | /me  4,14*4*7*8*9*11*13*4*7*8*9*11*13*4*7*8*9*11*13*4*7*8*9*11*13*4*7*8*9*11*13*
..huggle:/say 12¤·.·°·.·*·.·¤·.·°·.·*·.·¤·.·*·.·°·.5 $$1 12.·¤·.·°·.·*·.·¤·.·°·.·*·.·¤·.·*·.·°·.
..huggle2:/me 2(¯`·._3(¯`·._4(¯`·._5( $$1 )4_.·´¯)3_.·´¯)2_.·´¯)
..huggle3:/me HUGS 2(¯`'·.¸3(¯`'·.¸4 $$1 3¸.·'´¯)2¸.·'´¯)  | /me HUGS 2(_¸.·'´3(_¸.·'´4 $$1 3`'·.¸_)2`'·.¸_)
..huggle4:/say 4*-,_,.-*`¯`*8»3³¤³8«2 $$1 8»3³¤³8«4*-.,_,.-*`¯`*
..Teddy HugBlue:/say 5 {~.1_5.~} *13 $$1 5* {~.1_5.~} | /say 5 -( 1Y5 ) --13 $$1 5-- ( 1Y5 )- | /say  5 ()~4*5~() *13 $$1 5* ()~4*5~() | /say 5  (_)-(_) -13 $$1 5- (_)-(_)
..Hugs:/say 4¨¨°º©©º1HUGGS4º©1 $$1 4©º1HUGGS4º©©º°¨¨
..Friendlyhug:/me  3___4(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸3 \ /4 ¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)3___ | /me 3____4( ***( ***** 3,4 $$1 4***** )*** )3____ | /me 3___4(_¸.·'´(_¸.·''´ 3V 4`''·.¸_)`'·.¸_)3___  
..FSweetie!:/me 1hugs {13-<-@{-<-@{-<-@{-<-@1 $$1 13@->-}@->-}@->-}@->-1} Cuz you're such a sweetie!
..MSweetie!:/me 1hugs 12[@ [ * [ + [ @ [ $$1 ] @ ]+ ] * ] @ ]1Cuz you're so sweet!
..BigHug:/me sends a9,1 Big...4,1Giant......12,1Extra 13,1Super 0,1Large.....8,1and 4,1Really 9,1nifty 12,1Huggle 0,1your 13,1way 11,1 $$1 9,1 :)
..Snuggle:/say 5 $me 12snuggles up real close to5 $$1
..Cuddle:/say 5 $me 12cuddles up closely to5 $$1 
..Caress:/say 5 $me 12caresses5 $$1 12gently and holds you.
..Love:/say 5 $me 4LOVES5 $$1 5,8(((( HUGS ))))!
..Kiss: /say 5 $me 4(((( kisses ))))5 $$1 4!
..KissCheek!: /say 5 $me 4kisses5 $$1 12on the 13cheek
..Slow Kiss:/say 5 $me 12takes5 $$1 12and 13kisses5 $$1 6passionately
..Pass Kiss:/say 5 $me 12gives5 $$1 12a deep 6passionate4 kiss
..SloppyKiss:/say 5 $me 12Gives5 $$1 12a big sloppy 11WET12 kiss ¶8-Þ
..Slow Kiss:/say 5 $me 12takes 0,4 $$1  into $$?="Enter his or hers:" arms and kisses $$1 passionately
..Smooch ??:/say 5 $me 12lays a big smoochers on5 $$1 $+ 12's $$?="Enter What your Smooching:"
..Smooch:/say 5 $me 12runs up and gives5 $$1 12a big smooooooooooooch!!!
..woohoo:/say 5,8 $me 12gives5 $$1 12a Heart stopping, expolsion starting,Really Long..and extra deep..super Duper..and really 4hot 13...peck on the cheek
..KissBecause?:/say 5 $me 4,1 gives $$1 a Really Hot..Long Super And Really Erotic..Earth Shattering, Soul Burning, Oh My Gawd If I Stop Now I'll Die, Better Than Heaven, Yet Hotter Than Hell, Groping, Don't Stop Touching Me, Blood Boiling, OhOhOhOhGawdOhGawdOhGawd Soul Stealing, Dream Making, Close To XRated, Hand Trembling, Knee Buckling, Heart Stopping, Body Tingling,Earth Quake Making, Passion Exploding, Wet, Deep, Hard, Long, Lingering, Kiss Because $$?="Because...?"
..hugkiss:/say 3,1.»4º©º3«..»4º©º3«.0sends3.»4º©º3«.0hugs3.»4º©º3«.0and3.»4º©º3« .0kisses3*.»4º©º3«.0to sweet3.»4º©º3«.0lovable3.»4º©º3«.0 $$1
..Propose:/me gets down on their knees before the lovely $$1,  12" $$1, will you marry me?"  | /say 4*SMILE*
..Hearts1:/say 4(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸5 $$1 4¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯) 5love you |  /say 4(_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´5 $$1 4`'·.¸_)`'·.¸_)5 sweetie!
..Heart1:/me 2  4(¯`'·.¸7(¯`'·.¸ 87 ¸.·'´¯)4¸.·'´¯)2   | /me 3**>*************2 $$1 3*************<** | /me 2  4(_¸.·'´7(_¸.·'´ 87 `'·.¸_)4`'·.¸_) 2 
..More Heart:/me 4(¯¯`·´¯¯)(¯¯`·´¯¯) (¯¯`·´¯¯)(¯¯`·´¯¯) | /me  4`·._.·´  `·._.·´   `·._.·´  `·._.·´ | /me 3>>----> >>----> 2 $+ $$1 3<----<< <----<< | /me 4(¯¯`·´¯¯)(¯¯`·´¯¯) (¯¯`·´¯¯)(¯¯`·´¯¯) | /me  4`·._.·´  `·._.·´   `·._.·´  `·._.·´
..Hearts4:/me  13(¯¯`·´¯¯)12(¯¯`·´¯¯)_12(¯¯`·´¯¯)13(¯¯`·´¯¯) | /me _13`·._.·´__12`·._.·´___12`·._.·´__13`·._.·´_  |  /me 1>>----> >>----> $$1 <----<< <----<<  |  /me 10(¯¯`·´¯¯)4(¯¯`·´¯¯)_4(¯¯`·´¯¯)10(¯¯`·´¯¯)  | /me _10`·._.·´__4`·._.·´___4`·._.·´__10`·._.·´_
..hearts:/say 6(¯`·._8(¯`·._9(¯`·._13(  $$1  )_9.·´¯)8_.·´¯)6_.·´¯) | /say  6(_.·´¯8(_.·´¯9(_.·´¯13( $$1  )9¯`·._)8¯`·._)6¯`·._)
..sweetheart!:/me 13(¯`'·.¸1(¯`'·.¸13| Hearts for |1¸.·'´¯)13¸.·'´¯)1that's you | /me 13(_¸.·'´1(_¸.·' 13|a sweetheart|1'·..¸_)13`'·.¸_)1 $$1
..bathjoin:/.timer 1 0 msg $chan 5 $me 12looks at5 $$1 | .timer 1 1 msg $chan 5 $me 12says waters hot, bubbles are thick..... | .timer 1 2 msg $chan 5 $me 12says won't you join me in the tub $$1 $+  ?
..tickle:/say 5 $me 12tackles5 $$1 12and tickles them till they wets their pants!
..Tickle:/say 5 $me 13*tickles*5 $$1 4all over!
..Doll:/say 5 $me 12says5 $$1 12is a one cute doll :)
..Bath:/say 5 $me 12thinks that5 $$1 12needs a nice hot bath..... :)
..Give Rose:/say 5 $me 12presents5 $$1 12with a perfect 4red rose  4@3--,-'---
..Rose:/say 5 $me 12has handed4 $$1 12a beautiful 4Red Rose!4@6-->-->--
..Roses12:/say  5 $me 12hands5 $$1 12a dozen Roses!   13@3-}--}--- 8@3-}--}--- 4@3-}--}--- 13@3-}--}--- 8@3-}--}--- 4@3-}--}--- 13@3-}--}--- 8@3-}--}--- 4@3-}--}--- 13@3-}--}--- 8@3-}--}--- 4@3-}--}---
..Rose1:/say  5 $me 12gives a fresh Rose to4 $$1 3--,--`--,---4(@ 
..Beg!:/me is begging5 $$1 | /$me is holding their breath untill12 $$1 6says yes | /me is turning 8yellow | //me is turning 13pink | //me is turning purple | //me is turning 11light blue | /me is turning 2BLUE | /me looks up at5 $$1 6and ask5 $$1 6had enough? Are ya gonna say yes now4 $$1 6?..[&R]ose:/me Hands $$1 the most perfect rose @-}--}---
..Roses:/say  5 $me 1 hands 4 $$1 1a dozen Roses! 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3--- 4@3-9}3--9}3---   
..RosesPink:/say 1 hands 13 $$1 1a dozen Roses! 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3--- 13@3-9}3--9}3---  
..Smile:/say 1,8¶¦) 1
..multi smiley:/say 1,8:) 8,4:) 1,13:) 11,2:) 0,1:) 5,7:) 1,15:)11,5 4,9:) 13,11:) 11,4:) 12,11:) 11,5:) 5,11:) 8,6:) 0,2:) 1,9:) 4,8:)
..vampire:/say 1,8:[    
..farmer smiley:/say 1,8¶:)   
..hat with tongue:/say 1,8¶:Þ  
..Angry:/say 1,8>:(   
..Frown:/say 1,8:(   
..Smiley:/say 1,8:)   
..Wink:/say 1,8;)  
..smiley: /say  4¶12:7¬4þ 
..Sing:/me sings 12"You Are So Beautiful To ME"6 to5 $$1!
..Stars and Stripes:/.timer 1 0 msg $chan 5 $me 12sings the Star Spangle Banner to5 $$1! | /.timer 1 1 msg $chan 12Ooh say can you see...5 $$1 12is with me | /.timer 1 2 msg $chan 12What so proudly we Hailed..At5 $$1 's12 Beauty | /.timer 1 3 msg $chan 12And the Rockets RED GLARE....5 $$1 12has such Gorgeous hair... | /.timer 1 4 msg $chan 12Gave thanks, thanks to GOD, that in the morning5 $$1 12was still there. | /.timer 1 5 msg $chan 12Oh-oh say does that Star Spangle...Banner Yet Wave.... | /.timer 1 6 msg $chan 12For the Land Of the Free ...... | .timer 1 7 msg $chan 5 $$1 12is still with...MEEeeee! | /.timer 1 8 msg $chan 12America My HOME!!!!
..Dance:/say 5 $me 12dances slowly with5 $$1
..Confetti&Baloons:/say 12throws confetti & balloons all over1 $$1   4`;~'3O8~~~*`;.12'O9~~~~*`1 $$1  8.'`~;`~`4O13~~~~*`;.'6O11~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`1O14~~~*`;~'13O2~~~*`;.'3O5~~~~*`1  $$1  9.'`~;`~`12O4~~~~*`;.'8O10~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`11O13~~~*`;~'1O4~~~*`;.'9O2~~~~*`1  $$1   6.'`~;`~`12O13~~~~*`;.'4O3~~~~*`;.'`~;`~`1O13~~~*`;
..partylights:/me 4 hangs10 a13 string2 of5 party10 lights9 out7 for 9¡.*°*.8¡.*°*.10¡.*°*1 $$1 *°*.12¡.*°*.13¡.*°*.7¡.*°*.4¡.*°*.2¡.*°*.8¡.*°*1 $$1 *°*.9¡.*°*.10¡.*°*.13¡.*°*.14¡.*1 $$1 *.2¡.*°*.4¡.*°*.10¡.*°*.7¡.*°*.9¡.*°*.13¡.*°*.8¡.*°*.2¡.*°*.10¡.*°*.4¡.*°*.5¡.*°*.8¡.
..confetticolor:/me 10throws confetti in the air for  $$1 showers the room with 13HAPPY BIRTHDAY 10Confetti 12* : 13" : .. 9" * 1~ ` 4" ' : 6* ; ~ 5' ~ 11` : 3.. + 1~ * 13` " 12; " .. 14~ ~ 8* .. 7* .. 6; ' 12+ ` 10~ * 11' ; 15.. : 12, ~13HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 12+ ` 10~ ` ' 9.. ,.."5;: "7 : * 11~ ` 8* : 6" : 1.. " 13* ~ 4` " 2' : * 6; ~ ' 8~ ` 1: .. 5+ ~ 13* ` 11" ; 12" .. 9~ ~ 1* .. 6*12CELEBRATE!......CELEBRATE!...... 3; ' 12+ ` 11~ *7 ' ; 5.. : , 6~ + 2` ~ 4`* : " 8: .. " 7* ~ ` 6" ' :12 * ; 7~ ' 9~ ` 3: .. + 2~ *;  
..Confetti:/say  tosses confetti on 12 ,.:"/ '~`" ~ :, ~ '  "  : , . ,.:" '~`*+,.`*`` * - _ + ^^^^ : , . + ,.:4" $snicks 12'~`*+,.`*`'" ~ :, , ~ ' " -;. , : ' ` ` * -  _ + ^ : , . + * ^ - , ,.:" '~`* ,.:"'~`*+,.`*`'"4 $snicks 12~ :, , ~ ' " -;. , : ' ` ` * - _ + +,.`*`'" ~ :, , ~ ' " -;. , : ' ` ` * - _ +4 $snicks 12^^^^ : , . + * ^ * - ,^ : , . + 
..yea!:/say 4 $me 6 $me 12throws confetti in the air for4 $$1 12* : 13" : .. 9" * 1~ ` 4" ' : 6* ; ~ 5' ~ 11` : 3.. + 1~ * 13` " 12; " .. 14~ ~4  $$1 13` " 12; " .. 14~ ~ 8* .. 7* .. 6; ' 12+ ` 10~ * 11' ; 15.. : 12, ~13 $$1 12* : 13" : .. 9" * 1~ ` 4" ' : 6* ; ~ 5' ~ 11` : 3.. + 1~ * 13` " 12; " .. 14~ ~ 8* .. 7* .. 6; ' 12+ ` 10~ * 11' ; 15.. : 12, ~13 $$1 12* : 13" : .. 9" * 1~ ` 4" ' : 6* ; ~ 5' ~ 11` : 3.. + 1~ * 13` " 12; " .. 14~ ~ 8* .. 7* .. 6; ' 12+ ` 10~ * 11' ; 15.. : 12, ~
Candy, Food and Drink
..Gum:/say Offers5 $$1 1some gum 14,14.4,8<~Juicy-Fruit~>14,14. | /say or 14,14.1,90<~1,9Juicy-Fruit0,9~>14,14.
..Heshey's:/say Hey5 $$1 1wanna share my 15,15.5,5.415,5HERSHEY'S4,45,5.15,15.10 bar with me?
..Hershey1:/say 1offers a 15,1515,5HERSHEY'S15,151,16 bar to5 $$1 
..Hershey2:/me offers $$1 an all5 milk chocolate 15,15.5,5.415,5HERSHEY'S4,45,5.15,15.10,0bar
..Everyone Hersey Bar:/say gives everyone a hershey's bar 15,15.15,5HERSHEY15,15.
..Lifesavers:/me shares a 15,15.16,2L1,9I16,3F16,4E1,8S16,10A1,4V16,10E1,9R16,5S15,15. with13 $$1!!!
..Tootsie:/me 12offers5 $$1 a  1-=1,1.0,0.4,4.0,1Tootsie Roll4,4.0,0.1,1.1=- 
..Skittles:/me offers5 $$1 some 4<S>13<K>6<I>7<T>8<T>9<L>11<E>3<S> Taste the rainbow.
..MnM's:/me offers5 $$1 some 1(m)&5(m)'s and tries to make friends ;)
..CandyBear: /say 0--------4* | /say 0-------2/_\ | /say 0-----5(~._.~) | /say 0------5(_Y_) | /say 0-----5()15,15|0,2L1,9I0,3F0,4E1,8S0,10A0,4V0,3E1,7R0,5S15,15|1,015/ | /say 0-----5(_)-(_) | /say 0- 4Sweets2 for you1 $$1!!!
..Butterfinger:/say NOBODY better lay a finger on my 15,15.8,8.124,8Butterfinger4,48,8.15,15.
..Offer Some Lifesaver:/say  1offers some 15,151,9L1,8I1,4F1,9E1,8S1,4A1,9V1,8E1,4R1,9S15,151,16to5 $$1 
..Share His Lifesaver:/say 1offers5 $$1 1,0 to share some 1,18,4L3,29,106,8I12,13F4,2E1,13S9,14A15,3V4,8E8,2R10,6S1,1
..Tosses Bag MMs:/say tosses5 $$1 a bag of  5,5.0,5: M & M :5,5.1,0.
..Offer MM:/say  offers 4m5&6m'7s 13to12 $$1 0,4(m)0,2(m)0,9(m)0,8(m)0,6(m)0,7(m)0,4(m)0,2(m)0,5(m)0,8(m)0,3(m)0,9(m)0,6(m)0,7(m)0,13(m)0,7(m)0,12(m)0,5(m)0,4(m)0,2(m)0,4(m)0,9(m)0,6(m)0,7(m)0,8(m)0,3(m)0,4(m)0,2(m)0,4(m)0,12(m)0,9(m)0,10(m)0,13(m)0,3(m)0,8(m)0,7(m)0,4(m)0,4(m)0,8(m)
..M&M Red Best:/me 7 gives4 $$1 1,1.4,1:8,1:3,1:12,1:13,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:5,5.8,5M&M's3,1:3,1:4,1:8,1:11,1:13,1:4,1:7,1:1,1.12,0 5a pack of M&M's, enjoy my friend. 13(5 $me 13likes the red ones best!)
..peppermint:/me offers5 $$1 a little 15,15.0,2 PEP-O-MINT 15,15.3,0 
..Everyone Hershey Kisses:/say gives everyone lotsa hershey kisses!!    15/\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~ /\ ~
..Large TootRoll:/say 15,15_5,5__5,44_0,5TootsieRoll4,44,4_5,5__15,15_1
..Offer Handfull TootRoll:/say 12offers 1 $$1 12a 10handful 7of 15,15. 5,5. 4,4. 4,4 0,5Tootsie Roll 4,4 4,4. 5,5. 15,15.12's 9they're 1so good!!!
..Give Everyone TootRool:/say gives everyone a 0,15 0,5 0,4 0,5TootsieRoll0,4 0,5 0,15 
..Help Self Candy:/say 12 offers everyone something 4HELP YOURSELF 15,15l4,4l4,0 Dentyne 4,4l15,15l | /say 15,15-12,12---0TUMS12---15,15- 15,15.0,4 Big*Red 15,15. 15,15.1,3 Spearmint 15,15. 15,15.15,4 Krackel 15,15. | /say 8,8l4,8mrGoodbar8,8l 15,15.0,2 PEP-O-MINT 15,15. 15,15.15,5 HERSHEY'S 15,15. 15,15l1,8<~Juicy-Fruit~>15,15l | /say 15,15l4,9<~ DoubleMint ~>15,15l 4,4..5,0 Mounds 4,4.. 12,12..5,0 AlmondJoy 12,12..
..Take tootsie:/me 13has just taken $$1's 1-=1,1.0,0.4,4.0,1Tootsie Roll4,4.0,0.1,1.1=-13, and RAN away with it!!!!
..Take Life savers:/me has just taken $$1's 15,15.16,2L1,9I16,3F16,4E1,8S16,10A1,4V16,10E1,9R16,5S15,15. , and RAN away with them!!!!
..Take skittles:/me has just took $$1's 4<S>13<K>6<I>7<T>8<T>9<L>11<E>3<S> and is running away laughing!
..Heshey's:/say Has just took $$1's  15,15.5,5.415,5HERSHEY'S4,45,5.15,15.10 and RAN away with it!!!!
..Take MnM's:/me has just took $$1's 1(m)&5(m)'s and says who needs friends I got your candy hahaha!
..Chips Pretzels:/say 11,1packs a bowl of chips and pretzels and sends it across $chan to $$1 
..Pop Chan:/say breaks out his cooler and asks the people in # wat kind of pop do you want? 15,15!1,140,3 74,3°0,3UP15,15! 15,15!0,41,4~0,4Coke1,4~15,15! 15,15!9,8Squirt15,15! 15,15!0,5Mr.Pißß15,15! 15,15!0,3Sprite15,15! | /say I also have Crush... 15,15!0,6Crush15,15!  15,15!0,7Crush15,15! 15,15!0,13Crush15,15!
..Pop nick:/say breaks out his cooler and asks $$1 wat kind of pop do you want? 15,15!1,140,3 74,3°0,3UP15,15!  15,15!0,41,4~0,4Coke1,4~15,15!  15,15!9,8Squirt15,15!  15,15!0,5Mr.Pißß15,15!  15,15!0,3Sprite15,15! | /say $$1 I also have Crush... 15,15!0,6Crush15,15!  15,15!0,7Crush15,15! 15,15!0,13Crush15,15!
..Open Cooler:/say 10pops open his cooler.. here take your pick.. 15,15!1,148,3MtDew 15,15!... | /say 15,15!1,140,3 Sprite 15,15!.. 1,15 0,4 Coke 1,15... 15,15!1,140,3 74,3°0,3UP 15,15! ... 14,14!4,15P12,15e0,15p4,15s12,15i 1
..Coke2:/say hands $$1 an ice cold can of 0,4C4,0O0,4K4,0E0,4! 
..Dr Pepper:/say 14 hands 10 $$1 14an ice cold 15,15I0,5DrPepper
..Refresh 7Up:/say 12,0 gives $$1 a can of refreshing 15,15 0,3 74,3°0,3Up 0,15 1,0
..Drink:/say 1,9Gets up and gets a $$? for  $$1 
..Coffee Anyone:/say 16,5[_]1,16D~~    16,5[_]1,16D~~     16,5[_]1,16D~~    8,5Coffee Anyone??16,16
..Offer Hot Coffee:/say 6offers 3m12u9g4s 2of 4hot 5coffee 0,12"""12] 0,1"""1] 0,4"""4] 0,7"""7] 0,8"""8] 0,2"""2] 0,9"""9] 0,6"""6] 2to 13all 7his 8,5 friends 2
..Pours $1 Mug of $2:/say 10 $me 14pours 12 $$1 14 a large hot mug of  $$?  | /say 14 [________]D~~~~~~
..Pours $1 Cup of $2:/say 10 $me 14pours 12 $$1 14 a hot cup of $$? | /say 14 <[__]D~~~ 
..Pours $1 Glass of $2:/say 10 $me 14pours 12 $$1 14a cold glass of $$? | /say 14 \_/
..Noodle:/me 11,13slaps $$1 around with a wet noodle
..pie:/me -------[}...........................[ $$1 ]  | /me -------------------[}...............[ $$1 ] | /me --------------------------------[splat!!!!] 
..bigStick:/say 5,0 $me 12Pulls Out a 0,5BIG Stick12,0 and Slaps5 $$1 12around For a Few Minutes...
..ContaminatedTrout:/say 5,9 $me slaps4 $$1 5,9around with a hairy, slimey, smelly, and contaminated trout!
..RottenTrout:/say 5 $me 7slaps6 $$1 7around with a rotten trout!
..Snow:/say 12 $$me Throws LOTS of Snowballs Continously at $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5
..Brick:/me 4,1cracks $$1 over the head with a large brick
..Pipe:/me 11,1smashes $$1  with a pipe up side their head
..Karate Kick:/me notices $$1 is here. | /me get's extremely pissed off at this, and runs towards $$1 screaming. | /me jumps up and does a flying karate kick in $$1 $+ 's face, knocking them unconcious.
..Kick User?:/me moves back to do a roundhouse and hits $$1 in the $$?="and you hit them..."!!!
..Menu?:/me Beats on $$1 awhile with $$?="Using a What??"
..Bottle:/me smashes a wine bottle over $$1 $+ 's head
..PBCantalope:/me dips giant cantalopes in peanut butter and throws them at $$1
..Batteries:/me Starts throwing AAA batteries at $$1's head, throwing them as fast as possible 15,15!1,1414,1Energizer15,15!1 7,7!1,147,1Duracell7,7!1 
..Store In Freezer:/say 5 $me 12cuts5 $$1 12into little bits and stuffs them in the freezer for later.
..Hacksaw:/me pulls out his Hack Saw and cuts up12 $$1 6into little pieces and feeds them to his dog.
..Chainsaw:/say 5 $me 12pulls out his chainsaw and Hacks apart5 $$1 12limb from limb
..Kill:/say 1,1<<<<׿×>>>>4,4Shouldn't have Done that...Now I have to kill you....1,1<<<<׿×>>>> | /say 4 DO NOT HiGhLiGhT ThiS!!!!!!!!
..9 Iron:/me Feels like golfing with5 $$1 $+ 's 6head.5 $me 6pulls out his 9 Iron and Bashes4 $$1 $+ 's6 Head!!
..OJ:/say 5 $me 12puts on a Ski mask and stalks5 $$1 12for a while. One day5 $me 12sees5 $$1 12walking with somone they doesn't like.5 $me 12becomes insanely jealous and slices5 $$1 $+ 's 12throat. When the IRCops ask who did it,5 $me 12blamed it on OJ Simpson!!
..Laser:/say 5 $me 12has a large and powerful laser in a backpack. While giving a presentation they pull it out..5 $me 12sees5 $$1 12being an arse so he points it at5 $$1's 12eyes....ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Now all5 $$1 12has are two burned craters for a face.  SUCKA!
..Bat:/me grabs the aluminum bat from the house and runs out to practice T-ball.. from12 $$1's 6head...whoops!...WHACK!!.. Now12 $$1's 6pea-sized brain is all over the field!
..Brain Swish!:/me Sticks a 4RED Hot Curling Iron 6In5 $1's 6Ear And Swishes Their Brain Around For awhile... Is It Clear Now??
..Grenade User:/me takes out a grenade ... pulls the pin ... 4 ... 3 ..2 ... tosses it at5 $$1! | /say 12Damn...what a BLAST!!!
..Hang User:/say 5 $me 2puts a tight rope around11 $$1's 2neck and opens the channel trapdoor! | /say 11,12hung!!!
..Drown:/me 12drowns $$1 in a cup of water!
..Lake:/me 12drowns $$1 in the nearest lake
..Saw:/me 12runs after $$1 with a chain saw
..Crush:/me 12crushes $$1's toes with a hammer
..Chop:/me 4chops $$1 up in millions of pieces and buries $$1 in the backyard
..Bat:/me 12gets a Steel Bat and smashes $* with it " BATTER UP!! "
.D&D Style
..Cast Spell:/me 10casts a magical spell of12 $$?2="What kind of spell?" 10upon12 $$1!
..Shoot With?Where?:/say 12Ok, you R bugging me, Tyme to get ruff,11 $$1 | /me 12pulls out his $$?="your???" and Shoots it at11 $$1 12to cause some MAJOR damage to their $$?="damage to??"
..Sword Hit Where?:/say 10Want to bring this bak in tyme?? | /me 11gets on his armor and pulls out a Version 5.83 12Dark Dragon Sword | /say 10you asked fer it | /me 10hits2 $$1 10with the sword in their $$?="where did you hit um??"
..Monster:/say 2arugh, you are beetin me | /me 11falls to the ground | /me 6turns in to a Huge monster with 300 teeth and a large tail!!! | /me 5growls
..Tail:/say 4HAHAHAHAHA | /me 10whips tail at11 $$1 10to break their $$?="what did ya break??" | /me 10shows their 300 teeth!
..Fire:/say 5GRRRRRR | /me 10opens mouth and blows fire at11 $$1, 10charing their $$?=charing
..Machine Gun Dance:/me 10pulls a machine gun on11 $$1 $+ , 10and aims it at $$1 $+ 's feet. $me shoots vigorously at11 $$1 $+ 's 10feet while yelling12 "Dance <censored>! DANCE!
..Sushi:/me 2beats12 $$1 2unconcious, and take him to a Japanese restaurant, and ties him to a chair.12 $me 2force feeds12 $$1 1raw squid.
..Block Attack:/me 10blocks $$1's futile and hopeless attack!
..Glare at User:/me 9glares sharply at $$1 !
..Eye Poke!:/say 10 $me Pokes $$1 In The Eye With a finger... 2Can Ya See Now??
..Banana:/say 5,8 $me lights a Banana on fire and throws it at $$1 
..Cliff:/say 8,5 $me shoves $$1 off the nearest cliff
..Slam:/say 5 $me slams the door on $$1's hand
..Weed:/say 9,3 $me chases after $$1 with a weed wacker....hey you need a haircut!
..Dog:/say 12 $me 2lets loose his dog after $$1 | /me 2gets sad after Rover left him so he writes a country song about Rover and $$1's affair
..Shout:/say 2 $me starts shouting 12"Long Live The Moose People" 2at $$1 and watches $$1 go crosseyed 
..Ginsu:/say 12 $me 2starts playing with ginsu knives and accidently gives12 $$1 2a neat trim....... | /me 2thinks12 $$1 2looks very nice bald
..Lonely:/say 7,5 $me thinks $$1 looks pretty lonely and would like some company | /me 7,5gives $$1 a blow up doll to make their life dream come true....to find someone as smart as them
..Surprise:/say 1 $me sneaks up behind $1 and puts a live tarantula down $1 's pants!! 5HeHeHeHe!
..Spit:/say 12,8 $me 7grabs12 $$1 7by the throat.... throws12 $$1 7up against a wall, and spits in $$?="his or her" face!
..Glare:/say 4,8 $me glares sharply at $$1
..Glow!:/say 3,9 $me Sends down a green glowing light so hot it burns all $$1's clothes off, and every laughs as $$1 runs away emarassed!
..Moon!:/say 5 $me pulls down their pants and moons $$1 4"KISS THIS"5  (_5|_)
..Punch!:/say 8,9 $me is whistling the theme song to the movie psycho and at the same time glueing razor blades to each one of their fingers on their right hand and now turns to $$1 and laughs maniacally, "Muahahahaha!"
..new one:/say  5,5-13,15 ¸2,15,ø4,15¤º12,15°13,15`12,15°4,15º¤5,15ø, 5,5- 4,4-0,2 $$1 4,4- 5,5-5,15 ,ø4,15¤º12,15°13,15`12,15°4,15º¤2,15ø,13,15¸ 5,5-
..rainbow:/say 1,1H2,2a3,3v4,4e5,5 6,6a7,7 8,8G9,9r10,10e11,11a12,12t13,13 14,14D15,15a8,8y8,4 $$1 8,8!15,15 14,14 13,13 12,12 11,11 10,10 9,9 8,8 7,7 6,6 5,5 4,4 3,3 2,2 1,1  | /say hidden msg above
..Nifty:/say 11,2\2,2 $$1 11,2/ | /me 11,2 2,11 $$1 11,2  | /me 11,2/2,2 $$1 11,2\
..Top Secret:/say  8,1A1,8L8,1E1,8R8,1T 1,1....4,8T8,4o4,8P8,4S4,8e8,4c4,8R8,4e4,8T1,1....1,8M8,1e1,8S8,1s1,8A8,1g1,8E8,4>>------> >>------> >>------>8,8HOwdY $$1 8,4<------<< <------<< <------<< 8,1A1,8L8,1E1,8R8,1T 1,1....4,8T8,4o4,8P8,4S4,8e8,4c4,8R8,4e4,8T1,1....1,8M8,1e1,8S8,1s1,8A8,1g1,8E
..Firefly:/me runs around the channel like a mad cat...... | /say Stops In front of $$1 ..... | /say Holds out their hand and Shows $$1 the Colorful 11,1 >*< 12,1>*< 9,1>*< 4,1>*< 1,8FireFlys they Caught11,1 >*< 12,1>*< 9,1>*< 4,1>*<
..Boo:/say 0,1<<<<<<<<12,1BOOOOOOOOO0,1>>>>>>>>>4,1 $$1 0,1<<<<<<<<12,1BOOOOOOOOO0,1>>>>>>>>>........4,1 Scared ya didnt I? 9,1:)
..Alert:/say 8,1A1,8L8,1E1,8R8,1T4,12 $$1 8 OFFICIAL IRC 4 $$1   8,1A1,8L8,1E1,8R8,1T | /say 0,12 Please stay inside and bolt your doors! | /say 0,12 Hide your children, and spay your pets!    | /say  8,1A1,8L8,1E1,8R8,1T0,12 MAYBE 4 $$1 0won't see you!!  8,1A1,8L8,1E1,8R8,1T8,12
..Eyes:/say 2{ô¿ô}9{ô¿ô}4{ô¿ô}13{ô¿ô}1{12 $$1 1}3{ô¿ô}13{ô¿ô}4{ô¿ô}12{ô¿ô}
..Blocks:/say 1,1.2,2.3,3.4,4.5,5.6,6.7,7.8,8.9,9.10,10.11,11.12,12.13,13.14,14.15,15.8,1 $$1! 15,15.14,14.13,13.12,12.11,11.10,10.9,9.8,8.7,7.6,6.5,5.4,4.3,3.2,2.1,1.
..colorarrow:/me (¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸ ________________¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯) | /me  (¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸  1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 1,14 1,15 1,17 1,18 8,1 ¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯) | /me  ----==>>>>------>12,11 $$1  ----==>>>>------> | /me (_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´  1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 1,14 1,15 1,17 1,18 8,1 `'·.¸_)`'·.¸_) | /me  (_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ `'·.¸_)`'·.¸_)
..cearts:/me 6(¯`·._8(¯`·._9(¯`·._13(  $$1  )_9.·´¯)8_.·´¯)6_.·´¯) | /say  6(_.·´¯8(_.·´¯9(_.·´¯13(  $$1  )9¯`·._8)¯`·._6)¯`·._) 
..cu:/me says 18"I C U $$1 "  | /ME 16.......17_....,_16.........17_,...._ | /me 16...17_.-` _,..,_'16.......17'_,..,_ `-._ | /me 16..17,._,-`/ 18o17 \ '16.......17' / 18o17 \`-,_ | /me 16.....17'-.\___/.-`16.....17`-.\___/.-'
..Hi-5:/say 12 $me gives $$1 a big Hi-5...7WHat'S Up??
..sdh:/say   14*12@11¿12@14*, *12ô13¿12ô14*, 12-ô6.12ô-
..Tired!:/me is a little sleepy-headed :( *yawn*
..McDonalds:/me spares no expense, and shouts $$1 a meal at 8,4 /¥\cDonalds4,4`
..Tums:/say $me hands $$1 a roll of 15,15--12,12---0TUMS12---15,15--10,0 for the 4heartburn
..peekboo!:/me 0,0................5\|||||/0,0................ | /me 0,0................13( 12o0.12o 13)0,0................ | /me 5|^|^|^|^|13oooO5|^|^|13(_)5^|^|^|13Oooo5^|^|^|^| | /me 5|_|_|_|_|_| 12Peek-a-boo $$1! 5|_|_|_|
..cool:/say 6°º©o¿,,¿o©º°¨¨°º© 4 $$1 6©º°¨¨°º©o¿,,¿o©º° 
..Wake Up!:/me says WAKE up $$1....
..Wake Slap:/me slaps $$1 to wake them up....
..You fall:/me falls to the ground ....and turns into a 11,12 GIANT SMURF....THEN SINGS THE SMURF SONG TO $$1 ALL NIGHT LONG! 
..Secret msg:/say 4,8ALERT8,8 ....ToPSecReT....MeSsAgE>>------> >>------> >>------>HOwdY TNTe[A]se <------<< <------<< <------<< 4,8ALERT8,8 ....ToPSecReT....MeSsAgE
..Laugh:/me looks at $1 and rolls on the floor in histerical laughter
..Handshake:/me does a long, complicated handshake with $1
..Multi-Names:/me $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1
..Martians:/.timer 1 0 msg $chan 9,1Look out .........................ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG | .timer 1 1 msg $chan 9,1Hell it they got me................... | .timer 1 2 msg $chan 9,1DAMN THOSE MARTIANS!!!!!!!!
.Color Stuff
..Joy!:/me 0,113~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*! 4for $$1 ! 13~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!8~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!2~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!14~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!8~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!8~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!11~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!8~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!11~­3*!4~­5*!6~­7*!8~­9*!10~­11*!12~­13*!8,1 $$1
..CoolDrape:/say  12¯`°²º¤æ=¬«.,¸_-1 $$1 12-_¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯4`°²º¤æ=¬¤æ=¬«.,¸_-1 $$1 4-_¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯9`°²º¤æ=¬«æ=¬«.,¸_-1 $$1 9-_¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯13`°²º¤æ=¬¤æ=¬«.,¸_-1 $$1 13-_¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯4`°²º¤æ=¬¤æ=¬«.,¸_-1 $$1 4-_¸,.»¬=椺²°`¯12`°²º¤æ=¬¤æ=¬«.,¸_-1 $$1
..Angel:/say  13,1^Å^ x ^Å^ ¤ ^Å^{{13 $$1 13,1}}^Å^ ¤ ^Å^ x ^Å^
..wow:/say 12(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸ ______________ ¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯) | /say 13(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸ 1Ÿ2Ÿ3Ÿ4Ÿ5Ÿ6Ÿ7Ÿ8Ÿ9Ÿ10Ÿ11Ÿ12Ÿ13Ÿ14Ÿ13¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯) | /say 4 ----==>>>>-----> $1 <------<<<<==---- | /say 13(_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´ 1Ÿ2Ÿ3Ÿ4Ÿ5Ÿ6Ÿ7Ÿ8Ÿ9Ÿ10Ÿ11Ÿ12Ÿ13Ÿ14Ÿ13`'·.¸_)`'·.¸_) | /say 12(_¸.·'´(_¸.·'´ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ `'·.¸_)`'·.¸_)
..Black:/say 15,114131211109871312111098 $$?2="Enter Message" $1  15,114131211109871312111098
..Yellow:/say 15,814131211109471312111094 $$?2="Enter Message" $1  15,814131211109471312111094
..Hot Pink:/say 15,131481211109478121110948 $$?2="Enter Message" $1  15,13148121110947812111094
..Lt Blue:/say 15,121413811109471381110948 $$?2="Enter Message" $1  15,12141381110947138111094
..Cyan:/say 15,11141312810947131281094 $$?2="Enter Message" $1  15,11141312810947131281094
..Grey:/say 9,15141312810947131281094 $$?2="Enter Message" $1  9,15141312810947131281094
..Hunk:/me 1,1..... 8BABE METER1,1...... | /me 1,9|||||||||||||||1,4|||||||||||| | /me 11,1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101,1. | /me 0,0. | /me 13 $1 guess you blew the meter BABE!!!!!


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Shadowless   -  Nov 22, 2014

%logo = ?

its rip
seems from CPS (complete protection system) by amit

Lucyfero   -  Jun 22, 2014

Perhaps you missed a beginning line saying:
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