Imgur URL Recogniser

By ES on Jan 20, 2014

When it recognises a imgur link in the chat, it automatically posts info about that link if it's available.

It will post the following information:
Description (In the case of albums)
Number of images (In the case of albums)
Number of views
Time uploaded
A NSFW tag (If it was tagged as such)

Image <@ES> imgur » Famous Movie Locations (Part 1) · Album: 28 images · Uploaded: 1 day ago · 312,096 views


on $*:TEXT:/((https?[\S]*imgur\.com[\S]*))/Si:#: {
  if (!$sock(ImgurLookup)) {
    noop $regex(imgururl,$1-,(https?[\S]*imgur\.com[\S]*))
    sockopen ImgurLookup 80 | sockmark ImgurLookup $+(#,>,$gettok($gettok($regml(imgururl,1),3-,47),1,46))
on *:sockopen:ImgurLookup: {
  var %a sockwrite -n $sockname
  %a GET $+(/,$gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,2,62)) HTTP/1.1
  %a Host:
  %a $crlf
on *:sockread:ImgurLookup: {
  var %x | sockread %x
  if ($left($gettok($soc`k(ImgurLookup).mark,2,62),2) == a/) { 
    if (</title> isin %x) { set %z 1 | sockmark ImgurLookup $addmark(ImgurLookup,$remove($Xchr($nohtml(%x)),- Imgur),62) }
    if (<p> isin %x) { sockmark ImgurLookup $addmark(ImgurLookup,$Xchr($nohtml(%x)),62) }
    if (class="textbox left"> isin %x) { sockmark ImgurLookup $addmark(ImgurLookup,$remove($Xchr($nohtml(%x)),Album:),62) }
    if (GMT"> isin %x) { sockmark ImgurLookup $addmark(ImgurLookup,$Xchr($nohtml(%x)),62) }
    if (class="stat"> isin %x) { sockmark ImgurLookup $addmark(ImgurLookup,$Xchr($nohtml(%x)),62) }    
  else {
    if ("hash" isin %x) { 
      noop $regex(imgurtitle,%x,("title":".*?,))
      noop $regex(imgurviews,%x,("views"[\S]*,))
      noop $regex(imgurnsfw,%x,("nsfw"[\S]*,))
      noop $regex(imgurtime,%x,("timestamp"[\S]*\s[\S]*,)|("datetime"[\S]*\s[\S]*,))
      if ($remove($between($regml(imgurtitle,1),$chr(58),$chr(44),1),") == $null) { halt }
      else {
        msg $gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,1,62) 9,1i0,1mgur » $+(",$remove($between($regml(imgurtitle,1),$chr(58),$chr(44),1),"),") $iif($between($regml(imgurviews,1),$chr(58),$chr(44),1),9· $remove($between($regml(imgurviews,1),$chr(58),$chr(44),1),") Views) $iif($remove($between($regml(imgurtime,1),$chr(58),$chr(44),1),"),9· Uploaded: $timeago($calc($timezone + $ctime - $ctime($remove($between($regml(imgurtime,1),$chr(58),$chr(44),1),"))))) $iif($between($regml(imgurnsfw,1),$chr(58),$chr(44),1) == true,9· 4NSFW)

on *:sockclose:ImgurLookup: {
  if (%z == 1) { 
    if ($left($gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,2,62),2) == a/) { 
      if ($numtok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,62) == 6) { sockmark ImgurLookup $instok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,fillertext,5,62) }
      msg $gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,1,62) 9,1i0,1mgur 9» $gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,3,62) $iif($gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,5,62) != fillertext,$+($chr(40),$gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,5,62),$chr(41))) 9· Album: $gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,4,62) 9· $iif($gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,6,62),Uploaded: $gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,6,62)) 9· $iif($gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,7,62),$gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,7,62))
  unset %z

alias -l nohtml { var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;) | return %x }
alias -l Xchr { 
  var %return $regsubex($regsubex($1-,/&#x([A-F0-9]{1,2});/g,$chr($base($regml(\n),16,10))),/&#([0-9]{2});/g,$chr(\1)) 
  return $replacecs(%return,&ndash;,,&middot;,·,&raquo;,»,&laquo;,«,&Uuml;,Ü,&uuml;,ü,&Aacute;,Á,&aacute;,á,&Eacute;,$&
alias -l addmark { return $+($sock($1).mark,$chr($3),$2) }
alias -l between { noop $regex($1,/\Q $+ $2 $+ \E(.*?)\Q $+ $3 $+ \E/gi) | return $regml($4) }
alias timeago {
  if ($1 <= 59) { Return $1 seconds ago }
  if (($1 <= 3599) && ($1 > 59)) { return $floor($calc($1 / 60)) minutes ago }
  if (($1 <= 86399) && ($1 > 3599)) { return $round($calc($1 / 3600),0) hours ago }
  if (($1 <= 2592000) && ($1 > 86399)) { return $floor($calc($1 / 86400)) $iif($floor($calc($1 / 86400)) > 1,days,day) $+ , $round($calc($calc($1 - $calc($floor($calc($1 / 86400))*86400)) / 3600),0) hour(s) ago }
  if (($1 <= 31540000) && ($1 > 2592000)) { return $floor($calc($1 / 2592000)) $iif($floor($calc($1 / 2592000)) > 1,months,months) $+ , $round($calc($calc($1 - $calc($floor($calc($1 / 2592000))*2592000)) / 86400),0) day(s) ago }
  if ($1 > 31104000) { return $floor($calc($1 / 31104000)) $iif($floor($calc($1 / 31104000)) > 1,years,year) $+ , $round($calc($calc($1 - $calc($floor($calc($1 / 31104000))*31104000)) / 2592000),0) month(s) ago }


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dma   -  Nov 27, 2015

can someone fix this please?

Erroneus   -  Sep 17, 2015

Not happening anymore, might have been a problem at IMGUR.

I'm getting double results, any idea why?

[22:37:10] <@Erroneus>
[22:37:10] <@BOT> imgur » "Rise and BURP shine..." · 5233 Views · Uploaded: 7 hours ago
[22:37:10] <@BOT> imgur » "Rise and BURP shine..." · 5233 Views · Uploaded: 7 hours ago

Erroneus  -  Oct 02, 2015

Strange, still seeing this.

Looks like it's happening on PNG and GIFV links, but not JPG's.

Erroneus  -  Oct 14, 2015

Getting really trippy responses

[11:31:38] <@Erroneus>
[11:31:40] <@BOT> imgur » "Welcome to Imgur!"
[11:31:40] <@BOT>> imgur » "Was playing a game on my phone when it said this." · 4306 Views · Uploaded: 17 hours ago
[11:31:40] <@BOT>> imgur » "Was playing a game on my phone when it said this." · 4306 Views · Uploaded: 17 hours ago

dma  -  Dec 13, 2015

mine sometimes never shows

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ovelayer   -  Nov 22, 2014

great work ty

Adjust   -  May 21, 2014

I can't get this to work as of 22 May 2014
mIRC v 7.32
Edit: It does seem to work except for the person running the script (it will work for other users) can that be changed please

hxck  -  Jun 08, 2014

You can't trigger on :*TEXT: snippets from the client they run on. This snippet is intended for a bot client. Add this to the snippet if you want to run it on your main client:

on *:INPUT:#:{
  if (!$sock(ImgurLookup)) {
    noop $regex(imgururl,$1-,(https?[\S]*imgur\.com[\S]*))
    sockopen ImgurLookup 80 | sockmark ImgurLookup $+(#,>,$gettok($gettok($regml(imgururl,1),3-,47),1,46))
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Angeris   -  Mar 14, 2014

Hello there,i really like this one,and i was looking for something that would show me imgur titles. Thing is that i only need it for a couple of channels where i don't have op status so i want to ask you a favor if you could tweak this somehow, show only title and nsfw tag ,no colors and if i could activate it in certain channels somehow, some channels don't like announces like this. PS it should announce my links too, cause i will load it in my client and not in some bot. Thanks in advance.

MashhitDK   -  Feb 22, 2014

Not tested... but nicely nicely... I like the idea...
might "rip" your work later on and implement it to My URL fetcher

nox`   -  Jan 21, 2014

I do not know if there are other valid formats

on $*:TEXT:$($imgreg):#: {
  if (!$sock(ImgurLookup)) {
    sockopen ImgurLookup 80 | sockmark ImgurLookup $+(#,$chr(32),$regml(1))
alias imgreg return /https?\72\/\/(?:i\.)?imgur\.com\/((?:a\/)?[a-z\d]+)/Si
on *:sockopen:ImgurLookup:{
  var %a sockwrite -n $sockname
  %a GET $+(/,$gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,2,32)) HTTP/1.1
  %a Host:
  %a $crlf
on *:sockread:ImgurLookup:{
  var %x
  sockread %x
  if $regex(%x,/([^>]+)<\/title>/) { set %ImgurLookuptitle $gettok($regml(1),-2,45) }
  if $regex(%x,<h2 class="textbox left">([^>]+)<\/h2>) { set %ImgurLookupalbum · $regml(1) }
  if $regex(%x,<span title=".+ GMT">([^>]+)<\/span>) { set %ImgurLookupage $regml(1) }
  if $regex(%x,<span (?:class|id)="stat(?:s-views)?">([^>]+)<\/span>) { set %ImgurLookupview $regml(1) }
  if "nsfw":true isincs %x { set %ImgurLookupnsfw 9· 4NSFW }
  if $regex(%x,"datetime":"([^"]+)") && !%ImgurLookupage { set %ImgurLookupage $timeago($calc($ctime - $ctime($regml(1)))) }
on *:sockclose:ImgurLookup: {
  msg $gettok($sock(ImgurLookup).mark,1,32) 9,1i0,1mgur » %ImgurLookuptitle %ImgurLookupalbum · Uploaded: %ImgurLookupage · %ImgurLookupview views %ImgurLookupnsfw
  unset %ImgurLookup*
alias timeago {
  if ($1 <= 59) { Return $1 seconds ago }
  if (($1 <= 3599) && ($1 > 59)) { return $floor($calc($1 / 60)) minutes ago }
  if (($1 <= 86399) && ($1 > 3599)) { return $round($calc($1 / 3600),0) hours ago }
  if (($1 <= 2592000) && ($1 > 86399)) { return $floor($calc($1 / 86400)) $iif($floor($calc($1 / 86400)) > 1,days,day) $+ , $round($calc($calc($1 - $calc($floor($calc($1 / 86400))*86400)) / 3600),0) hour(s) ago }
  if (($1 <= 31540000) && ($1 > 2592000)) { return $floor($calc($1 / 2592000)) $iif($floor($calc($1 / 2592000)) > 1,months,months) $+ , $round($calc($calc($1 - $calc($floor($calc($1 / 2592000))*2592000)) / 86400),0) day(s) ago }
  if ($1 > 31104000) { return $floor($calc($1 / 31104000)) $iif($floor($calc($1 / 31104000)) > 1,years,year) $+ , $round($calc($calc($1 - $calc($floor($calc($1 / 31104000))*31104000)) / 2592000),0) month(s) ago }
ES  -  Jan 24, 2014

Neat. I'm not all that great with regex.

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hxck   -  Jan 20, 2014

Nice job man.

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