mDir - Directory Monitor

By enexif on May 10, 2005

mDir Version 2.0
Directory Monitor

Welcome to mDir's Readme File! This document's purpose is to tell you how to use the basics of mDir. I hope you enjoy using mDir.
Scripter of mDir,
Zach (Aether Gray)

Beta Tester:
Falcor - Thanks

Modified Version of Loading Bar from KTE/Fractal? I don't remember where I got it but it looks similar to them


What is mDir?

mDir is a Directory Monitor! Great for Localized FTP Servers and File Servers. It bascially just scans through directories you want it to scan through and it will check if files have been added or deleted or even changed. It also works with sub directories too. Though to scan inside of those you have to add them. mDir uses a INI file to store settings for each folder you want it to scan. It checks to see if the file has been changed by checking the CRC of that file. 


Using mDir:

To access the main Dialog and setup window type "/mdir" (without quotes) or use the popups found in the Menu Bar and or Status Window. 


Adding Folders to Scan

To add a folder to scan, click on "ADD" at the top of the window. It will bring up a folder selection box and select the folder you want. A loadbar will popup, just showing you how much time you might have to wait before the file information is fully added. The more files you have (and how big they are) will determine how much time it will take before all information is recorded.

Deleting Folders

To delete, highlight the folder in the list of folders and press the Delete button. 

Allowing what Messages are to be displayed

Checkbox: New File. If this is checked, then it will alert the channel that a new file has been added
Checkbox: Changed File. If this is checked then it will alert the channel that a file has been changed.
Checkbox: Deleted File. If this is chcked then it will alert the channel that a file has been changed.
Checkbox: New Directory. If this is checked then it will alert the channel that a subdirectory has been added.
Checkbox: Deleted Directory. If this is checked then it will alert the channel that a subdirectory has been deleted.
Checkbox: Echo all msgs to Status. If this is checked, then all messages will be echoed to the status window. 

Modifying the messages that are to be displayed

If you read what each checkbo does, then you get the idea of what each textbox does.

Bascially you can just write your message here. you can use the following to retrieve information about the changes:
!dir = Will return the directory that is being scanned
!file = Will return just the file that is being scanned
!filename = Will return the full filename (with directory) that is being scanned.

Changing other settings

Channel: This is the channel where messages are sent to
    Allow Scanning of this directory: This allows the scanning of the directory to take place.

Global Settings

Scan Every (X) Minutes: Will automate the timer. Put 0 for disabling. 
    Allow Scanning: Turn off mDIR if unchecked



  • You can type /mdirx to start scanning
; mDir2
; -------------------------

; Just type /createrandomini and it will create a test ini you can use.
alias cndir {
  var %seed = $ticks
  if ($1 == $null && $isdir($1-) != $true) { halt }
  var %filename = $scriptdir $+ $md5($lower($1-)) $+ .mdl
  var %nomd5 = $lower($1-)
  var %files = $findfile(%nomd5,*,0,0))
  var %folders = $finddir(%nomd5,*,0,0)
  var %lbi = $calc(90 / (%files + %folders)), %lbx = 0
  write $+(",%filename,")
  loadbar open
  loadbar title Adding Files
  while (%files) {
    %afile = $replace($findfile(%nomd5,*,%files,0),$chr(32),$chr(21))
    writeini $+(",%filename,") files $nopath(%afile) $crc(%afile)
    inc %lbx %lbi | loadbar pos %lbx | loadbar title Adding File: $left(%afile,35) $+ $iif($len(%afile) < 35,...) 
    dec %files
  loadbar Title Adding Folders
  while (%folders) {
    %afile = $replace($finddir(%nomd5,*,%folders,0),$chr(32),$chr(21))
    writeini $+(",%filename,") folders $nopath(%afile) $true
    inc %lbx %lbi | loadbar pos %lbx | loadbar title Adding Folder: $left(%afile,35) $+ $iif($len(%afile) < 35,...) 
    dec %folders
  loadbar Title Adding Information
  writeini $+(",%filename,") info directory %nomd5
  writeini $+(",%filename,") info echo 1
  writeini $+(",%filename,") allow newfile 1
  writeini $+(",%filename,") allow chgfile 1
  writeini $+(",%filename,") allow delfile 1
  writeini $+(",%filename,") allow newdir 1
  writeini $+(",%filename,") allow deldir 1
  inc %lbx 5 | loadbar pos %lbx 
  writeini $+(",%filename,") messages newfile New File Added in !dir (!file)
  writeini $+(",%filename,") Messages delfile Deleted File in !dir (!file)
  writeini $+(",%filename,") messages chgfile File Modified in !dir (!file)
  writeini $+(",%filename,") messages newdir New Subdirectory Added in !dir (!file)
  writeini $+(",%filename,") messages deldir Subdirectory Deleted in !dir (!file)
  writeini $+(",%filename,") info scan 1
  writeini $+(",%filename,") info chan #scripting
  inc %lbx 5 | loadbar pos %lbx 
  loadbar title Completed in $calc(($ticks - %seed) / 1000) secs
  .timer 1 2 loadbar close
  ;echo -a INI: $+(",%filename,") CREATED!

alias loadbar {
  if ($0 && !$isid) {
    var %window.width = 300
    var %window.height = 40 
    var %bar.width = $calc(%window.width - 10)
    var %bar.height = $calc(%window.height * .3) 
    if ($1 == open) {
      if ($window(@prog)) { window -c @prog } 

      window -pfhkdCiB +fL @prog -1 -1 %window.width %window.height 
      drawrect -fr @prog $color(background) 0 0 0 %window.width %window.height 
      drawrect  @prog $color(background) 0 5 23 %bar.width %bar.height
      window -a @prog
    elseif ($window(@prog)) {
      if ($1 == title) {
        drawrect -rf @prog $color(background) 0 0 0 502 22
        drawtext @prog $color(info) Verdana -7 $calc(((%window.width - $width($2-, Verdana, -7, 1, 1)) / 2) +3) 4 $2-
        window -a @prog
      if ($1 == pos) {
        drawrect -f @prog $color(info) 0 6 25 $calc($$2 * (%bar.width / 100)) 8
        window -a @prog
      if ($1 == close) $iif($window(@prog),.timer -m 1 50 close -@ @prog)
  else { 
    if ($isid) { 
      if ($window(@prog)) { return $true }
      else { return $false } 

dialog mdir {
  title "mDir - Directory Monitor v2.0"
  size -1 -1 160 167
  option dbu notheme
  list 100, 1 10 157 42, size
  box "Messages", 3, 2 54 157 68
  check "New File", 200, 6 62 33 10
  check "Changed File", 201, 6 72 47 10
  check "Deleted File", 202, 6 82 49 10
  check "New Directory", 203, 6 92 47 10
  check "Deleted Directory", 204, 6 102 56 10
  text "New File Message:", 8, 64 63 46 8, right
  edit "", 206, 110 62 48 10, autohs
  edit "", 207, 110 72 48 10, autohs
  text "Chg File Message:", 11, 64 73 46 8, right
  edit "", 208, 110 82 48 10, autohs
  text "Del File Message:", 13, 64 83 46 8, right
  edit "", 209, 110 92 48 10, autohs
  text "New Dir Message:", 15, 64 93 46 8, right
  edit "", 210, 110 102 48 10, autohs
  text "Del Dir Message:", 17, 64 103 46 8, right
  check "Echo All Msgs to Status", 205, 6 112 67 7
  box "Other Directory Settings:", 19, 2 121 157 19
  edit "", 300, 34 128 50 10, autohs
  text "Channel:", 21, 10 129 24 8
  check "Allow Scanning of This Dir", 301, 87 128 69 10, left
  box "Settings:", 23, 2 141 62 25
  text "Scan every ", 24, 6 148 30 7
  edit "", 400, 35 147 14 10, autohs
  text "mins", 26, 49 148 13 8
  check "Enable Scans", 401, 6 155 42 10
  button "Save ", 500, 68 144 37 12
  button "Exit", 29, 106 157 37 10, ok cancel
  button "Scan", 600, 68 157 37 10
  text "Directories", 1, 2 2 32 8
  button "Add", 101, 114 2 20 7
  button "Delete", 102, 136 2 20 7
  text "Invalid Directory! ", 2, 108 144 50 11

alias x6f { if ($1 == $null) { return S_NOOK } | else { return $replace($1-,,<b>,,<u>,,<k>,,<r>,,<o>) } }
alias y10a { return $replace($1-,<b>,,<o>,,<r>,,<k>,,<u>,) }

alias mdir {  dialog $iif($dialog(mdir),-v,-md) mdir mdir }

on *:DIALOG:mdir:*:* {
  if ($devent == init && !$did) {
    var %i = 1
    did -ri $dname 100 1 Select a Directory
    while (%i <= $findfile($scriptdir,*.mdl,0,0)) {
      var %d = $replace($readini($findfile($scriptdir,*.mdl,%i,0),info,directory),$chr(21),$chr(32))
      did -i $dname 100 $calc(%i + 1) %d
      inc %i
    did -c $dname 100 1

    if (%mdir.scan) { did -c $dname 401 }
    if (%mdir.time != $null) { did -ra $dname 400 %mdir.time }
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    ; Clears Error Messages
    if ($did != $null) { did -r $dname 2 }

    if ($did == 101) {
      var %path = $lower($sdir($scriptdir,Select Directory))
      if (!$isdir(%path)) { did -ra $dname 2 Invalid Directory }
      else {
        if ($isfile($scriptdir $+ $md5(%path) $+ mdl) == $true) { did -ra $dname 2 Already Monitoring }
        else {
          cndir %path
          did -ra $dname 2 Directory Added
          var %i = 1
          did -ri $dname 100 1 Select a Directory
          while (%i <= $findfile($scriptdir,*.mdl,0,0)) {
            var %d = $readini($findfile($scriptdir,*.mdl,%i,0),info,directory)
            did -i $dname 100 $calc(%i + 1) %d
            inc %i
          did -c $dname 100 1

    if ($did == 102) {
      var %path = $lower($did($dname,100).seltext)
      if ($isdir(%path)) {
        if ($isfile($scriptdir $+ $md5(%path) $+ .mdl)) { .remove $+(",$scriptdir,$md5(%path),.mdl,") }
        var %i = 1
        did -ri $dname 100 1 Select a Directory
        while (%i <= $findfile($scriptdir,*.mdl,0,0)) {
          var %d = $replace($readini($findfile($scriptdir,*.mdl,%i,0),info,directory),$chr(21),$chr(32))
          did -i $dname 100 $calc(%i + 1) %d
          inc %i
        did -c $dname 100 1
    if ($did == 600) {
      if (!$timer(-mdirscan) && %mdir.time > 0) {
        did -ra $dname 2 Already Scanning
      else {

    if ($did == 500) {
      var %sel = $lower($did($dname,100).seltext)
      var %dir = $scriptdir $+ $md5(%sel) $+ .mdl
      if ($isdir(%sel) == $false) {
        did -ra $dname 2 Not a Directory
      else {

        writeini $+(",%dir,") allow newfile $did($dname,200).state
        writeini $+(",%dir,") allow chgfile $did($dname,201).state
        writeini $+(",%dir,") allow delfile $did($dname,202).state
        writeini $+(",%dir,") allow newdir $did($dname,203).state
        writeini $+(",%dir,") allow deldir $did($dname,204).state
        writeini $+(",%dir,") info echo $did($dname,205).state
        writeini $+(",%dir,") info scan $did($dname,301).state

        writeini $+(",%dir,") messages newfile $x6f($did($dname,206).text)
        writeini $+(",%dir,") messages chgfile $x6f($did($dname,207).text)
        writeini $+(",%dir,") messages delfile $x6f($did($dname,208).text)
        writeini $+(",%dir,") messages newdir $x6f($did($dname,209).text)
        writeini $+(",%dir,") messages deldir $x6f($did($dname,210).text)
        writeini $+(",%dir,") info chan $x6f($did($dname,300).text)

        did -ra $dname 2 Settings Saved
      set %mdir.time $did($dname,400).text
      set %mdir.scan $did($dname,401).state
    if ($did == 100) {
      var %sel = $lower($did($dname,$did).seltext)
      var %dir = $scriptdir $+ $md5(%sel) $+ .mdl
      if ($isdir(%sel) == $false) {
        did -ra $dname 2 Not a Directory
        did -b $dname 200,201,202,203,204,205,301,206,207,208,209,210,300,500
      else { did -e $dname 200,201,202,203,204,205,301,206,207,208,209,210,300,500 }

      did -u $dname 200,201,202,203,204,205,301
      did -r $dname 206,207,208,209,210,300

      if ($readini(%dir,allow,newfile)) { did -c $dname 200 }
      if ($readini(%dir,allow,chgfile)) { did -c $dname 201 }
      if ($readini(%dir,allow,delfile)) { did -c $dname 202 }
      if ($readini(%dir,allow,newdir)) { did -c $dname 203 }
      if ($readini(%dir,allow,deldir)) { did -c $dname 204 }
      if ($readini(%dir,messages,newfile)) { did -ra $dname 206 $y10a($replace($iif($ifmatch != $null,$ifmatch,$v1),S_NOOK,$null)) }
      if ($readini(%dir,messages,chgfile)) { did -ra $dname 207 $y10a($replace($iif($ifmatch != $null,$ifmatch,$v1),S_NOOK,$null)) }
      if ($readini(%dir,messages,delfile)) { did -ra $dname 208 $y10a($replace($iif($ifmatch != $null,$ifmatch,$v1),S_NOOK,$null)) }
      if ($readini(%dir,messages,newdir)) { did -ra $dname 209 $y10a($replace($iif($ifmatch != $null,$ifmatch,$v1),S_NOOK,$null)) }
      if ($readini(%dir,messages,deldir)) { did -ra $dname 210 $y10a($replace($iif($ifmatch != $null,$ifmatch,$v1),S_NOOK,$null)) }
      if ($readini(%dir,info,echo)) { did -c $dname 205 1 }
      if ($readini(%dir,info,chan)) { did -ra $dname 300 $y10a($replace($iif($ifmatch != $null,$ifmatch,$v1),S_NOOK,$null)) }
      if ($readini(%dir,info,scan)) { did -c $dname 301 1 }

alias msgconvert { if ($1 == S_NOOK) { halt } | else { return $replace($1-,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file) } }

alias mdirx {
  var %i = 1, %stime = $ticks 
  while (%i <= $findfile($scriptdir,*.mdl,0,0)) {
    var %a = 1, %a2 = 1, %b = 1, %list = $findfile($scriptdir,*.mdl,%i,0), %dir = $readini(%list,info,directory)
    var %b2 = 1
    inc %i
    if (!%mdir.scan) { halt }

    if ($isdir(%dir)) {
      ; Checks if the directory is in scan mode
      if ($readini(%list,info,scan)) {

        ; Loop to check if files have been added/changed and some deletions
        while (%a <= $findfile(%dir,*,0,0)) {
          var %full.file = $findfile(%dir,*,%a,0), %file = $nopath(%full.file), %altfile = $replace(%file,$chr(32),$chr(21))
          ; New Files?
          if ($readini(%list,files,%altfile) == $null) {
            ; Message Channel
            if ($readini(%list,allow,newfile)) {
              var %1msg = $readini(%list,messages,newfile)
              if ($me ison $readini(%list,info,chan) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { msg $readini(%list,info,chan) $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }
              if ($readini(%list,info,echo) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { echo $color(info) -s $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }
            writeini $+(",%list,") files %altfile $crc(%full.file)

          if ($isfile(%full.file) == $true) {
            ; Message Channel
            if ($crc(%full.file) != $readini(%list,files,%altfile)) {
              if ($readini(%list,allow,chgfile)) {
                var %1msg =  $readini(%list,messages,chgfile)
                if ($me ison $readini(%list,info,chan) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { msg $readini(%list,info,chan) $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }
                if ($readini(%list,info,echo) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { echo $color(info) -s $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }

              writeini $+(",%list,") files %altfile $crc(%full.file)
          else {
            if ($readini(%list,allow,delfile)) {
              echo -a This is my dog
              var %1msg =  $readini(%list,messages,delfile)
              if ($me ison $readini(%list,info,chan) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { msg $readini(%list,info,chan) $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }
              if ($readini(%list,info,echo) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { echo $color(info) -s $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }

            remini $+(",%list,") files %altfile
          inc %a

        while (%a2 <= $finddir(%dir,*,0,0)) {
          var %full.df = $finddir(%dir,*,%a2,0), %df = $nopath(%full.df), %adf = $replace(%df,$chr(32),$chr(21))
          ; New Directory?
          if ($readini(%list,folders,%adf) == $null) {
            ; Message Channel
            if ($readini(%list,allow,newdir)) {
              var %1msg =  $readini(%list,messages,newdir)
              if ($me ison $readini(%list,info,chan) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { msg $readini(%list,info,chan) $msgconvert(%list) }
              if ($readini(%list,info,echo) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { echo $color(info) -s $msgconvert(%list) }

            writeini $+(",%list,") folders %adf $true
          ; No Directory on List
          if (!$isdir(%full.df)) {
            if ($readini(%list,allow,deldir)) {
              var %1msg =  $readini(%list,messages,deldir)
              if ($me ison $readini(%list,info,chan) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { msg $readini(%list,info,chan) $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }
              if ($readini(%list,info,echo) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { echo $color(info) -s $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }

            remini $+(",%list,") folders %adf
          inc %a2

        WHILE (%b <= $ini(%list,files,0)) {
          var %full.file = $readini(%list,info,directory) $+ $replace($ini(%list,files,%b),$chr(21),$chr(32))
          var %file = $nopath(%full.file), %altfile = $replace(%file,$chr(32),$chr(21))
          if ($isfile(%full.file) == $false) {
            if ($readini(%list,allow,delfile)) {
              echo -a %full.file 
              var %1msg =  $readini(%list,messages,delfile)
              if ($me ison $readini(%list,info,chan) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { msg $readini(%list,info,chan) $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }
              if ($readini(%list,info,echo) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { echo $color(info) -s $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }

            remini $+(",%list,") files %altfile
          inc %b
        WHILE (%b2 <= $ini(%list,folders,0)) {
          var %full.file = $readin(%list,info,directory) $+ $replace($ini(%list,folders,%b2),$chr(21),$chr(32)), %file = $nopath(%full.file), %altfile = $replace(%file,$chr(32),$chr(21))
          if (!$isdir(%full.file)) {
            if ($readini(%list,allow,deldir)) {
              var %1msg =  $readini(%list,messages,deldir)
              if ($me ison $readini(%list,info,chan) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { msg $readini(%list,info,chan) $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }
              if ($readini(%list,info,echo) && (%1msg != $null || %1msg != S_NOOK)) { echo $color(info) -s $y10a($replace(%1msg,!dir,%dir,!file,%file,!filename,%full.file))  }

            remini $+(",%list,") folders %altfile
          inc %b2
  var %ctime12 = $calc(($ticks - %stime) / 1000)
  echo $color(info) -s *** mDir: Finish Scanning in %ctime12 seconds.

on *:UNLOAD {
  .timer-mdirscan off
  unset %mdir.*
  echo $color(info) -s mDir - Directory Monitor v2.0 unloaded. All variables unset. Please manually delete the .mdl files in $scriptdir
on *:LOAD: {
  if ($version < 6.03) { echo mDir - Directory Monitor requires you to use mIRC Version 6.03 or higher. Your current version is $version }
  else {
    echo $color(info) -a --------------------------
    echo $color(info) -a mDir - Directory Monitor by Aether (Version 2.0)
    echo $color(info) -a Now Loaded! Type /mdir to setup.
    autoscan /n

menu status,menubar {
  .Setup: mdir
  .Scan Now: mdirx
  ..Unload by Clicking Here: .unload -rs $+(",$script,")

on *:START {
  autoscan /n

; Alias for Timer and Auto Scanning.
alias -l autoscan { .timer-mdirscan off | if (%mdir.time > 0 && %mdir.scan && $1 != /n) { mdirx } | .timer-mdirscan 1 $calc(60 * $iif(%mdir.time isnum 1-,%mdir.time,5)) autoscan }


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supergeo   -  May 11, 2005

Excellent description and explanations all through!

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