

Feb 04, 2004
Sydney, Australia

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shaf created a Page  -  Feb 11, 2004

this is similarto java's stringtoknizer. hopefully this will be helpful for those who are doing a lot of string/text parsing, or if your find using $gettok etc too difficult... i've included two test functions as well. i'mthinking of adding .prev as well.

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shaf created a Page  -  Feb 06, 2004

instead of hard coding profanities into the script, u can just put them all in a file (called profanity.txt in this eg) and just test from there, this way it'll be much easier to add/remove words. plus u can give other ppl in the channel (or other operators) the ability to add to the file by doing /msg !prog blah (also included here). this is a simple example obviously... u might want to consider loading..

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