6S 5" Armattan Chameleon

By SquishinStix on Sep 17, 2020

12  678  6

Update: I wasn't happy with the performance of this build compared to my iFlight Cidora SL5-E; I think it is a combination of the shorter stator (2306 vs. 2207) and lower kv motors (1700kv vs. 1800kv). So I dropped $100 on some top-tier motors with more power; T-Motor F60 Pro IV 1,950kv. Wow, what a difference! With the Eco motors it pulled 65-70A at full throttle and now it pulls 95-100A. That's with the S3 props - I also have some Dalprop 5045 that I haven't tried but I bet it will really RIP with those. The Eco motors were fine and it's not a reflection of the motors themselves that I've already upgraded, I just needed a bit more power for it to fly the way I wanted. I have added a couple photos of the new motors compared to the original.

This is my first build ever and I'm incredibly happy with it. My first solder experience came just a few weeks ago when I replaced a motor on my iFlight Cidora SL5-E and after that I had the confidence and itch to build my own quad.

I chose the Chameleon frame because it looks badass, has a lifetime warranty, and offers excellent protection of the camera. Aside from the frame, it's a bit of a budget build. Literally got the cheapest stack I could find on GetFPV that had solid reviews, same goes for the motors - I didnt want $25 motors because I know I'll wreck them more than anything else. I also splurged a little on the VTX because good video is important to me (but not so important that I've gone digital!).

In terms of the build, I wanted to try my hardest to make it super clean. In that effort, I meticulously planned out where every component would go, how it would mount, and how I would route the wiring, before I soldered my first joint.

The motor wires are heatshrinked, cut to the exact length necessary, and held to the arms by Ranger Bands which are essentially bicycle innertubes. The bands are very thick and strong and will hopefully protect the wires from the props - we'll see, but it's clean!

The signal wires are all shrouded in de-cored paracord.

I put wires on the capacitor so I didn't have to mount it on top of the battery leads - I put it over on the side in the rear, heatshrinked it, and ziptied it to the frame. The battery leads are ziptied in three places to the bottom plate and rear standoff for strain relief.

The receiver is mounted with VHB tape to the bottom plate between the stack and camera. Antennae are ziptied and heatshrinked facing backwards on front arms.

VTX is mounted with VHB tape on the bottom rear of the top plate and the lead to the antenna mount has two zip ties for strain relief.

The stack is all conformal coated, including all solder joints.

Haven't flown it yet, but ive powered it on (after tons of checks) and no magic smoke. Got the flight controller updated to Betaflight 4.2 and the ESCs updated to JEsc along with operational Bidirectional DShot and RPM filtering. Receiver is binded and everything has been programmed, including my preferred rates. Did a quick hover test but haven't truly flown it yet. I have a feeling that the S3 props may not have quite enough thrust with this low KV motor (even on 6S) and may end up going with the S4s or some Dalprop 5045s that I like.

I got tons of excellent ideas and inspiration from other people's builds so I am excited to share my own work and I hope you enjoy it!


Part List


Armattan Chameleon 5" Frame - SilverDefault Title (164 builds)

Flight Controller

Diatone Mamba F405 Mk2 F50 3-6S 30x30 Stack/Combo (F4 FC / 50A ESC) (22 builds)


T-Motor F60 Pro IV V2 2207.5 1950Kv Racing Motor - Choose Your Color (8 builds)


HQ Prop ETHIX S3 5x3.1x3 Tri-Blade 5" Prop 4 Pack - WatermelonDefault Title (48 builds)

FPV Camera

Caddx Ratel Starlight HDR 1200TVL Micro FPV Camera - Choose Your Color & LensRed / 2.1mm (114 builds)

FPV Transmitter

Rush FPV Tank Ultimate Plus 25-800mW 5.8GHz VTX - MMCX (20 builds)


XILO AXII Long Range 5.8GHz Antenna (RHCP) (4 builds)


FrSky R-XSR 2.4GHz Micro ReceiverDefault Title (937 builds)


RDQ Series 22.2V 6S 1250mAh 80C LiPo Battery - XT60 (17 builds)


FrSky Taranis X9 Lite RC Transmitter - Choose Your ColorWhite (17 builds)

3D Printed

Armattan Chameleon Accessory Kit (3 builds)


Black XT60 Lipo Pigtail 12AWG (5pcs) (5 builds)
See Site

Misc Parts

Panasonic 35V 1000uF LOW ESR Capacitor (14 builds)
See Site

Battery Charger

HOTA D6 Pro 325W 15A 1-6S Dual Channel AC/DC Smart Charger w/ Wireless Cellphone Charging - Choose Your Color (56 builds)

Soldering Iron

LONOVE Soldering Iron Station Kit – 60W Solder Station 194℉-896℉ Adjustable Temperature, LED Display, Sleep Function, (2 builds)


RDQ FPV Backpack w/ Optional Rain Fly (17 builds)
Show stores (4)


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K1R   Sep 29, 2020  

So much attention to details! A+++ work!

SquishinStix   Sep 29, 2020 

Thank you!

Shawn53   Sep 17, 2020  

Definitely a clean nice looking build. Great job! You definitely went overkill on zip ties and the paracord is a nice touch but between the two you have added weight. My only suggestion is that you get a mount for your VTX antenna that gets it at the right angle and out of any chance of getting hit by the props......I've been there. I also feel video reception is much better when the VTX is at a 45 degree angle to the frame than straight out. Now that you have built your first one you have the bug and will be building more (and naming them yourself because you'll be hiding the expense from your wife..lol)

SquishinStix   Sep 17, 2020 

Thanks! Yes, the 3D printed piece for the VTX antenna will offer some flexibility and get it up at a 45 degree angle - definitely going that route.

As far as the zipties and paracord, I am using a total of three zipties (not including the two for the receiver antennae) - one around the capacitor, and two for strain relief on the power leads. I just weighed an uncut ziptie of the same size/type I used and it comes in at 0.5g - so even if you assume my quarter-length (cut) ties weigh that much, we're talking 1.5g of weight. I also weighed a de-cored piece of paracord of equal length to my three pieces and that came in at 0.5g. So we're talking 2g overall, or about 0.3% of the overall weight. I'm not too worried about that haha. It's not a racing rig, it's just freestyle, a little weight doesn't hurt and I don't mind a tiny bit of extra weight for the sake of durability and/or aesthetics.


Shawn53   Sep 17, 2020 

Fair enough....Let 'em rip!!

SquishinStix   Sep 17, 2020 

I'm not experienced enough to know much of a difference, but Bardwell and Le Drib have said before that a little extra weight for freestyle can actually be a good thing because the quad can carry more momentum for certain types of maneuvers. Based on that (and my preference for durability and aesthetics over all-out performance), I wasn't very discerning in my design when it comes to weight.

Thanks, man!

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