maria commented on a Page, Reddit Latest Post & Comment Watcher  -  Jul 04, 2012

too late. fixed everything. lol....

jethro, thank you for starting this project and creating something useful, without your help i wouldn't have been able to finish this off myself.

here's a Sub-Reddit Post .JSON Feed to Channel Script;

alias -l reddit {
  hadd -m reddit callback msg $1
  hadd reddit attr.count 0
  hdel reddit rcvd
  var %sockname = reddit2
  if ($sock(%sockname)) sockclose $v1
  sockopen %sockname 80
alias -l trans {
  return $replace($1,&lt;,<,&gt;,>,&quot;,",&nbsp;,$chr(160),&amp;,&,&amp;#39;,')

on *:sockopen:reddit2:{
  if ($sockerr) { 
    echo 4 -ag $gettok($sock(reddit).mark,2,32) Error Connecting to $sock(reddit).addr
  var %reddit2 = sockwrite -nt reddit2
  %reddit2 GET $+(/r/,%reddits,/new.json?sort=new&limit=1,$iif($hget(reddit,id),&after= $+ $v1)) HTTP/1.0-
  %reddit2 Cache-Control: max-age=0
  %reddit2 Connection: close
  %reddit2 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/5.0)
  %reddit2 Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2))

on *:sockread:reddit2:{
  if ($sockerr) { 
    echo 4 $gettok($sock(reddit).mark,2,32) Error Reading $sock(reddit).addr
  sockread &reddit2
  noop $hget(reddit,rcvd,&rcvd)
  bcopy &rcvd $calc($bvar(&rcvd,0) + 1) &reddit2 1 -1
  hadd -b reddit rcvd &rcvd

on *:sockclose:reddit2:{

alias reddit.finished {
  noop $hget(reddit,rcvd,&rcvd)

  var %g2 = $bvar(&rcvd,1-).text
  if ($regex(%g2,/"title"\: "(.*)"/)) {
    hadd -m reddit title $gettok($trans($regml(1)),1,34)
    hinc reddit attr.count
  if ($regex(%g2,/"id"\: "(.*)"/)) {
    hadd -m reddit status old
    if ($hget(reddit,id) != $gettok($trans($regml(1)),1,34)) {
      hadd -m reddit id $v2
      hadd -m reddit status new
      hinc reddit attr.count
  if ($regex(%g2,/"author"\: "(.*)"/)) { 
    hadd -m reddit author $gettok($regml(1),1,34)
    hinc reddit attr.count

  if ($hget(reddit,status) == new) && ($hget(reddit,attr.count) == 3) {
    $hget(reddit,callback) $&
      $chr(29) $+ $hget(reddit,title) $+ $chr(29) - $+(,$hget(reddit,id)) by 12 $+ $hget(reddit,author)

on me:*:join:#reddit:{
  if (%true) notice $me Reddit has been toggled off. Right-click on $&
    the nicklist or channel to toggle it on. | unset %true
on *:disconnect: if (%reddits) $+(.timer,#,$network) off | set -e %true 1
on me:*:part:#: if (%reddits) $+(.timer,#,$network) off | set -e %true 1
on *:kick:#:{
  if ($knick == $me) && (%reddits) $+(.timer,#,$network) off
  set -e %true 1
on *:quit:{
  if ($nick == $me) && (%reddits) {
    var %c = 1
    while ($comchan($me,%c)) {
      $+(.timer,$v1,$network) off
      set -e %true 1
      inc %c

menu channel,nicklist {
  .ON {
    if (!%reddits) {
      set -e %reddits $$?"Which Reddit to Watch?"
      set -e %reddittime $$?"How often do you want the latest post checked $&
        and sent to the channel in seconds?"
      $+(.timer,#,$network) 0 %reddittime reddit #
      echo 2 # * Reddit Set for: $+($chr(2),%reddits)
      echo 2 # * Time Interval in Seconds: $+($chr(2),%reddittime)
      if (%true) unset $v1
    else echo 4 # * Reddit is Already Switched On!
  .OFF { 
    if (%reddits) {
      $+(.timer,#,$network) off 
      echo 2 * Reddit Has Been Turned Off!
      unset %reddit* %true
    else echo 4 # * Reddit is Already Switched Off!
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