Wade commented on a Page, Bear Ascii Pic Text  -  May 27, 2011
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]bear/Si:#: {
  if (!$hget(antispam,$network)) {
    hadd -mu60 antispam $network
    var %bear 1, %bl $len($2)
    while (%bear <= %bl) {
      if ($$2) {
        var %bbear $addtok(%bbear,$upper($mid($2,%bear,1)),32)
      inc %bear
    msg $chan $str(0.....1_0.....1_0.....,%bl) | msg $chan $str(0....1(o).-.(o)0....,%bl) | msg $chan $str(0...1__\( Y )/__0...,%bl) | msg $chan $str(0..1(_.-/'-'\-._)0..,%bl)
    msg $chan $+(0,$str($chr(46),4),01,$str($chr(124),2),0,$chr(46),,$chr(32)) $replace(%bbear,$chr(32),$+($chr(32),0,$chr(46),01,$str($chr(124),2),0,$str($chr(46),8),01,$str($chr(124),2),0,$chr(46),,$chr(32))) $+(0,$chr(46),01,$str($chr(124),2),0,$str($chr(46),4))       
    msg $chan $str(0...1_.´ `-´ `._0...,%bl) | msg $chan $str(0..1(.-./`-´\.-.)0..,%bl)

my take on it with a 60 second spam protection so it wont flood you/bot off the network.

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