joelp53 commented on a Page, V1.5  -  Oct 26, 2010

Well i have the exact code as above and it works perfectly for me.
Edit just incase here is my working script:

on *:LOAD:dialog -m TVSettings TVSettings -4

on *:UNLOAD:.unset %TV_*

menu Menubar,Channel,Query {
  TV Rage
  .Settings:dialog -m TVSettings TVSettings -4
  .Self Search:dialog -m SelfSearch SelfSearch -4
  .Status < $+ $iif(%TV_Rage = 1,Enabled,Disabled) $+ >:$iif(%TV_Rage = 0,%TV_Rage = 1,%TV_Rage = 0) | echo -a TV Rage Has Been $iif(%TV_Rage = 1,Enabled.,Disabled.)

On *:input:#: {
  if ($1 != .tv) { return }
  if (%TV_Rage = 0) { Halt }
  var %Num = $trnum 
  if ($2 = Schedule) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  $iif(%TV_Where2 = 1,$Me,$Target) }
  elseif ($Target !ischan) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Me | set %TVRage_Query. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 1 }
  else { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  $iif(%TV_Where = 1,$Target,$Me) }
  set %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Chan
  set %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Me 
  TVRage.Load %num $1-

On **:#: {
  if (%TV_Rage = 0) { Halt }
  var %Num = $trnum 
  if ($2 = Schedule) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  $iif(%TV_Where2 = 1,$Nick,$Chan) }
  elseif ($Target !ischan) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Nick | set %TVRage_Query. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 1 }
  else { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  $iif(%TV_Where = 1,$Chan,$Nick) }
  set %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Nick
  set %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Chan
  TVRage.Load %num $1-

alias -l TVRage.Load {
  var %num = $1
  if ($Mid($2,4,10) = cmds) {
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  14TVRage Commands8:
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  8- 8<15Show8> (15Season and Episode8) 4EX8:15 .tv House 2x05 This Command P.M's you.
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  8- Schedule <day> (time)  Will display the Tvrage schedule for the sated day.
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  8- 15!tvrage <Show> Will display Info in channel of the show you requested.
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ]  8- 14Options in 8( ) 14are Optional8. 14Options in 8< > 14are Required8.
    .unset %TVRage*
  tokenize 32 $2-
  if ($2 = scehdule) { 
    var %temp $GetTok($2-,$numtok($2-,32),32)
    set %TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] Schedule
    if ((%Temp = GB) || (%Temp = UK) || (%Temp = US) || (%Temp = AU)) { set %TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] Country | set %TVRage_Country. [ $+ [ %num ] ] %Temp }
    set %TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $iif($4 !isnum,$null,$Int($4))
    set %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $FullDate($3)
    if (%TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = $null) {
      msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14You need to pick a 4Day of the Week $+ $iif(!%TVRage_Country. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$chr(32) $+ 14or 4Country) $+ 8.
      .unset %TVRage_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
      .unset %Check_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
    TVRage %Num Schedule
  else {
    $iif($CheckEP(%num,$2-) = 1,set %TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] EpSpec, set %TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] Ep)
    TVRage %num $2-
alias -l TVRage {
  if ((%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != Schedule) && (!$2)) { 
    msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 14You actually need to search for a 4TV8-4show 14you know8! 14 Type 4.tvtriggers14 for help8. 
    .unset %TVRage_*. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  if (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = EpSpec) { %tvshow. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace($GetTok($2-,1- [ $Calc($numtok($2-,32)-1) ] ,32),$chr(32),% $+ 20) $+ &ep= $+ %Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $+ x $+ %Check_ep. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] }
  else { %TVShow. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace($2-,$chr(32),% $+ 20) }
  sockopen TVRage. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 80

on *:sockopen:TVRage.*: {
  var %num = $Mid($sockname,$calc($Pos($sockName,.,1) + 1))
  Check.Settings Sch %Num
  if ($sockerr > 0) return

  if (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Schedule) { 
    notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 15-- 14Gathering Information 15--
    sockwrite -n $SockName GET /tools/quickschedule.php HTTP/1.1 
  elseif (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Country) { 
    notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 15-- 14Gathering Information 15--
    sockwrite -n $SockName GET /tools/quickschedule.php?country= $+ %TVRage_Country. [ $+ [ %num ] ] HTTP/1.1 
  elseif ((%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Ep) || (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = EpSpec)) { sockwrite -n $sockname GET /tools/quickinfo.php?show= $+ %tvshow. [ $+ [ %num ] ] HTTP/1.0 }
  sockwrite -n $SockName host: $+(,$crlf,$crlf)
  set %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive
  sockwrite $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:TVRage.*:{
  var %num = $Mid($sockname,$calc($Pos($sockName,.,1) + 1))
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  var %tvdata
  sockread %tvdata
  if ($mid(%Tvdata,1,5) = [DAY]) {
    if ($Fopen(%TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ])) {
      .fclose %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
    set %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok($Mid(%Tvdata,6,$Calc($pos(%Tvdata,[/,1) - 6)),1,44)
    if (%TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
      .fopen -no %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] [ %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ] [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ .txt
      .fwrite -n %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Mid(%Tvdata,6,$Calc($pos(%Tvdata,[/,1) - 6))
  if ($mid(%TvData,1,6) = [TIME]) {
    if (%TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
      set %TVRage_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Mid(%Tvdata,7,$Calc($pos(%tvdata,[/,1) - 7))
  if ($Mid(%TVData,1,6) = [SHOW]) {
    if (%TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
      set %TVRage_Show_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Mid(%TvData,7,$Calc($pos(%Tvdata,^,3) - 7))
      .fwrite -n %TVRage_Day. [ $+ [ %num ] ] %TVRage_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ ^ $+ %TVRage_Show_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  if (!$sockbr) return
  if (show name isin %tvdata) { set %show_name. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }
  if (country isin %tvdata) { set %show_country. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }
  if (Latest Episode isin %tvdata) { 
    set %show_latest_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) 
    set %show_latest_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_latest_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,94)
    set %show_latest_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_latest_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,94)
    set %show_latest_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%Show_latest_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],3,94)
  if (Next Episode isin %tvdata) { 
    set %show_next_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) 
    set %show_next_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,94)
    set %show_next_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_next_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,94)
    set %show_next_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%Show_Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],3,94)
  if (Episode URL isin %tvdata) { set %Show_URL. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }
  if (Episode Info isin %tvdata) { 
    set %Show_Spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Gettok(%tvdata,2,64)
    set %show_Spec_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,94)
    set %show_Spec_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%show_spec_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,94)
    set %show_Spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%Show_spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],3,94)
    if (%show_Spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = 00//00) { set %show_Spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] }
  if (Status isin %Tvdata) { set %Show_Status. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Gettok(%Tvdata,2,64) }
  if (airtime isin %Tvdata) { Set %Show_Airtime. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }
  if (network isin %Tvdata) { set %Show_network. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%tvdata,2,64) }

  if (%show_Next_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
    set %Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $puttok(%Show_Next_Airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$GetTok(%Show_Next_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,47),1,47)
    set %Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $puttok(%Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$SetMonth($GetTok(%Show_Next_Airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ,1,47)),2,47)
    set %Next_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $CTime(%Next_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok(%Show_Airtime. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ,3-4,32))
  if (%Show_Spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) {
    set %Next_Spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $puttok(%Show_Spec_Airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$SetMonth($GetTok(%Show_Spec_Airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,47)),2,47)
    set %Next_Spec_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $CTime(%Next_Spec_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok(%Show_Airtime. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ,3-4,32))

on *:sockclose:TVRage.*:{
  var %num = $Mid($sockname,$calc($Pos($sockName,.,1) + 1))
  if ((%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Ep) || (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = EpSpec)) {
    Check.Settings Ep %Num
    set %Show_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] s $+ $replace(%Show_ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],x,e)
    if (%show_name. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = $null) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14No Such Show8, 14Check your spelling and try again8. }
    else {
      msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14 $+ %show_name. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 15--14 $Replace(%Show_Airtime. [ $+ [ %num ] ],$Chr(44),8 $+ $chr(44) $+ 14,:,8:14) 15 $+ %Show_network. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 8(14 $+ %Show_Status. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8) (14 $+ %show_country. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8)
      if (%Show_Url. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $Null) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Episode URL8:15 %Show_URL. [ $+ [ %num ] ] }
      if (%show_Spec_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $null) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Episode15 %Show_spec_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14 $+ $Replace(%Show_spec_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],x,8x14) 15 $+ %Show_spec_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $iif(%Next_Spec_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] > $Ctime,14Airing in8:15 $LongTime($Calc(%Next_Spec_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] - $Ctime))) }
      msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Latest Episode15 %Show_Latest_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14 $+ $Replace(%Show_Latest_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],x,8x14) 15 $+  %show_latest_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
      if (%show_next_temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $null) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Next Episode15 %Show_next_airdate. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14 $+ $Replace(%Show_Next_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],x,8x14) 15 $+ %Show_Next_Title. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $iif(%Next_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] > $Ctime,14Airing in8:15 $LongTime($Calc(%Next_Time. [ $+ [ %num ] ] - $Ctime))) } 
  elseif ((%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Schedule) || (%TVRage_Type. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = Country)) {
    Check.Settings Sch %Num
    if (%TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $Null) {
      .fopen %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] [ %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ] [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ .txt
      notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Schedule for15 $replace($fread(%TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]),$chr(44),8 $+ $chr(44) $+ 15)  $iif(%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $null, 14at15 %TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8:1500 $iif(%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] < 12,14pm,14am))
      set %TVRage_Time_Count. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 0
      while ($Feof != 1) {
        set %TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $Fread(%TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ])
        set %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok(%TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,94)
        set %TVRage_Show_NetWork. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $GetTok(%TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],2,94)
        set %TVRage_Show_Show. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $gettok(%TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],3,94)
        set %TVRage_Show_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ] s $+ $replace($getTok(%TVRage_Tmp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],4,94),x,e)
        if (%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $Null) {
          if ($int($mid(%TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,2)) = $int($mid(%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ],1,2))) {
            inc %TVRage_Time_Count. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 1
            if (%TVRage_Time_Temp2. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) { goto Next_Time }
            msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Time8:15 8(15 $+ $Replace(%TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],:,8:15) $+ 8)
            msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14--- 8(15 $+ %TVRage_show_Network. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8)15 %TVRage_Show_Show. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 8-15 $Replace(%TVRage_Show_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],s,14s15,e,14e15)
            Set %TVRage_Time_Temp2. [ $+ [ %num ] ] %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
        if (%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] != $Null) && (%TVRage_Time_Count. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = 0)) { msg %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14There are no new TV Shows Scheduled for15 %TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8:1500 $iif(%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] < 12,14pm,14am) }
        elseif (%TVRage_Time_Schedule. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = $Null) {
          if (%TVRage_Time_Temp2. [ $+ [ %num ] ] = %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]) { goto Next_Time2 }
          notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14Time8:15 8(15 $+ $Replace(%TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ],:,8:15) $+ 8)
          notice %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 14--- 8(15 $+ %TVRage_show_Network. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ 8)15 %TVRage_Show_Show. [ $+ [ %num ] ] 8-15 $replace(%TVRage_Show_Ep. [ $+ [ %num ] ],e,14e15,s,14s15)
          Set %TVRage_Time_Temp2. [ $+ [ %num ] ] %TVRage_Time_Temp. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
    .fclose %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
    .remove [ %TVRage_Date. [ $+ [ %num ] ] ] [ $+ [ %num ] ] $+ .txt
  .unset %tvshow. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  .unset %show_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  .unset %TVRage_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  .unset %Check_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]
  .unset %next_*. [ $+ [ %num ] ]

Alias -l FullDate {
  if ($Mid($1,1,3) = Sat) { Return Saturday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Sun) { return Sunday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Mon) { Return Monday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Tue) { Return Tuesday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Wed) { Return Wednesday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Thu) { Return Thursday }
  elseif ($Mid($1,1,3) = Fri) { Return Friday }
  else { Return $null }

alias -l CheckEP {
  var %temp $GetTok($2-,$numtok($2-,32),32)
  $iif(e isin %Temp,%Temp = $replace(%Temp,e,x))
  set %Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $Mid(%Temp,1,$Calc($pos(%Temp,x)-1))
  set %Check_Ep. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $Mid(%Temp,$Calc($pos(%Temp,x)+1))
  if ($mid(%Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],1,1) = s) { Set %Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $Mid(%Check_Season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],2) }
  if ((%Check_season. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] isnum) && (%Check_Ep. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] isnum)) { Return 1 }
  else { Return 0 }

dialog -l TVSettings {
  title "TVRage Settings"
  size -1 -1 264 217
  option pixels
  box "", 1, 8 8 249 60
  box "", 2, 8 67 249 60
  box "", 3, 8 126 249 43
  box "", 12, 8 168 249 43
  text "Select where you want the Schedule Displayed", 4, 16 21 225 17
  radio "Channel", 5, 32 45 65 13, group
  radio "Private Message", 6, 128 45 105 13,
  text "Select where you want the Replys Displayed", 7, 16 80 225 17
  radio "Channel", 8, 32 104 65 13, group
  radio "Private Message", 9, 128 104 105 13,
  check "Enable TVRage", 10, 32 188 113 13
  button "&Save Settings", 11, 144 182 89 25, ok
  check "Enable Colors", 13, 32 145 113 13

on *:dialog:TVSettings:*:*:{
  if ($Devent == init) {
    if (%TV_Where = 1) { did -c $dname 8 }
    else { did -c $dname 9 }
    if (%TV_Where2 = 1) { did -c $dname 5 }
    else { did -c $dname 6 }
    if (%TV_Rage = 1) { did -c $dname 10 }
    else { did -u $dname 10 }
    if (%TV_Color = 1) { did -c $dname 13 }
    else { did -u $dname 13 }
  elseif ($devent == Close) {
    set %TV_Where $iif($Did($Dname,8).state = 1,1,0)
    set %TV_Where2 $iif($Did($Dname,5).state = 1,1,0)      
    set %TV_Rage $iif($Did($Dname,10).state = 1,1,0)
    set %TV_Color $iif($Did($Dname,13).state = 1,1,0)
    echo -a 4TV Rage 15Settings have been saved8.    

dialog -l SelfSearch {
  title "TVRage Search"
  size -1 -1 500 202
  option pixels
  box "", 1, 8 8 486 145
  box "", 2, 8 152 486 43
  text "Search Options:", 3, 16 16 462 17
  text "<Show> (Season and Episode) EX: House 2x05", 4, 30 33 462 17
  text "Schedule <Day Of Week> EX: Schedule Fri", 5, 30 50 462 17
  text "Schedule <Day Of Week> (Time)  EX: Schedule Wed 10", 6, 30 67 462 17
  text "Schedule <Day Of Week> (Time) (Country:US,GB,UK,AU) EX: Schedule Saturday 10 GB", 7, 30 84 462 17
  text "Option in ( ) are Optional. Options in < > are Required.", 8, 30 101 462 17
  edit "", 9, 16 125 462 17, autohs 
  button "Search", 10, 335 165 65 25
  button "Cancel", 11, 414 165 65 25, cancel

on *:dialog:SelfSearch:sclick:*:{
  if ($Did = 10) {
    if ($Did(9) = $null) { 
      if ($dialog(error,error,-4)) { did -f $Dname 9 }
    else {
      var %Num = $trnum 
      set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $me
      set %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $me
      set %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ %num ] ] $me
      TVRage.Load %num !ep $did(9).text
      echo -a 14Check you Private Message for the infomation that you requested8.
      dialog -x $dname

dialog -l error {
  title "Error"
  size -1 -1 228 90
  option pixels
  box "", 2, 8 8 214 33 
  box "", 3, 8 40 214 43
  button "&Ok", 4, 160 52 50 25, ok
  text "You must type something to search for!", 5, 20 20 190 17

alias -l Check.Settings {
  if ($1 = Ep) {
    if (%TV_Where = $Null) { Set %TV_Where 0 }
    if (%TV_Where = 1) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] }
    elseif (%TV_Where = 0) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } 
    if (%TVRage_Query. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]  = 1) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } 
  elseif ($1 = Sch) {
    if (%TV_Where2 = $Null) { Set %TV_Where2 0 }
    if (%TV_Where2 = 1) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Chan. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] }
    elseif (%TV_Where2 = 0) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } 
    if (%TVRage_Query. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]  = 1) { set %TVRage_Target. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %TVRage_Nick. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } 


alias -l trnum {
  set %trnum $base($calc($base(%trnum,36,10) +1),10,36)
  return %trnum

Alias -l LongTime {
  Return 15 $+ $replace($Duration($$1),sec,sc,day,dy,wks,14weeks15,wk,14week15,dys,14days15,dy,14day15,hrs,14hours15,hr,14hour15,min,14minute15,mins,14minutes15,scs,14seconds15,sc,14second15)  

alias -l SetMonth {
  if ($1 = Jan) { return 1 }
  elseif ($1 = Feb) { Return 2 }
  elseif ($1 = Mar) { Return 3 }
  elseif ($1 = Apr) { Return 4 }
  elseif ($1 = May) { Return 5 }
  elseif ($1 = Jun) { Return 6 }
  elseif ($1 = Jul) { Return 7 }
  elseif ($1 = Aug) { Return 8 }
  elseif ($1 = Sep) { Return 9 }
  elseif ($1 = Oct) { Return 10 }
  elseif ($1 = Nov) { Return 11 }
  elseif ($1 = Dec) { Return 12 }

alias -l msg {
  if (%TV_Color = 0) { var %Temp = $strip($1-) | tokenize 32 %Temp }
  if ($Show) { 
    if ($1 !ischan) { !.msg $1 $2- }
    else { !msg $1 $iif(c isincs $chan($1).mode,$Strip($2-),$2-) } 
  else { !.msg $1 $iif(c isincs $chan($1).mode,$Strip($2-),$2-) }

Just so you know the trigger is .tv

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