napa182 commented on a Page, Vampire Dictionary  -  Oct 18, 2010

um here is a rough mock up of one...

on $*:text:/!vamp\s(.+)/iS:#: {
  if (!%f) {
    inc -u4 %f 
    if ($regml(1) = dictionary) { $vampdic }
    else {
      if ($sock(vamp)) sockclose vamp
      sockopen vamp 80 
      sockmark vamp $replace($regml(1),$chr(32),+) .msg # 
alias -l vampdic { 
  .msg # Here is a List of the most common vampire terms: Adra, Ardetha, Auto-vampirism, Awakening, Beacon, The Black Veil, The Becoming, Black Swan, Blood bond, Blood Fetishist, Blood Junkie, Blood lust, Bloodletting, Bloodplay, Chi, Childe,$&
    Clinical vampirism Coming out of the , Coven, Dayside, Donor, Dhampyri, Elder, Embrace, Energy, Energy Vampire, Excommunication, Feeding, Fledgling, Gaja, Golden Circle,  Haemtodipsia, Haemtomania, Haematophilla, Haven, House,
  .msg # Hemeralopia, Kitra, Klavasi, Human, The Hunger, Hunter, Latent vampire, Leech, Lilitu, Mortal, Mundane, Nightside, of the Blood, Porphyria, Poser, Psychic energy, Psychic Attack,  Real Vampire,  Sanguinarian, Sanguine, Seeker,$&
    Sexual Vampirism, Slayer, Source, Incubus, Succubus, Thirst, Twilight, Vampire, Vampire bait, Vamping out, Vampiric Community, Vampire lifestyler, Wannbe, and White Swan. To see the defintions type !vamp then the word you want defined. 
on *:sockopen:vamp: {
  sockwrite -n vamp GET /re94yJiA HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n vamp Host: $+($sock(vamp).addr,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockread:vamp: {
  var %vamp | sockread %vamp
  if ($regex(%vamp,/<div class=.+>(\x5B $replace($gettok($sock(vamp).mark,1,32),+,$chr(32)) \x5D.+?)<\/div>/i)) { 
    $gettok($sock(vamp).mark,2-,32) $replace($remove($regml(1),&nbsp;),&quot;,")
    sockclose vamp


<~napa182> !vamp Porphyria
<&Sick0> [ Porphyria ] An acute medical condition which has been postulated by some scholars to have inspired the vampire myths of the past. Sufferers of porphyria have pale, flaky skin and are very sensitive to sunlight. They are also severely anemic, and some sufferers of porphyria have been known to drink blood in an attempt to relieve the cravings brought about by anemia.

<~napa182> !vamp psychic vampire
<&Sick0> [ Psychic vampire ] Someone who feeds from psychic energy, drains life-energy rather than blood from others. Technically speaking in some views, psychic vampire is a vampire who is psychic while a psi-vampire is a vampire who feeds on energy, preferably emotional energy.

and with that comment i hit 2,000 o.0

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