Jethro commented on a Page, !say with badwords  -  Dec 04, 2009

Your existing script will respond to everything even if a user doesn't say a bad word. My suggestion to you is this:

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($strip($1) == !say) {
    var %b = /((fu|di)ck|word1|word2|word3|word4|word5|word6|word7|word8|word9|word10|word11)/iS
    $iif(!$regex($2-,%b),msg # $nick says: $2-,msg $nick Your message contained $+(",$regml(1),") and was ignored.)

As shown, you can add more bad words to be covered by replaceing word1, word2, etc...

P.S. I forgot to add that the idea of your script isn't foolproof, meaning upon entering the command !say BadwordHere, it'll not be censored or filtered, rather than sending a PM to the offender for a warning.

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