WorldDMT commented on a Page, Dynamic Signature Updater Triggered by mIRC  -  May 14, 2009


sorry i'm not verry well in english.

for scan sites, server irc and emails use a regex


why all that "if" and "return"?! use "if/elseif/else" & delet the "return"
what is the alias "winrar" & what is the variable "%t" ???

put $sockerr before the commandes

u didn't unset %desuplz

in "sockclose" notice %sigperson = notice nick : set %sigperson $nick $+ +:+ and dont replace any space with "+" & for the last notice type notice "$gettok(%sigperson,1,43)"

so that your code with the alias "winrar" that i don't now without the variable "%t" :p

on *:TEXT:!sig *:#:{
  if (Harry isin $nick) .notice $nick Please change your nickname using /nick to something that doesn't have 'Harry' in it.
  elseif ($regex($2-,/(?:[-_\.]\w+)?@\w+([-_\.]?\w+)?\.\w+\b|(www\.|http:\/\/|irc\.)\w+([-_\.]?\w+)?\.\w{2,4})/i) .notice $nick No websites, servers and e-mails please.
  elseif on.nimp isin $2- { .notice $nick No shocksites, please. | msg $chan Don't click that link!! ^ }
  elseif (nigg isin $2-) .notice $nick Go away, racist pig.
  elseif (KKK isin $2-) .notice $nick GTFO.
  elseif (Nazi isin $2-) .notice $nick GTFO.
  elseif ($chan != #chan) .notice $nick !sig will only work in #chan. Sorry.
  elseif ($chr(37) isin $2-) .notice $nick That symbol is disabled, sorry.
  elseif (& isin $2-) .notice $nick Please use "and" instead of "&"
  else {
    set %sigperson $nick $+ +:+
    set %desuplz $replace($2-,$chr(32),+) $+ +
    sockopen sigplz 80
on *:sockopen:sigplz:{
  if ($sockerr) echo -ag $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  else {
    sockwrite -n $sockname GET /sig.gif/index.php?ChangeThisVar= $+ %sigperson $+ %desuplz &archive= $+ %sigperson $+ %desuplz HTTP/2.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:sigplz:{
  if ($sockerr) echo -ag $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  else sockread $winrar
on *:sockclose:sigplz:{
  if ($sockerr) echo -ag $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  else {
    .notice $gettok(%sigperson,1,43) Via Harry's Signature Updater: Your saying has been added to my signature. :)
    unset %sigperson %desuplz $winrar
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