F*U*R*B*Y* commented on a Page, Bot Singer  -  Jun 21, 2008

firstly - don\'t post the snippet then post a comment saying \"Comment pls\" makes you look like person that has no friends and wants to try and get some friends.... just be yourself, don\'t post useless message\'s.....

secondly - you don\'t need the /msg $chan..... just msg $chan will work.... makes it look neater also

thirdly - timer 30 0 msg $chan .Sing ---- think that\'s going to flood you off... especially if its in a IRC help channel...

fourthly - missing an ending bracket.......

fifthly - don\'t the ($1 == .water) && ($2 == $me) actually have to be like (($1 == .water) && ($2 == $me)) ???

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