EL commented on a Page, Duel Script.  -  Jan 04, 2008

@ SLS10 Umm What? Dude do you ever make any sense when you comment on others work..huh wait you have a handfull of snippet comments that arent completely in the lower IQ bracket.Like them or hate them but atleast help them if you can other wise stfu with your smart self.@ [-DDC-]Darkness Yeah didnt test yout first snippet that this goes with you should specify the link to the other snippet aswell and i looked at your other snippet the same can be fixed there with the on input.I only used win/loss0 an win/loss1 an reset as am example cause the same applies for the rest here.

on :INPUT:: {
if ($1 == !win0) { /inc %dw1wins | /set %dw1wins | msg # you have won your duel! | msg # %deck1 deck record is: Wins %dw1wins losses %dw1losses }
if ($1 == !loss0) { /inc %dw1losses /set %dw1losses | say You Have Lost Your Duel! | say %deck1 deck record is: Wins %dw1wins Losses %dw1losses }
if ($1 == !win1) { /inc %dw0win /set %dw0wins | say You Have Won Your Duel! | say %deck deck record is: Wins %dw0wins Losses %dw0loss }
if ($1 == !Loss1) { /inc %dw0loss /set %dw0losses | say You Have Lost Your Duel! | say %deck deck record is now: Wins %dw0wins Losses %dw0losses }
if ($1 == !reset) {
unset %deck
unset %deck1
unset %deck2
unset %deck3
unset %deck4
unset %dw0wins
unset %dw1wins
unset %dw1losses
unset %dw2wins
unset %dw2Losses
unset %dw3wins
unset %dw3losses
unset %dw4wins
unset %dw4losses
unset %dw2losses
unset %dw02losses
unset %dw5wins
unset %dw5losses
say All of your decks and records have been reset
Most ppl prefer to stack things but in this case using | pipes would prolly be best.The pipe just separates the commands so one is triggered after another in the order they are written in.Note i didn\'t use pipes in teh !reset section its just t would be to much of a hassle and a long string.Sorry didnt post this comment on the snippet it goes with but like you said they are used together.Any ways I\'ll test the code later for now thats just what i saw lookin at it real quik.`-.-

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