|MELIORITE| commented on a Page, Duelist Master Bot System  -  Apr 23, 2007

OK my last one then I\'m gonna shut up for a little while at least. An example to make the kicks work from a msg to the bot:

on 500:text:kick*:*:{ if ($2 == $me) { msg $chan You missed me! } elseif ($2 == $nick) { msg $chan Noway, you\'re my buddy } else { .kick $3 $2 Requested by $nick } } Thus to operate it you can /msg <botname>kick <#chan>. Works across chans, so if you msg the bot from #chan1 to kick nick in #chan2 provided bot has ops there and nick is there, it will perform the function even if you\'re not there to witness it other than through the bot.

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