twoclipz commented on a Page, Money System for Chatters  -  Aug 22, 2014

This, and the rest of your money scripts seem really great but I cant seem to get them working. Are they still current? I seem to be accruing money in my ini fine, but none of the commands seem to work.

Lucius  -  Aug 31, 2014

I was using it a week or two ago and had no problem, it hasn't been altered since it was uploaded here either.
If you are having problems even doing something as simple as !mymoney I'd say you probably have another script loaded which is either
a) Named sooner in the alphabet than this script and has a HALT in the script rather than a return causing it to stop instead of allow this script to trigger properly.
b) Given priority on incoming text (e.g: on !:TEXT::#: { something then HALT } ) to another script.
or the last possibility is
c) Complicated colour text used in your channel/s (text replacers etc) which make the text 'techinically' not the first word or letter the script recieves.

Depending on your knowledge level, I could give you pointless or too complicated advice on hunting those issues down but it boils down to: debug code additions ( echo -a debug: activated !mymoney trigger ) to source errors and ALWAYS strip your bot's incoming text (It's in mIRC options).

twoclipz  -  Sep 02, 2014

I got it working great! I had to replace msg $nick with msg $chan, as well as remove the custom colors now and it works great.. .thank you soo much! Do you have a betting or lottery that uses the same system?

Oh.. I added a OP only gifting command which allows OP's to gift money just like the transfer command.... I figured I share if anyone wants.
I just modified transfer command.... still learning.
;#########GIFT Money####################
on :TEXT:!gift:: {
if ($nick isop #) {
tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
if ($1 == !gift) {
var %takemoney $calc($readini(mnycount.ini,$2,money) + $3)
if (!%replyflood. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
set -u4 %replyflood. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ON
if (!$readini(mnycount.ini,$2,money)) {
msg $chan $nick $2 does not exist
writeini -n mnycount.ini $2 money $($+(%takemoney),2)
msg $chan $2 The channel has just gifted you $3 $+ !
else { msg $chan $nick You aren't able to use this command. }

Lucius  -  Sep 09, 2014

I never made any betting, only fighting and rpg. Feel free to keep adding and tweaking it. I'll check in occasionally if you need help, don't expect it often though, I'm no longer using IRC much.
Glad you are still enjoying it!

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