Froggaard commented on a Page, Pre Bot  -  Feb 22, 2014
on *:join:#pre: {
  .timerpre1 0 5 /pre
  .timerpre 0 5 /msg #Pre $pre
alias -l DoTime {
  if (!$1) { tokenize 32 $Ctime }
  else { Return $AscTime($1,hh:nn:ss tt) }

alias -l striphtml {
  IF ($1) {
    VAR %strip,%opt = <> $remove($1-,> <,><,$chr(9)) <>,%n = 2
    WHILE ($gettok($gettok(%opt,%n,62),1,60)) {
      %strip = %strip $ifmatch
      INC %n
    RETURN %strip

alias pre {
  if ($1) { %chan = $1 }
  if ($sock(pre)) { sockclose pre }
  sockopen pre 80

on *:sockopen:pre: {
  %PreOld = %PreNew
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET / HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  %temp = 0

on *:sockread:pre:{
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  var %tvdata
  sockread %tvdata
  if ($striphtml(%tvdata) != $null) {

    if (%Temp < 4) {
      if ("info" isin %tvdata) { %file = $striphtml($mid(%tvdata,$calc($pos(%tvdata,>,2) + 1),$pos(%tvdata,</,1))) }
      if (%time && %section && %release && %temp = 3) {
        %PreNew = %time %section %release %file
        %temp = 5
      if ("timestamp" isin %tvdata) { %time = $striphtml($mid(%tvdata,$calc($pos(%tvdata,>,1) + 1),$pos(%tvdata,</,1))) | inc %temp }
      if ("section" isin %tvdata) { %section = $striphtml($mid(%tvdata,$calc($pos(%tvdata,>,2) + 1),$pos(%tvdata,</,1))) | inc %temp }
      if ("release" isin %tvdata) { %release = $striphtml($mid(%tvdata,$calc($pos(%tvdata,>,1) + 1),$pos(%tvdata,</,1))) | inc %temp }

    if (<a href="/toggleheader"> isin %tvdata) { 
      %Temp = 0 
      tokenize 32 %tvdata 
      %ServerTime = $2-3
      var %a = $calc(($Ctime(%ServerTime) - $Ctime) / 3600)
      var %b = $Round(%a,0)
      %TimeDif = $calc(%b * 0)
      tokenize 32 %PreNew
      if (%PreNew != %PreOld) {
        ;$iif(%chan,msg %chan,echo -a) (7PRE) (9 $+ $3 $+ ) $4-
        msg #Pre (7PRE) (9 $+ $3 $+ ) $4-
      sockclose pre
      unset %time %section %release %file %ServerTime %temp2 %temp %chan
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