mIRC Event Blinks

By eyiezinc on Jun 24, 2013

Make Selected Event Blinking

Addons: mIRC Event Blinks 
Author: Lestat 
Make Your Selected Event Colourful.. :D
This Addons Blinks With Same Colours
Support mIRC 6.++
maybe u can create some blinking themes with text
hope this addons usefull 


menu channel,status,query {
alias bse { if (!$dialog(bse)) { $iif($input(Themes?,y),unset %themes,set %themes nothemes) | dialog -m bse bse } }
dialog bse {
  title "Random Color Blinks"
  size -1 -1 95 183
  option dbu %themes
  box "Selected Event To Blinks", 1, 5 8 84 123
  check "action", 2, 15 17 30 10, flat
  check "ctcp", 3, 15 27 30 10, flat
  check "info", 4, 15 37 30 10, flat
  check "info2", 5, 15 47 30 10, flat
  check "invite", 6, 15 57 30 10, flat
  check "join", 7, 15 67 30 10, flat
  check "kick", 8, 15 77 30 10, flat
  check "mode", 9, 15 87 30 10, flat
  check "nick", 10, 15 97 30 10, flat
  check "normal", 11, 15 107 30 10, flat
  check "notice", 12, 15 117 30 10, flat
  check "notify", 13, 47 17 30 10, flat
  check "other", 14, 47 27 30 10, flat
  check "own", 15, 47 37 30 10, flat
  check "part", 16, 47 47 30 10, flat
  check "quit", 17, 47 57 30 10, flat
  check "topic", 18, 47 67 30 10, flat
  check "whois", 19, 47 77 30 10, flat
  check "editbox", 20, 47 87 30 10, flat
  check "editbox text", 21, 47 97 40 10, flat
  check "listbox", 22, 47 107 30 10, flat
  check "listbox text", 23, 47 117 40 10, flat
  button "Default", 24, 7 142 37 9, flat
  button "Close", 25, 47 142 37 9, flat ok
  edit "Blink Select Event", 26, 8 152 75 10, read center
  edit "Created By Lestat", 27, 8 163 75 10, read center
  button "Delay", 28, 28 132 37 9, flat
  text "Team EyiezINC Scripter`s", 29, 8 174 75 10, read center,disable

On 1:dialog:bse:init:*: { inc %fopen | if (%fopen = 1) {  check.cust }  | check.available }
On 1:dialog:bse:sclick:*: {
  if ($did > 1) && ($did <= 23) {
    if ($did($dname,$did).state) {  .set %props $addtok(%props,$did($dname,$did).text,44)  } 
    else { .set %props $remtok(%props,$did($dname,$did).text,44) | color $did($dname,$did).text $gettok(%standart,$calc($did -1),32) | if ($did($dname,$did).text = editbox) { .color inactive %standarts } }
    .timerblinks -m 0 %delays checkblink
  if ($did = 24) { .timerblinks off | restorecus }
  if ($did = 28) { .set %delays $$?"Delay In Miliseconds" | .timerblinks -m 0 %delays checkblink }
alias restorecus {
  var %t = 2 | while (%t <= 23) { color $did(bse,%t).text $gettok(%standart,$calc(%t -1),32) | inc %t  }
  .color inactive %standarts
  unset %standart %fopen %props %rand %standarts
  .dialog -x bse bse
alias check.cust { $iif(!%delays,set %delays 100) | var %x = 2 | while (%x <= 23) { .set %standart %standart $color($did(bse,%x).text) | inc %x  } | set %standarts $color(inactive) }
alias check.available { var %t = 2 | while (%t <= 23) { if ($istok(%props,$did(bse,%t).text,44)) { .did -c $dname %t } | else { did -u $dname %t } | inc %t  } }
alias checkblink { if (!%props) { .timerblinks off | halt } | .set %rand $r(0,15) | var %ct = 1 | while (%ct <= $numtok(%props,44)) { $colors($gettok(%props,%ct,44),%rand) | inc %ct  } }
alias colors { if ($istok(%props,$1,44)) { $iif($1 = editbox,xbox $2,color $1 $2) } }
alias xbox { color editbox $1 | color inactive $1) }


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