Network Administrator Commands Control Panel

By play4free2 on May 13, 2013

This is for UnrealIRCd with Anope 1.8.9 Services.

You do need two modules installed, "m_rmtkl.c" and "ircd_tssync.c" if you need/want two of the commands to work.

For remote connect you will have to edit the port to the port you use to connect your servers on (on line number 280).

I know there are a lot of admin command popups and dialogs out there, but I wanted one that had all the commands
I personally use plus I added more for the users that use different ones from what I may use.

Yes I know the code has a few RAW (not used by myself) commands.

This is my first attempt at a dialog. If you find any bugs please message me here.

Edit: Shortened code, re-sized, rearranged a few buttons, and added a few new commands and removed a few (see screens below).

;§§               Author:          play4free2
;§§               Title:           NetAdminDialog.mrc
;§§               Date:            06-12-2013
;§§               Description:     Network Administrator Commands Control Panel Dialog

dialog netadmin {
  title "Network Administrator Commands Control Panel"
  size -1 -1 205 144
  option dbu
  tab "Commands 1", 1, 3 3 200 129
  button "VhostOn", 2, 6 19 37 12, tab 1
  button "YourHost", 3, 45 19 37 12, tab 1
  button "YourIdent", 4, 84 19 37 12, tab 1
  button "YourName", 5, 123 19 37 12, tab 1
  button "VhostAdd", 6, 162 19 37 12, tab 1
  button "VhostDel", 7, 6 33 37 12, tab 1
  button "UserHost", 8, 45 33 37 12, tab 1
  button "UserIdent", 9, 84 33 37 12, tab 1
  button "UserName", 10, 123 33 37 12, tab 1
  button "TraceNick", 11, 162 33 37 12, tab 1
  button "UserPass", 12, 6 47 37 12, tab 1
  button "ChanPass", 13, 45 47 37 12, tab 1
  button "DropNick", 14, 84 47 37 12, tab 1
  button "DropChan", 15, 123 47 37 12, tab 1
  button "ForbidNick", 16, 162 47 37 12, tab 1
  button "ForbidChan", 17, 6 61 37 12, tab 1
  button "NoExpireNick", 18, 45 61 37 12, tab 1
  button "ExpireNick", 19, 84 61 37 12, tab 1
  button "NoExpireChan", 20, 123 61 37 12, tab 1
  button "ExpireChan", 21, 162 61 37 12, tab 1
  button "Global", 22, 6 75 37 12, tab 1
  button "LocOps", 23, 45 75 37 12, tab 1
  button "ChatOps", 24, 84 75 37 12, tab 1
  button "GlobOps", 25, 123 75 37 12, tab 1
  button "AdminChat", 26, 162 75 37 12, tab 1
  button "NAdminChat", 27, 6 89 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats C", 28, 45 89 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats E", 29, 84 89 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats G", 30, 123 89 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats K", 31, 162 89 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats L", 32, 6 103 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats P", 33, 45 103 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats Q", 34, 84 103 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats q", 35, 123 103 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats S", 36, 162 103 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats T", 37, 6 117 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats U", 38, 45 117 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats u", 39, 84 117 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats X", 40, 123 117 37 12, tab 1
  button "Stats z", 41, 162 117 37 12, tab 1
  tab "Commands 2", 42
  button "AKickAdd", 43, 6 19 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKickStick", 44, 45 19 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKickUnStick", 45, 84 19 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKickDel", 46, 123 19 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKickList", 47, 162 19 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKickView", 48, 6 33 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKickEnforce", 49, 45 33 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKickClear", 50, 84 33 37 12, tab 42
  button "GZLine", 51, 123 33 37 12, tab 42
  button "GZLineDel", 52, 162 33 37 12, tab 42
  button "TempShun", 53, 6 47 37 12, tab 42
  button "TempShunDel", 54, 45 47 37 12, tab 42
  button "Shun", 55, 84 47 37 12, tab 42
  button "ShunDel", 56, 123 47 37 12, tab 42
  button "GLine", 57, 162 47 37 12, tab 42
  button "GLineDel", 58, 6 61 37 12, tab 42
  button "Kline", 59, 45 61 37 12, tab 42
  button "KlineDel", 60, 84 61 37 12, tab 42
  button "ZLine", 61, 123 61 37 12, tab 42
  button "ZLineDel", 62, 162 61 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKill", 63, 6 75 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKillDel", 64, 45 75 37 12, tab 42
  button "AKillView", 65, 84 75 37 12, tab 42
  button "KillNick", 66, 123 75 37 12, tab 42
  button "SAJoin", 67, 162 75 37 12, tab 42
  button "SAPart", 68, 6 89 37 12, tab 42
  button "SAMode", 69, 45 89 37 12, tab 42
  button "OpServStats", 70, 84 89 37 12, tab 42
  button "OperList", 71, 123 89 37 12, tab 42
  button "AdminList", 72, 162 89 37 12, tab 42
  button "StaffList", 73, 6 103 37 12, tab 42
  button "OperNews", 74, 45 103 37 12, tab 42
  button "LogonNews", 75, 84 103 37 12, tab 42
  button "RandomNews", 76, 123 103 37 12, tab 42
  button "Chankill", 77, 162 103 37 12, tab 42
  button "Time", 78, 6 117 37 12, tab 42
  button "AllTime", 79, 45 117 37 12, tab 42
  button "TSSYNC", 80, 84 117 37 12, tab 42
  button "OffSet", 81, 123 117 37 12, tab 42
  button "SetTime", 82, 162 117 37 12, tab 42
  tab "Commands 3", 83
  button "BotServHelp", 84, 6 19 37 12, tab 83
  button "AddBot", 85, 45 19 37 12, tab 83
  button "DelBot", 86, 84 19 37 12, tab 83
  button "ListBots", 87, 123 19 37 12, tab 83
  button "AssignBot", 88, 162 19 37 12, tab 83
  button "UnAssignBot", 89, 6 33 37 12, tab 83
  button "BotInfo", 90, 45 33 37 12, tab 83
  button "BotAct", 91, 84 33 37 12, tab 83
  button "BotSay", 92, 123 33 37 12, tab 83
  button "BotChange", 93, 162 33 37 12, tab 83
  button "DCCDeny", 94, 6 47 37 12, tab 83
  button "UnDCCDeny", 95, 45 47 37 12, tab 83
  button "Crypt", 96, 84 47 37 12, tab 83
  button "Sha1SSL", 97, 123 47 37 12, tab 83
  button "MD5SSL", 98, 162 47 37 12, tab 83
  button "Connect", 99, 6 61 37 12, tab 83
  button "RemConnect", 100, 45 61 37 12, tab 83
  button "ServerQuit", 101, 84 61 37 12, tab 83
  button "JupeServer", 102, 123 61 37 12, tab 83
  button "Die", 103, 162 61 37 12, tab 83
  button "Restart", 104, 6 75 37 12, tab 83
  button "SVRInfoLine", 105, 45 75 37 12, tab 83
  button "MOTDadd", 106, 84 75 37 12, tab 83
  button "OMOTDadd", 107, 123 75 37 12, tab 83
  button "RPing", 108, 162 75 37 12, tab 83
  button "TraceServer", 109, 6 89 37 12, tab 83
  button "Lag", 110, 45 89 37 12, tab 83
  button "Map", 111, 84 89 37 12, tab 83
  button "Version", 112, 123 89 37 12, tab 83
  button "UserMode", 113, 162 89 37 12, tab 83
  button "ChanMode", 114, 6 103 37 12, tab 83
  button "UserCmds", 115, 45 103 37 12, tab 83
  button "OperCmds", 116, 84 103 37 12, tab 83
  button "SnoMasks", 117, 123 103 37 12, tab 83
  button "OperFlags", 118, 162 103 37 12, tab 83
  button "HTMOn", 119, 6 117 37 12, tab 83
  button "HTMOff", 120, 45 117 37 12, tab 83
  button "HTMNoisy", 121, 84 117 37 12, tab 83
  button "HTMQuiet", 122, 123 117 37 12, tab 83
  button "HTMActRate", 123, 162 117 37 12, tab 83
  tab "Commands 4", 124
  button "DelAllGlines", 125, 6 19 37 12, tab 124
  button "OSModeNick", 126, 45 19 37 12, tab 124
  button "OSModeChan", 127, 84 19 37 12, tab 124
  button "OSReLoad", 128, 123 19 37 12, tab 124
  button "OSUpDate", 129, 162 19 37 12, tab 124
  button "OSReStart", 130, 6 33 37 12, tab 124
  button "OSQuit", 131, 45 33 37 12, tab 124
  button "OSShutdown", 132, 84 33 37 12, tab 124
  button "MODList", 133, 123 33 37 12, tab 124
  button "CoreMODList", 134, 162 33 37 12, tab 124
  button "MODLoad", 135, 6 47 37 12, tab 124
  button "MODUnLoad", 136, 45 47 37 12, tab 124
  button "NOOP", 137, 84 47 37 12, tab 124
  button "NOOPRevoke", 138, 123 47 37 12, tab 124
  button "UnrealMODs", 139, 162 47 37 12, tab 124
  button "ExceptionAdd", 140, 6 61 37 12, tab 124
  button "ExceptionDel", 141, 45 61 37 12, tab 124
  button "ExceptionList", 142, 84 61 37 12, tab 124
  button "Rehash", 143, 123 61 37 12, tab 124
  button "MassRehash", 144, 162 61 37 12, tab 124
  button "NSHelp", 145, 6 75 37 12, tab 124
  button "CSHelp", 146, 45 75 37 12, tab 124
  button "HSHelp", 147, 84 75 37 12, tab 124
  button "MSHelp", 148, 123 75 37 12, tab 124
  button "OSHelp", 149, 162 75 37 12, tab 124
  button "AdminList", 150, 6 89 37 12, tab 124
  button "SuperOn", 151, 45 89 37 12, tab 124 
  button "SuperOff", 152, 84 89 37 12, tab 124
  button "SVSnick", 153, 123 89 37 12, tab 124
  button "UMode", 154, 162 89 37 12, tab 124
  button "OLine", 155, 6 103 37 12, tab 124
  button "SVSCmds", 156, 45 103 37 12, tab 124
  button "RAWNick", 157, 84 103 37 12, tab 124
  button "RAWJoin", 158, 123 103 37 12, tab 124
  button "RAWPart", 159, 162 103 37 12, tab 124
  button "RAWMode", 160, 6 117 37 12, tab 124
  button "RAWKillNick", 161, 45 117 37 12, tab 124
  button "RAWJoinBot", 162, 84 117 37 12, tab 124
  button "RAWPartBot", 163, 123 117 37 12, tab 124
  button "RAWTalkBot", 164, 162 117 37 12, tab 124
  text "Author: play4free2", 165, 24 134 60 8
  link "", 166, 120 134 60 8

on 1:dialog:netadmin:sclick:*: {
  if ( $did == 2 ) { msg hostserv on }
  if ( $did == 3 ) { sethost $$?="Your temp Vhost:" }
  if ( $did == 4 ) { setident $$?="Your temp Ident:" }
  if ( $did == 5 ) { setname $$?="Your temp Name:" }
  if ( $did == 6 ) { hostserv set $$?="Nick:" $$?="Vhost:" }
  if ( $did == 7 ) { hostserv del $$?="Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 8 ) { chghost $$?="Nick:" $$?="New temp Vhost:" }
  if ( $did == 9 ) { chgident $$?="Nick:" $$?="New temp Ident:" }
  if ( $did == 10 ) { chgname $$?="Nick:" $$?="New temp Name:" }
  if ( $did == 11 ) { trace $$?="Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 12 ) { msg nickserv getpass $$?="Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 13 ) { msg chanserv getpass $$?="Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 14 ) { msg nickserv drop $$?="Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 15 ) { msg chanserv drop $$?="Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 16 ) { msg nickserv forbid $$?="Nick:" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 17 ) { msg chanserv forbid $$?="Channel:" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 18 ) { msg nickserv saset $$?="Nick:" noexpire on }
  if ( $did == 19 ) { msg nickserv saset $$?="Nick:" noexpire off }
  if ( $did == 20 ) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel:" noexpire on }
  if ( $did == 21 ) { msg chanserv set $$?="Channel:" noexpire off }
  if ( $did == 22 ) { msg operserv global $$?="Message for all Channels:" 4(Posted by $me $+ ) }
  if ( $did == 23 ) { locops $$?="Enter Text:" }
  if ( $did == 24 ) { chatops $$?="Enter Text:" }
  if ( $did == 25 ) { globops $$?="Enter Text:" }
  if ( $did == 26 ) { adchat $$?="Enter Text:" }
  if ( $did == 27 ) { nachat $$?="Enter Text:" }
  if ( $did == 28 ) { stats C }
  if ( $did == 29 ) { stats E }
  if ( $did == 30 ) { stats G }
  if ( $did == 31 ) { stats K }
  if ( $did == 32 ) { stats L }
  if ( $did == 33 ) { stats P }
  if ( $did == 34 ) { stats Q }
  if ( $did == 35 ) { stats q }
  if ( $did == 36 ) { stats S }
  if ( $did == 37 ) { stats T }
  if ( $did == 38 ) { stats U }
  if ( $did == 39 ) { stats u }
  if ( $did == 40 ) { stats X }
  if ( $did == 41 ) { stats z }
  if ( $did == 43 ) { msg chanserv akick $$?="Channel:" add $$?="Mask:" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 44 ) { msg chanserv akick $$?="Channel:" stick $$?="Mask:" }
  if ( $did == 45 ) { msg chanserv akick $$?="Channel:" unstick $$?="Mask:" }
  if ( $did == 46 ) { msg chanserv akick $$?="Channel:" del $$?="Mask:" }
  if ( $did == 47 ) { msg chanserv akick $$?="Channel:" list $?="Mask: (optional)" }
  if ( $did == 48 ) { msg chanserv akick $$?="Channel:" view $?="Mask: (optional)" }
  if ( $did == 49 ) { msg chanserv akick $$?="Channel:" enforce }
  if ( $did == 50 ) { msg chanserv akick $$?="Channel:" clear }
  if ( $did == 51 ) { gzline $$?="User@Host Time (0=perm):" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 52 ) { gzline - $+ $$?="User@Host:" }
  if ( $did == 53 ) { tempshun $$?="Nick:" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 54 ) { tempshun - $+ $$?="Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 55 ) { shun + $+ $$?="User@Host or Nick:" $$?="Time (0=perm):" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 56 ) { shun - $+ $$?="User@Host or Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 57 ) { gline $$?="User@Host Time (0=perm):" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 58 ) { gline - $+ $$?="User@Host:" }
  if ( $did == 59 ) { kline $$?="User@Host or Nick:" $$?="Time (0=perm):" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 60 ) { kline - $+ $$?="User@Host or Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 61 ) { zline $$?="User@Host Time (0=perm):" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 62 ) { zline - $+ $$?="User@Host:" }
  if ( $did == 63 ) { msg operserv akill add $$?="Time (+0=perm) User@Host or IP:" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 64 ) { msg operserv akill del $$?="User@Host or IP:" }
  if ( $did == 65 ) { msg operserv akill view }
  if ( $did == 66 ) { kill $$?="Nick:" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 67 ) { sajoin $$?="Nick:" $$?="Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 68 ) { sapart $$?="Nick:" $$?="Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 69 ) { samode $$?="Channel:" $$?="(+ or -) Mode:" }
  if ( $did == 70 ) { msg operserv stats }
  if ( $did == 71 ) { msg operserv oper list }
  if ( $did == 72 ) { msg operserv admin list }
  if ( $did == 73 ) { msg operserv staff }
  if ( $did == 74 ) { msg operserv opernews add $$?="Enter Oper News: Only the most recent 3 items will be sent." }
  if ( $did == 75 ) { msg operserv logonnews add $$?="Enter Logon Msg: Only the most recent 3 items will be sent." }
  if ( $did == 76 ) { msg operserv randomnews add $$?="Enter Random Entry Msg:" }
  if ( $did == 77 ) { msg operserv chankill $$?="Channel:" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 78 ) { tsctl time }
  if ( $did == 79 ) { tsctl alltime }
  if ( $did == 80 ) { msg operserv tssync }
  if ( $did == 81 ) { tsctl offset $$?="(+ or -) Time: (Do NOT use if you do not understand EXACTLY what it does)" }
  if ( $did == 82 ) { tsctl svstime $$?="Value: (Do NOT use if you do not understand EXACTLY what it does)" }
  if ( $did == 84 ) { msg botserv help }
  if ( $did == 85 ) { msg botserv bot add $$?="Bot Nick:" $$?="Bot Ident:" $$?="Bot Hostname:" $$?="Bot Real Name:" }
  if ( $did == 86 ) { msg botserv bot del $$?="Bot Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 87 ) { msg botserv botlist }
  if ( $did == 88 ) { msg botserv assign $$?="Enter Channel Name:" $$?="Bot Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 89 ) { msg botserv unassign $$?="Enter Channel Name:" }
  if ( $did == 90 ) { msg botserv info $$?="Enter Nick or Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 91 ) { msg botserv act $$?="Enter Channel Name:" $$?="Text for bot to action:" }
  if ( $did == 92 ) { msg botserv say $$?="Enter Channel Name:" $$?="Text for bot to say:" }
  if ( $did == 93 ) { msg botserv bot change $$?="Current Nick:" $$?="New Nick:" $$?="Bot Ident:" $$?="Bot Host:" $$?="Bot Real Name:" }
  if ( $did == 94 ) { dccdeny $$?="Filename Mask and Reason:" } 
  if ( $did == 95 ) { undccdeny $$?="Filename Mask:" }
  if ( $did == 96 ) { mkpasswd crypt $$?="Password:" }
  if ( $did == 97 ) { mkpasswd sha1 $$?="Password:" }
  if ( $did == 98 ) { mkpasswd md5 $$?="Password:" }
  if ( $did == 99 ) { connect $$?="Enter missing Server:" }
  if ( $did == 100 ) { connect $$?="Enter missing Server:" 6667 $$?="Enter Server to connect to:" }
  if ( $did == 101 ) { squit $$?="Server Name:" }
  if ( $did == 102 ) { msg operserv jupe $$?="Server:" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 103 ) { die $$?="Password:" }
  if ( $did == 104 ) { restart $$?="Server Name and Password:" }
  if ( $did == 105 ) { sdesc $$?="Server Description:" }
  if ( $did == 106 ) { addmotd $$?="Enter Text:" }
  if ( $did == 107 ) { addomotd $$?="Enter Text:" }
  if ( $did == 108 ) { rping $$?="Server Name:" }
  if ( $did == 109 ) { trace $$?="Server Name:" }
  if ( $did == 110 ) { lag $$?="Server Name:" }
  if ( $did == 111 ) { map }
  if ( $did == 112 ) { quote version }
  if ( $did == 113 ) { helpop ?umodes }
  if ( $did == 114 ) { helpop ?chmodes }
  if ( $did == 115 ) { helpop ?usercmds }
  if ( $did == 116 ) { helpop ?opercmds }
  if ( $did == 117 ) { helpop ?snomasks }
  if ( $did == 118 ) { helpop ?oflags }
  if ( $did == 119 ) { $$?="If you want HTM on Enter: < htm on >" }
  if ( $did == 120 ) { $$?="If you want HTM off Enter: < htm off >" }
  if ( $did == 121 ) { $$?="If you want HTM Noisy Enter: < htm noisy >" }
  if ( $did == 122 ) { $$?="If you want HTM Quiet Enter: < htm quiet >" }
  if ( $did == 123 ) { htm to $$?="kbs value:" }
  if ( $did == 125 ) { $$?="If you want to remove all Glines Enter: < rmtkl GZ *@* >" }
  if ( $did == 126 ) { msg operserv mode $$?="Channel:" $$?="(+ or -) Mode:" $$?="Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 127 ) { msg operserv mode $$?="Channel:" $$?="(+ or -) Mode:" }
  if ( $did == 128 ) { msg operserv $$?="If you want to Reload Services config file Enter: < RELOAD >" }
  if ( $did == 129 ) { msg operserv $$?="If you want to Force the Services databases to be updated on disk immediately Enter: < UPDATE >" }
  if ( $did == 130 ) { msg operserv $$?="If you want to Save the databases and Restart Services Enter: < RESTART >" }
  if ( $did == 131 ) { msg operserv $$?="If you want to Terminate the Services program with no save Enter: < QUIT >" }
  if ( $did == 132 ) { msg operserv $$?="If you want to Terminate the Services program with save Enter: < SHUTDOWN >" }
  if ( $did == 133 ) { msg operserv modlist }
  if ( $did == 134 ) { msg operserv modlist core }
  if ( $did == 135 ) { msg operserv modload $$?="Enter Module Filename to Load:" }
  if ( $did == 136 ) { msg operserv modunload $$?="Enter Module Filename to Unload:" }
  if ( $did == 137 ) { msg operserv noop set $$?="Server Name:" }
  if ( $did == 138 ) { msg operserv noop revoke $$?="Server Name:" }
  if ( $did == 139 ) { module }
  if ( $did == 140 ) { msg operserv exception add $$?="Time (+0=perm) Host or IP:" $$?="Enter number of Exceptions: (0=Unlimited)" $$?="Reason:" }
  if ( $did == 141 ) { msg operserv exception del $$?="Enter Host or IP:" }
  if ( $did == 142 ) { msg operserv exception list }
  if ( $did == 143 ) { rehash $$?="Server Name:" }
  if ( $did == 144 ) { $$?="If you want to Rehash All Servers Enter: < rehash -global >" }
  if ( $did == 145 ) { msg nickserv help }
  if ( $did == 146 ) { msg chanserv help }
  if ( $did == 147 ) { msg hostserv help }
  if ( $did == 148 ) { msg memoserv help }
  if ( $did == 149 ) { msg operserv help }
  if ( $did == 150 ) { admin $$?="Server Name:" }
  if ( $did == 151 ) { msg operserv set superadmin on }
  if ( $did == 152 ) { msg operserv set superadmin off }
  if ( $did == 153 ) { msg operserv svsnick $$?="Current Nick:" $$?="New Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 154 ) { msg operserv umode $$?="Nick:" $$?="(+ or -) Mode:" }
  if ( $did == 155 ) { msg operserv oline $$?="Nick:" $$?="(+ or -) Oper Flags:" }
  if ( $did == 156 ) { helpop ?svscmds }
  if ( $did == 157 ) { msg operserv raw :OperServ svsnick $$?="Current Nick:" $$?="New Nick:" }
  if ( $did == 158 ) { msg operserv raw :OperServ svsjoin $$?="Nick:" $$?="Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 159 ) { msg operserv raw :OperServ svspart $$?="Nick:" $$?="Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 160 ) { msg operserv raw :OperServ svsmode $$?="Nick:" $$?="(+ or -) Mode:" }
  if ( $did == 161 ) { msg operserv raw :OperServ svskill $$?="Nick:" $$?="Quit Message" }
  if ( $did == 162 ) { msg operserv raw : $+ $$?="Services Bot Nick:" join $$?="Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 163 ) { msg operserv raw : $+ $$?="Services Bot Nick:" part $$?="Channel:" }
  if ( $did == 164 ) { msg operserv raw : $+ $$?="Services Bot Nick:" privmsg $$?="Channel:" $$?="Say What:" }
  if ( $did == 166 ) { url }

menu menubar,status,channel {
  $iif(N isin $usermode,Admin Commands):netadmin

alias netadmin {
  $iif($dialog(netadmin),dialog -v,dialog -m netadmin) netadmin


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play4free2   -  May 22, 2013

NetAdmin Commands Control Panel Screens

ProIcons  -  Jul 05, 2013

This is not very handy. To much commands lost in dead space. I could easily find my true love in the galaxy instead of finding a command here. Here's a suggestion though. mIRC Dialogs Contains Group Controls.( . Why you don't use them to create each group for commands , and set some better Tab names in order the admin to find what he wants easier? Just sayin...
Also OperServ Raw Command is highly deprecated and NOT recommend to USE.

play4free2  -  Jul 06, 2013

I wanted to name the tabs OperServ or ServerAdmin etc., but I ran into having to many tabs and just a few commands under one and a lot under the next one. That is why I did it this way and I have to admit it's not the greatest but it beats the heck out of having every command in right click like I used to. Thanks for the link I will check it out in my spare time and see if I can come up with a better UI. As far as RAW commands as I said In the description "Yes I know the code has a few RAW (not used by myself) commands."

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