Admin user controls

By afp_romania on Apr 18, 2013

This pannel i have created for me, but i will like to share with you :D
Note: on "else" event i put a sound for my script, you can add an echo message or put there a sound :)

alias blk_bar { dialog -m blk_userbar blk_userbar }
dialog blk_userbar {
  title "User Control"
  size -1 -1 373 57
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 1 1 22 34
  button "+a", 2, 4 6 16 12
  button "-a", 3, 4 20 16 12
  box "", 4, 27 1 22 34
  button "+o", 5, 30 6 16 12
  button "-o", 6, 30 20 16 12
  box "", 7, 53 1 22 34
  button "+h", 8, 56 6 16 12
  button "-h", 9, 56 20 16 12
  box "", 10, 137 1 121 34
  box "", 11, 105 1 22 34
  box "", 12, 79 1 22 34
  button "+v", 13, 82 6 16 12
  button "-v", 14, 82 20 16 12
  button "+k", 15, 108 6 16 12
  button "+kb", 16, 108 20 16 12
  button "+m", 17, 141 6 20 12
  button "+s", 18, 164 6 20 12
  button "+G", 19, 210 6 20 12
  button "+p", 20, 187 6 20 12
  button "+R", 21, 233 6 20 12
  button "+Q", 22, 141 20 20 12
  button "+i", 23, 164 20 20 12
  button "+e", 24, 187 20 20 12
  button "+O", 25, 210 20 20 12
  button "+c", 26, 233 20 20 12
  icon 27, 258 5 100 28,  $mircdirBLKoldSUN\img\ctrl.jpg, 0
  button "V", 28, 359 2 11 10
  button "P", 29, 359 13 11 10
  button "S", 30, 359 46 11 10
  button "", 31, 128 9 8 9
  button "", 32, 128 19 8 9
  box "IRCOP", 33, 1 35 126 21
  button "Gline", 34, 5 42 21 12
  button "Shun", 35, 29 42 21 12
  button "Kill", 36, 53 42 21 12
  button "Elmer", 37, 77 42 21 12
  button "Virus", 38, 101 42 21 12
  box "Host", 39, 137 35 150 21
  button "Set", 40, 237 42 21 12
  button "Rej", 41, 213 42 21 12
  button "Del", 42, 189 42 21 12
  button "Act", 43, 165 42 21 12
  button "Wait", 44, 141 42 21 12
  button "Req", 45, 261 42 21 12
  box "ChanServ", 46, 290 35 61 21
  button "Kick", 47, 299 42 21 12
  button "Ban", 48, 323 42 21 12
  button "W", 49, 359 35 11 10
  button "T", 50, 359 24 11 10
  button ">", 51, 261 25 9 8, flat
  button "", 52, 128 43 8 9

on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:2:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +a $snick($active,1) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:3:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active -a $snick($active,1) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:5:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +o $snick($active,1) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:6:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active -o $snick($active,1) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:8:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active -h $snick($active,1) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:9:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active -h $snick($active,1) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:13:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +v $snick($active,1) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:14:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active -v $snick($active,1) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:15:{ if ($me isop $active) { /kick $active $snick($active,1) $read($mircdirBLKoldSUN/text/blkoldsun2.txt) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:16:{ if ($me isop $active) { /kick $active $snick($active,1) $read($mircdirBLKoldSUN/text/blkoldsun2.txt) | mode $active +b $address($snick($active,1),2) } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:17:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +m } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:18:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +s } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:19:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +p } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:20:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +G } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:21:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +R } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:22:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +Q } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:23:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +i } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:24:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +e } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:25:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +O } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:26:{ if ($me isop $active) { mode $active +c } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:28:{ ctcp $snick($active,1) VERSION | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ on.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:29:{ ctcp $snick($active,1) PING | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ on.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:49:{ whois $snick($active,1) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ on.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:50:{ ctcp $snick($active,1) TIME | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ on.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:30:{ msg $active sa-l pocnesc pe $snick($active,1) cu $read($mircdirBLKoldSUN/text/blkoldsun3.txt) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ on.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:31:{ run $mircdirBLKoldSUN/text/blkoldsun2.txt | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ on.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:32:{ run $mircdirBLKoldSUN/text/blkoldsun3.txt | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ on.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:34:{ if (o isin $usermode) { gline $snick($active,1) 4Regulament! | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_destroy.wav } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:35:{ if (o isin $usermode) { shun $snick($active,1) 4Silentios! | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_destroy.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:36:{ if (o isin $usermode) { kill $snick($active,1) 4Regulament! | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_destroy.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:37:{ if (o isin $usermode) { elmer + $+ $snick($active,1) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_destroy.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:37:{ if (o isin $usermode) { viruschan $snick($active,1) 4Regulamentul! | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_destroy.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:40:{ if (o isin $usermode) { msg hostserv set $snick($active,1) $$?="Scrie noul host:" | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_affir.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:41:{ if (o isin $usermode) { msg hostserv reject $snick($active,1) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_affir.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:42:{ if (o isin $usermode) { msg hostserv del $snick($active,1) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_affir.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:43:{ if (o isin $usermode) { msg hostserv activate $snick($active,1) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_affir.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:44:{ if (o isin $usermode) { msg hostserv waiting | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_affir.wav } | else  { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:45:{ msg hostserv request $$?="Scrie noul host:" | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_affir.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:47:{ msg chanserv kick $active $snick($active,1) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_destroy.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:48:{ msg chanserv ban $active $snick($active,1) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_destroy.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:51:{ ame I fear no Enemy! >:) | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_noenemy.wav }
on 1:dialog:blk_userbar:sclick:52:{ if (o isin $usermode) { dlg_drones | splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ blk_instr.wav } | else { splay $shortfn($mircdirsounds) $+ noaccess.wav } }

menu menubar {
    .user control bar: { blk_bar }


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afp_romania   -  Apr 18, 2013

I forgot to post the image for script. :D

___ME___  -  Apr 18, 2013

Simple, but I like simplicity. Although I don't get some of the functions like "virus"

afp_romania  -  Apr 18, 2013

oh, that is quarantine :D but you can replace command :)

Sorasyn  -  Apr 18, 2013

Looks cluttered, and rather busy. To someone foreign to this snippet, the learning curve on something that like that would be enormous.

TheWhistler  -  May 02, 2013

run $mircdirBLKoldSUN/text/blkoldsun3.txt <----< what about this, what kind of text is that suppose to be ???

Sorasyn  -  May 02, 2013

@TheWhistler I would presume it's personal code that has not been filtered out. It seems the entire snippet is littered with personal code.

TheWhistler  -  May 02, 2013

Thanks SunnyD i soon found that out , had to edit some in it to work

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