[Best Query Block] by Evil_Shadow

By sukhbira on Mar 19, 2013

-- Will Auto-Accept Private Messages from people you have added to the list. You can remove someone from the list with a right click popup in a Query with them. (they must be online, and you must have their address in IAL (so /whois them if you don't see their address in the titlebar of the query window))

  • Accept
    -- Tells them you've accepted their message, and make the PM the active window (which was hidden until you click Accept (or Auto-Accept))
  • Decline
    -- Tells them you've declined their message and closed the query window (which was hidden anyway)
  • Ignore
    -- Will ignore the person for 20 minutes and tell them you declined their message, and ignored them
menu Status,Channel,MenuBar,Query {
  $iif($group(#qc) == on,$style(1)Disable,$style(0)Enable) Query Control: {
    var %status = $iif($group(#qc) == on,Disable,Enable)
    $+(.,%status) #qc
    echo -a 4û Query Control has been $+(%status,d)
menu Query {
  $iif($hget(qcaccept,$address($active,3)),$style(1),$style(0)) Query Auto-Accept $+([,$active,]): {
    var %status = $iif($hget(qcaccept,$address($active,3)) = 1,Del,Add)
    $+(h,%status) qcaccept $address($active,3) 1
    echo -a 4û $active has been $iif(%status = del,deleted from,added to) Auto-Accept.
dialog qc {
  title "Query Control"
  size -1 -1 130 47
  option dbu

  text "From:", 1, 4 7 25 10, right
  text "Time:", 2, 82 7 15 10, left
  text "", 3, 97 7 28 10, read
  edit "", 4, 30 6 50 10, read
  text "Message:", 5, 4 19 25 10, right
  edit "", 6, 30 18 95 10, read
  box "", 7, 1 1 127 29

  button "Auto-Accept", 15, 4 32 37 10, ok
  button "Accept", 8, 42 32 20 10, ok
  button "Decline", 9, 63 32 20 10, ok
  button "Ignore", 10, 84 32 20 10, ok
  box "", 11, 1 27 106 18

  link "e-mail", 12, 110 31 15 8
  text "v2.0.3", 13, 110 37 18 8
  box "", 14, 107 27 21 18

on *:DIALOG:qc:sclick:8:{
  window -w %qc.nick
  .msg %qc.nick $ewrap(Query Accepted. I am reading what you've already said.)
  dialog -x qc
  window -a %qc.nick
  unset %qc.*
on *:DIALOG:qc:sclick:15:{
  window -w %qc.nick
  .msg %qc.nick $ewrap(Query Accepted. You have been added to the Auto-Accept list. $+([,%qc.address,]) )
  dialog -x qc
  hadd -m qcaccept %qc.address 1
  window -a %qc.nick
  unset %qc.*
on *:DIALOG:qc:sclick:9:{
  .msg %qc.nick $ewrap(Private Message Declined. Sorry.)
  window -c %qc.nick
  unset %qc.*
  dialog -x qc
on *:DIALOG:qc:sclick:10:{
  .msg %qc.nick $ewrap12(Private Message Declined. You have been ignored.)
  window -c %qc.nick
  .ignore -pu1200 %qc.nick 2
  unset %qc.*
  dialog -x qc
on *:DIALOG:qc:sclick:12:{
  url -na mailto:
#qc on
on *:START:{ 
  echo $color(info) -st 6û Script: Query Control script by is loaded and running. 
  hmake qcaccept 100
  if ($exists(qcaccept.hsh)) {
    .hload -s qcaccept qcaccept.hsh
    echo $color(info) -st 6û Script: hash table for Query Control loaded
on *:EXIT:{
  hsave -s qcaccept qcaccept.hsh
on *:INPUT:?:{ 
  if ($active != -psyBNC && $active != -sBNC && !$away) {
    .timerclose.query. $+ $active 1 300 close.query $active
on *:TEXT:*:?:{ 
  if ($nick != -psyBNC && $active != -sBNC && !$away) { 
    .timerclose.query. $+ $nick 1 300 close.query $nick
alias close.query {
  if ($query($$1)) {
    close -m $1
    notice $1 $ewrap(The query window with you has been closed after 5 minutes of inactivity.)
on *:CLOSE:?:{
  if ($timer($+(close.query.,$nick))) .timer $+ $($+(close.query.,$nick),2) off
on *:OPEN:?:{ 
  if ($nick == -psyBNC || $nick == -sBNC || $nick == acethebunny|bot) {
    goto end
  elseif ($hget(qcaccept,$address($nick,3))) {
    .msg $nick $ewrap(Query Auto-Accepted. I have been idle for $dur($idle) . $&
      $iif($away,[I am also away: $awaymsg - $+($dur($awaytime),])) )
    goto end
  elseif ($away) {
    notice $nick $ewrap(I am currently away: $awaymsg ~ gone $dur($awaytime))
    goto end
  elseif ($dialog(qc)) {
    .msg $nick $ewrap(Sorry $nick $+ , but I am busy with another message. Please try again later. (15 second ignore))
    echo $color(info) -ast 6û Query Control: $nick tried to Query you with an active Query Control dialog open
    close -m $nick
    .ignore -pu315 $nick
  else {
    set %qc.nick $nick
    set %qc.address $address($nick,3)
    window -h $nick
    .msg $nick $ewrap(Please Wait For PM Acceptance/Decline)
    dialog -mdo qc qc
    did -a qc 3 $asctime(hh:nn:ss)    
    did -a qc 4 $nick
    did -a qc 6 $1-
    did -f qc 1
  if (!$($+(%,ctcp.qc.,$wildsite),2)) {
    .ctcpreply $nick VERSION 4 BaazScript v4.3 by Baaz 
    set -eu15 $+(%,ctcp.qc.,$wildsite) on
#qc end

alias dur {
  return $replace($duration($1), wk,$chr(32) week,day,$chr(32) day,hr,$chr(32) hour,min,$chr(32) minute,sec,$chr(32) second )
alias ewrap {
  var %msg
  var %tok = 1
  var %word
  while ($gettok($1-,%tok,32) != $null) {
    %word = $gettok($1-,%tok,32)
    %msg = %msg $+($chr(3)) $+ 15 $+ $upper($left(%word,1)) $+ $+($chr(3)) $+ 15 $+ $right(%word,-1) 
    inc %tok
  return $+($chr(2),$chr(3)) $+ 12,1{~ $+ $+($chr(2),$chr(3)) $+ 15 $+ %msg $+ $+($chr(2),$chr(3)) $+ 12~} $+ $chr(15)


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teddybearlover   -  Jan 08, 2016

how do you install or add this script to mirc?

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