Toolbar for Admin

By sukhbira on Feb 12, 2013

Op Control Toolbar to warn a user kick ban and with extended bans like mute user nick change ban and flood protection
am trying to make this easy ....

menu * { 
  » OP ToolbaR:/toolattivo -m bar bar   
dialog bar {
  title "evil_shadow"
  size -1 -1 583 23
  option dbu
  button "", 240, 0 0 0 0, hide ok
  list 1, 0 0 0 0, size
  button "Behave", 2, 3 1 29 9
  button "Repeat Warn", 3, 201 1 34 9
  button "Repeat kick", 4, 236 1 33 9
  button "Email/phone", 5, 103 1 33 9
  button "Sex Request", 6, 137 1 34 9
  button "swearing", 7, 172 1 28 9
  button "Behave Kick", 8, 33 1 33 9
  button "Behave Ban", 9, 67 1 34 9
  button "Flood +f", 10, 304 1 31 9
  button "+RMi", 11, 155 12 18 9
  button "MuteBan", 12, 370 1 29 9
  button "Nickchan +N:", 13, 400 1 33 9
  button "Disturber +b", 14, 350 12 35 9
  button "Bad Nick ", 15, 253 12 30 9
  button "+m", 16, 26 12 13 9
  button "+M", 18, 40 12 13 9
  button "+R", 19, 54 12 13 9
  button "+i", 20, 68 12 13 9
  button "-m", 21, 82 12 13 9
  button "-M", 22, 96 12 13 9
  button "-R", 23, 110 12 13 9
  button "Whois", 24, 124 12 30 9
  text "Modes", 26, 3 12 21 7
  button "Play Mp3", 17, 222 12 30 9
  button "join flood", 27, 336 1 33 9
  button "Memo Read", 28, 386 12 32 9
  button "Stop Fight", 29, 284 12 30 9
  button "ChangeTone", 30, 315 12 34 9
  button "Hello", 25, 174 12 15 9
  button "Bye", 31, 190 12 15 9
  button "LoL", 32, 206 12 15 9
  button "Close", 242, 532 1 20 9, cancel
  button "Repeat Ban", 33, 270 1 33 9
  button "racism warn", 34, 434 1 33 9
  button "racism ban", 35, 420 12 32 9
  button "Eng/only", 36, 468 1 28 9
  button "Clone check", 37, 453 12 32 9
  button "+Rc", 243, 497 1 13 9
  button "±OP", 244, 486 12 13 9
  button "±v", 245, 500 12 10 9
  button "!oper", 246, 511 1 20 9
  text "BaazScript 3.0", 248, 514 12 40 9

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:2:{
  msg $active 12[4 $snick($active,1) 12] 1Your 4Content12/4behaviour 1is inappropriate the Channel12!! 4Please 1change your way of chatting.} 
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:3:{
  msg $active 12[4 $snick($active,1) 12] 12STOP 4repeating that in the Channel 1! 12Please. 
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:4:{
  /kick $active $snick($active,1) 4 Stop Repeating.
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:5:{
  msg $active 12[4 $snick($active,1) 12] STOP 12Posting 4 ICQ12/4E-mail12/4IM/phone numbers 12or other addresses in the Channel 1! 12Please. 
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:6:{
  msg $active 12[4 $snick($active,1) 12] 12 1please do not ask in any form 12for 12roleplay,cam2cam/cam chat, hot/dirty chat,4sex1,4cyber 1or 4phone sex 1in the channel.  
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:7:{
  msg $active 12[4 $snick($active,1) 12] 4Do not Harras/swearing  other users in the Channel.So 12STOP 4Disturbing1 the Channel! 12Please. 

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:8:{
  /kick $active $snick($active,1) 4inappropriate behaviour. 
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:9:{ mode $active +b $address($_ip:nick,2) | kick $active $snick($active,1) 4No channel disruption. }
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:10:{
  mode $active +f 4:2 
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:11:{
  mode $active +R/+M/+i | timer 0 18 mode $active -RMi
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:12:{
  mode $active +b m: $+ $address($_ip:nick,2)
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:13:{
  mode $active +b N: $+ $address($_ip:nick,2)
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:14:{ mode $active +b $address($_ip:nick,2) | kick $active $snick($active,1) 4No channel disruption. }
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:15:{
msg $active 12[4 $snick($active,1) 12] 1your nick is inappropriate. Please change it by typing 4/nick newnick. | timer 1 25  /mode $active +b $snick($active,1) } | timer 1 25 /kick $active $snick($active,1) 1Inappropriate nick! 4Type /nick "NewNick" 1to change it.

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:16:{
  mode $active +m
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:18:{
  mode $active +M
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:19:{
  mode $active +R
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:20:{
  mode $active +i
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:21:{
  mode $active -m

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:22:{
  mode $active -M

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:23:{
  mode $active -R

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:24:{
  whois $snick($active,1)

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:17:{
  dialog -m mplayer mplayer 

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:27:{
  mode $active +j 2:3 | timer 0 48 mode $active -j 
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:28:{
  /msg MemoServ READ NEW 

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:29:{
  msg $active 12[4 Dear Chatters12]  1all 4FIGHTING 1and the annoying 4ARGUMENT's 1will stop 4NOW. 1Either take it private, or drop it and put each other on ignore list if need be. Anyone continuing will be 4REMOVED.
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:30:{
msg $active 12[4 Dear Chatters 12] 12Your choice of subject is 1"4inappropriate and disturb the Channel1" 12right now. 4Please change it 1or 4you will be removed12!! }

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:25:{
  msg $active 12HeLLo 4EveryOne 4:D  

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:31:{
  msg $active 0,1  Bye all,Take care  7:D (◣_◢) 

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:32:{
  msg $active $snick 43L07o01o12o12o5o13o04o07o03o04o12o4o13o04L
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:33:{ mode $active +b $address($_ip:nick,2) | kick $active $snick($active,1) 4Stop Repeating. }

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:34:{
  msg $active 12[4 Dear Chatters 12] 1Any form of racism, racial remarks or slurs against 4others/religions/nations/races/countries 12in the Channel, 1whether you deem them to be or not and or racial prejeduces not allowed.
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:35:{ mode $active +b $address($_ip:nick,2) | kick $active $snick($active,1) 4No Racism/Rude Comments/abusive Language. }

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:36:{
  msg $active 08,01 $nick 9,1English only in the8,1 $active 9,1channel please,Double click on that persons nick to talk privately, or go to a channel that speaks your language. 
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:37:{
  cscan $active

on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:245:{
  if ($did == 245) { if ($snick($active, 1) isvoice $active) { mode $active -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv $snick($active, 1) $snick($active, 2) $snick($active, 3) $snick($active, 4) $snick($active, 5) $snick($active, 6) $snick($active, 7) $snick($active, 8) $snick($active, 9) }
    else { mode $active +vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv $snick($active, 1) $snick($active, 2) $snick($active, 3) $snick($active, 4) $snick($active, 5) $snick($active, 6) $snick($active, 7) $snick($active, 8) $snick($active, 9) }
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:244:{
  if ($did == 244) { if ($snick($active, 1) isop $active) { mode $active -oooooooooooooooooooo $snick($active, 1) $snick($active, 2) $snick($active, 3) $snick($active, 4) $snick($active, 5) $snick($active, 6) $snick($active, 7) $snick($active, 8) $snick($active, 9) }
    else { mode $active +oooooooooooooooooooo $snick($active, 1) $snick($active, 2) $snick($active, 3) $snick($active, 4) $snick($active, 5) $snick($active, 6) $snick($active, 7) $snick($active, 8) $snick($active, 9) }
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:246:{
  msg #chanops !oper 4 Rooms plz 
on 1:dialog:bar:sclick:243:{
  mode $me +Rc
On *:ban:*: {
  if ($banmask == $address($Me,2)) { 
    mode $chan +Q
    mode $chan -b $banmask
    mode $chan -aoh $nick $Nick $nick
    mode $chan -Q
    kick $chan $nick 4Don`t mess with me next time.
on *:kick:*: { 
  if ($knick == $me) { 
    /kick $chan $nick 4Don`t mess with me.
alias cscan {
  if (!$1) && ($active !ischan) { echo $color(ctcp) -ai2 * /cscan: insufficient parameters | halt }
  var %x 1, %clones, %sets 0, %c $iif($1,$1,#)
  if (%c !ischan) || (%scanchan) halt 
  if (!$chan(%c).ial) { set -u10 %scanchan %c | who %c | halt }
  window -c @CloneScan- $+ %c
  while ($nick(%c,%x)) {
    if ($ialchan($address($nick(%c,%x),2),%c,0) > 1) && (!$istok(%clones,$address($nick(%c,%x),2),32)) {
      inc %sets
      var %clones %clones $address($nick(%c,%x),2)
      if (!$window(@CloneScan- $+ %c)) { window -da @CloneScan- $+ %c 25 25 500 350 | echo @CloneScan- $+ %c * Clone sets in %c ... | linesep @CloneScan- $+ %c }
      echo @CloneScan- $+ %c * Set (12 $+ %sets $+ ) -04 $address($nick(%c,%x),2) :12 $lclones($address($nick(%c,%x),2),%c)
    inc %x
  if (%sets == 0) echo $color(ctcp) -ai2 * /cscan: No clones found in %c
  else { 
    linesep @CloneScan- $+ %c
    echo @CloneScan- $+ %c * Scan complete.
alias lclones {
  ; $1 = address / $2 = chan
  var %h 1, %m
  while ($ialchan($1,$2,%h)) {
    %m = %m $ialchan($1,$2,%h).nick
    inc %h
  return $iif(%m,%m,None)
raw 315:*: {
  if (%scanchan == $2) { unset %scanchan | cscan $2 }


ctcp &*:VERSION:*: { .ctcpreply $nick 5 is using the 4BaazScript Final ver. 4.11 By 12 Baaz  | halt }

raw 311:*: {
  /echo -a $asctime(  3(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(10) ----------6 BaazScript whois----------
  /echo -a $asctime(  3(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(6) 4Whois 12 $2 
  /echo -a $asctime(  3(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(6) RealName6 $6-
  /echo -a $asctime(  3(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(5) Ident7|6 $3 
  /echo -a $asctime(  3(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(12) Address7| *!*@ $+ $4 
raw 330:*: {
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(4) 12User Is Identified As7|4 $3
raw 338:*: {
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(12) Address IP7|  $3
raw 378:*: {
  /echo -ai36 $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(8) Hostmask7| $6
  /echo -ai36 $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(2) IP7| $7
raw 379:*: {
  /echo -ai36 $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(5) Modes7| $6-
raw 312:*: {
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(8) Server7| $3 
  /echo -ai36 $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(11) Description7| $4- 
raw 381:*: { 
  echo -s $time.xd $info. $1 Ya eres $6- [IRCop]
raw 313:*: {
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(5) Rank7| $5-9 
raw 319:*: {
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(7) Channel7|6 $replace($3-,~,5~,&,4&,@,7@,%,8%,+,9+) 
raw 320:*: {
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(14) Network technician7| Si.
raw 317:*: {
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(9) Connected7| $replace($asctime($4,dddd mm/dd/yyyy HH:nn:ss)Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday)
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(8) Idle7| $duration($3)
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(8) Online7| $duration($calc($ctime - $4))
raw 335:*: { 
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(3) Bot7| Yes. 
raw 318:*: { 
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(6) 4Whois 7- End
  /echo -a $asctime(  2(h:nn'tt) 1  ) $th2(10) ----------12BaazScript whois---------- 

on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($me isin $1-) {
    echo -abt2 $me 6 $+ $nick called  $chan said:- 2 $1-
    /splay nam.wav

dialog mplayer {
  title "Mp3 Player"
  size -1 -1 144 204
  option dbu
  list 1, 7 9 126 99, hsbar vsbar size
  button "Prev", 2, 2 149 14 12
  button " Play", 3, 18 149 28 12
  button "Pause", 4, 47 149 28 12
  button "Resume", 5, 76 150 28 12
  button "Stop", 6, 105 149 20 12
  button "Next", 7, 125 149 14 12
  text " Now Playing: ", 8, 5 125 54 8, center
  edit "", 9, 6 134 123 12, read center
  box "Volume", 10, 11 109 49 8
  button "+", 11, 20 118 14 6, flat
  button "-", 12, 36 117 14 7, flat
  button "»Add Directory", 13, 4 165 49 12
  button "»Add Song", 14, 56 164 37 12
  button "Delete File", 15, 94 164 37 12
  button "Clear List", 16, 75 108 37 12
  box "Song Show on Channels", 17, 9 177 116 22
  radio "On", 18, 12 184 50 10, result
  radio "Off", 19, 67 184 50 10

alias up {
  set %currentvolume $vol(mp3)
  inc %currentvolume 5000
  if ( %currentvolume > 65535 ) { set %currentvolume 65535 }
  vol -p %currentvolume
alias down {
  set %currentvolume $vol(mp3)
  dec %currentvolume 5000
  if ( %currentvolume < 0 ) { set %currentvolume 0 }
  vol -p %currentvolume

alias read.playlist {
  %ln = 0
  set %lines $lines(playlist.txt)
  if (%ln == %lines) { goto end }
  inc %ln
  did -az mplayer 1 $nopath($read(playlist.txt, %ln))
  goto loop
  :end {
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:18: set %annou ON
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:18: set %annou OFF
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:11: up
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:12: down
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:6: splay -p stop | unset %mp3.fname
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:4: pause
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:7: next
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:2: prev
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:14: set %m.playlist $dir="select an mp3:" [ %mp3dir $+ *.mp3 ] | if (%m.playlist == $null) halt | else { write playlist.txt %m.playlist | did -az mplayer 1 $nopath(%m.playlist) | unset %m.playlist }  
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:13: add.dir
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:3: mp32 $read(playlist.txt, %a.line)
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:15: write -dl $+ %a.line playlist.txt | did -dz mplayer 1 %a.line
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:1: set %a.line $did(mplayer,1).sel
on 1:dialog:mplayer:sclick:16: write -c playlist.txt | did -rz mplayer 1
on 1:dialog:mplayer:init:*:{
  did -a mplayer 9 $remove($nopath(%mp3.fname),.mp3))


alias add.dir {
  set %p.dir $sdir="select a dir:" C:\ | if (%p.dir == $null) halt | else { goto start }
  set %x 0
  inc %x 1
  if ($findfile(%p.dir,*.mp3,%x) == $null) { goto end }
  else {
    write playlist.txt $findfile(%p.dir,*.mp3,%x)
    did -az mplayer 1 $findfile(%p.dir,*.mp3,%x)
    goto loop

alias mp32 {
  set %mp3.fname $1-
  if (%mp3.fname != $null) {
    splay -p %mp3.fname
    set %length $replace($round($calc($file(%mp3.fname).size / 126 / $gettok($mp3(%mp3.fname).bitrate,1,3)),0),mins,m,secs,s)
    if (%annou == on) { //ame 12[4-12=4<12Plays Song4>12=4-12] $nopath(%mp3.fname)4>12=4-12] 12[4-12=4<12Album4>12=4-12] 12[4-12=4<12 $+ $sound(%mp3song).album $+ 4>12=4-12] 12[4-12=4<12.Bitrate4>12=4-12][ $+ $sound(%mp3song).bitrate 128 Kbps $+ 12]4-12=4<12 }
    dialog -x mplayer mplayer
    dialog -m mplayer mplayer
alias pause {
  if ($did(mplayer,6).state == 0) { splay resume }
  else { splay pause }

alias next {
  set %total $lines(playlist.txt)
  %active = 0
  if ($lines(playlist.txt) = 1) { mp32 $read(playlist.txt,1) | goto end }
  if ($lines(playlist.txt) = 0) { var %x = $input(There Are No Songs. Load A Play List,o,Warning) | goto end }
  else { goto loop }
  inc %active 1
  if ($read(playlist.txt, %active) = %mp3.fname) { inc %active 1 | checkstat next | mp32 $read(playlist.txt, %active) | unset %active | goto end }
  if (%active > %total) { $input(There Are No More Songs. Use Previous or Load Another PlayList,o,Warning) | goto end }
  else { goto loop }
alias prev {
  set %total $lines(playlist.txt)
  %active = 0
  if ($lines(playlist.txt) = 1) { mp32 $read(playlist.txt,1) | goto end }
  if ($lines(playlist.txt) = 0) { var %x = $input(There Are No More Songs. Use Previous or Load Another PlayList,o,Warning) | goto end }
  else { goto loop }
  inc %active 1
  if ($read(playlist.txt, %active) = %mp3.fname) { dec %active 1 | checkstat prev | mp32 $read(playlist.txt, %active) | unset %active | goto end }
  if (%active > %total) { $input(There Are No More Songs. Use Next button,o,warning) | goto end }
  else { goto loop }

alias checkstat {
  if ($1 = next) {
    if (%active > %total) { set %active 1 }
  if ($1 = prev) {
    if (%active = 0) { set %active $lines(playlist.txt) }

menu * {
  » Mp3Player: /dialog -m mplayer mplayer

alias toolattivo {
  dialog -m bar bar
  dll Dlls/UltraDock.dll Dock 0 $dialog(bar).hwnd top bar

on *:OP:#: {
  if ($opnick == $me) {
    /toolattivo -m bar bar   


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blackvenomm666   -  Feb 12, 2013

also with your menu you should specify what menus menu nicklist,menubar etcetc. the can interfere with other scripts. looks better than your first one though you utilized space better. keep up the good work

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