Bing web search

By FordLawnmower on Feb 08, 2013

Searches and returns results to irc.
Requested in #Script-Help on by ratdog

  • This is a bot script and should be loaded into a second client for normal use of the !triggers.
  • If you want to use this for a personal script; Right click channel or status, and turn the "bingsearch Trigger" OFF.
  • You can then use the "/bing" alias to echo the results to your screen.
    Channel Control:
  • +bing to turn the script ON for a channel. (requires ops)
  • -bing to turn the script OFF for a channel. (requires ops)
  • !bing , @bing
  • !bing will notice the user
  • @bing will message the channel if the user is voiced or higher
  • Defaults to notice
;;;;;;;;;                               Bing search by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help                                              ;;;;;;;
alias -l Getbingsearch {
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Start of Simple Setup;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;Change %logo to the logo you want at the start of each line
  var %logo $+($chr(3),02,$chr(44),07,$chr(2),Bing,$chr(15))
  ;Change %maxresults to the number of results you want 1 to 8
  var %maxresults 4
  ;Change %textcolor to the color you want normal text
  var %textcolor $+($chr(3),04)
  ;Change %linkcolor to the color you want for links
  var %linkcolor $+($chr(31))
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End Setup;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  $1-2 $+(%textcolor,Searching) %logo ........
  var %sockname $+(bingsearch,$network,$2,$ticks)
  sockopen %sockname 80
  svar %sockname output $1-2
  svar %sockname get $+(/search?q=,$urlencode($3-))
  svar %sockname logo %logo
  svar %sockname maxresults %maxresults
  svar %sockname textcolor %textcolor
  svar %sockname linkcolor %linkcolor
menu Channel,Status {
  .$iif($group(#bingsearch) == On,$style(1)) bingsearch Trigger
  ..$iif($group(#bingsearch) == On,$style(2)) On: .enable #bingsearch
  ..$iif($group(#bingsearch) == Off,$style(2)) Off: .disable #bingsearch
#bingsearch on
On $*:Text:/^(\+|-|!|@)bing.*/Si:#: {
  var %action $regml(1)
  if (%action isin +-) && ($regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@)/)) {
    if (%action == +) {
      if ($istok(%bingsearchChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) { .msg $chan $nick $chan is already running the bingsearch script }
      else { 
        .enable #bingsearch
        Set %bingsearchChanList $addtok(%bingsearchChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)
        .msg $chan $nick has activated the bingsearch script for $chan .
    else {
      if (!$istok(%bingsearchChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) { .msg $chan $nick $chan is not running the bingsearch script }
      else { 
        Set %bingsearchChanList $remtok(%bingsearchChanList,$+($network,$chan),1,32)
        .msg $chan $nick has deactivated the bingsearch script for $chan . 
  elseif (!$timer($+(bingsearch,$network,$nick))) && ($istok(%bingsearchChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) {
    .timer $+ $+(bingsearch,$network,$nick) 1 6 noop
    var %method $iif(%action == !,.notice $nick,$iif($regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@|%|\+)/),.msg $chan,.notice $nick))
    Getbingsearch %method $2-
#bingsearch end
alias bing { Getbingsearch echo -a $1- }
On *:sockopen:bingsearch*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $svar($sockname,get) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockread:bingsearch*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    sockread -fn &bing
    if $bvar(&bing, 0) {
      bwrite $+($sockname,.dat) -1 -1 &bing
      if ($bfind(&bing, 1, </html>)) {
        bread $+($sockname,.dat) 1 $file($+($sockname,.dat)).size &bing
        .remove $+($sockname,.dat)
        var %count 1
        while ($bintween(&bing, "sb_tlst"><h3><a href=, </a></h3>, %count)) {
          noop $regex(result,$v1,/"(.*?)".*">(.*)/i)
          put $svar($sockname,output) $svar($sockname,logo) $replace($+($svar($sockname,textcolor),$Xchr($regml(result,2))) $&
          if (%count == $svar($sockname,maxresults)) return
          inc %count
alias -l urlencode return $regsubex($1-,/([^a-z0-9])/ig,% $+ $base($asc(\t),10,16,2))
alias -l Svar {
  var %sockname $1, %item $2
  if ($isid) {
    if ($regex($sock(%sockname).mark,/ $+ %item $+ \x01([^\x01]*)/i)) return $regml(1)
  elseif ($3)  {
    var %value $3-
    if (!$regex($sock(%sockname).mark,/ $+ %item $+ \x01/i)) { sockmark %sockname $+($sock(%sockname).mark,$chr(1),%item,$chr(1),%value) }
    else { sockmark %sockname $regsubex($sock(%sockname).mark,/( $+ %item $+ \x01[^\x01]*)/i,$+(%item,$chr(1),%value)) }
alias -l Xchr { 
  var %return $regsubex($regsubex($1-,/&#x([A-F0-9]{1,2});/g,$chr($base($regml(\n),16,10))),/&#([0-9]{2});/g,$chr(\1)) 
  return $replacecs(%return,&ndash;,,&middot;,·,&raquo;,»,&laquo;,«,&Uuml;,Ü,&uuml;,ü,&Aacute;,Á,&aacute;,á,&Eacute;,$&
    &aelig;,æ,&quot;,",&lt;,<,&gt;,>, &amp;,&)
alias -l Put {
  if (!$regex($1,/(\.|^)(msg|notice|echo)$/Si)) || (!$3) { echo -st **Put error** Syntax /Put msg #channel text - or - /Put notice nickname text  | return }
  tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/([$\|%\[\]][^\s]*)/g,$+($chr(2),$chr(2),\t))
  var %tokens $0, %Tstart 3, %Dtimer 1500
  if ($timer($+(Put,$2,$network)).secs) { %Dtimer = $calc($v1 * 1000) }  
  while ($len($($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2)) > 430) {
    dec %tokens
    if ($len($($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2)) <= 430) {
      .timer -m 1 %Dtimer $1-2 $($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2))
      inc %Dtimer 1500
      %Tstart = $calc(%tokens + 1)
      %tokens = $0
  .timer -m 1 %Dtimer $1-2 $($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2))
  .timer $+ $+(Put,$2,$network) -m 1 $calc(%Dtimer + 1500) noop 
alias -l bintween {
  var %count = 1, %mark = 0, %mark2 = 0
  while (%count <= $4) {
    if ($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text) {
      %mark = $calc($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text + $len($2))
      if ($bfind($1, %mark, $3).text) {
        %mark2 = $bfind($1, %mark, $3).text
      else { return 0 } 
    else { return 0 }
    inc %count
  return $bvar($1, $iif(%mark > 0,%mark,1), $iif($calc(%mark2 - %mark) < 4130,$calc(%mark2 - %mark),4130)).text


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dma   -  Dec 17, 2015

sorry no longer working

^WeSt   -  Aug 30, 2014

Does not working , propably needs update at some point on line 80 the while cannot proceed..

mirc 7.36

Conscious   -  Feb 09, 2013

Dear god why?!

Sorasyn  -  Feb 09, 2013


Conscious  -  Feb 09, 2013

Screen scraping bing xD

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 09, 2013

I don't use bing personally, but for those who do, they can bring the same search results to irc.
Search engines are a big business and this affects the order of the results.
This was a requested script as posted in the introduction.

[18:38:56] <+ratdog> Bing! has now been rated better than google in very recent blind tests according to sofpedia article. I would like help writing a Bing! search socket for a chanel for mIRC.
This link shows some validity to this:
Just looking at the alexa stats, bing is 2nd.

BlueThen  -  Feb 09, 2013

I tried out Bing's blind test -

Google won 3 to 2 for me.

Conscious  -  Feb 09, 2013

Am I missing something or is bingiton just redirecting to bing?

BlueThen  -  Feb 10, 2013
Conscious  -  Feb 10, 2013

[14:38:56.698] GET [HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently 323ms]
[14:38:57.047] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 396ms]

Hawkee  -  Feb 10, 2013

I chose Google 100% of the time. Bing just doesn't offer enough specific results for development related queries.

Sorasyn  -  Feb 10, 2013

2:1:2 Google:Draw:Bing -- Bing didn't do very well regarding C#/.NET queries, which is ironic because Bing = Microsoft = .NET = C#. Lol.

BlueThen  -  Feb 11, 2013

@Hawkee I had the same trend. All 3 of the things that Google won were development related.

I understand Google uses ad data on people to help filter results, so I wonder if Bing allows that in their bingiton challenge.

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