Canvas Balls

By Conscious on Nov 23, 2012

First time using canvas EVER :D (and javascript

Demo of 500 balls:

Basically, this is a set of functions to spawn balls on a canvas, different sizes, colours. After they're spawned, you can make them move around, collide, bounce and change size and colour if you so desire.

It's not quite perfect. My collisions aren't the best; if they spawn already intersecting, it takes a while to self-correct, and sometimes it screws up partially, sometimes a lot. But it works sometimes, it's just a matter of ironing out bugs.

Also did quadtree partitioning. That was... interesting. In balls.redraw, if you set quadtree to true it'll show you the nodes.

Quadtree help
Collision help

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        function ready() {
            var Quadtree = function (lvl, coords) {
                this.MAX_OBJECTS = 10;
                this.MAX_LEVELS = 10;

                this.level = lvl;
                this.objects = [];
                this.bounds = coords;
                this.nodes = [];

                 * Clears the quadtree
                this.clear = function () {
                    this.objects.length = 0;

                    for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
                        if (this.nodes[i] != null) {
                            this.nodes[i] = null;
                 * Splits the node into 4 subnodes
                this.split = function () {
                    var subWidth = Math.round(this.bounds.width / 2);
                    var subHeight = Math.round(this.bounds.height / 2);
                    var x = this.bounds.x;
                    var y = this.bounds.y;

                    this.nodes[0] = new Quadtree(this.level + 1, {
                        x: x + subWidth,
                        y: y,
                        width: subWidth,
                        height: subHeight
                    this.nodes[1] = new Quadtree(this.level + 1, {
                        x: x,
                        y: y,
                        width: subWidth,
                        height: subHeight
                    this.nodes[2] = new Quadtree(this.level + 1, {
                        x: x,
                        y: y + subHeight,
                        width: subWidth,
                        height: subHeight
                    this.nodes[3] = new Quadtree(this.level + 1, {
                        x: x + subWidth,
                        y: y + subHeight,
                        width: subWidth,
                        height: subHeight
                 * Determine which node the object belongs to. -1 means
                 * object cannot completely fit within a child node and is part
                 * of the parent node
                this.getIndex = function (coord) {
                    var index = -1;
                    var horizontalMidpoint = this.bounds.x + (this.bounds.width / 2);
                    var verticalMidpoint = this.bounds.y + (this.bounds.height / 2);

                    // Object can completely fit within the top quadrants
                    var topQuadrant = (coord.y + coord.radius < verticalMidpoint);
                    // Object can completely fit within the bottom quadrants
                    var bottomQuadrant = (coord.y - coord.radius > verticalMidpoint);

                    // Object can completely fit within the left quadrants
                    if (coord.x + coord.radius < horizontalMidpoint) {
                        if (topQuadrant) {
                            index = 1;
                        } else if (bottomQuadrant) {
                            index = 2;
                    // Object can completely fit within the right quadrants
                    else if (coord.x - coord.radius > horizontalMidpoint) {
                        if (topQuadrant) {
                            index = 0;
                        } else if (bottomQuadrant) {
                            index = 3;
                    return index;
                 * Insert the object into the quadtree. If the node
                 * exceeds the capacity, it will split and add all
                 * objects to their corresponding nodes.
                this.insert = function (coord) {
                    if (this.nodes[0] != null) {
                        var index = this.getIndex(coord);

                        if (index != -1) {



                    if (this.objects.length > this.MAX_OBJECTS && this.level < this.MAX_LEVELS) {
                        if (this.nodes[0] == null) {
                        var i = 0;
                        while (i < this.objects.length) {
                            var index = this.getIndex(this.objects[i]);
                            if (index != -1) {
                                //console.log("if, 1");
                                this.objects.splice(i, 1);
                            } else {
                                //console.log("if, 2");
                 * Return all objects that could collide with the given object
                this.retrieve = function (coord) {
                    var index = this.getIndex(coord);
                    var returnObjects = [];
                    if (index != -1 && this.nodes[0] != null) {
                        returnObjects = returnObjects.concat(this.nodes[index].retrieve(coord));

                    returnObjects = returnObjects.concat(this.objects);

                    return returnObjects;
                this.stringify = function () {
                    return JSON.stringify(this, undefined, 0);
                this.draw = function (ctx) {
                    var hmp = this.bounds.x + (this.bounds.width / 2);
                    var vmp = this.bounds.y + (this.bounds.height / 2);
                    context.moveTo(this.bounds.x, vmp);
                    context.lineTo(this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width, vmp);
                    context.moveTo(hmp, this.bounds.y);
                    context.lineTo(hmp, this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height);
                    for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                        if ((this.nodes[i] != null) && (this.nodes[i].objects.length != 0)) this.nodes[i].draw();

            window.requestAnimFrame = (function () {
                return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) {
                    window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);

            function random_int(start, end) {
                return Math.floor(Math.random() * (end - start + 1) + start);
            var balls = function balls(context) {
                this.context = context,
                this.all_balls = [];
                this.quad = new Quadtree(0, {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    width: this.context.canvas.width,
                    height: this.context.canvas.height
                this.add = function () {
                    var x = new ball(this.context);
                    return x;
                this.start = function () {
                    (function animloop() {
                        var x = new Date().getTime() - (this.time || new Date().getTime());
                        this.time = new Date().getTime();
                this.frames = function () {
                    var time = new Date().getTime();
                    if (!this.last_fps_time) this.last_fps_time = time;
                    if (!this.frames_since_last) this.frames_since_last = 0;
                    if (time - this.last_fps_time >= 1000) {
                        this.frame_text = this.frames_since_last + " FPS";
                        this.frames_since_last = 0;
                        this.last_fps_time = time;
                this.redraw = function () {
                    this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
                    this.context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
                    this.each(function () {
                    var quadtree = false;
                    if (quadtree) {
                    this.context.fillStyle = '#000000';
                    this.context.font = "12px 'Open Sans'";
                    this.context.fillText(this.frame_text || this.frames_since_last + " FPS", 5, 17);
                this.each = function (fn) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < this.all_balls.length; i++) {
                this.collision = function (t) {
                    /*var all_balls = this;
                    all_balls.each(function () {
                        var A = {}, B = {};
                        A = this;
                        all_balls.each(function () {
                            B = this;
                            if ((A.y != B.y) || (A.x != B.x)) {
                                if (((a = Math.pow(A.x - B.x, 2)) + (b = Math.pow(A.y - B.y, 2))) <= (c = Math.pow(A.radius + B.radius, 2))) {
                                    var ax = (A.x_vel * (A.mass - B.mass) + (2 * B.mass * B.x_vel)) / (A.mass + B.mass);
                                    var ay = (A.y_vel * (A.mass - B.mass) + (2 * B.mass * B.y_vel)) / (A.mass + B.mass);
                                    B.x_vel = (B.x_vel * (B.mass - A.mass) + (2 * A.mass * A.x_vel)) / (A.mass + B.mass);
                                    B.y_vel = (B.y_vel * (B.mass - A.mass) + (2 * A.mass * A.y_vel)) / (A.mass + B.mass);
                                    A.x_vel = ax;
                                    A.y_vel = ay;
                                    A.x = A.x + (t * A.x_vel / 16);
                                    A.y = A.y + (t * A.y_vel / 16);
                                    B.x = B.x + (t * B.x_vel / 16);
                                    B.y = B.y + (t * B.y_vel / 16);
                                    //B.x = A.x+(B.x>A.x?1:-1)*Math.sqrt(c-b);
                                    //B.y = A.y+(B.y>A.y?1:-1)*Math.sqrt(c-a);
                    var returnObjects = [];
                    var quad = this.quad;
                    this.each(function () {
                        var A = {}, B = {};
                        A = this;
                        returnObjects = quad.retrieve(A);
                        for (var x = 0; x < returnObjects.length; x++) {
                            B = returnObjects[x];
                            if (A != B) {
                                if (((a = Math.pow(A.x - B.x, 2)) + (b = Math.pow(A.y - B.y, 2))) <= (c = Math.pow(A.radius + B.radius, 2))) {
                                    var ax = (A.x_vel * (A.mass - B.mass) + (2 * B.mass * B.x_vel)) / (A.mass + B.mass);
                                    var ay = (A.y_vel * (A.mass - B.mass) + (2 * B.mass * B.y_vel)) / (A.mass + B.mass);
                                    B.x_vel = (B.x_vel * (B.mass - A.mass) + (2 * A.mass * A.x_vel)) / (A.mass + B.mass);
                                    B.y_vel = (B.y_vel * (B.mass - A.mass) + (2 * A.mass * A.y_vel)) / (A.mass + B.mass);
                                    A.x_vel = ax;
                                    A.y_vel = ay;
                                    A.x = A.x + (t * A.x_vel / 16);
                                    A.y = A.y + (t * A.y_vel / 16);
                                    B.x = B.x + (t * B.x_vel / 16);
                                    B.y = B.y + (t * B.y_vel / 16);
                                    //B.x = A.x+(B.x>A.x?1:-1)*Math.sqrt(c-b);
                                    //B.y = A.y+(B.y>A.y?1:-1)*Math.sqrt(c-a);
                this.update = function (t) {
                    var quad = this.quad;
                    this.each(function () {
                        this.x += (t * this.x_vel / 16);
                        this.y += (t * this.y_vel / 16);
                        var t_x_vel = this.x_vel;
                        var t_y_vel = this.y_vel;
                        if (this.x >= this.context.canvas.width - this.radius && this.x_vel > 0) this.x_vel = -this.x_vel;
                        if (this.x <= this.radius && this.x_vel < 0) this.x_vel = -this.x_vel;
                        if (this.y >= this.context.canvas.height - this.radius && this.y_vel > 0) this.y_vel = -this.y_vel;
                        if (this.y <= this.radius && this.y_vel < 0) this.y_vel = -this.y_vel;
                        if (this.x_vel != t_x_vel) this.x += (t * this.x_vel / 16);
                        if (this.y_vel != t_y_vel) this.y += (t * this.y_vel / 16);
            Object.prototype.ball = function ball(context) {
                this.context = context;
                this.canvas = context.canvas;
                this.context.fillStyle = '#ABC123';
                this.radius = 15;
                this.x = random_int(this.radius + 1, this.canvas.width - this.radius - 1);
                this.y = random_int(this.radius + 1, this.canvas.height - this.radius - 1);
                this.x_vel = random_int(-8, 8);
                this.y_vel = random_int(-8, 8);
                this.draw = function () {
                    this.context.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, (Math.PI / 180) * 360, false);
                    this.context.fillStyle = this.col;
                this.color = function (col) {
                    this.col = col;
                this.resize = function (r) {
                    this.radius = r;
                    this.mass = Math.ceil(r * r * Math.PI / 750);
                    //this.mass = random_int(15,1500);
                return this;
            var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
            var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
            context.canvas.width = window.innerWidth * 0.9;
            context.canvas.height = window.innerHeight * 0.9;
            var Balls = new balls(context);
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                var b = Balls.add();
                b.color("#" + ((1 << 24) * Math.random() | 0).toString(16));
                b.resize(random_int(15, 50));
            //setTimeout(function () { document.body.innerHTML+=Balls.quad.stringify(); },1250);
        #canvas {
            border:1px solid #000000;

    <body onload="ready()">
        <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>



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Hawkee   -  Nov 25, 2012

@BlueThen Yes, that's a good point. I really need to redo the profile editor..

BlueThen   -  Nov 25, 2012

@Hawkee Minor, but relevant: Your avatar uploader won't let you upload an avatar if it's more than 100x100 px ("The avatar must be less than 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels high")

Most other websites allow you to resize/crop your avatar on the spot. Would that be possible here?

Conscious   -  Nov 25, 2012

Thanks, @Hawkee - never bothered xD

Hawkee   -  Nov 24, 2012

Pretty neat. @Conscious Why don't you have an avatar?

Conscious   -  Nov 24, 2012

Interesting. Thanks

BlueThen   -  Nov 23, 2012

There's no easy answer for that. Many simulators check for collisions several times in between drawn frames.

I'm not sure if your code does this, but having a fixed timestep really helps with stability for almost no matter what you do. Glenn Fiedler wrote an article about it:

Basically take your elapsed time, break it up into fixed chunks, and send the left over time to the next frame. For example:
35ms elapsed, do two 16ms updates, add 3ms (35 - 16*2) to the next frame.

There's also Continuous Collision Detection, which I know very little about.

Conscious   -  Nov 23, 2012

@BlueThen I don't think that will work due to the nature of the quadtree. Perhaps using a grid would actually be better.

So if you're checking for adjacent cells, that solves the circle-in-two-cells problem?

Ok so apparently with speeds higher than the radius they simply pass through each other. -.- How would I go about solving that?

BlueThen   -  Nov 23, 2012

Conscious: Each cell in the grid would be the width and height of the largest ball's diameter. Then, you check the ball against the balls contained in each cell adjacent to the one it's in.

My ~2 year old Balls applet has an array for each ball that keeps track of which balls they've collided with. It can probably be more efficient to iterate over the balls, and check against balls you haven't already iterated against.

For example:

for (int i = 0; i < ballCount; i++) {
  for (int c = i+1; c < ballCount; c++) {
    // check ball i against ball c

Although, that's probably not as easy using a partitioning algorithm. Perhaps if you only checked against Balls with higher ID's/indexes in the main array?

Conscious   -  Nov 23, 2012

@BlueThen What did you do when a ball was in two grids? As in, it was half in one and half in the other? And to see if I've already made the check, would you just have an array or something? Or would you do it mathematically/logically (I'm sure there's a way somehow in two equally ordered lists)

Demo added to description.

Larger one at

Hawkee   -  Nov 23, 2012

Where's the demo?

BlueThen   -  Nov 23, 2012

I love this kind of thing! I made a Java/Processing version back in January, 2011:

For a large number of evenly sized balls, I found that having a fixed sized grid for partitioning is a lot more efficient than quadtrees.

You also might want to check if they've already collided or not. Running the collision code twice for each collision may be what's causing some of the sticking.

Also, you should put a demo up somewhere!

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