Yahoo Chat Room Socket Connection

By evil-critter on Sep 05, 2012

This is from the script I use in yahoo rooms for a game/joke bot.
This snippet will allow you to chat in a yahoo room, rooms list, & captcha window.
this is very bare bones but it works.
copy the script paste it into a new 'remotes' file in mIRC
save it
right click on the status screen in mirc, click on sign into yahoo.
Enter your name and pass and the scriptsshould do the rest.
Have fun :-)

menu status {
  Sign Into Yahoo:/dialog -m ymchat ymchat
  Yahoo Rooms List:/dialog -m yrooms yrooms
  Visible Check:/dialog -m yvisible yvisible 
dialog YMChat {
  title "Yahoo Chat"
  size -1 -1 236 103
  option pixels notheme
  edit "", 1, 7 21 212 20, autohs
  edit "", 2, 7 49 212 20, pass autohs
  button "Button", 3, 147 74 65 25, default
  text "Yahoo Username - Password", 4, 7 3 212 17, center
on *:dialog:ymchat:sclick:3: { 
  if ($did(ymchat,1) && $did(ymchat,2)) { ymchat $did(ymchat,1) $did(ymchat,2) }

alias -l ymchat {
  %ycookie = $+(GET /config/login?login=,$1,&passwd=,$2,$chr(32),HTTP/1.0,$crlf,Host:,$crlf,Accept: text/html,$crlf,$crlf)
  sockopen ynt_cookie 80
on *:sockopen:ynt_cookie: sockwrite ynt_cookie %ycookie
on *:sockread:ynt_cookie: {
  var %ysl
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread -f %ysl
  if ($len(%ysl) = 0) { %ysl = Null }
  if (HTTP/1.1 200 OK isin %ysl) { sockclose $sockname | echo -a Login Error, Incorrect Name Or Pass. | halt }
  if (Set-Cookie: isin %ysl) && (Y=v= isin %ysl) { %ya_y = $remove(%ysl,path=/;,Set-Cookie:,$cr,$lf,$chr(32)) }
  if (Set-Cookie: isin %ysl) && (T=z= isin %ysl) { %ya_t = $remove(%ysl,path=/;,Set-Cookie:,$cr,$lf,$chr(32)) }
on *:sockclose:ynt_cookie: { 
  %ya_nik = $gettok($gettok(%ycookie,1,38),2,61)
  set %li_cookie %ya_y $+ $chr(32) $+ %ya_T
  unset %ycookie , %ya_y , %ya_t , %canswer
alias -l rtntok { var %test = $remove($bvar(&ysl,1-).text,) | return $gettok(%test,$calc($findtok(%test,$wildtok(%test,* $+ $1 $+ *,1,192),1,192) + 1),192) }
alias -l yahoo.size { var %a = $gettok($calc($len($1-) / 256),1,46) , %b = $calc($len($1-) - $calc(%a * 256)) | return %a %b }
alias -l spc {
  var %spc = $1- , %stp.spc = 1 , %spc.em
  while (%stp.spc <= $len(%spc)) {
    %spc.em = %spc.em $asc($mid(%spc,%stp.spc,1))
    inc %stp.spc
  return %spc.em
alias -l chitty {
  if ($sock(yah_chat)) { sockclose yah_chat } 
  sockopen yah_chat 67.195.187. $+ $rand(192,254) 5050
on *:sockopen:yah_chat: { logpck }
alias -l logpck {
  %ya_nick = $decode_l($gettok($gettok(%li_cookie,1,47),5,61))
  var %ypack = $+(0À,%ya_nick,À2À,%ya_nick,À1À,%ya_nick,À244À0À6À,%li_cookie,À98ÀusÀ)
  bset &packt 1 Y M S G 0 19 0 $chr(1) $yahoo.size(%ypack) $chr(2) $chr(38) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $spc(%ypack)
  sockwrite yah_chat &packt
on *:sockread:yah_chat: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) return | sockread &ysl | breplace &ysl 0 160
  if ($bvar(&ysl,12) == 1) { echo -s 9,1Logged In To 6Yahoo!9 :) | joinit | halt }
  if ($bvar(&ysl,12) == 150) { prjoin | halt }
  if ($bvar(&ysl,12) == 2) { echo -s 4,1Error Logging Into Yahoo! :( | halt }
  if ($bvar(&ysl,12) == 6) { echo -a 4,1 PRVTMSG-FROM: $rtntok(4) $rtntok(14) }
  if ($bvar(&ysl,12) == 84) { echo 7 Yahoo Connection Closed. $rtntok(66) | halt }
  if ($bvar(&ysl,12) == 152) { 
    if ($right($rtntok(130),1) == -) { echo -s $remove($rtntok(130),$chr(192),$chr(128)) %ya_nik $+ :: %y.rm2 }
  if ($bvar(&ysl,12) == 85) { 
    set -e %csid $gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,20),18-20,32)
    noop $tip(YChat,Yahoo!,Your Nick Is $rtntok(3)) 
    noop $tip(YChat,Yahoo!,Alias Names $rtntok(89)) 
  if ($bvar(&ysl,12) == 168) { rmtxt $rtntok(109) $rtntok(117) | halt }
alias -l spackets { 
  bset &pack 1 Y M S G 0 19 0 0 $$2-) 0 $1 0 0 0 0 0 %csid $spc_out($2-) 
  sockwrite -n yah_chat &pack 
alias -l { var %a = $gettok($calc($len($1-) / 256),1,46) , %b = $calc($len($1-) - $calc(%a * 256)) | return %a %b }
alias -l spc_out {
  var %spc = $1- , %stp.spc = 1 , %spc.em
  while (%stp.spc <= $len(%spc)) {
    %spc.em = %spc.em $asc($mid(%spc,%stp.spc,1))
    inc %stp.spc
  return %spc.em
alias -l return @ $+ $remove(,$chr(32))
alias joinit { 
  if (! { dialog -m yrooms yrooms }
  if ($ { /clear @ $+ $ | /clear -l @ $+ $ } 
alias prjoin { $spackets(152,$+(1À,%ya_nik,À104À,,À129À,%y.rm2,À62À2À24À1188648944À)) }
alias yaspk { $spackets(168,$+(1À,%ya_nik,À104À,,À117À,$1-,À124À1À)) | echo $ $1- }
alias ypmsg { $spackets(6,$+(1À,%ya_nik,À5À,$1,À14À,$2-,À97À1À63À;0À64À0À206À2À)) }
alias -l d.nick {
  var %d.nicks = $remove($1-,) , %t.nicks = $count(%d.nicks,À) , %n.nicks = 1
  $iif( isin $rtntok(105),capwin $gettok($rtntok(105),$numtok($rtntok(105),32),32), $ 
  while (%n.nicks <= %t.nicks) {
    if ($gettok(%d.nicks,$calc($findtok(%d.nicks,109,%n.nicks,192) + 1),192) !isnum 104) && ($gettok(%d.nicks,$calc($findtok(%d.nicks,109,%n.nicks,192) + 1),192) !isnum 13) { 
      aline -ln $ $gettok(%d.nicks,$calc($findtok(%d.nicks,109,%n.nicks,192) + 1),192) 
    inc %n.nicks
  titlebar $ People in Room: $line($ ,0,1)
alias -l capwin {
  if (! $+ $ { window -el15S $ yroompops.txt }
  captcha $1-
alias -l encode_L { return $replacex($1-,a,0,b,1,c,2,d,3,e,4,f,5,g,6,h,7,i,8,j,9,k,a,l,b,m,c,n,d,o,e,p,f,q,g,r,h,s,i,t,j,u,k,v,l,w,m,x,n,y,o,z,p,0,q,1,r,2,s,3,t,4,u,5,v,6,w,7,x,8,y,9,z) }
alias -l decode_L { return $replacex($1-,0,a,1,b,2,c,3,d,4,e,5,f,6,g,7,h,8,i,9,j,a,k,b,l,c,m,d,n,e,o,f,p,g,q,h,r,i,s,j,t,k,u,l,v,m,w,n,x,o,y,p,z,q,0,r,1,s,2,t,3,u,4,v,5,w,6,x,7,y,8,z,9) }
;--Yahoo Rooms Dialog
alias -l oyrs {
  if ($exists(yrm_cat.yrm)) { .remove yrm_cat.yrm }
  if ($exists(yrm_lst.yrm)) { .remove yrm_lst.yrm }
  sockopen $1 %rm_srvr 80 
alias -l yrm_lst return $+(GET /ycontent/?chatroom_,,$chr(32),HTTP/1.0,$crlf,Host:,$crlf,Accept-Language: en,$crlf,Accept: */*,$crlf,User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; mIRC6.35),$crlf,Cache-Control: no-cache,$crlf,Connection: close,$crlf,$crlf)
alias -l yrm_cat return $+(GET /ycontent/?chatcat,$chr(32),HTTP/1.0,$crlf,Host:,$crlf,Accept-Language: en,$crlf,Accept: */*,$crlf,User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; mIRC6.35),$crlf,Cache-Control: no-cache,$crlf,Connection: close,$crlf,$crlf)
on *:sockopen:*yrm_*: {
  if ($sockname == yrm_lst) { sockwrite $sockname $yrm_lst | halt }
  if ($sockname == yrm_cat) { sockwrite $sockname $yrm_cat | halt }
on *:sockread:*yrm_*: {
  var %ysl
  if ($sockerr > 0) return 
  sockread -f %ysl 
  if ($sockname == yrm_lst) { 
    if (room type isin %ysl) || (<lobby isin %ysl) { write yrm_lst.yrm $replace($remove(%ysl,<chatRooms>,<room type="yahoo",id=",name=",">,"),users=,Users:,voices=,Mic:,webcams=,Cam:,/>,$chr(32),<lobby count=,$str($chr(160),3),topic=,:) }
  if ($sockname == yrm_cat) { 
    write yrm_cat.yrm %ysl
on *:sockclose:yrm_*: {
  if ($sockname = yrm_cat) {
    var %blah = 1
    while (%blah <= $lines(yrm_cat.yrm)) {
      if (B= !isin $gettok($read(yrm_cat.yrm,s,Set-Cookie:),1,32)) { echo -s $gettok($read(yrm_cat.yrm,s,Set-Cookie:),1,32) }
      if (id=" isin $read(yrm_cat.yrm,%blah)) { did -a yrooms 1 $replace($remove($gettok($read(yrm_cat.yrm,%blah),4,34),"),&amp;,&) $remove($gettok($read(yrm_cat.yrm,%blah),2,34),") }
      inc %blah
  if ($sockname = yrm_lst) {
    var %blah = 1
    while (%blah <= $lines(yrm_lst.yrm)) {
      did -a yrooms 2 $read(yrm_lst.yrm,%blah)
      inc %blah
dialog yrooms {
  title "Yahoo Rooms"
  size -1 -1 315 284
  option pixels notheme
  list 1, 7 26 150 233
  list 2, 158 26 150 233
  text "Double Click In Window To Make Selections", 3, 40 7 235 17, center
  combo 4, 7 250 150 71, drop edit
  button "Close", 5, 197 256 65 25, ok cancel 
on *:dialog:yrooms:init:0: { 
  if (!%rm_srvr) { %rm_srvr = }
  oyrs yrm_cat 
on *:dialog:yrooms:dclick:*: {
  if ($did == 2) { var %blah = $did(yrooms,2).sel
    while (%blah >= 1) {
      if ($len($left($read(yrm_lst.yrm,%blah),4)) == 4) && ($chr(160) !isin $left($read(yrm_lst.yrm,%blah),4)) { set $gettok($gettok($did(yrooms,2,%blah),1,58),2-,32) $+ : $+ $remove($gettok($did(yrooms,2).seltext,1,32),$chr(160)) 
        set %y.rm2 $gettok($gettok($did(yrooms,2,%blah),1,58),1,32) 
      dec %blah
  if ($did == 1) {
    did -r yrooms 2
    set -u1 $gettok($did(yrooms,1).seltext,$numtok($did(yrooms,1).seltext,32),32) 
    oyrs yrm_lst
on *:dialog:yrooms:sclick:4: {
  if ($did == 4) { %rm_srvr = $did(yrooms,4,0).text | oyrs yrm_cat }
alias -l lst_yrms {
  did -i yrooms 4 0 $gettok(|United States,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 1 $gettok(|Australia,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 2 $gettok(|Brasil,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 3 $gettok(|Canada,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 4 $gettok(|Deutschland,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 5 $gettok(|Danmark,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 6 $gettok(|España,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 7 $gettok(|France,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 8 $gettok(|India,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 9 $gettok(|Italy,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 10 $gettok(|Korea,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 11 $gettok(|México,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 12 $gettok(|Norge,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 13 $gettok(|Singapore,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 14 $gettok(|United Kingdom,2,124)
  did -i yrooms 4 15 $gettok(|United States,2,124)
alias -l captcha {
  if ($exists(captcha.jpg)) { .remove captcha.jpg }
  if ($exists(captcha.tmp)) { .remove captcha.tmp }
  set %cap_url = $1-
  %capt = $remove($gettok($gettok($1-,$calc($numtok($1-,38) - 1) - $numtok($1-,38),38),1,38),img=)
  %capt = / $+ $gettok(%capt,3-,$asc(/))
  sockopen fetcher 80
on *:sockopen:fetcher: { sockwrite fetcher $+(GET %capt,$chr(32),HTTP/1.0,$crlf,Host:,$crlf,Accept: */*,$crlf,User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; YahELite 331) ,$crlf,Cache-Control: no-cache,$crlf,Connection: close,$crlf,Referer:,$crlf,$crlf) }
on *:sockclose:fetcher: { recapt | unset %capt }
on *:sockread:fetcher: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread -f &ysl 
  ; echo -a $bvar(&ysl,1-).text
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  bwrite captcha.tmp -1 -1 &ysl
dialog cappic {
  title "cappic"
  size -1 -1 311 146
  option pixels notheme
  icon 1, 5 11 290 80, captcha.jpg, 0
  edit "", 2, 10 104 287 20, result %canswer 
  button "Button", 3, 12 127 282 15 , default
alias -l recapt {
  bread captcha.tmp 0 $file(captcha.tmp).size &blah 
  bcopy &ncaptcha.jpg 1 &blah 446 $bvar(&blah,0) 
  bwrite captcha.jpg -1 -1 &ncaptcha.jpg
  if ($dialog(Cappic)) { /dialog -x cappic }
  dialog -m cappic cappic
on *:dialog:cappic:sclick:3: { 
  set -u10 %canswer $did(cappic,2).text 
  if ($sock(send_cap_qs)) { sockclose send_cap_qs }
alias -l cap_url {
  var %ctx , %cdata , %class , %audio , %curl , %capt
  %capt = /img/ $+ $gettok($gettok(%cap_url,$numtok(%cap_url,47),47),1,38)
  if ($matchtok($1-,userctx=,1,38)) { %ctx = $ifmatch }
  if ($matchtok($1-,captchaCdata=,1,38)) { %cdata = $ifmatch }
  if ($matchtok($1-,captchaClassInfo=,1,38)) { %class = $ifmatch }
  if ($matchtok($1-,captchaAudioUrl=,1,38)) { %audio = $ifmatch }
  %curl = $+(question=,%capt,&captchaType=ClassicCaptcha&.intl=us&.lang=en-us&,%ctx,&,%cdata,&,%class,&captchaView=visual&,%audio,&answer=,%canswer,) 
  return %curl
alias -l cap_post return $+(POST /captcha1,$chr(32),HTTP/1.0,$crlf,Host:,$crlf,Accept-Language: en,$crlf,Accept: */*,$crlf,User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; YahELite 331),$crlf,Cache-Control: no-cache,$crlf,Connection: close,$crlf,Referer: Http://,$crlf,Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded,$crlf,Content-Length: ,$len($cap_url(%cap_url)),$crlf,$crlf)
alias -l cap_quest return $cap_url(%cap_url)
alias send_cap_qs { sockopen send_cap_qs 80 }
on *:sockopen:send_cap_qs: {
  echo -s $sockname Opened.
  sockwrite $sockname $cap_post  
  sockwrite send_cap_qs  $cap_url(%cap_url)
on *:sockread:send_cap_qs: {
  var %ysl
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread -f %ysl 
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
alias -l rmtxt {
  var %chatr = $1 
  var %chatrtxt = $striptags($2-)
  %chatrtxt = $remove($ytom(%chatrtxt),$chr(27))
  if ($read(iggyville.txt,w,%chatr)) { halt } 
  aline -p $ $timestamp $+ - %chatr $+ : %chatrtxt
alias -l striphex { var %z,%a = $regsub($1-,/[/[/#0-9A-Fa-fm]{9}/g,$null,%z) | return %z }
alias -l striptags { var %x,%y = $regsub($1-,/<[^>]+>/g,$null,%x) | return $striphex(%x) }
alias -l ytom { return $replace($1-,[1m,,[2m,,[4m,,[30m,1,[31m,12,[32m,11,[33m,15,[34m,3,[35m,13,[36m,6,[37m,7,[38m,4,[39m,10) }
alias -l {
  echo $ 1,11Joined $rtntok(109)
  titlebar $ People in Room: $+ $line($ ,0,1)
on *:INPUT:@:{
  if (/* !iswm $1) {  
    ; if ($left($1,1) != /) { return }
    yaspk $1- 


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raccoon   -  Nov 19, 2012

Looks like a lot of nice work. I'm going to test this one tomorrow. Though, it appears the bottom of the script might be cut off... at least a closing } anyway.

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