Chanserv Access list Dialog

By thegingon on May 23, 2012


Chan's access list viewer and editor
;§§ Made by: yoav sternberg
;§§ Title: access list.mrc
;§§ Date: 22-05-2012
;§§ Description: Chanserv Access Dialog Editor
:§§ version: 0.8 beta
I created chanserv access dialog.
What is included in the script:

  • Chan's access list viewer and editor - you can see Chan's access list and add/delete nick for that .
  • Whois on nick - you can do whois on nick that on Chan's access list if him online - semicredit to for the Design and code
;§§                        Made by: thegingon
;§§               Title:       access list.mrc
;§§               Date:          22-05-2012
;§§               Description:  Chanserv Access Dialog Editor

menu channel {
  .access list:/accesslistd
alias -l accesslistd {
  set %if $chan | /accesslist |  /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 creating access list for - # | write -c access.ini | writeini access.ini chan 1 # | access2 #
alias -l access2  { /.enable #access_list2 | /cs access $$1 list }
alias accesslist { /dialog -md access_list access_list }

alias -l not_online { var %nick = $readini(access.ini,$did(access_list, 6).sel,name)) | noop $input(the nick %nick isn't online,o,%nick isn't online) }
dialog access_list {
  title "access list"
  size -1 -1 242 152
  option dbu
  text "Channel:", 2, 10 10 23 8
  edit "", 3, 39 9 55 10, autohs
  text "", 4, 145 7 97 15
  button "Start", 5, 101 8 37 12
  list 6, 9 35 220 80, size
  text "", 7, 69 25 80 10
  button "delete his/her access", 8, 26 118 55 18
  button "whois nick", 9, 91 118 55 18
  button "add access", 10, 159 118 55 18
  text "credit to yoav sternberg (thegingon-bnc on rizon)", 1, 59 141 136 8

on *:dialog:access_list:init:0:{
  write -c access.ini
  if (%if) { did -a access_list 3 %if | /did -b access_list 3 }
  unset %if
;                                                      whois
dialog whois {
  title "whois dialog"
  size -1 -1 180 110
  option dbu
  edit "" 3, 5 5 170 90, read multi hsbar vsbar
  button "close", 6, 136 98 40 10
on *:dialog:whois:sclick:6:{ dialog -x whois whois }
on *:dialog:whois:init:0:{
  whois $readini(access.ini,$did(access_list, 6).sel,name)
  did -r whois 3
  did -a whois 3 Whois Results: $crlf
  did -a whois 3 -------------------- $crlf

raw 319:*:{ if ($dialog(whois)) { haltdef | did -a whois 3 Channels: $3- $crlf } }
raw 311:*:{ 
  if ($dialog(whois)) {
    did -a whois 3 Whois: From $1 to $2 $crlf
    did -a whois 3 Address: $+($3,@,$4) $crlf 
raw 312:*:{ if ($dialog(whois)) { haltdef | did -a whois 3 Server: $3 $+ , $4- $crlf } }
raw 330:*:{ if ($dialog(whois)) { haltdef | did -a whois 3 AuthServ Account: $3 $crlf } }
raw 307:*:{ if ($dialog(whois)) { haltdef | did -a whois 3 $2- $crlf } } 
raw 338:*:{ if ($dialog(whois)) { haltdef | did -a whois 3 $1- $crlf } }
raw 401:*:{ if ($dialog(whois)) { haltdef | did -a whois 3 $2- $crlf } }
raw 317:*:{ 
  if ($dialog(whois)) { 
    haltdef | did -a whois 3 Idle: $duration($3) $+ , Signed on: $asctime($4,dddd mm/dd/yyyy HH:nntt) $crlf
raw 318:*:{ if ($dialog(whois)) { haltdef } }
raw 352:*:{ if ($dialog(access_list)) { set -u5 %online 1 } }
raw 315:*:{ if ($dialog(access_list)) {  haltdef  | $iif(%online == 1,dialog -m whois whois,.timer 1 0 not_online) } }

;                                                      groups

#access_list2 off
on ^*:NOTICE:Access *list *for*:*:{ haltdef }
on ^*:NOTICE:*Num *Lev *Nick:*:{
  set %chanservaccess 1
  set %n_of_access_nick 1
on ^$*:NOTICE:/^  (.*)  (.*)  (.*)/Si:*:{
  if (%chanservaccess == 1) {
    writeini access.ini %n_of_access_nick level $regml(2)
    writeini access.ini %n_of_access_nick name $regml(3)
    write access.txt $regml(2) : $regml(3)
    inc %n_of_access_nick   
on ^*:NOTICE:End of access list.:*:{
  var %w = 1
  did -r access_list 6
  if ($readini(access.ini,%w,level) isnum) { did -a access_list 7 levels system }
  else { did -a access_list 7 xop system }
  did -r access_list 4 | did -a access_list 4 completed
  while (%n_of_access_nick > %w) {
    did -a access_list 6 $readini(access.ini,%w,level) : $readini(access.ini,%w,name)
    inc %w 
  .disable #access_list2
  unset %chanservacc* | unset %n_of_access_nick
  /did -e access_list 3
#access_list2 end

#access_list3 off
on ^$*:NOTICE: /^(\S+) deleted from (\S+) (\S+) list\.$/Si:*:{
  var %line = $didwm(access_list,6,$regml(3) : $regml(1),0)
  remini access.ini %line 
  did -d access_list 6 %line
  /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 success deleted $regml(1) from $regml(3) list on $regml(2)
  .disable #access_list3

on ^*:NOTICE:*denied*:*:{
  if (Permission isin $1-) {
    var %line = $did(access_list, 6).sel
    var %text = $did(access_list, 6, %line).text
    noop $regex(%text,/^(.+) : (.+)$/)
    /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * access denied - you can't delete $regml(2) from  $regml(1) in $readini(access.ini,chan,1) 
    .disable #access_list3

#access_list3 end

#access_list4 off
on ^$*:NOTICE:/^(\S+) deleted from (\S+) (\S+) list\.$/Si:*:{
  var %line = $didwm(access_list,6,*: $regml(1),0)
  remini access.ini %line 
  did -d access_list 6 %line
  /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 success deleted $regml(1) from $regml(3) list on $regml(2)
  .disable #access_list4
on ^*:NOTICE:*denied*:*:{
  if (access isin $1-) {
    var %line = $did(access_list, 6).sel
    var %text = $did(access_list, 6, %line).text
    noop $regex(%text,/^(.+) : (.+)$/)
    /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * access denied - you can't delete $regml(2) from access level - $regml(1) in $readini(access.ini,chan,1) 
    .disable #access_list4
#access_list4 end

on *:dialog:access_list:sclick:5:{
  if ($did(3) == $null) { /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * please write chan }
  elseif ($did(3).text !ischan) { /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * you must to be on this chan }
  elseif ($me isvoice $did(3).text) || ($me isop $did(3).text) || ($me ishop $did(3).text) || (& isin $nick($did(3).text,$me).pnick) || (~ isin $nick($did(3).text,$me).pnick) { /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 creating access list for - $did(3).text | write -c access.ini | writeini access.ini chan 1 $did(3).text | access2 $did(3).text | /did -b access_list 3 }
  else { /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * you are not voicer or higher in $did(3).text . }

on *:dialog:access_list:sclick:8:{
  if ($did(access_list, 6).sel == 0) { /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * you can't delete nothing }
  elseif (xop isin $did(7).text) { /.enable #access_list3 | $iif($input(are you sure that do you want to delete $readini(access.ini,$did(access_list, 6).sel,name) access $crlf $+ in the chan $readini(access.ini,chan,1) ?,yaq,delete access,access list deleting),.msg ChanServ $readini(access.ini,$did(access_list, 6).sel,level) $readini(access.ini,chan,1)) DEL $readini(access.ini,$did(access_list, 6).sel,name) }
  elseif (levels isin $did(7).text) { /.enable #access_list4 | $iif($input(are you sure that do you want to delete $readini(access.ini,$did(access_list, 6).sel,name) access $crlf $+ in the chan $readini(access.ini,chan,1) ?,yaq,delete access,access list deleting),/.msg ChanServ ACCESS $readini(access.ini,chan,1) DEL $readini(access.ini,$did(access_list, 6).sel,name)) }

on *:dialog:access_list:sclick:9:{
  if ($did(access_list, 6).sel == 0) { /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * you can't whois nothing }
  else { 
    /who $readini(access.ini,$did(access_list, 6).sel,name)
on *:dialog:access_list:sclick:10:{
  if (!$readini(access.ini,chan,1)) { | .timer 1 0 noop $input(you need to be Focused on channel before adding access.,o) | return }
  else { 
    if ($$?!="do you want to add access in the chan $readini(access.ini,chan,1) ?" == $false) { .timer 1 0 noop $input(you need to be Focused on channel that you want to add access in it before adding access.,oh) | return }
    set %nick [ [ $$?="what is the nick that do u want to add access to him in the chan $readini(access.ini,chan,1) ? " ] ]
    var %system = $iif(levels isin $did(7).text,level,permission)
    set %level [ [ $$?="what is the %system that do u want to add to %nick in the chan $readini(access.ini,chan,1) ? " ] ]
    if (levels !isin $did(7).text) {
      if (%level !== vop) || (%level !== vop) || (%level !== vop) || (%level !== vop) { .timer 1 0 noop $input(wrong XOP level - try again,o) | goto level } 
    elseif (%level !isnum) { .timer 1 0 noop $input(wrong level - that not a number - try again,o) | goto level }
    $iif(levels isin $did(7).text,/.enable #access_list5,/.enable #access_list6)
    $iif(levels isin $did(7).text,/.msg ChanServ ACCESS $readini(access.ini,chan,1) ADD %nick %level,/.msg ChanServ %level $readini(access.ini,chan,1) ADD %nick)

#access_list5 off
on ^*:NOTICE:*denied*:*:{
  if (access isin $1-) {
    /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * access denied - you can't add %nick to access level - %level in $readini(access.ini,chan,1)
    unset %nick | unset %level 
    .disable #access_list5
on ^*:NOTICE:*added to * access list at level*.:*:{
  /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 success add $strip($1) to level $strip($9) on $readini(access.ini,chan,1)
  var %n = 1     
  while ($readini(access.ini,%n,name) !== $null) {
    inc %n
  writeini access.ini %n name %nick
  writeini access.ini %n level %level
  did -a access_list 6 %level : %Nick
  unset %level | unset %nick 
  .disable #access_list5
#access_list5 end

#access_list6 off
on ^*:NOTICE:*denied*:*:{
  if (Permission isin $1-) {
    /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 * Permission denied - you can't add to %nick the Permission - %level in $readini(access.ini,chan,1)
    unset %nick | unset %level 
    .disable #access_list5

on ^*:NOTICE:*added to * list*:*:{
  /did -r access_list 4 | /did -a access_list 4 success add $strip($1) to Xop level - $strip($5) on $readini(access.ini,chan,1)
  var %n = 1     
  while ($readini(access.ini,%n,name) !== $null) {
    inc %n
  writeini access.ini %n name %nick
  writeini access.ini %n level %level
  did -a access_list 6 %level : %Nick
  unset %level | unset %nick 
  .disable #access_list6
#access_list6 end


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Stewie1k94   -  Aug 10, 2012

Nice snippet. :)

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