Modified Voting Script

By dashovski on Mar 28, 2012


This is a script which i modified for my personal use.
I found this script by nify who originally posted it 5 years ago.
Since it was good script but didn't had everything i needed, i modified it.

It is a script that allows people in seperate channels to make a vote/poll and vote on it, at the end it shows the results

The commands are :
!startvote - starts the vote
!stopvote - stops the vote (does NOT show results, just resets variables)
!vote(1-5) - vote for option (1-5)
!vresults - stops the votes and shows the results.
!vHelp - Shows help dialog.

The script by itself has a timer when its supposed to end, but if you sometime don't want to wait the timer to end in order to see the results just type !vresults - which stops the votes and shows the result.

Thanks to nify who made this long time ago.

My Modifications :

  1. Each person can vote only once per poll (before it was once per 10 minutes no matter if its new poll).
  2. Automatic ending timer for the poll.
  3. Counting vote by percentage.
  4. Modified dynamic timer (you can put how much time you want the voting to last)
  5. Help dialog.

I want this to be perfect script since it's my first work for so i will continue editing.

Last edit which i want to add is to not have fixed number of voting options and instead of that to have possibility to add number of voting options with a command.
Well, i would need help for that so if someone wants to help me i would appreciate it!!

Have a nice day!!

;Modified Voting Script by Dashovski
; !addvote <time-seconds> <vote/poll here>
; !addoption(1-5) <vote option>
; !startvote - starts the vote
; !stopvote - stops the vote (does NOT show results, just resets variables)
; !vote(1-5) - vote for option one
; !vresults - stops the votes and shows the results.
; !vhelp - shows the help

alias -l c1 { return $+($chr(3),12,$1-) }
alias -l c2 { return $+($chr(3),04,$1-) }
alias -l c3 { return $+($chr(3),07,$1-) }
alias -l c4 { return $+($chr(3),03,$1-) }
alias -l c5 { return $+($chr(3),01,$1-) }
alias -l c6 { return $+($chr(3),08,$1-) }
alias -l c7 { return $+($chr(3),10,$1-) }
alias -l c8 { return $+($chr(3),11,$1-) }

on *:text:!addvote*:#: {
  if ($2- == $null) {
    notice $nick $c1 you need to enter a vote question.
  if ($nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan) {
    set %vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ON    
    set %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick    
    set %vote.question [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $3-
    set %time $2
    notice $nick $c1 Voting question has been set up, please now type $c2 !addoption(1-5) $c4 <vote option(1-5)> $c1 $+ .
on *:text:!addoption1*:#: { 
  if ($2- == $null) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    notice $nick $c1 you need to add a first vote option.
  if ($nick == %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    set %vote.option1 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2-
    notice $nick $c1 thanks, your first vote option has been added.
on *:text:!addoption2*:#: {
  if ($2- == $null) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    notice $nick $c1 you need to add a second vote option.
  if ($nick == %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    set %vote.option2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2-
    notice $nick $c1 thanks, your second vote option has been added.
on *:text:!addoption3*:#: {
  if ($2- == $null) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    notice $nick $c1 you need to add a third vote option.
  if ($nick == %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    set %vote.option3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2-
    notice $nick $c1 thanks, your third vote option has been added.
on *:text:!addoption4*:#: { 
  if ($2- == $null) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    notice $nick $c1 you need to add a fourth vote option.
  if ($nick == %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    set %vote.option4 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2-
    notice $nick $c1 thanks, your fourth vote option has been added.
on *:text:!addoption5*:#: { 
  if ($2- == $null) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    notice $nick $c1 you need to add a fifth vote option.
  if ($nick == %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    set %vote.option5 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2-
    notice $nick $c1 thanks, your fifth vote option has been added.

on *:text:!startvote*:#: {
  if ($nick == %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {   
    msg $chan $c1  A vote has been set $c2 ON $c1 for : $c2 $chan  $c1 !! $c1  The subject is: $c5 %vote.question [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    the options for the vote are;
    set %vote.1 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0
    set %vote.2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0
    set %vote.3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0
    set %vote.4 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0
    set %vote.5 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0
    timer 1 1 msg $chan $c4  Option 1 is: $c3 %vote.option1 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    timer 1 2 msg $chan $c4  Option 2 is: $c3 %vote.option2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    timer 1 3 msg $chan $c4  Option 3 is: $c3 %vote.option3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    timer 1 4 msg $chan $c4  Option 4 is: $c3 %vote.option4 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    timer 1 5 msg $chan $c4  Option 5 is: $c3 %vote.option5 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    timer 1 6 msg $chan $c1  You have $c2 %time seconds $c1 to give your vote, starting now!!
    .timer99 1 %time _vote $chan 
on *:text:!stopvote*:#: {
  if ($nick == %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    unset %vote.option1 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.option2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.option3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.option4 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.option5 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.question [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.question [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    /unset %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    set %vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] OFF    
    msg $chan $c1  Voting has been stoped by $c2 $nick $+ !
    .timer99 off
on *:text:!vote 1*:#: {
  if ($nick == %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
    notice $nick $c7 I'm sorry but you may vote only once per $c5 Subject $c7 .
  if (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    notice $nick $c7 Your vote has been counted. Thank you for voting. 
    inc %vote.1 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] +1
    set %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick
on *:text:!vote 2*:#: {
  if ($nick == %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
    notice $nick $c7 I'm sorry but you may vote only once per $c5 Subject $c7 .
  if (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {  
    notice $nick $c7 Your vote has been counted. Thank you for voting.
    inc %vote.2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] +1
    set %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick
on *:text:!vote 3*:#: {
  if ($nick == %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
    notice $nick $c7 I'm sorry but you may vote only once per $c5 Subject $c7 .
  if (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {  
    notice $nick $c7 Your vote has been counted. Thank you for voting.
    inc %vote.3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] +1
    set %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick
on *:text:!vote 4*:#: {
  if ($nick == %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
    notice $nick $c7 I'm sorry but you may vote only once per $c5 Subject $c7 .
  if (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {  
    notice $nick $c7 Your vote has been counted. Thank you for voting.
    inc %vote.4 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] +1
    set %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick
on *:text:!vote 5*:#: {
  if ($nick == %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
    notice $nick $c7 I'm sorry but you may vote only once per $c5 Subject $c7 .
  if (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {  
    notice $nick $c7 Your vote has been counted. Thank you for voting.
    inc %vote.5 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] +1
    set %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick
on *:text:!vresult*:#: {
  if ($nick == %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && (%vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) {
    msg $chan $c1  Voting is now $c2 CLOSED.
    var %vote.1 = %vote.1 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    var %vote.2 = %vote.2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    var %vote.3 = %vote.3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    var %vote.4 = %vote.4 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    var %vote.5 = %vote.5 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    var %total = $calc(%vote.1 + %vote.2 + %vote.3 + %vote.4 + %vote.5)
    var %vote.1-p = $round($calc(%vote.1 / %total * 100),5)
    var %vote.2-p = $round($calc(%vote.2 / %total * 100),5)
    var %vote.3-p = $round($calc(%vote.3 / %total * 100),5)
    var %vote.4-p = $round($calc(%vote.4 / %total * 100),5)
    var %vote.5-p = $round($calc(%vote.5 / %total * 100),5)
    timer 1 1 msg $chan $c1 The time is $c2 UP $c1 , the results from the voting are :
    timer 1 1 msg $chan $c3 Total votes $c5 : $iif(%total == $null,0,%total)
    timer 1 3 msg $chan $c4 Option 1 : $c3 %vote.option1 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.1 == $null,0,%vote.1)  ( $+ %vote.1-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
    timer 1 5 msg $chan $c4 Option 2 : $c3 %vote.option2 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.2 == $null,0,%vote.2) ( $+ %vote.2-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
    timer 1 7 msg $chan $c4 Option 3 : $c3 %vote.option3 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.3 == $null,0,%vote.3)  ( $+ %vote.3-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
    timer 1 9 msg $chan $c4 Option 4 : $c3 %vote.option4 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.4 == $null,0,%vote.4) ( $+ %vote.4-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
    timer 1 11 msg $chan $c4 Option 5 : $c3 %vote.option5 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.5 == $null,0,%vote.5) ( $+ %vote.5-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
    timer 1 13 msg $chan $c1 Voting $c2 ended $c1 , please wait $c2 1 minute $c1 before seting up new subject!!
    .timer99 off 
    unset %vote.option1 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.option2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.option3 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.option4 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.option5 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.question [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.nick [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    unset %vote.question [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    /unset %voted. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    set %vote.setting [ $+ [ $chan ] ] OFF

alias _vote {

  ;Syntax: /_vote <#channel>
  ;Action: displays vote results for <#channel>

  var %vote.1 = %vote.1 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  var %vote.2 = %vote.2 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  var %vote.3 = %vote.3 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  var %vote.4 = %vote.4 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  var %vote.5 = %vote.5 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  var %total = $calc(%vote.1 + %vote.2 + %vote.3 + %vote.4 + %vote.5)
  var %vote.1-p = $round($calc(%vote.1 / %total * 100),5)
  var %vote.2-p = $round($calc(%vote.2 / %total * 100),5)
  var %vote.3-p = $round($calc(%vote.3 / %total * 100),5)
  var %vote.4-p = $round($calc(%vote.4 / %total * 100),5)
  var %vote.5-p = $round($calc(%vote.5 / %total * 100),5)
  timer 1 1 msg $1 $c1 The time is $c2 UP $c1 , the results from the voting are :
  timer 1 1 msg $1 $c3 Total votes $c5 : $iif(%total == $null,0,%total)
  timer 1 3 msg $1 $c4 Option 1 : $c3 %vote.option1 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.1 == $null,0,%vote.1)  ( $+ %vote.1-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
  timer 1 5 msg $1 $c4 Option 2 : $c3 %vote.option2 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.2 == $null,0,%vote.2) ( $+ %vote.2-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
  timer 1 7 msg $1 $c4 Option 3 : $c3 %vote.option3 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.3 == $null,0,%vote.3)  ( $+ %vote.3-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
  timer 1 9 msg $1 $c4 Option 4 : $c3 %vote.option4 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.4 == $null,0,%vote.4) ( $+ %vote.4-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
  timer 1 11 msg $1 $c4 Option 5 : $c3 %vote.option5 [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $c5  - $iif(%vote.5 == $null,0,%vote.5) ( $+ %vote.5-p $+ $chr(37) $+ )
  timer 1 13 msg $1 $c1 Voting $c2 ended $c1 , please wait $c2 1 minute $c1 before seting up new subject!!
  unset %vote.option1 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %vote.option2 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %vote.option3 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %vote.option4 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %vote.option5 [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %vote.question [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %vote.nick [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %vote.question [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  /unset %voted. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  set %vote.setting [ $+ [ $1 ] ] OFF

on *:TEXT:!vHelp*:#: { if ($nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan) {
    .notice $nick Voting script help and commands for use. 
    .notice $nick Adding vote/poll question : !addvote <time-seconds> <vote/poll here>
    .notice $nick Adding voting option : !addoption(1-5) <vote option>
    .notice $nick Starting the voting  : !startvote - starts the vote
    .notice $nick Stoping the voting   : !stopvote - stops the vote (does NOT show results, just resets variables)
    .notice $nick Voting : !vote(1-5) - vote for option one to five.
    .notice $nick Voting results : !vresults - stops the votes and shows the results.
  .notice $nick Voting Script by Dashovski }


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dashovski   -  Mar 29, 2012

Thanks FelicianoX

Hawkee   -  Mar 29, 2012

Try searching for the code that is similar either on Google or the snippet code search. The rule is that when you build on top of somebody else's code you need to include a link to the original snippet.

dashovski   -  Mar 28, 2012

The problem was that i got that link 5 days ago, and now i don't have it.
I was trying to search his nickname nify, but failed.
If you can help, i would be pleased.

Hawkee   -  Mar 28, 2012

Be sure to include a link to the original snippet.

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