Input text with dialog

By sKIRc on Dec 29, 2011


just for Fun & Cool Stuff
input limit set < 50
Select Code; copy and paste in your remote
cut vars and paste in variables remote.
this snippet its not mine..
i just share because this snippet is not here

;;; Remote
menu channel,status,@input-List {
  Spiralkinetics™ Edit Input:inputlist
menu @input-List {
  Spiralkinetics™ Close:/close -@ $active

alias inputlist {
  if ($dialog(inputlist) == $null) { dialog -m inputlist inputlist }
  else { dialog -v inputlist inputlist }
dialog inputlist {
  size -1 -1 160 113
  title "Spiralkinetics Input List Setting"
  option dbu
  box "" 1, 3 0 154 110
  list 2, 8 10 60 100 , sort
  check "Enable input set" 3, 75 15 47 10
  edit "" 4, 72 38 80 10 , autohs
  edit "" 5, 72 58 80 10 , autohs
  text "Your Text:" 6, 72 30 30 8
  text "Input Will Be:" 7, 72 50 40 8
  button "Add" 8, 75 75 25 9
  button "Delete" 9, 125 75 25 9
  button "OK" 11, 74 92 35 10 ,cancel
  button "Show List" 12, 115 92 35 10
on 1:dialog:inputlist:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
    if (%input == ON) { did -c $dname 3 }
    did -b $dname 9
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 3) { inputon }
    if ($did == 2) && ($did(2).sel != $null) {
      did -e $dname 9
      did -ra $dname 4 $did(2).seltext
      did -ra $dname 5 %input [ $+ [ $did(2).seltext ] ]
      if ($active != @Input-List) { window -ak @Input-List }
      clear @Input-List
      echo @Input-List *** $did(2).seltext => %input [ $+ [ $did(2).seltext ] ]
    if ($did == 8) {
      if (* * iswm $did(4)) { set %errorinadd Don't leave empty char! }
      elseif ($did(4) != $null) && ($did(5) != $null) {
        set %inputadd $did(4)
        set %input-add $did(5)
    if ($did == 9) && ($did(2).sel != $null) {
      set %inputdel $did(2).seltext
    if ($did == 11) { window -c @inpu-set }
    if ($did == 12) { inputlistshoww }
alias inputlistshow {
  did -r inputlist 2
  set %§in 0
  inc %§in
  if (%§in > 500) { goto end }
  elseif (%input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] != $null) { did -a inputlist 2 %input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] }
  goto inp
  unset %§in
  did -b $dname 9
  did -r $dname 4
  did -r $dname 5
alias inputon {
  if (%input == ON) {
    set %input OFF 
    if ($dialog(inputlist) != $null) { did -u inputlist 3 }
  else {
    set %input ON 
    if ($dialog(inputlist) != $null) { did -c inputlist 3 }
alias inputadd {
  set %§in 0
  inc %§in
  if (%§in > 500) { goto end }
  elseif (%input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] == %inputadd) {
    set %input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] %inputadd
    set %input [ $+ [ %inputadd ] ] %input-add
    goto end
  elseif (%input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] == $null) { 
    set %input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] %inputadd
    set %input [ $+ [ %inputadd ] ] %input-add
    goto end
  else { goto inp }
  unset %§in %inputadd %input-add
alias inputdel {
  set %§in 0
  inc %§in
  if (%§in > 500) { goto end }
  elseif (%input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] == %inputdel) {
    unset %input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] %input [ $+ [ %inputdel ] ]
    goto end
  else { goto inp }
  unset %§in %inputdel
alias inputlistshoww {
  if ($active != @Input-List) { window -ak @Input-List }
  clear @Input-List
  set %§in 0
  inc %§in
  if (%§in > 500) { goto end }
  elseif (%input [ $+ [ %§in ] ] != $null) {
    set %DanSip %input [ $+ [ %§in ] ]
    echo @Input-List 2 ***   %DanSip 2=> %input [ $+ [ %DanSip ] ]
  goto inp
  unset %§in
on 1:input:*: {
  if ($left($1,1) = /) { return }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input1) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input2) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input3) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input4) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input5) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input6) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input7) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input8) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input9) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input10) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input11) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input12) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input13) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input14) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input15) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input16) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input17) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input18) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input19) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input20) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input21) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input22) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input23) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input24) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input25) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input26) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input27) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input28) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input29) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input30) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input31) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input32) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input33) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input34) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input35) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input36) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input37) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input38) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input39) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input40) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input41) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input42) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input43) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input44) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input45) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input46) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input47) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input48) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input49) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }
  elseif (%input == ON) && ($1 == %input50) { msg $active %input [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  $2- | halt }

;;; Variables
;;; cut and paste
;;; you know what i mean~!!
%input1 akum
%inputakum 14A15ssalamualaikum0....
%input2 ws
%inputws 14W15aalaikumussalam w0.15b0.15t0....
%input3 brb
%inputbrb 14B15e 14R15ight 14B15ack0....
%input4 wb
%inputwb 14W15elcome 14B15ack0....
%input5 brboc
%inputbrboc 14B15e 14R15ight 14B15ack 14O15n 14C15all0...
%input6 hahaha
%inputhahaha 0,1H2a3H4a5H6a7H8a9...0H2a3H4a5H6a7H8a9...0H2a3H4a5H6a7H8a9...0H2a3H4a5H6a7H8a9...0H2a3H4a5H6a7H8a9...0H2a3H4a5H6a7H8a9...0H2a3H4a5H6a7H8a9...0H2a3H4a5H6a7H8a
%input7 kahkah
%inputkahkah 14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah0...! 14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah0...! 14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah0...! 14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah0...! 14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah0...! 14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah0...! 14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah14K15ah0...!
%input8 haha
%inputhaha 14H15a14H15a14H15a14H15a14H15a14H15a0... 14G15elak tergolek golek0~~
%input9 hehe
%inputhehe 14H15e14H15e14H15e14H15e14H15e14H15e0... 14K15etawa sambil tutup mulut.
%input10 keke
%inputkeke 14K15e14K15e14K15e14K15e14K15e14K15e0...
%input11 huhu
%inputhuhu 14H15u14H15u14H15u14H15u14H15u14H15u0...
%input12 hak
%inputhak 14H15ak 14H15ak 14H15ak 14H15aktuuihhhh0!
%input13 nm
%inputnm 14N15ever 14M15ind
%input14 np
%inputnp 14N15o 14P15roblem
%input15 wee
%inputwee 1,1w2e3e4e5e6e7e8e9e10e11e12e13e14e15e1e2e3e4e5e6e7e8e9e10e11e12e13e14e15e1e2e3.
%input16 k
%inputk 14O15kay0...
%input17 uiks
%inputuiks 14Ù15 i k s 14S15 s 0¿
%input18 hye
%inputhye 14H15ye0...
%input19 yw
%inputyw 14Y15our 14W15elcome0...
%input20 aiseh
%inputaiseh 14A15iissseehhhhh0...
%input21 huh
%inputhuh 14H15uhh0...
%input22 hoh
%inputhoh 14H15ohh0...
%input23 hi
%inputhi 14H15i0...
%input24 bye
%inputbye 14B15ybye0...
%input25 oit
%inputoit 14O15itt0...
%input26 hihiks
%inputhihiks 14H15ihiks0...
%input27 ahaks
%inputahaks 14A15hakss0..
%input28 hor
%inputhor 14H15orr
%input29 erm
%inputerm 14E15rmmm0...
%input30 hurm
%inputhurm 14H15urmmmm0...
%input31 akhe
%inputakhe 14A15khe14A15khe14A15khe14A15khe14A15khe14A15khe14A15khe
%input32 n
%inputn 14E15nd 14C15hatting0...
%input33 tk
%inputtk 14T15erima 14K15asih0...
%input34 ty
%inputty 14T15hank 14Y15ou0..
%input35 y
%inputy 15ya ya
%input36 lol
%inputlol 15£äûghiñg øût £øûd
%input37 rofl
%inputrofl 15rø££iñg øñ f£øør £äûghiñg
%input38 lmao
%inputlmao 15£ûäghiñg mÿ äss øff
%input39 lmfao
%inputlmfao 15£äûghiñg mÿ fûçkiñg äss øff
%input40 gtg
%inputgtg 15gøt tø gø
%input41 beref
%inputberef 14B15eref0.. 14B15eref0....
%input42 steady
%inputsteady 14S15teady0.. 14S15teady0......
%input43 muaha
%inputmuaha 14M15uahahahahahahahahahahahahaha14H15alimah 14J15ongang0...


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eyiezinc   -  Feb 02, 2012

its ok..good job.

Celeron   -  Jan 08, 2012


blue187   -  Jan 06, 2012

I like it... simple but great

TheImrac   -  Dec 30, 2011

No need to hardcode responses like that. You should just use a hash table or text file.

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