Yet Another Shoutcast Script

By JustAUser on Dec 24, 2011

; Shoutcast Radio Script, needs admin/pass for the shoutcast radio server to use.

; I found a tutorial on some website for the socket, so I doubt it's anywhere near
; perfect and I know it can be improved by a lot, hell the entire script can be.
; However, it worked perfectly fine to grab the info, so I was satisfied with it.

; I'm not really an mSL scripter (obviously), so this script isn't really up to par.
; I wrote it up as a request by a friend who hosted a shoutcast server, he's decided
; to take down the radio station and irc and move on with his life, so I really have
; no use in running this script/the bot anymore. So, I've removed everything and I
; thought I'd post the script here on Hawkee for others to use.

; I decided to go with the Admin panel instead of the standard /7.html (I think thats
; the right name) because of all the info I could grab. Hope someone finds this useful.

; Usage:
; 1) Load script.
; 2) Edit/Change details
; 3) Save
; 4) Connect to IRC network
; 5) Type: !all (or whatever character you set for trigger)
; 6) Should display the information.

; Anyway: Enjoy.

on *:LOAD: { sca_vars }     ;Load vars on mIRC startup
on *:CONNECT: { sca_vars }  ;Sometimes, not often, mIRC would fail to load on startup, this made sure it did.

alias sca_vars {
  set %scc.serv     ;ip address to shoutcast server
  set %scc.port 1234        ;port to connect to
  set CoolNetwork7 ;name of irc network
  set %scc.chan #CoolRadio  ;channel to respond in
  set %scc.me1 RadioBot     ;main nickname to use
  set %scc.me2 RadioB0t     ;alternative nickname to use
  set %scc.auser admin      ;shoutcast server admin username
  set %scc.apass passwd     ;shoutcast server admin password
  set %scc.trig !           ;trigger to use in the channel

on @*:TEXT:*:#:{ 
  if ($network == && ($chan == %scc.chan) && ($me === %scc.me1 || $me === %scc.me2) {
    if (%scc.spam >= 1) { .halt }
    else {
      if ($strip($1) == $+(%scc.trig,all)) { 
        .timer 1 0 set %scd.nick $nick
        .timer 1 0 set %scd.text $+(%scc.trig,all)
        .timer 1 1 sca_connect

on *:SOCKOPEN:shoutcast:{ 
  inc %scc.spam 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /admin.cgi?mode=viewxml HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept: */*
  sockwrite -nt $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/10.0.642.2 Safari/534.16
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Authorization: Basic $encode(%scc.auser $+ : $+ %scc.apass, m)
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+(%scc.serv,:,%scc.port)
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf

on *:SOCKREAD:shoutcast:{ 
  if ($sockerr) { echo -s Socket Error: $sockerr | .halt }
  else {
    var &sc.tmp
    sockread &sc.tmp
    if ($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<STREAMSTATUS>0)) { .sockclose $sockname | .notice %scd.nick Sorry %scd.nick $+ , the Stream is currently offline. | sca_del | .halt }
    if ($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<STREAMSTATUS>1)) {
      var %scg.status = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<STREAMSTATUS>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</STREAMSTATUS>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<STREAMSTATUS>))).text
      var %scg.title = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<SERVERTITLE>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</SERVERTITLE>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<SERVERTITLE>))).text
      var %scg.url = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<SERVERURL>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</SERVERURL>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<SERVERURL>))).text
      var = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<SONGTITLE>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</SONGTITLE>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<SONGTITLE>))).text
      var %scg.bitrate = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<BITRATE>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</BITRATE>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<BITRATE>))).text
      var %scg.clist = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<CURRENTLISTENERS>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</CURRENTLISTENERS>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<CURRENTLISTENERS>))).text
      var %scg.mlist = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<MAXLISTENERS>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</MAXLISTENERS>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<MAXLISTENERS>))).text
      var %scg.plist = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<PEAKLISTENERS>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</PEAKLISTENERS>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<PEAKLISTENERS>))).text
      var %scg.genre = $bvar(&sc.tmp,$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<SERVERGENRE>)),$calc($bfind(&sc.tmp,1,</SERVERGENRE>) - $bfind(&sc.tmp,1,<SERVERGENRE>))).text
      set %scs.status $replace($remove(%scg.status,<STREAMSTATUS>)%scg.status,1,Online,0,Offline)
      set %scs.title $replace($remove(%scg.title,<SERVERTITLE>)%scg.title,&#x22;,",&#x26;,&,&#x27;,',&#x3C;,<,&#x3E;,>,&#x152;,Œ,&#x153;,œ,&#x160;,Š,&#x161;,š,&#x178;,Ÿ,&#x2C6;,ˆ,&#x2DC;,˜,&#x2002;,$chr(32),&#x2003;,$chr(32),&#x2009;,$chr(32),&#x200C;,$chr(32),&#x200D;,$chr(32),&#x200E;,$chr(32),&#x200F;,$chr(32),&#x2013;,–,&#x2014;,—,&#x2018;,‘,&#x2019;,’,&#x201A;,‚,&#x201C;,“,&#x201D;,”,&#x201E;,„,&#x2020;,†,&#x2021;,‡,&#x2030;,‰,&#x2039;,‹,&#x203A;,›,&#x20AC;,€)
      set %scs.url $remove(%scg.url,<SERVERURL>)
      set $replace($remove(,<SONGTITLE>),&#x22;,",&#x26;,&,&#x27;,',&#x3C;,<,&#x3E;,>,&#x152;,Œ,&#x153;,œ,&#x160;,Š,&#x161;,š,&#x178;,Ÿ,&#x2C6;,ˆ,&#x2DC;,˜,&#x2002;,$chr(32),&#x2003;,$chr(32),&#x2009;,$chr(32),&#x200C;,$chr(32),&#x200D;,$chr(32),&#x200E;,$chr(32),&#x200F;,$chr(32),&#x2013;,–,&#x2014;,—,&#x2018;,‘,&#x2019;,’,&#x201A;,‚,&#x201C;,“,&#x201D;,”,&#x201E;,„,&#x2020;,†,&#x2021;,‡,&#x2030;,‰,&#x2039;,‹,&#x203A;,›,&#x20AC;,€)
      set %scs.bitrate $remove(%scg.bitrate,<BITRATE>)
      set %scs.clist $remove(%scg.clist,<CURRENTLISTENERS>)
      set %scs.mlist $remove(%scg.mlist,<MAXLISTENERS>)
      set %scs.plist $remove(%scg.plist,<PEAKLISTENERS>)
      set %scs.genre $replace($remove(%scg.genre,<SERVERGENRE>)%scg.genre,&#x22;,",&#x26;,&,&#x27;,',&#x3C;,<,&#x3E;,>,&#x152;,Œ,&#x153;,œ,&#x160;,Š,&#x161;,š,&#x178;,Ÿ,&#x2C6;,ˆ,&#x2DC;,˜,&#x2002;,$chr(32),&#x2003;,$chr(32),&#x2009;,$chr(32),&#x200C;,$chr(32),&#x200D;,$chr(32),&#x200E;,$chr(32),&#x200F;,$chr(32),&#x2013;,–,&#x2014;,—,&#x2018;,‘,&#x2019;,’,&#x201A;,‚,&#x201C;,“,&#x201D;,”,&#x201E;,„,&#x2020;,†,&#x2021;,‡,&#x2030;,‰,&#x2039;,‹,&#x203A;,›,&#x20AC;,€)
      if (%scd.text == $+(%scc.trig,all) ) { sca_sendall }
      .sockclose $sockname

alias sca_sendall { 
  .timer 1 00 .msg %scc.chan Stream is currently $+(%scs.status,.)
  .timer 1 01 .msg %scc.chan Stream URL: $+(%scs.url,/listen.pls)
  .timer 1 02 .msg %scc.chan Stream Title: %scs.title
  .timer 1 03 .msg %scc.chan Now Playing:
  .timer 1 04 .msg %scc.chan Bitrate: $+(%scs.bitrate,kbps)
  .timer 1 05 .msg %scc.chan Listeners: %scs.clist
  .timer 1 06 .msg %scc.chan Max Listeners: %scs.mlist
  .timer 1 07 .msg %scc.chan Peak Listeners: %scs.plist
  .timer 1 08 .msg %scc.chan Stream Genre: %scs.genre
  .timer 1 11 sca_del

alias sca_connect { if ($sock(shoutcast)) { .sockclose shoutcast } | sockopen shoutcast %scc.serv %scc.port }
alias sca_del { unset %scs.* | unset %scd.* | unset %scc.spam }


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speedy   -  Mar 28, 2014

i have download more than 5 diverend kind of script and now one works. WTF am i doing wrong. i just want to display automaticly de song in my mirc room. can some one help me please????????

jasonh   -  Jan 07, 2012

doesnt work for me. using mirc 7.19

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