5 Color script

By Phil_FW on Nov 27, 2011

Simple. Paste in remotes, right click, turn colors on. Then bam, the rest is pretty self-explanatory. Features include acronyms, auto-formatting, different colors for nicks, ALL CAPS, ASCII, plus more. Enjoy! :D

added new preset
more acronyms
just fixed a few issues with the color settings

P.S. Taking feedback and suggestions for future updates :D

menu Channel,menubar {
  ..On: { .Enable #Color-Talker | echo Colors are now Enabled, $me $+ . }
  ..Off: { .Disable #Color-Talker | echo Colors are Disabled, $me $+ . }
#Color-Talker on
ON *:INPUT:*:{ if ( $left($1,1) == / ) || ($ctrlenter) || ($inpaste) return | else {
    if ( %txtver == National Guard 1 ) { var %c.norm 04,01 | var %c.punc 14 | var %c.caps 03 | var %c.hnick 15 }
    if ( %txtver == National Guard 2 ) { var %c.norm 12,01 | var %c.punc 09 | var %c.caps 04 | var %c.hnick 14 }
    if ( %txtver == Blue Color 1 ) { var %c.norm 15,01 | var %c.punc 14 | var %c.caps 12 | var %c.hnick 09 }
    if ( %txtver == Light Color 1 ) { var %c.norm 11,01 | var %c.punc 09 | var %c.caps 03 | var %c.hnick 06 }
    tokenize 32 $strip($1-,c)
    if (%addnick) && (!%me) && ($regex($gettok($1-,1,32),/^( $+ $iif($chan,$c.nicks,$+(\Q,$target,\E|\Q,$me,\E)) $+ ):$/Si)) { var %txtn $+(9,$mid(%c.norm,4),$chr(40),14,$regml(1),9,$chr(41),) | tokenize 32 $gettok($1-,2-,32) }
    if (%ascii) tokenize 32 $replacexcs($1-,a,å,b,ß,c,¢,d,Ð,e,ê,i,ï,l,£,n,ñ,o,ð,p,þ,s,§,t,†,u,µ,y,¥,?,¿)
    if (%acronym) tokenize 32 $replacexcs($1-,>.>,».»,<.<,«.«,HBU,✯How About You✯,WBU,✯What About You✯,TPB,✯The Pirate Bay✯,TV,✯Teamviewer✯,STFU,✯Shut The Fuck Up✯,WYD,✯What Are You Doing?✯,<3,❤,IDFC,✯I Don't Fucking Care✯,IDFK,✯I Don't Fucking Know✯,IDGAF,✯I Don't Give A Fuck✯,JW,✯Just Wondering✯,SMD,✯Suck My COCK✯,NVM,✯Nevermind✯,NM,✯Nothin' Much✯,HW,✯Homework✯,FML,✯Fuck My Life✯,LMFAO,✯Laughing My Fucking Ass Off✯,IKR,✯I Know Right✯,ATM,✯At The Moment✯,WTF,✯What The Fuck✯,FW,✯Frostwire✯,BTW,✯By The Way✯,IDR,✯I Don't Remember✯,FTW,✯For The Win✯,FB,✯Facebook✯,IDC,✯I Don't Care✯,IDK,✯I Don't Know✯,P2P,✯Peer To Peer✯,FFS,✯For Fuck Sake✯,PM,✯Private Message✯,ANG,✯Army National Guard✯,JS,✯Just Saying✯,LOL,✯Laughing Out Loud✯,BRB,✯Be Right Back✯,HB,✯Hurry Back✯,WB,✯Welcome Back✯,ILY,✯I ❤ You✯,ROFLMAO,✯Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off✯,LMAO,✯Laughing My Ass Off✯,ROFL,✯Rolling On Floor Laughing✯,BBL,✯Be Back Later✯,BBIAB,✯Be Back In A Bit✯,BBS,✯Be Back Soon✯,PMSL,✯Pissing Myself Laughing✯,TBH,✯To Be Honest✯,TYVM,✯Thank You Very Much✯,TTYL,✯Talk To You Later✯,TY,✯Thank You✯,YW,✯You're Welcome✯,OMG,✯Oh My God✯,ASAP,✯As Soon As Possible✯,AFAIK,✯As Far As I Know✯,AFK,✯Away From Keyboard✯,ASL,✯Age/Sex/Location✯,JK,✯Just Kidding✯,NP,✯No Problem✯,WTH,✯What The Hell!✯,TMI,✯Too Much Information✯)
    if (%emoticon) tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/( $+ $c.ereg $+ |\?(?=[]})".?!:({[]| ['"]| |$))/gi,$replacecs(\1,x,×,X,×,s,§,S,§,D,Ð,d,Ð,p,Þ,P,þ,?,?,O,$c.rand.upper.o,o,$c.rand.lower.o,-,¬,>.<,[-.-]",$chr(41),$c.rand.hap,$chr(40),$c.rand.unhap,C,Ç,c,ç,U,Û,u,û,F,ƒ,f,ƒ))
    if (%autoformat) && ($len($1-) > 1) && (!%me) tokenize 32 $regsubex($replacex($1-,dont,don't,w/ $+ $chr(32),$chr(32) $+ with,b/c,because),/(^[A-z]|(?<=[.?!:]\s)[A-z]|\bi\b)/g,$upper(\1)) $+ $iif($regex($1-,/^(?!['!?@.]).+(?<=[A-z0-9])(?<![]^_`\\[])$/),)
    if (%ALLCAPS) tokenize 32 $replacexcs($1-,a,A,b,B,c,C,d,D,e,E,f,F,g,G,h,H,i,I,j,J,k,K,l,L,m,M,n,N,o,O,p,P,q,Q,r,R,s,S,t,T,u,U,v,V,w,W,x,X,y,Y,z,Z)
    if ($chan) { var %x $nick(#,0) | while (%x) { tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/(?<=[]})".?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| ['"]| |^)(\Q $+ $nick(#,%x) $+ \E)(?=[]})"'.?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| |$)/gi,$+(,$nick(#,%x),)) | dec %x } }
    else tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/(?<=[]})"'.?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| ['"]| |^)(\Q $+ $+($me,\E,|\Q,$target) $+ \E)(?=[]})"'.?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| |$)/gi,$+(,$iif(\1 == $me,$me,$target),))
    var %y $chan(0) | while (%y) { tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/(?<=[]})".?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| ['"]| |^)(\Q $+ $chan(%y) $+ \E)(?=[]})".?!: $+ $chr(44) $+ ({[]| |$)/gi,$+(,$chan(%y),)) | dec %y }

    if (%c.punc) tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/((?: $+ $c.ereg $+ |[^A-z\s]|[]^_`\\[])+)/gi,$+(,%c.punc,\1,%c.norm))
    if (%c.caps) tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/(?<=^|[A-z\s]| $+ %c.norm $+ )(?<! $+ %c.punc $+ [A-z])([A-Z]+)(?=[A-z\s]| $+ %c.punc $+ |$)/g,$+(,%c.caps,\1,%c.norm))

    tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/((?:\d{1,2})?\S+)/g,$+(,2,%c.hnick,$strip(\1),%c.norm,))
    .msg $target %txtn $+(,$iif(%underline,),$iif(%bold,),%c.norm,$1-,)
    echo $target $timestamp $+(9,$chr(40),,9,$regsubex($iif($chan,$nick(#,$me).pnick,$me),/^([~&@%+])([~&@%+]*)/,$+(8,$replace(\1,$regml(2),$null),14)),,9,$chr(41),) %txtn $+(,$iif(%underline,),$iif(%bold,),%c.norm,$1-,)
Menu channel,menubar {
  $me $+ 's Colors
  .$style(3) Current Color - $iif(%txtver,%txtver,None set)
  .$iif(%ascii,$style(1)) ASCII:$iif(%ascii,unset %ascii,set %ascii 1) | echo -a [ASCII turned $iif(%ascii,ON,OFF) $+ .]
  .$iif(%emoticon,$style(1)) Emoticons:$iif(%emoticon,unset %emoticon,set %emoticon 1) | echo -a [Emoticons turned $iif(%emoticon,on,off) $+ .]
  .$iif(%autoformat,$style(1)) Automatic formatting:$iif(%autoformat,unset %autoformat,set %autoformat 1) | echo -a [Automatic formatting turned $iif(%autoformat,on,off) $+ .]
  .$iif(%acronym,$style(1)) Acronyms:$iif(%acronym,unset %acronym,set %acronym 1) | echo -a [Acronyms turned $iif(%acronym,on,off) $+ .]
  .$iif(%ALLCAPS,$style(1)) ALL CAPS:$iif(%ALLCAPS,unset %ALLCAPS,set %ALLCAPS 1) | echo -a [ALL CAPS turned $iif(%ALLCAPS,ON,OFF) $+ .]
  .$iif(%addnick,$style(1)) Address Nicks:$iif(%addnick,unset %addnick,set %addnick 1) | echo -a [Address Nicks turned $iif(%addnick,on,off) $+ .]
  .$iif(%bold,$style(1)) Bold:$iif(%bold,unset %bold,set %bold 1) | echo -a [Bold turned $iif(%bold,on,off) $+ .]
  .$iif(%underline,$style(1)) Underline:$iif(%underline,unset %underline,set %underline 1) | echo -a [Underline turned $iif(%underline,on,off) $+ .]
  .Color Settings
  ..$iif(%txtver == Phils,$style(1)) Phil's presets
  ...Light colors
  ....$iif(%txtver == BC 1 ,$style(3)) BC 1:set %txtver Blue Color 1 | echo -a [ $+ %txtver is enabled.]
  ....$iif(%txtver == LC 1 ,$style(3)) GC 1:set %txtver Light Color 1 | echo -a [ $+ %txtver is enabled.]
  ...Army colors
  ....$iif(%txtver == NG 1 ,$style(3)) NG 1:set %txtver National Guard 1 | echo -a [ $+ %txtver is enabled.]
  ....$iif(%txtver == NG 2 ,$style(3)) NG 2:set %txtver National Guard 2 | echo -a [ $+ %txtver is enabled.]
  ..$iif(%txtver == Custom,$style(1)) Custom
  ...$iif(((%txtver == Custom) && (%c.norm)),$style(1)) Normal
  ....$iif(00* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 00
  ....$iif(01* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 01
  ....$iif(02* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 02
  ....$iif(03* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 03
  ....$iif(04* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 04
  ....$iif(05* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 05
  ....$iif(06* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 06
  ....$iif(07* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 07
  ....$iif(08* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 08
  ....$iif(09* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 09
  ....$iif(10* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 10
  ....$iif(11* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 11
  ....$iif(12* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 4
  ....$iif(13* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 4
  ....$iif(14* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 14
  ....$iif(15* iswm %c.norm,$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm 15
  ....$iif(!%c.norm,$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | unset %c.norm
  ...$iif((%txtver == Custom) && ($mid(%c.norm,4)),$style(1)) Background
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,00),$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,00
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,01),$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,01
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,02),$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,02
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,03),$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,03
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,04),$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,04
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,05),$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,05
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,06),$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,06
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,07),$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,07
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,08),$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,08
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,09),$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,09
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,10),$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,10
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,11),$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,11
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,12),$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,12
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,13),$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,13
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,14),$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,14
  ....$iif(($mid(%c.norm,4) == ,15),$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3) $+ ,15
  ....$iif(!$mid(%c.norm,4),$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | set %c.norm $mid(%c.norm,1,3)
  ...$iif(((%txtver == Custom) && (%c.punc)),$style(1)) Punctuation
  ....$iif(00* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 00
  ....$iif(01* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 01
  ....$iif(02* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 02
  ....$iif(03* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 03
  ....$iif(04* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 04
  ....$iif(05* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 05
  ....$iif(06* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 06
  ....$iif(07* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 07
  ....$iif(08* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 08
  ....$iif(09* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 09
  ....$iif(10* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 10
  ....$iif(11* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 11
  ....$iif(12* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 12
  ....$iif(13* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 13
  ....$iif(14* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 14
  ....$iif(15* iswm %c.punc,$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.punc 15
  ....$iif(!%c.punc,$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | unset %c.punc
  ...$iif(((%txtver == Custom) && (%c.caps)),$style(1)) Caps
  ....$iif(00* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 00
  ....$iif(01* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 01
  ....$iif(02* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 02
  ....$iif(03* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 03
  ....$iif(04* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 04
  ....$iif(05* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 05
  ....$iif(06* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 06
  ....$iif(07* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 07
  ....$iif(08* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 08
  ....$iif(09* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 09
  ....$iif(10* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 10
  ....$iif(11* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 11
  ....$iif(12* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 12
  ....$iif(13* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 13
  ....$iif(14* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 14
  ....$iif(15* iswm %c.caps,$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.caps 15
  ....$iif(!%c.caps,$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | unset %c.caps
  ...$iif(((%txtver == Custom) && (%c.hnick)),$style(1)) Nick Highlighter
  ....$iif(00* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) White (00):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 00
  ....$iif(01* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Black (01):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 01
  ....$iif(02* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Navy (02):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 02
  ....$iif(03* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Green (03):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 03
  ....$iif(04* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Red (04):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 04
  ....$iif(05* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Brown (05):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 05
  ....$iif(06* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Purple (06):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 06
  ....$iif(07* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Orange (07):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 07
  ....$iif(08* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Yellow (08):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 08
  ....$iif(09* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Lime (09):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 09
  ....$iif(10* iswm %c.nick,$style(1)) Teal (10):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 10
  ....$iif(11* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Aqua (11):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 11
  ....$iif(12* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Blue (12):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 12
  ....$iif(13* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Fuchsia (13):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 13
  ....$iif(14* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Gray (14):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 14
  ....$iif(15* iswm %c.hnick,$style(1)) Silver (15):set %txtver Custom | set %c.hnick 15
  ....$iif(!%c.hnick,$style(1)) Unset:set %txtver Custom | unset %c.hnick
  .Reset colors:unset %txtver | unset %c.* | echo -a 
on ^*:TEXT:*:?: {
  echo $nick $theme.text($nick, $address, $nick, $1-)
alias theme.text {
  return  $timestamp  4(14 $+ $1 $+ 4)15 $4-
alias came ame %txtn $+(,$iif(%underline,),$iif(%bold,),%c.norm,$1-,)
alias cme describe $active %txtn $+(,$iif(%underline,),$iif(%bold,),%c.norm,$1-,)
alias c.ereg return (?<=[]})"'.?!:({[]| ['"]| ||^)(?:[DX'O:;x=>][])<ZOPFSGDVX3:;\|=([](?<![ods][fosbvp])|[\Q0xcvuo-><\E][_,.']+[\Q0xcvuo-><\E]|\.o\.)(?=[]})"'.?!:({[]| ['"]| |$)
alias c.rand.upper.o return $replace($rand(1,7),1,Ø,2,Ò,3,Ó,4,Ô,5,Õ,6,Ö,7,©)
alias c.rand.lower.o return $replace($rand(1,9),1,ø,2,ò,3,ó,4,ô,5,õ,6,ö,7,ð,8,¤,9,º)
alias c.rand.hap return $replace($rand(1,6),1,$chr(41),2,›,3,»,4,>,5,$chr(125),6,])
alias c.rand.unhap return $replace($rand(1,7),1,$chr(40),2,‹,3,«,4,¢,5,<,6,$chr(123),7,[)
alias c.nicks { var %x 1,%r | while (%x <= $nick(#,0)) && ($len(%r) < 928) { var %r %r $+(\Q,$nick(#,%x),\E) | inc %x } | return (?<=[]})".?`!:({[]| ['"]| |^)( $+ $replace(%r,$chr(32),$chr(124)) $+ )(?=[]})".?!:({[]| |$) }
#Color-Talker end


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ZoMb1eRaBb1tT   -  Oct 06, 2012

heres the fixed virsion of it http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/9671/

ZoMb1eRaBb1tT   -  Oct 06, 2012

never mind i fixd it all i added whas the top of another colour talker 's normal/number coloured sections along with the numbers normal part where the coding is in the top near where it as the acrymns and such i would post but idkhow lol

ZoMb1eRaBb1tT   -  Oct 06, 2012

this one sux so bad the normal text colours dont even work and u have the caps punct numb colours all messed up

ZoMb1eRaBb1tT   -  Oct 03, 2012

dude u should make a dialog where u can choose what color eatch letter can be while still having the other options and say an highlighted nick option i am having trouble doing that myself lol

Kaotic_Shuffler   -  Jul 03, 2012


Phil_FW   -  Apr 13, 2012

Updateddddd :)

blackvenomm666   -  Jan 02, 2012

when you take your msl scripts or ANYTHING for that matter whether it be a story or poetry or scripting of any kinda if you post it on the net expect some asshat to rip em. yes with other ones you can actually copyright it so if someone does rip it you can do something about it but with msl being open source and all you can't actually copyright it or do anything about it. you can put @copyright blablabla on it but that doesnt really mean anything when it comes to msl. all you can do is hope no one will rip yours and if someone does call em on it then leave it be

Jethro   -  Jan 02, 2012

you can't actually copy right mirc codingThat hits the spot. MSL is open source.

blackvenomm666   -  Jan 02, 2012

I'd like to know why hes taking credit for ripping code from Invision version mirc when all there stuff is copy right protected. And isn't giving them any credit for being the ones that made the code to begin with.
But I guess the menu part was more important.
you can't actually copy right mirc coding jsyk haha. last i checked its open source coding someone in australia could have made the exact same script the exact same way without having ever posted it on the net before the original author of this one.

Jethro   -  Jan 02, 2012

You couldn't care less about yourself, so why did you care so much to be here at Hawkee making trolls? People don't need to put up with your craps. Do yourself a favor and get lost.

Spoof   -  Jan 02, 2012

Say what you like... it doesn't undo your buddy's rip.
I could care less about what you approve of on here or anywhere else for that matter. What are you going to to about it... post more meaningless comments... cry me a river.

Jethro   -  Jan 02, 2012

Spoof, you're obviously an uneducated, egotistical prick. Your run-on sentences in English and trolls are beginning to irritate me. Get a load of what you're posting.

Spoof   -  Jan 02, 2012

quote: "This is much like a couple other color scripts but I added and edited stuff. More acros, ALL CAPS, ASCII, plus more."
You do not mention 1 persons name in the versions you ripped code from... at least be a man about it and give them credit for their work. Don't just re-post something you added a few lines to, b.t.w. even added your fail which Dean noticed and commented on. I you would take the time to understand what you are copy pasting from other peoples work you would have noticed that error before posting it as a finished script, so don't get butthurt over getting caught and twist it around on me... I have enough sense to not use any of your scripts even if you don't agree with my formats.
Get a real life dude.

Phil_FW   -  Jan 02, 2012

first off.. Maybe if you go back to elementary school and learn how to read, you would see that I did say I did NOT make it ALL myself.. and second, look at all my snippets compared to your own. I have made more and better than you.. so stop being jealous

Spoof   -  Dec 31, 2011

INVISION VERSION 3.x Script for mIRC 6.02 By cRYOa
FILE: itext.ini
DATE: 2-4-02

File:system\remote\itext.mrc line 198

if $left($1,3) == §€¥ {
if $r.set(Invision,Decrypt) == On {
set -u0 %rtndc $decrypt($1-)
if %rtndc == §§§ {
echo $nick $c(2) $+ Your key did not match that used to encrypt. $bracket(Decryption Failed)
else { echo $nick $c(1) $+ DECRYPTED: $c(1) $+ < $+ $c(2) $+ $nick $+ $c(1) $+ > $+ $decrypt($1-) }
if $left($1,3) == §Å¥ {
if $r.set(Invision,Decrypt) == On {
echo $nick $ts $c(1) $+ DECRYPTED: $c(1) $+ < $+ $c(2) $+ $nick $+ $c(1) $+ > $+ $decrypt2($1-)
if $left($1,3) == ] {
if $2 != $null && $r.set(Invision,Decrypt) == On {
crypt 1 $r.set(Invision,CryptKey) $2-
echo $nick $c(1) $+ < $+ $+ $nick - $c(2) $+ ircN Decrypt $+ $c(1) $+ > $+ $result

seriously, rip rip rip and you got busted.. try learning from scripts and coding. Not copy pasting peoples work and acting like you made it.

Spoof   -  Dec 30, 2011

I'd like to know why hes taking credit for ripping code from Invision version mirc when all there stuff is copy right protected. And isn't giving them any credit for being the ones that made the code to begin with.
But I guess the menu part was more important.

Phil_FW   -  Nov 30, 2011

Like i said, it's the same as a couple others, BUT, I added and edited things. I didn't notice that correction you made about the menu however. Thank you

_Dean_   -  Nov 27, 2011

whats the point in using this:

Menu *,menubar {

if you already used * to select all kind of menus, and then typed menubar...

you didnt even change the variable names from invision

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