Hawkee mIRC Snippet & Script Link Report

By Jethro on Nov 19, 2011

This is a forum request made by toclafane1 who wants a script to be able to report the info about a snippet or script's title, likes, average score, date added, and last updated via its link when posted.> check out www.hawkee.com/snippet/9097/

Title: RottenTomato Movie Search Likes: 2 like(s) Average Score: 6.5 (of 2 scores) Date Added: Oct 23, 2011 Last Updated: Oct 24, 2011> let's see about this link: http://www.hawkee.com/scripts/23905971/ Title: Password Character Picker Developer: Jonesy44 Likes: 0 like(s) Date Added: Nov 12, 2011 ```mirc on *:exit: if ($isfile(hawkee)) .remove hawkee on *:sockclose:hawkeesnippet_*:{ .play -c $token($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) hawkee 2000 } on *:sockopen:hawkeesnippet_*:{ if (!$sockerr) { write -c hawkee tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark var %hawkee = sockwrite -nt $sockname %hawkee GET $2 HTTP/1.0 %hawkee Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2)) %hawkee Connection: close } else $3-4 $sock($sockname).addr is having a technical difficulty. Try again later. } on $*:text:/(http\072\/\/)?w{3}\.hawkee\.com(\/s(nippet|cripts).*\/)/:#:{ if (!$play(#)) { var %hawkeee = $+(hawkeesnippet_script,$site,$str($ticks,3)) var %hawkeeinfo = $remove($+($regml(1),$regml(2)),http://) sockopen %hawkeee www.hawkee.com 80 sockmark %hawkeee $!bvar(&hawkee,1-).text %hawkeeinfo .msg # } } on *:sockread:hawkeesnippet_*:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark | sockread &hawkee if (!$sockerr) { var %d = /(?s)(Description)(\s*\K.+?(?=\s*).*)/ var %t = /(.*)-/, %l = /(\d+)<\/b>( like\(s\))<\/span>/ var %s = /px">(.*)<\/b>.*(\(.*\))<\/span>/, %a = /(.*)/ var %lu = /(?s)Last Updated <\/td>(\s*\K.+?(?=\s*).*)/ if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%t)) { write hawkee $3-4 $+($chr(2),Title:,$chr(2)) $regml(1) } if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],/-bottom: 6px;">(.*)


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Jethro   -  Nov 20, 2011

Way to go, MashhitDK. Keep it up.

MashhitDK   -  Nov 20, 2011

iLike :D

Here is a small edit of original code
[18:42:15] <~MashhitDK> http://www.hawkee.com/scripts/23905971/
[18:42:16] <~SRU> [TiTLE] Password Character Picker Added: Nov 12, 2011 by: Jonesy44

[18:42:20] <~MashhitDK> http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/9146/
[18:42:21] <~SRU> [TiTLE] Hawkee mIRC Snippet & Script Link Report (8.7/10 -#- 5 likes) Added: Nov 19, 2011

on *:sockclose:hawkeesnippet_*:{
  .msg %HawkeeC [14TiTLE] $+(7,%Hawkee_Title,) $+($iif(%Hawkee_Score,$+(15,$chr(40),,$v1)),$iif(%Hawkee_Likes,$+($chr(32),14-4#14-) $v1 $+(3like,$iif($v1 > 1,s),15,$chr(41),))) 14Added: $iif(%Hawkee_DateA != %Hawkee_DateU,$v1 5Updated: $v2,$v1) $iif(%Hawkee_Devl,14by: $v1) | unset %Hawkee*
on *:sockopen:hawkeesnippet_*:{
  if ($sockerr) { $3-4 $sock($sockname).addr is having a technical difficulty. Try again later. | return }
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark 
  var %hawkee = sockwrite -nt $sockname
  %hawkee GET $2 HTTP/1.0
  %hawkee Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2))
  %hawkee Connection: close
on $*:text:/(http\072\/\/)?w{3}\.hawkee\.com(\/s(nippet|cripts).*\/)/:#:{
  if (!%Hawkee) { set -u30 %HawkeeC #
    var %hawkeee = $+(hawkeesnippet_script,$site,$str($ticks,3)) 
    var %hawkeeinfo = $remove($+($regml(1),$regml(2)),http://)
    sockopen %hawkeee www.hawkee.com 80
    sockmark %hawkeee $!bvar(&hawkee,1-).text %hawkeeinfo .msg #
on *:sockread:hawkeesnippet_*:{
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark | sockread &hawkee 
  if ($sockerr) { $3-4 $sock($sockname).addr is having a technical difficulty. Try again later. | return }
  var %d = /(?s)(Description)</h1>(\s*\K.+?(?=\s*).*)/
  var %t = /<title>(.*)-/, %l = /<b>(\d+)<\/b>( like\(s\))<\/span>/
  var %s = /px"><b>(.*)<\/b>.*(\(.*\))<\/span>/, %a = /(.*)</b></td>/
  var %lu = /(?s)Last Updated&nbsp;<\/td>(\s*\K.+?(?=\s*).*)/
  if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%t)) { set %Hawkee_Title $regml(1) }
  if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],/-bottom: 6px;">(.*)</div>/)) { set %Hawkee_Devl $regml(1) }
  if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%l)) { set %Hawkee_Likes $regml(1) }
  if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%s)) { set %Hawkee_Score $+($regml(1),14/10) }
  if (date added isin [ [ $1 ] ]) && ($regex($v2,%a)) { set %Hawkee_DateA $token($regml(1),-1,62) }
  if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],%lu)) { set %Hawkee_DateU $token($token($regml(1),3,62),1,60) }
  if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],/6px;"><b>(\S+ \d+, \d{4})/)) { set %Hawkee_DateA $regml(1) }
  if ($regex([ [ $1 ] ],/center;">(\S+ \d+, \d{4})/)) { set %Hawkee_DateU $regml(1) }
Frenetic   -  Nov 20, 2011

Jethro, I think he means a youtube script. lol Not anything related to yours.

Jethro   -  Nov 20, 2011

The6PuffPack? What youtube are you talking about? :/

The6PuffPack   -  Nov 20, 2011

Ohhh Cool!!! Can you make something like that ecept for youtube? I've been looking at some other ones and they say they work but only one of them worked then froze my compuer -

And by "they: I mean the scripts and their editors

Jethro   -  Nov 19, 2011

I updated the script again on account of a serious, potential exploit that some script kiddies may take advantage of the timers I was using in the script.

Sorasyn   -  Nov 19, 2011

Excellent work, Jethro_. It's a Youtube URL fetcher for Hawkee. :D Like + 9 Rating

Jethro   -  Nov 19, 2011

You're welcome. I edited it to take out the notice warning and trigger notification.

Stewie1k94   -  Nov 19, 2011

Thanks Jethro :)

JoRdY   -  Nov 19, 2011

Perfect!! (Aha2Y)

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