help script v 1.0

By aaslyfox on Apr 04, 2005

This is a helpscript for those new to irc. to load it put this into ur aliases section
/F4 { /dialog -m help3 help3 | /inc %times.used 1 }
then hit f4 to access the script.
remember this is only the first version. i will make them better, and more helpful.

;;                                                          ;;
;;  Add the rest into ur remote section      ;;
;;  which is acessed by hitting  alt + r       ;;
;;                                                          ;;
;;                                                          ;;

;;                                               ;;
;;                START OF                 ;;
;;             BOTSERV SECTION      ;;
;;                                               ;;
;;                                               ;;
dialog helpbs {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 200
  option pixels
  text "Click any button to receive help on that area",1, 10 10 120 40
  button "What is Botserv",11, 30 40 90 15
  button "Assign",4, 30 60 90 15
  button "list",5, 30 80 90 15
  button "Set",6, 30 100 90 15
  button "Info",7, 30 120 90 15
  button "Unassign",8, 30 140 90 15
  button "Chanset",9, 30 160 90 15
  button "Back",10, 140 100 90 15
dialog helpbsa {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Botserv assign command enables you to assign a bot to a channel.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /bs assign #channel botnick  ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpbsl {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Botserv List command, enables you to view all availible bots.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /bs list",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpbss {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Botserv Set option enables you to change the settings of the bot.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /bs set channel option on|off ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpbsi {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Botserv info command lets you view what bot has been assigned to a channel, and its settings, such as flood limt, repeat limit, etc.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /bs info #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpbsu {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Botserv unassign option lets you remove a bot from a channel.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /bs unassign #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpbscs {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Botserv chanset command enables you to edit the settinngs of the bot of the channel, such as cap locks kicker.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /bs chanset option parameter1 parameter2 ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpbsw {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "Botserv enables you to assign a Bot to a Channel. This bot can do many useful things, such as flood control, bad word kicker, topic setter, etc.",1, 10 10 200 200
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
;;                                      ;;
;; The on *:dialog: statements          ;;

on *:dialog:helpbs:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 4) {
    dialog -m helpbsa helpbsa
    dialog -x helpbs helpbs
  if ($did == 5) {
    dialog -m helpbsl helpbsl
    dialog -x helpbs helpbs
  if ($did == 6) {
    dialog -m helpbss helpbss
    dialog -x helpbs helbs
  if ($did == 7) {
    dialog -m helpbsi helpbsi
    dialog -x helpbs helpbs
  if ($did == 8) {
    dialog -m helpbsu helpbsu
    dialog -x helpbs helpbs
  if ($did == 9) {
    dialog -m helpbscs helpbscs
    dialog -x helpbs helpbs
  if ($did == 10) {
    dialog -m help3 help3
    dialog -x helpbs helpbs 
  if ($did == 11) {
    dialog -m helpbsw helpbsw
    dialog -x helpbs helpbs
on *:dialog:helpbsa:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m helpbs helpbs
  dialog -x helpbsa helpbsa
on *:dialog:helpbsw:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m helpbs helpbs
  dialog -x helpbsw helpbsw
on *:dialog:helpbsi:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m helpbs helpbs
  dialog -x helpbsi helpbsi
on *:dialog:helpbsl:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m helpbs helpbs
  dialog -x helpbsl helpbsl
on *:dialog:helpbss:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m helpbs helpbs
  dialog -x helpbss helpbss
on *:dialog:helpbscs:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m helpbs helpbs
  dialog -x helpbscs helpbscs
on *:dialog:helpbsu:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m helpbs helpbs
  dialog -x helpbsu helpbsu
;;                                      ;;
;;                END OF                ;;
;;             BOTSERV SECTION          ;;
;;                                      ;;
;;                                      ;;

;;                                      ;;
;;                START OF              ;;
;;             HELP SECTION             ;;
;;                                      ;;
;;                                      ;;
dialog help3 {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 350 350
  option pixels
  button "NickServ and Chanserv",4, 10 25 120 16
  button "Botserv",5, 10 45 120 16
  button "Shortened Terms",150, 10 95 120 16
  button "UseFul commands",155, 10 115 120 16
  box "Services",6, 0 10 150 70
  box "Info",14, 0 180 150 110
  box "Other Areas",35, 0 80 150 100
  box "Operating System and server info",55, 160 10 170 170
  text "Times used this help script",7, 10 195 80 40
  text %times.used,8, 100 195 120 20 
  text "Date",9, 10 225 60 20
  text $date,10, 80 225 100 20
  text "Time",12, 10 245 120 20
  text $time,11, 80 245 120 20
  text "Day",110, 10 265 120 20
  text $day,111, 80 265 120 20
  button "Close",13, 260 330 90 20, ok
  edit $host,68, 250 60 70 20, autohs
  text $ip,69, 250 85 120 20
  text $server,65, 250 100 120 20
  text $os,70, 255 30 35 20
  text "Your Operating system is",73, 170 25 80 25
  text "Your host is",72, 170 60 50 25
  text "Your Ip is",71, 170 85 50 20
  text "You are on server",76, 170 100 70 25
  text "Your mirc version  is",41, 170 130 50 25
  text $version,746, 271 130 70 25
  text "mirc.",736, 250 130 21 25

dialog help1 {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 450
  option pixels
  text "Click any button to receive help on that area",1, 10 10 120 40
  box "Chanserv",2, 10 40 200 160
  box "Nickserv",3, 10 240 200 160
  button "Basic",4, 140 0 70 20
  button "Advanced",5, 140 20 70 20
  button "Register",6, 30 80 90 15
  button "What is Chanserv",7, 30 60 90 15
  button "Register",8, 30 280 90 15
  button "What is Nickserv",9, 30 260 90 15
  button "Identify",10, 30 300 90 15
  button "Drop",11, 30 100 90 15
  button "Drop",12, 30 320 90 15
  button "Link",13, 30 340 90 15
  button "Back",14, 30 420 90 15
dialog help2 {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 450
  option pixels
  text "Click any button to receive help on that area",1, 10 10 120 40
  box "Chanserv",2, 10 40 200 250
  box "Nickserv",3, 10 300 200 100
  button "Back",30, 30 420 90 15
  button "Basic",4, 140 0 70 20
  button "Advanced",5, 140 20 70 20
  button "Set",6, 30 60 70 15
  button "Count",7, 30 80 70 15
  button "Invite",8, 30 100 70 15 
  button "Show links",9, 30 320 90 15
  button "Ghost",10, 30 340 90 15
  button "Recover",11, 30 360 90 15
  button "Access",12, 30 380 90 15
  button "Mop",14, 30 240 70 15
  button "Mdeop",15, 30 220 70 15
  button "Mkick",16, 110 220 70 15
  button "Cfounder",17, 30 120 70 15
  button "Sop",18, 110 60 70 15
  button "Aop",19, 110 80 70 15
  button "Hop",20, 110 100 70 15
  button "Vop",21, 110 120 70 15
  button "Voice",22, 30 140 70 15
  button "Devoice",23, 110 140 70 15
  button "Halfop",24, 30 160 70 15
  button "Dehalfop",25, 110 160 70 15
  button "Op",26, 30 180 70 15

  button "Deop",27, 110 180 70 15
  button "Akick",28, 30 200 70 15
  button "Badwords",29, 110 200 70 15

dialog helphst {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 400 400
  option pixels
  text "lol = laughing out loud",3,0 5 200 200
  text "lmao = laughing my ass off",4,0 30 120 200
  text "rofl = rolling on floor laughing ",5,0 60 120 200
  text "n00b = a person who acts really dumb",6,0 90 120 200
  text "newb = someone new to that area, like IRC",7,0 120 120 200
  text "wtf = what the f**k",31,0 160 120 200
  text "FU = f**k you",23,0 190 120 200
  text "hax0r = hacker",33,0 220 120 200
  text "l337 = another way of saying elite",53,0 250 120 200
  text "ɛ = love ",43,0 290 120 200
  button "Back",2, 10 330 120 20
dialog helpcommands {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 350 350
  option pixels
  text "/j <#channel> makes you join a channel",3,0 15 2000 200
  text "/notice <nick> makes you send a message to them",4,0 40 1200 200
  text "/query <nick> lets you start a private chat with them",5,0 65 1200 200
  text "/clear wipes the current channel of all messages",6,0 90 1200 200
  text "/clearall clears all channels of text",7,0 115 1200 200
  text "/amsg <msg> sends that message to all channels you are on",31,0 140 1200 200
  text "/whois <nick> gives you information on that nick",23,0 165 1200 200
  text "",33,0 220 120 200
  text "",53,0 250 120 200
  text "",43,0 290 120 200
  button "Back",2, 10 330 120 20
;;                                      ;;
;; The on *:dialog: statements          ;;
on *:dialog:help2:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 4) {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 9) {
    dialog -m helpnssl helpnssl
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 6) {
    dialog -m helpcsas helpcsas
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 7) {
    dialog -m helpcsac helpcsac
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 8) {
    dialog -m helpcsai helpcsai
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 10) {
    dialog -m helpcsag helpcsag
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 11) {
    dialog -m helpcsar helpcsar
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 12) {
    dialog -m helpcsaa helpcsaa
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 14) {  
    dialog -m helpcsamop helpcsamop
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 15) {
    dialog -m helpcsamdop helpcsamdop
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 16) {
    dialog -m helpcsamk helpcsamk
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 17) {
    dialog -m helpcsacf helpcsacf
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 18) {
    dialog -m helpcsasop helpcsasop
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 19) {
    dialog -m helpcsaaop helpcsaaop
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 20) {
    dialog -m helpcsahop helpcsahop
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 21) {
    dialog -m helpcsavop helpcsavop
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 22) {
    dialog -m helpcsavoi helpcsavoi
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 23) {
    dialog -m helpcsadev helpcsadev
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 24) {
    dialog -m helpcsaho helpcsaho
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 25) {
    dialog -m helpcsadeh helpcsadeh
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 26) {
    dialog -m helpcsaaop helpcsaaop
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 27) {
    dialog -m helpcsadeop1 helpcsadeop1
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 28) {
    dialog -m helpcsakick helpcsakick
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 29) {
    dialog -m helpcsabw helpcsabw
    dialog -x help2 help2
  if ($did == 30) {
    dialog -m help3 help3
    dialog -x help2 help2

on *:dialog:helphst:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 2) {
    dialog -m help3 help3
    dialog -x helphst helphst
on *:dialog:help1:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 5) {
    dialog -m help2 help2
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 7 ) {
    dialog -m helpcs helpcs
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 6 ) {   
    dialog -m helpcsreg helpcsreg
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 11 ) {   
    dialog -m helpcsdr helpcsdr
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 8 ) {   
    dialog -m helpnsr helpnsr
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 9 ) {   
    dialog -m helpns helpns
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 10 ) {   
    dialog -m helpnsid helpnsid
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 12 ) {   
    dialog -m helpnsd helpnsd
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 13 ) {   
    dialog -m helpnslink helpnslink
    dialog -x help1 help1
  if ($did == 14 ) {   
    dialog -m help3 help3
    dialog -x help1 help1

on *:dialog:help3:sclick:4,5,150,155: {
  if ($did == 4) {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x help3 help3
  if ($did == 5) {
    dialog -m helpbs helpbs
    dialog -x help3 help3
  if ($did == 150) {
    dialog -m helphst helphst
    dialog -x help3 help3
  if ($did == 155) {
    dialog -m helpcommands helpcommands
    dialog -x help3 help3

on *:dialog:helpcommands:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help3 help3
  dialog -x helpcommands helpcommands

;;                                      ;;
;;                END OF                ;;
;;             HELP SECTION             ;;
;;                                      ;;
;;                                      ;;
;;                                      ;;
;;              START OF                ;;
;;                                      ;;
;;                                      ;;
dialog help {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv drop option, enables you to drop a registered channel, you can only drop a channel if you are the founder",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs drop #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcs {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "Chanserv is vital to the running of a channel. Chanserv is used to register channels, edit the auto op list, and many other things",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs drop #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsas {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv set option, enables you to set many settings of a channel like a new founder, opguard, etc",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs set #channel option parameters",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsac {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv count option, enables you to view how many ops, voices, owners, auto kicks. super ops, and half ops there are",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs count #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsai {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv invite option, enables you to invite a player into the channel.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs invite #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsag {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Nickserv Ghost option, enables you to disconnect a ghost from irc. ghost's usually occur when u lose connection to the internet and you are on irc",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /ns ghost nick password",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsar {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Nickserv recover option, enables you to disconnect a user from irc who is using your nickname",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /ns recover nickname password",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsaa {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Nickserv Access option, enables you to not have to identify if u change to ur nickname from a computer in a certain domain. /ns help access can explain better than me",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /ns access add mask ",4, 10 80 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsamop {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv massop option, enables you to Op every1 in a certain channel only if you are admin or higher",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs mop #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsamdop {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv mass deop option, enables you to deop every1 in a certain channel only if you are admin or higher ",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs mdeop #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsamk {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv mass kick option, enables you to kick every1 in a certain channel only if you are a founder",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs mkick #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsacf {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv cfounder option, lets you make another nickname a co-founder of a channel",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs cfounder #channel add/del/list/wipre nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsasop {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv sop option, enables you to add or delete a nickname to the superop list which gives them admin capabilites",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs sop #channel add/del/list/wipe nick ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsaaop {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv aop option, enables you to add or delete a nickname from the auto-op list.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs aop #channel add/del/list/wipe nick ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsahop {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv hop option, enables you to add or delete a nickname from the half-op list.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs hop #channel add/del/list/wipe nick ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsavop {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv vop option, enables you to add or delete a nickname from the auto-voice list.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs vop #channel add/del/list/wipe nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsavoi {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv voice option, enables you to grant temporary voice status to any nickname.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /mode +v #channel nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsadev {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv voice option, enables you to take away temporary voice status from any nickname.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /mode -v #channel nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsaho {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv half-op option, enables you to give temporary halfop status to any nickname.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /mode +h #channel nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsadeh {
  title Help1
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv de-half-op option, enables you to give temporary halfop status to any nickname.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /mode -h #channel nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsaop {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv auto-op option, enables you to ",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs aop #channel add nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsadeop1 {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv de-auto-op option, enables you remove a person from the auto-op list",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs aop #channel del nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsakick {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv autokick option, enables you to add/remove a nickname to the autokick",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs akick #channel add/del nick",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsabw {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv badwords list, enables you to add a word, which when said, that user will b kicked",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs badwords #channel add/del/list word",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcs {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "Chanserv is a set of commands that are used to benefit channels. Chanserv includes the ability to give certian people status on your channel. Every channel uses Chanserv or CS for short. Using CS, you can make your channel hidden to everyone else, or that people can only join when they get invited, and so on.",1, 10 10 200 200
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpcsreg {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv Register option, enables you to register a channel, so you become the owner of that channel, and no-one else can take this channel from you.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs register #channel password description",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20

dialog helpcsdr {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv drop option, enables you to drop a registered channel, you can only drop a channel if you are the founder",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /cs drop #channel ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpnsr {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Nickserv register option, enables you to register a nickname, so only you are able to take possession of that nickname and receive the status assigned to it in channels.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /ns register password email",4, 10 85 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpns {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "Nickserv is a set of commands which are used to protect your nickname. you can set many aspects of this, like making a password for your nickname. Registering your nickname is needed for people to add you to the auto-op list for a channel",1, 10 10 200 200
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpnsid {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv identify option has to be done when you change to a nickname that has been registered.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /ns id password ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpnsd {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv drop option enables you to drop a registered nickname.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /ns drop nick ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpnslink {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv link option lets you share powers given to another nickname.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /ns link nick password",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20
dialog helpnssl {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 250 150
  option pixels
  text "The Chanserv links option enables you to view which nicknames are linked with a certain nick.",1, 10 10 200 200
  text "Usage: /ns links nick ",4, 10 70 300 30
  button "Back",2, 10 120 120 20

dialog helphst {
  title Help
  size -1 -1 400 400
  option pixels
  text "lol = laughing out loud",3,0 5 200 200
  text "lmao = laughing my ass off",4,0 30 120 200
  text "rofl = rolling on floor laughing ",5,0 60 120 200
  text "n00b = a person who acts really dumb",6,0 90 120 200
  text "newb = someone new to that area, like IRC",7,0 120 120 200
  text "wtf = what the f**k",31,0 160 120 200
  text "FU = f**k you",23,0 190 120 200
  text "hax0r = hacker",33,0 220 120 200
  text "l337 = another way of saying elite",53,0 250 120 200
  text "&#603; = love ",43,0 290 120 200
  button "Back",2, 10 330 120 20
;;      The rest of the                 ;;
;;   on *:dialog: statements            ;;
on *:dialog:helphst:sclick:5: {
    dialog -m help3 help3
    dialog -x helphst helphst

on *:dialog:helpcs:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x helpcs helpcs   

on *:dialog:helpcsreg:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x helpcsreg helpcsreg
on *:dialog:helpcsdr:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x helpcsdr helpcsdr
on *:dialog:helpnsid:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x helpnsid helpnsid
on *:dialog:helpnsr:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x helpnsr helpnsr
on *:dialog:helpnsd:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x helpnsd helpnsd
on *:dialog:helpnslink:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x helpnslink helpnslink

on *:dialog:helpns:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help1 help1
    dialog -x helpns helpns
on *:dialog:helpnssl:sclick:2: {
    dialog -m help2 help2
    dialog -x helpnssl helpnssl

on *:dialog:helpcsas:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsas helpcsas
on *:dialog:helpcsac:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsac helpcsac
on *:dialog:helpcsai:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsai helpbcsai
on *:dialog:helpcsag:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsag helpcsag
on *:dialog:helpcsar:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsar helpcsar
on *:dialog:helpcsaa:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsaa helpcsaa
on *:dialog:helpcsamop:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsamop helpcsamop
on *:dialog:helpcsamdop:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsamdop helpcsamdop
on *:dialog:helpcsamk:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsamk helpcsamk
on *:dialog:helpcsacf:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsacf helpcsacf
on *:dialog:helpcsasop:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsasop helpcsasop
on *:dialog:helpcsaaop:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsaaop helpcsaaop
on *:dialog:helpcsahop:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsahop helpcsahop
on *:dialog:helpcsavop:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsavop helpcsavop
on *:dialog:helpcsavoi:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsavoi helpcsavoi
on *:dialog:helpcsadev:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsadev helpbcsadev
on *:dialog:helpcsaho:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsaho helpcsaho
on *:dialog:helpcsadeh:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsadeh helpcsadeh
on *:dialog:helpcsaaop:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsaaop helpcsaaop
on *:dialog:helpcsadeop1:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsadeop1 helpcsadeop1
on *:dialog:helpcsakick:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsakick helpbscsakick
on *:dialog:helpcsabw:sclick:2: {
  dialog -m help2 help2
  dialog -x helpcsabw helpcsabw


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F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jun 04, 2005

this script doesn\'t work for me

aaslyfox   -  Apr 05, 2005

<-------- still learning dialog scripting, im not able 2 do tabs yet. and i wasnt aware that i could put 4 { dialog -m help3 help3 | inc %times.used 1} inside the script

DarthReven   -  Apr 04, 2005

why didn\'t you just put alias F4 { dialog -m help3 help3 | inc %times.used 1 } in the script itself and the %times.used variable isn\'t really nessary

nobody   -  Apr 04, 2005

Nice script, but whatever happend to \"tabs\"?

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