RottenTomato Movie Search

By FordLawnmower on Oct 23, 2011

Rotten Tomato Movie Search.
Returns results from

  • This is a bot script and should be loaded into a second client for normal use of the !triggers.
  • If you want to use this for a personal script; Right click channel or status, and turn the "Rotten Trigger" OFF.
  • You can then use the "/rotten" alias to echo the results to your screen.
    Channel Control:
  • +rt to turn the script ON for a channel. (requires ops)
  • -rt to turn the script OFF for a channel. (requires ops)
  • !rt , @rt
  • !tomato , @tomato
  • !rotten , @rotten

Syntax is !trigger movie search terms | @trigger movie search terms

  • The !trigger will notice the user.
  • The @trigger will message the channel if the user is +v or higher, otherwise it will notice the user.

See the top of the script for setup and customization.

;Rotten Tomato Movie info script by Ford_Lawnmower #mIRC
alias -l Sets {
  ;;Do NOT edit the "goto $prop" line below. This will cause the script to FAIL!
  goto $prop
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Start Setup;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;;Change only the return values below. Do NOT remove the word "return" or any of the ":GotoTags";;;
  ;;Change the return Below :Logo to change the Logo.
  return $+($chr(15),$chr(2),$chr(3),08,$chr(44),03R T,$chr(15))
  ;;Change the return below :TagColor to change the color of the item names. ie Movie name.
  return $+($chr(15),$chr(3),04)
  ;;Change the return below :TextColor to change the color of normal text.
  return $+($chr(15),$chr(2))
  ;;Change the return below :LinkColor to change the color of links.
  return $+($chr(15),$chr(31))
  ;;Line One two and three can contain any valid items in any order. You may also remove all of
  ;;the items from any :Line* to prevent it from being displayed. Do NOT remove any of the
  ;;:Line* Tags.
  ;;Valid items are as follows; logo, title, year, runtime, release_dates, critics_consensus, genres,
  ;;mpaa_rating, critics_rating, critics_score, audience_rating, audience_score, cast, directors,
  ;;synopsis, imdb, link
  return logo title year runtime release_dates critics_consensus 
  return logo genres mpaa_rating critics_rating critics_score audience_rating audience_score
  return logo cast directors synopsis imdb link
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End Setup;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;Do NOT remove the "}" below!
menu Channel,Status {
  .$iif($group(#Rotten) == On,$style(1)) Rotten Trigger
  ..$iif($group(#Rotten) == On,$style(2)) On: .enable #Rotten
  ..$iif($group(#Rotten) == Off,$style(2)) Off: .disable #Rotten
#Rotten on
On $*:Text:/^(\+|-|!|@)(Rotten|tomato|rt).*/Si:#: {
  var %action $regml(1)
  if (%action isin +-) && ($regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@)/)) {
    if (%action == +) {
      if ($istok(%RottenChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) { .msg $chan $nick $chan is already running the Rotten Tomato script }
      else { 
        .enable #Rotten
        Set %RottenChanList $addtok(%RottenChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)
        .msg $chan $nick has activated the Rotten Tomato script for $chan .
    else {
      if (!$istok(%RottenChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) { .msg $chan $nick $chan is not running the Rotten Tomato script }
      else { 
        Set %RottenChanList $remtok(%RottenChanList,$+($network,$chan),1,32)
        .msg $chan $nick has deactivated the Rotten Tomato script for $chan . 
  elseif (!$timer($+(Rotten,$network,$nick))) && ($istok(%RottenChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) {
    .timer $+ $+(Rotten,$network,$nick) 1 6 noop
    var %method $iif(%action == !,.notice $nick,$iif($regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@|%|\+)/),.msg $chan,.notice $nick))
    GetRotten %method $strip($2-)
#Rotten end
alias Rotten { GetRotten echo -a $1- }
alias -l GetRotten {
  $1-2 Searching $Sets().logo ........
  var %sockname $+(GRottenIMDB,$network,$2,$ticks)
  sockopen %sockname 80
  sockmark %sockname $1-2 $+(/search?q=,$replace($3-,$chr(32),+), $3-
On *:sockopen:GRottenIMDB*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Opera 9.6
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | hfree $sockname | sockclose $sockname }
On *:sockread:GRottenIMDB*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | hfree $sockname | sockclose $sockname }
  else {
    sockread &GRottenIMDB
    if ($bintween(&GRottenIMDB,<cite>,/</cite>,1)) {
      var %sockname $+(Rotten,$sockname), %method $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32), %search $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4-,32) 
      sockclose $sockname
      sockopen %sockname 80
      sockmark %sockname %method $+(/api/public/v1.0/movie_alias.json?,$pack(1,`qhjdx<subiqw43t2wlsr586ty364`o),&type=imdb&id=,$v1) %search
    elseif ($bintween(&GRottenIMDB,Your search,</b> - did not match any documents.,1)) { 
      $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) Sorry - Cannot find $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4-,32) 
      sockclose $sockname
On *:sockclose:GRottenIMDB*: { $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) Sorry - Cannot find $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4-,32) }
On *:sockopen:Rotten*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Opera 9.6
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockread:Rotten*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    var %Rotten | sockread %Rotten
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"total":(.*?)\x2c.*?"id":"(.*?)"/)) {
      if ($regml(1)) {
        var %sockname $sockname, %method $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32)
        sockclose $sockname
        sockopen %sockname 80
        sockmark %sockname %method $+(/api/public/v1.0/movies/,$regml(2),.json?,$pack(1,`qhjdx<subiqw43t2wlsr586ty364`o))
      else {
        $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $Sets().Logo $Sets().TextColor Sorry, No results found for your search.
        sockclose $sockname
    if ("total":0, isin %Rotten) {
      $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $Sets().Logo $Sets().TextColor Sorry, No results found for your Search.
      sockclose $sockname
    if ("error":"Could not find a movie with the specified id" isin %Rotten) {
      tokenize 32 $sockname $sock($sockname).mark
      sockclose $sockname
      sockopen $1 80
      sockmark $1 $2-3 $+(/api/public/v1.0/movies.json?,$pack(1,`qhjdx<subiqw43t2wlsr586ty364`o),&q=,$replace($5-,$chr(32),+),&page_limit=1&page=1)
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"synopsis":"(.*?)"\x2c/)) {
      if ($regml(1)) var %synopsis $+($Sets().TagColor,Synopsis) $+($Sets().TextColor,$regml(1))
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"critics_rating":"(.*?)"\x2c"/)) {
      if ($regml(1)) var %critics_rating $+($Sets().TagColor,Critics rating) $+($Sets().TextColor,$regml(1))
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"mpaa_rating":"(.*?)"\x2c"/)) {
      if ($regml(1)) var %mpaa_rating $+($Sets().TagColor,Mpaa rating) $+($Sets().TextColor,$regml(1))
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"genres":\x5b(.*?)\x5d\x2c"/)) {
      if ($regml(1)) var %genres $+($Sets().TagColor,Genres) $+($Sets().TextColor,$regml(1))
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"critics_consensus":"(.*?)"\x2c"/)) {
      if ($regml(1)) var %critics_consensus $+($Sets().TagColor,Critics consensus) $+($Sets().TextColor,$regml(1))
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"release_dates":\x7b(.*?)\x7d\x2c/i)) {
      if ($regml(1)) var %release_dates $+($Sets().TagColor,Release dates) $+($Sets().TextColor,$regml(1))
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"(id|title|year|runtime|critics_score|audience_rating|audience_score)":(.*?)\x2c/g)) {
      var %count $regml(0)
      while (%count > 0) {
        var % $+ $regml($calc(%count - 1)) $+($Sets().TagColor,$u_($regml($calc(%count - 1)))) $+($Sets().TextColor,$remove($regml(%count),$chr(125)))
        dec %count 2
      var %link $+($Sets().TagColor,Link) $+($Sets().LinkColor,,$remove($strip(%id),id,$chr(32)),/,$chr(15))
      var %logo $Sets().Logo
    if ($regex(actors,%Rotten,/"name":"(.*?)"/ig)) {
      var %cast $+($Sets().TagColor,Cast) $+($Sets().TextColor,$regsubex($str(.,$regml(actors,0)),/(.)/g,$+($chr(32),$qt($regml(actors,\n)))))
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"abridged_directors":\x5b\x7b(.*?)\x7d\x5d/)) {
      var %directors $+($Sets().TagColor,Directors) $+($Sets().TextColor,$replace($remove($regml(1),$chr(123),$chr(125)),"name":,$chr(32)))
    if ($regex(%Rotten,/"imdb":"(.*?)"/)) var %imdb $+($Sets().TagColor,imdb) $+($Sets().LinkColor,,$regml(1),/,$chr(15))
    if (?"id":* iswm %Rotten) {
      if ($Sets().LineOne) put $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $Sets().TextColor $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$($+(%,\t),2))
      if ($Sets().LineTwo) put $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $Sets().TextColor $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$($+(%,\t),2))
      if ($Sets().LineThree) put $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $Sets().TextColor $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$($+(%,\t),2))
alias -l Put {
  if (!$regex($1,/(\.|^)(msg|notice|echo)$/Si)) || (!$3) { echo -st **Put error** Syntax /Put msg #channel text - or - /Put notice nickname text  | return }
  tokenize 32 $regsubex($1-,/([$\|%\[\]][^\s]*)/g,$+($chr(2),$chr(2),\t))
  var %tokens $0, %Tstart 4, %Dtimer 1500
  if ($timer($+(Put,$2,$network)).secs) { %Dtimer = $calc($v1 * 1000) }  
  while ($len($($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2)) > 430) {
    dec %tokens
    if ($len($($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2)) <= 430) {
      .timer -m 1 %Dtimer $1-2 $Sets().TextColor $($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2))
      inc %Dtimer 1500
      %Tstart = $calc(%tokens + 1)
      %tokens = $0
  .timer -m 1 %Dtimer $1-2 $Sets().TextColor $($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2))
  .timer $+ $+(Put,$2,$network) -m 1 $calc(%Dtimer + 1500) noop 
alias -l bintween {
  var %count = 1, %mark = 0, %mark2 = 0
  while (%count <= $4) {
    if ($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text) {
      %mark = $calc($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text + $len($2))
      if ($bfind($1, %mark, $3).text) {
        %mark2 = $bfind($1, %mark, $3).text
      else { return 0 } 
    else { return 0 }
    inc %count
  return $bvar($1, $iif(%mark > 0,%mark,1), $calc(%mark2 - %mark)).text
alias -l u_ return $regsubex(u,$replace($1-,_,$chr(32)),/(\w)/,$upper(\t)),_,$chr(32)
alias -l pack {
  var %up $1
  return $regsubex($2-,/(.)/g,$chr($xor(%up,$asc(\t))))


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ovelayer   -  Jan 02, 2015

seems to have stopped working
[12:45pm Fri] <~BrAiNs> Searching R T ........
[12:45pm Fri] <~BrAiNs> Sorry - Cannot find transformers

rastamanx  -  Dec 02, 2016

Yeah, their API is not free anymore. It will work if you're willing to pay for a key.
Otherwise, you now need to parse their html.

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FordLawnmower   -  Jun 26, 2012

I can find no issues with this script:

[14:11:58] <@Ford_Lawnmower> +rt
[14:11:58] Ford_Lawnmower has activated the Rotten Tomato script for #FordIRC .
[14:12:12] <@Ford_Lawnmower> @rt god bless america
[14:12:12] Searching R T ........
[14:12:14] R T Title "God Bless America" Year 2012 Runtime 104 Release dates "theater":"2012-05-11","dvd":"2012-07-03" Critics consensus A darkly comic polemic on modern culture, God Bless America is uneven and somewhat this but the ideas behind this revenge fulfillment journey has primal appeal.
[14:12:16] R T Genres "Drama","Comedy" Mpaa rating R Critics rating Fresh Critics score 65 Audience rating "Upright" Audience score 75
[14:12:17] R T Cast "Joel Murray" "Tara Lynne Barr" "Melinda Page Hamilton" "Geoff Peirson" "Mackenzie Brooke Smith" "Bobcat Goldthwait" Directors "Bobcat Goldthwait" Synopsis Frank (Joel Murray) has had enough of the downward spiral of American culture. Divorced, recently fired, and possibly terminally ill, Frank truly has nothing left to live for. But instead of taking
[14:12:17] his own life, he buys a gun and
[14:12:20] decides to take out his frustration on the cruelest, stupidest, most intolerant people he can imagine -- starting with some particularly odious reality television stars. Frank finds an unusual accomplice in a high-school student named Roxy (Tara Lynne Barr), who shares his sense of rage and disenfranchisement. Together they embark on a nationwide assault on our country's most irritating
[14:12:25] celebrities. -- (C) Magnet Releasing
[14:12:25] imdb Link

RIcko   -  Jun 26, 2012

Not returning any results, might need to check the site or update it though

rastamanx   -  Mar 13, 2012

Thanks to you for fixing it so quick

FordLawnmower   -  Mar 12, 2012

Updated to fix Cast. Thanks for the info rastamanx.

rastamanx   -  Mar 11, 2012

Cast format must have changed ;)

yelow79   -  Oct 24, 2011

Yeah I read and figured it out. There is one small problem, not sure if it's because of the script or because of rottentomato but when searching for some movies it will return a different movie that matches only the first word of the movie title. Great script other than that little problem.

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 24, 2011

@yellow79 To use the triggers , turn the "Rotten Trigger" ON and type +rt in each channel you want to run the script.
This must be done with a second client that has Ops.
Sorry , I forgot to add this to the description.
Channel Control:

  • +rt to turn the script ON for a channel. (requires ops)
  • -rt to turn the script OFF for a channel. (requires ops)
yelow79   -  Oct 24, 2011

Jenny you need to do +rotten to add the channel
once the channel is added the script will work in that channel

MashhitDK   -  Oct 23, 2011

Hehe Jenny ^^

Looking nice as always Ford... am gonna grab this later and add it...

BiG Thanks from Denmark

Jenny   -  Oct 23, 2011

I must be doing something wrong coz its not working for me. Do I need to activate it?

Sorry my bad, did not do the +rt

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