
By PoiXon on Apr 02, 2005

Type !trivia to start it type !strivia to stop it

When u have put it in Remotes type /write Trivia.txt

then type /run trivia.txt

then add all the things underneath the Questions bit until it says "End"

then type /chans

and put in the channel u want trivia to run in

you can add questions by typing /run trivia.txt , to open the file then add the question the format is question?|hint1|hint2|answer

what does red and blue make?|p-----|pu---e|purple
the answer would be Purple so u put the question like that u want the second hint to have more characters filled in.
You can Add As Many Questions as You Want into the Txt file
Have fun =D



what is The Scientific name for a Spider?|A-------|Ar-----d|Arachnid
What nation has had a monarchy the longest?|J----|J---n|Japan
What childhood disease did 312 Americans have in 11993, a record low?|m------|me----s|measles
What Italian city had the Roman name Mediolanum?|M----|Mi--n|milan
What distant planet circles the sun every 84 years?|U-----|Ur---s|Uranus
What European country is threatened by over 100 active volcanoes?|I------|Ic----d|Iceland
Who is the helmsman of the boat when you are sailing into Hades?|C-----|C---on|Charon
What dog shares his owner with Garfiled the Cat?|O---|O--e|Odie
What was JFK's nickname for his daughter Caroline?|B------|B----ns|Buttons
What type of number describes the ratio of the speed of a plane to the speed of sound?|m---|ma--|mach
What color are a zebra's stripes during the first six months of life?|b----|br--n|brown
Who is the Barber of Seville?|F-----|F-g-a-o|Figaro
What city in Nepal translates as "wooden temples?"|------du|Ka----du|K------u|K-t--ndu|Katmandu
Earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust is called the _____________.|lit--------|lit------re|lithosphere
This county has the lowest point in South America.|A--------|A----t-na|Argentina
What US City is known as The River capital of the world?|A----|Ak---|Akron
What's the worlds widest river?|A-----|Am---n|Amazon
What weapon is tattooed on Glen Campell's arm?|d-----|d-gg--|dagger
What subject did Mr. Chips teach?|L----|La--n|Latin
What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895?|X-----|X-R---|X-rays
What's the better-known name of the card game Twenty-One?|B--------|Bl---j---|Blackjack
What coutnry did 300,000 Chinese troops invade in February, 17979?|V------|Vi----m|Vietnam
From what "black metal" did blacksmith's take their name?|i---|i--n|iron
What Italian city is considered the fashion capital?|M----|Mi---|Mila
What 1970 movie hit was banned on military bases?|M---|MA--|MASH
Jimmy Carter once thought he saw a UFO; what was it?|V----|Ve---|Venus
What country used the deadly nerve gas SARIN against Kurdish minority factions in the 1990s?|I---|I--q|Iraq
What is the computer acronym for "picture element?"|p----|P-x--|Pixel
What segment of television receieves the ACE awards?|c----|C--le|Cable


on *:text:!trivia:%chans: {
  if (%trivia == $null) { 
    msg $chan 4Trivia12 Has Started. You Have4 30 12seconds to Answer
    set %thing $read(trivia.txt)   
    set %question $gettok(%thing,1,124)
    set %trivia on
    set %answer $gettok(%thing,4,124)
    msg $chan 4Question:12 %question
    set %chan #
    .timer1 1 15 msg $chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,2,124)
    .timer2 1 25 msg $chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,3,124)
    .timer3 1 35 wrong
  else { msg $nick 4Trivia12 is Already On }
alias wrong {
  if (%trivia == on) {
    msg %chan 12You Failed To Answer The Question! next Question in4 5 12seconds!
    unset %answer
    unset %question
    unset %thing  
    .timer 1 5 new
alias new {
  if (%trivia == on) {
    set %thing $read(trivia.txt)
    set %question $gettok(%thing,1,124)
    set %trivia on
    set %answer $gettok(%thing,4,124)
    msg %chan 12New Question:4 %question
    .timer1 1 15 msg %chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,2,124)
    .timer2 1 25 msg %chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,3,124)
    .timer3 1 35 wrong
on *:text:*:%chans: {
  if ($1 == %answer) {
    .timer3 off
    .timer1 off
    .timer2 off
    msg %chan 12You Got It Right The Answer Was:4 $+(%answer,!)$+ $+(12,$nick)$+ Has %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Point(s)!
    inc %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    unset %answer
    unset %question
    unset %thing
    .timer 1 5 new
  if ($1 == !strivia) {
    msg %chan 4Trivia12 Has Been Halted!
    .timer1 off
    .timer2  off
    .timer3 off
    .timer4 off
    unset %trivia
    unset %answer
    unset %question
    unset %thing
  if ($1 == !won) {
    if (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) {
      notice $nick You Have 0 Points
    elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
      notice $nick You Have %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Points!
on *:join:%chans: {
  if ($me isop #) {
    if (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 49) && (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 99) {
      mode # +h $nick
    elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 99) {
      mode # +o $nick
    elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) {
      msg $chan 4Welcome12 to4 $chan 12Type4 !trivia12 to play the Trivia Game, Type 4!strivia12 to stop 
alias chans { 
  if (!$1) {
    set %chans $$?="Enter Channel For Trivia!" 
  else { 
    set %chans $1
on *:input:#: {
  if ($1 == !trivia) {
    if (%trivia == $null) { 
      msg $active $1-
      msg $active 4Trivia12 Has Started. You Have4 30 12seconds to Answer
      set %thing $read(trivia.txt)   
      set %question $gettok(%thing,1,124)
      set %trivia on
      set %answer $gettok(%thing,4,124)
      msg $chan 4Question:12 %question
      set %chan #
      .timer1 1 15 msg $chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,2,124)
      .timer2 1 25 msg $chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,3,124)
      .timer3 1 35 wrong
  if ($1 == !strivia) {
    msg $active $1-
    msg $active 4Trivia12 Has Been Halted!
    .timer1 off
    .timer2  off
    .timer3 off
    .timer4 off
    unset %trivia
    unset %answer
    unset %question
    unset %thing
  if ($1 == !won) {
    if (%score [ $+ [ $me ] ] == $null) {
      echo -a 12You Have4 0 12Points
    elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
      echo -a 12You Have4 %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 12Points!
  if ($1 == %answer) {
    msg $active $1-
    .timer3 off
    .timer1 off
    .timer2 off
    inc %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    msg %chan 12You Got It Right The Answer Was:4 $+(%answer,!)$+ $+(12,$nick)$+ Has %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] point(s)!
    unset %answer
    unset %question
    unset %thing
    .timer 1 5 new


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Destiny98   -  Dec 03, 2011

Does not work,because if i want to answer,and i entered the right answer,ut doesnt respond

GoldFish   -  Jun 18, 2011

I think you should inc the score before you tell them so it won't be behind by one.

KyleJack-Daniels   -  Mar 03, 2011

Also how can i set it so it doesn't do the same question twice?

KyleJack-Daniels   -  Mar 03, 2011

Dont worry about my last post all i had to do was
msg %chan 12You Failed To Answer The Question! next Question in4 5 12seconds! The Answer was %answer

KyleJack-Daniels   -  Mar 03, 2011

Hey one thing, if someone doesn't get the answer i think it should say "times up the answer was................" so then people know what the answer was.
9/10 overall

zelic   -  Feb 22, 2011

Cant the correct script be posted ? Im trying to change the $1 to $2-, but still cant answer the questions :S

Lucius   -  Jul 28, 2010

you can make the script a little easier to set up of you edit the questions part:

on:load: { if (!$read(trivia.txt) {
write trivia.txt what is The Scientific name for a Spider?|A-------|Ar-----d|Arachnid
write trivia.txt (question etc etc)
} }

That will make the script auto add in the questions when someone loads it, if they don't have the list made.

Very nice script though. 8/10

AlmerC   -  Jul 27, 2010

uh a few minor bugs but overall very nice :D

GoldFish   -  Jun 20, 2010

Great script! but why not fix the bug here:

if ($1 == !strivia) {
msg %chan 4Trivia12 Has Been Halted!
.timer1 off
.timer2 off
.timer3 off
.timer4 off
unset %trivia
unset %answer
unset %question
unset %thing

Why not add && (%trivia == on) to the first line so people don't spam !strivia?

Great script!

nikooo777   -  May 31, 2009

mates sorry for the bump but can somebody tell me where to find a trivia.txt with like 1000 questions??? i cant find it! :(

Jonesy44   -  Dec 03, 2008

If it says it doesnt exist, it clearly don't ;)

Dragon1-9-8-4   -  Dec 03, 2008

ok ill try it

Jonesy44   -  Dec 02, 2008
//echo -a $iif($read(trivia.txt),File Exists,File Doesn't Exist)

Run that

Dragon1-9-8-4   -  Dec 02, 2008

yeah i sure did and it works but it doesnt read the questions from the text file

guest598594   -  Dec 01, 2008

Did you /write it first?

Dragon1-9-8-4   -  Dec 01, 2008

i got this message when i tried to run trivia.txt. /run: unable to open file 'trivia.txt'
so i guess something aint right

M[n]M   -  Apr 05, 2008

man can\'t you make it a !Top10 or !Top20 ?

kortho   -  Nov 24, 2007

i like it, makes it easier to put in your own questions and edit colours a bit
very well done mate

erry   -  Oct 19, 2007

replace $1 with $2-

jdslasher72   -  Sep 02, 2007

hey, i have it all done, except when some1 anwsers it does not show anything even if its right, and i tryed the ($1-) above, help please!

guest598594   -  Jul 01, 2007

One thing doesnt work in this. When a new user begins to play, and they get their first question right, it says $nick has points. It says this because u increased the score AFTER it says their points. So make it like this.

instead of
msg %chan 12You Got It Right The Answer Was:4 $+(%answer,!)$+ $+(12,$nick)$+ Has %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Point(s)!
inc %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

make it
inc %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
msg %chan 12You Got It Right The Answer Was:4 $+(%answer,!)$+ $+(12,$nick)$+ Has %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Point(s)!

also, i added a feature to check other ppl\'s scores.
if ($1 == !score) {
if (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) && ( $2 == $null ) {
notice $nick You Have 0 Points
elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) && ( $2 == $null ) {
notice $nick You Have %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Points!
elseif (%score [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null) && ( $2 != $null ) {
notice $nick $2 Has 0 Points
elseif (%score [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != $null) && ( $2 != $null ) {
notice $nick $2 Has %score [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Points!

guest598594   -  Jun 30, 2007

this was what it said in another trivia game, i thought its cool

msg $chan 6That\'s the way4 $nick $+ 6! The answer was4 (ANSWER) $+ 6. You got it in4 (TIME) 6seconds. You\'ve moved up in rank!
msg $chan 6 $+ $nick 6now has4 (SCORE) 6points and is ranked 4 (RANK)6of 4(RANK) 6behind4 (NICK AHEAD OF HIM) 6with4 (OTHER NICKS SCORE)

i was wondering if theres anyway to include that in this script along with a top 10?

guest598594   -  Jun 30, 2007

oh, i see there is a feature to voice and op ppl depending on their score...nice!

guest598594   -  Jun 30, 2007

also, is there a feature on it already for it to stop after N questions?

guest598594   -  Jun 30, 2007

to restart scores type //unset %score*

also i was wondering if there was a way to put a timer, to see how fast the person got the answer, and have it say their rank when they get it right, and their streak. Like congrats, $nick! you got it in Seconds! You\'re in th. You got in a row! or you just moved up in rank!

Also, like PCTech said, i think it would be cool to have like if u get 100, you get voice, 200, you get halfop, 1000, you get op.

One more thing. Is there any way to edit people\'s scores?

mind-freak   -  Dec 31, 2006

oh and also how do i restart the scores??

mind-freak   -  Dec 30, 2006

very nice i like but you cant add answer with two words in it :s fix that =)

Kobilas   -  Oct 27, 2006

how can i use this, to more than one channels?

sean   -  Jun 09, 2006

please read previous posts.
[1]Copy the questions to a .txt
[2]load the rest of the script into remotes

Sev   -  Jun 08, 2006

I\'m sorry for my ignorance, but where does everything go?

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