Channel Manager v1.0

By alabama on Sep 13, 2011


Channel Manager for mIRC.
v1.0 can:
~View bans
~ - If halfop/op ~ Remove bans, one at a time, or all at once
~View modes
~ - If halfop/op ~ Set/remove modes

Watch a video of it's current functions:

Paste in remotes and open by using alias /chanman or right clicking in a status/channel/query window

;Channel Manager v1.0 
;by: alabama @

alias chanman { dialog -m chanman chanman }

;/chanman will open the dialog 'chanman'

Menu channel,nicklist,query {
Channel Manager:/dialog -m chanman chanman }

;right clicking a channel, nickname, or in a query window, you will be giving the option to click "channel manager" which will open the dialog. 

dialog chanman {
  title "Channel Manager"
  size -1 -1 226 160
  option dbu
  tab "Bans", 1, 0 -2 225 156
  list 2, 3 20 52 50, tab 1 size
  list 3, 55 20 169 50, tab 1 size
  text "Ban mask  ~  Set Date  ~  Set by", 4, 90 12 96 8, tab 1
  edit "", 5, 55 70 50 10, tab 1 read
  button "Remove selected", 55, 110 71 48 12, disable tab 1
  button "Remove all", 56, 181 71 43 12, disable tab 1
  tab "Modes", 6
  check "Block colour codes", 8, 11 46 52 10, tab 6
  box "Positive Modes [+]", 9, 7 32 108 119, tab 6
  check "Amsg ban", 10, 11 56 35 10, tab 6
  check "No CTCPs", 11, 11 66 37 10, tab 6
  check "No actions", 12, 11 77 37 10, tab 6
  check "No knocks", 13, 11 86 37 10, tab 6
  check "Moderated", 14, 11 95 38 10, tab 6
  check "No nick changes", 15, 11 104 50 10, tab 6
  check "Private channel", 16, 64 40 50 10, tab 6
  check "No kicks allowed", 17, 64 50 50 10, tab 6
  check "Registered only", 18, 64 61 50 10, tab 6
  check "Secret channel", 19, 64 71 50 10, tab 6
  check "Strip color codes", 20, 64 80 50 10, tab 6
  check "No NOTICEs", 21, 64 89 50 10, tab 6
  check "No /invite", 22, 64 97 50 10, tab 6
  check "Only SSL clients", 23, 64 105 50 10, tab 6
  check "No outside msgs", 24, 11 114 50 10, tab 6
  check "Invite only", 25, 64 114 50 10, tab 6
  edit "", 26, 41 124 71 10, tab 6 read
  combo 27, 12 135 60 50, tab 6 size drop
  button "Set", 28, 74 135 37 12, tab 6
  button "Reset", 29, 12 124 29 10, tab 6
  box "Negative Modes [-]", 30, 117 32 108 119, tab 6
  combo 50, 120 135 60 50, tab 6 size drop
  button "Set", 51, 182 135 37 12, tab 6
  edit "", 48, 149 124 71 10, tab 6 read
  button "Reset", 49, 120 124 29 10, tab 6
  check "No outside msgs", 39, 119 113 50 10, tab 6
  check "No nick changes", 41, 119 103 50 10, tab 6
  check "Moderated", 42, 119 94 38 10, tab 6
  check "No knocks", 43, 119 85 37 10, tab 6
  check "No actions", 44, 119 76 37 10, tab 6
  check "No CTCPs", 45, 119 66 37 10, tab 6
  check "Amsg ban", 46, 119 55 35 10, tab 6
  check "Block colour codes", 47, 119 45 52 10, tab 6
  check "Private channel", 33, 172 39 50 10, tab 6
  check "Registered only", 31, 172 60 50 10, tab 6
  check "No kicks allowed", 32, 172 49 50 10, tab 6
  check "Strip color codes", 35, 172 79 50 10, tab 6
  check "Only SSL clients", 38, 172 104 50 10, tab 6
  check "Invite only", 40, 172 113 50 10, tab 6
  check "No /invite", 37, 172 96 50 10, tab 6
  check "No NOTICEs", 36, 172 88 50 10, tab 6
  check "Secret channel", 34, 172 70 50 10, tab 6
  text "Current modes for ", 54, 117 14 90 8, tab 6
  edit "", 52, 116 22 106 10, tab 6 read
  button "x", 53, 208 12 17 10, disable tab 6
  combo 7, 7 15 107 61, tab 6 size drop

;The above code is for the UI. There are 3 different styles of dialogs for mIRC. (notheme, dbu, pixels)
;A label's code would look similar to this: text "text", id, x y w h[, style] (style options-right, center, nowrap).
;An edit box's code would look like: edit "text", id, x y w h[, style](style options-right, center, multi, pass, read only, return, hsbar, vsbar, autohs,autovs).
;A button's code follows this format: button "text", id, x y w h[, style](style options-default, ok, cancel, flat, multi)
;A checkboxes code would look like this: check "text", id, x y w h[, style](style options-left, push, 3state)
;A combobox would follow this: combo id, x y w h[, style](style options-sort, edit, drop, size, vsbar, hsbar)
;Those are the main ones used, there are a few other controls available for dialogs. A full list below:
;Menu, Tab, Link, Icon, List, Combo, Scroll, Box, Radio, Check, Button, Edit, Text

on *:dialog:chanman:init:0:{ didtok $dname 2 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/(.)/g,$+($chan(\n),$chr(32))) 
  didtok $dname 7 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/(.)/g,$+($chan(\n),$chr(32))) 
  //var %temp $chan(0) | while (%temp) { if ($nick($chan(%temp),$me,oh)) did -a $dname 27 $chan(%temp) | dec %temp }
  //var %temp $chan(0) | while (%temp) { if ($nick($chan(%temp),$me,oh)) did -a $dname 50 $chan(%temp) | dec %temp }
  did -c $dname 27 1 | did -c $dname 50 1
  if ($ssl == $false) { did -b $dname 23 | did -b $dname 38 } 
  else { did -e $dname 23 | did -e $dname 38 }

;The above code does certain commands upon loading the dialog. Let's start with the first line. 
;didtok $dname 2 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/(.)/g,$+($chan(\n),$chr(32))) - This will load every channel into $did(2) (list) the user using the script is in. 
;The second line is similar, but it loads into a combobox($did(7)
; //var %temp $chan(0) | while (%temp) { if ($nick($chan(%temp),$me,oh)) did -a $dname 27 $chan(%temp) | dec %temp }
;^The above^ will add all of the channels you're @oped or %halfoped in, in a combobox. The next line does the same thing for a different combo.
;Combobox 27 and 50 are these:
;The reason for it only displaying channels you're opped/hopped in is because if you have lesser access, then you won't be able to set modes anyway.
;did -c $dname 27 1 (and) 50 1 - will automatically select the first channel in the comboboxes 27 and 50
; if ($ssl == $false) { did -b $dname 23 | did -b $dname 38 } --- Explanation below
; id 23 and 38 are
; if you are not connecting via SSL, those checkboxes will be disabled. /did -b == disable
; else { did -e $dname 23 | did -e $dname 38 }
; If you are connecting via SSL, it will enable those two checkboxes.

on *:dialog:chanman:sclick:*:{
  var %a did -a $dname
  var %b did -b $dname
  var %e did -e $dname
  var %r did -r $dname
  var %u did -u $dname

;on *:dialog:chanman:sclick:*:{  ==  Whenever the mouse left button is pushed down
;sets variables for easier use. instead of typing did -u $dname (id) everyline, you would only have to type %u (id)

  if ($did == 2) && ($chr(35) isin $did(2).seltext) { banstart | var %r did -r $dname | var %e did -e $dname | %r 3 | banlist | totalbans | %e 55 | %e 56 }
;did 2 refers to the listbox
;whenever a channel in the list is clicked, it will execute the aliases: banstart, banlist, and totalbans. As well, it will enable button's 55 and 56. 
;It will clear listbox 3 before executing banlist and totalbans. The result will look like:
;Variables %r, %e, are set for easier use.

if ($did == 8) { %a 26 c | %b 8 }
;did == 8 refers to one of the checkboxes on tab 2. It will write (did -a $dname 26) the letter "c" into the edit box 26. The text on the checkbox
corresponds to the mode "c". It will then disable (did -b $dname 8) that checkbox. 
;I'm not going to comment on some of the lines below as they are basically the same thing but for different modes.

  if ($did == 10) { %a 26 B | %b 10 }
  if ($did == 11) { %a 26 C | %b 11 }
  if ($did == 12) { %a 26 E | %b 12 }
  if ($did == 13) { %a 26 K | %b 13 }
  if ($did == 14) { %a 26 M | %a 26 m | %b 14 }
  if ($did == 15) { %a 26 N | %b 15 }
  if ($did == 16) { %a 26 p | %b 16 }
  if ($did == 17) { %a 26 Q | %b 17 }
  if ($did == 18) { %a 26 R | %b 18 }
  if ($did == 19) { %a 26 s | %b 19 }
  if ($did == 20) { %a 26 S | %b 20 }
  if ($did == 21) { %a 26 T | %b 21 }
  if ($did == 22) { %a 26 V | %b 22 }
  if ($did == 23) { %a 26 z | %b 23 }
  if ($did == 24) { %a 26 n | %b 24 }
  if ($did == 25) { %a 26 i | %b 25 }
  if ($did == 28) { .mode $did(27).seltext + $+ $did(26).text }
;did == 28 refers to a button. The button is titled "Set." It will set apply all of the [+] modes in editbox 26 to the selected channel in the combobox 27.

  if ($did == 29) { %e 8-22 | %e 24-25 | %r 26 | %u 8-25 }
;did == 29 refers to the button with the text "Reset". /did -e = enables a control. It will enable all of the above codes. 
;Notice- We skip 23 because that is the 'SSL only' mode. 

  if ($did == 47) { %a 48 c | %b 47 }
  if ($did == 46) { %a 48 B | %b 46 }
  if ($did == 45) { %a 48 C | %b 45 }
  if ($did == 44) { %a 48 E | %b 44 }
  if ($did == 43) { %a 48 K | %b 43 }
  if ($did == 42) { %a 48 M | %a 48 m | %b 42 }
  if ($did == 41) { %a 48 N | %b 41 }
  if ($did == 40) { %a 48 i | %b 40 }
  if ($did == 39) { %a 48 n | %b 39 }
  if ($did == 38) { %a 48 z | %b 38 }
  if ($did == 37) { %a 48 V | %b 37 }
  if ($did == 36) { %a 48 T | %b 36 }
  if ($did == 35) { %a 48 S | %b 35 }
  if ($did == 34) { %a 48 s | %b 34 }
  if ($did == 33) { %a 48 p | %b 33 }
  if ($did == 32) { %a 48 Q | %b 32 }
  if ($did == 31) { %a 48 R | %b 31 }
  if ($did == 51) { .mode $did(50).seltext - $+ $did(48).text }
;did == 51 refers to a button. The button is titled "Set." It will set apply all of the [-] modes in editbox 48 to the selected channel in the combobox 50.

  if ($did == 53) { .mode $did(7).seltext - $+ $did(52).text | %r 52 | chanmodes }
;did == 53 refers to the button titled 'x' --
;it will delete all of the current set modes in the channel selected in combobox 7

  if ($did == 49) { %e 31-37 | %e 39-47 | %r 48 | %u 31-47 }
;did == 49 refers to the button with the text "Reset". /did -e = enables a control. It will enable all of the above codes. 
;Notice- We skip 38 because that is the 'SSL only' mode. 

  if ($did == 7) { %e 53 | %r 52 | chanmodes | %a 54 Current modes for $did(7).seltext }
;did == 7 refers to the combobox containing the channels in the upper-left hand corner of tab 2.
;clicking it will enable button 53, clear edit box 52, perform the alias /chanmodes and set the text of editbox 54 to "current modes for selected chan"

  if ($did == 55) && ($me isop $did(2).seltext) { mode $did(2).seltext -b $did(3).seltext | did -d $dname 3 $did(3, 1).sel | %r 5 | minus }
;The above code will work if you're an operator in the channel selected in combobox 2. If that returns true, it will unban the selected hostmask,
;delete the selected line from the list, clear listbox 5 and execute the alias /minus

  if ($did == 56) && ($me isop $did(2).seltext) { unbanall | %r 3 | %r 5 | did -a $dname 5 0 total bans }
;The above will work if button 56 "remove all" is selected AND you're an op in the channel. 
;It will perform the alias /unbanall, clear listbox 3 and 5, and reset the editbox 5 to say "0 total bans"


raw 367:*:haltdef 
raw 368:*:haltdef 
;Raw 367(368):*:haltdef - will stop bans from showing up in your status window.

alias banstart { /mode $did(2).seltext +b }
; the above alias will do mode (channel selected) +b to get the banlist. This is performed on dialog load up.

alias unbanall {
  var %chan- $did(2).seltext | var %u = $ibl(%chan-,0)
  while (%u > 0) {
    ;dec %u
    inc %t
    var %ban = %ban $ibl(%chan-,%u)
    if (%t == $modespl) {
      mode %chan- - $+ $str(b,$modespl) %ban
      unset %t %ban
      dec %u
10  mode %chan- - $+ $str(b,$modespl) %ban
;line 1: set %chan- to the channel name from the dialog, set %u to the number of bans set in that channel
;line 2: if %u (the number of bans) is greater than 0 it'll continue
;line 5: set %ban to the Nth ban in the ban list
;line 6,7,8,9) fs %t reached the maximum number of modes that can be set at once in one command, execute the /mode remove the bans in %ban, unset %t an %chan
;line 10: Finally, it executes /mode %chan- -bbbbbbb ($modespl times) follow by %ban which is the list of bans

alias minus { var %minus $calc($ibl($did(2).seltext,N) - 1) 
did -a $dname 5 %minus total bans }
;alias minus will var %minus as $ibl($did(2).seltext,N) subtracted by one
;it will then set edit box 5 to say the current number of bans

alias chanmodes { var %a did -a $dname | var %chan7 $did(7).seltext | %a 52 $remove($chan(%chan7).mode,+) }
;alias /chanmodes will var %a as 'did -a $dname', %chan7 as '$did(7).seltext'.
;It will then add the modes set for the channel selected in the combo 7 to the edit box 52

alias totalbans { did -r $dname 5 | did -a $dname 5 $ibl($did(2).seltext,N) total bans }
;alias /totalbans will erase (-r) everything in edit box 5, and write in edit box 5 the number of total bans for the selected channel in combo 2.

alias banlist { var %chan = $did(2).seltext, %i = 1 
while ($ibl(%chan, %i) != $null) { did -a chanman 3 $ibl(%chan ,%i) ~ $ibl(%chan, %i).date ~ $ibl(%chan, %i).by | inc %i } }
;alias /banlist will set %chan as '$did(2).seltext) and set %i to '1'
;the second line is a while loop that writes every ban, ban date, and who set the ban in list view 3.
;it will continuously loop until there are no more bans to be displayed. 
;the format would be " banmask@ban.mask ~ 1/1/1 ~ Banner "

;Thanks for reading through this, it sure took me a little while. If there's anything I didn't explain well enough, let me know :).


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alabama   -  Sep 17, 2011


jaytea   -  Sep 17, 2011

good on you for the comments.

alabama   -  Sep 16, 2011

I'll consider those changes, thanks

yelow79   -  Sep 15, 2011

I like this, it could use a little work but overall very nice. I suggest making the first tab fill the dialog, for those of us who sit in a ton of channels it would be very nice to have the view space. Could also add the (f) mode for unrealircd. Thanks for a great script tho.

yelow79   -  Sep 15, 2011

I like this, it could use a little work but overall very nice. I suggest making the first tab fill the dialog, for those of us who sit in a ton of channels it would be very nice to have the view space. Could also add the (f) mode for unrealircd. Thanks for a great script tho.

alabama   -  Sep 14, 2011


Frenetic   -  Sep 14, 2011

8 9 10

Frenetic   -  Sep 14, 2011

I'm shanker on HF.

alabama   -  Sep 14, 2011

Yeah, I'm from hf. What's your name?

Frenetic   -  Sep 14, 2011

Yeah, I've seen his youtube channel on threads.

Jordyk19   -  Sep 14, 2011

Lol HackForums.

Frenetic   -  Sep 14, 2011

You're Alabama on HF?

alabama   -  Sep 13, 2011

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll add those in the next release.

Frenetic   -  Sep 13, 2011

Aha2y and filter (+g) on InspIRCd and such IRCd daemons.

Jordyk19   -  Sep 13, 2011

Its nice, Could you add a tab for Excepts and Invites? Then the script will be awesome!

alabama   -  Sep 13, 2011

I tried to comment on every line I could. Feedback would be nice.

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