Bot Snippet Remade

By Emo_Pikachu on Sep 08, 2011

I got this from Soubi's Bot Snippet.. I just made it to fit me and i felt like posting it if you find any bugs let me know

;;;;;;;MyDemonIsWrath's Bot Command Script;;;;;;;
on *:load: {
  echo -a 4T5hank 4Y5ou for loading 4D5emonIsWrath12'5s 4B5ot 4S5cript12!
  echo -a 4A5nd a reminder12,4I 5must have owner status in a room to use some of these commands12!
  set %botpw $$?="Enter Your Bots Password"
  set %superowners $$?="Enter Your Bot Owners Ex: superowner1,superowner2,superowner3" 
  set %superowner $$?="Enter the nick of the orginal superowner of your bot" 
  /auser superowner %superowner

#botscript on

on @owner:TEXT:*:#: {
  Tokenize 32 $Strip($1-)
  if ($1 == op)  { mode $chan +o $2 } 
  if ($1 == mode) { mode $chan $2 }
  if ($1 == deop) { mode $chan -o $2 }
  if ($1 == partall) { partall }
  if ($1 == voice) { mode $chan +v $2 }
  if ($1 == devoice) { mode $chan -v $2 }
  if ($1 == halfop) { mode $chan +h $2 }
  if ($1 == dehalfop) { mode $chan -h $2 }
  if ($1 == protect) { mode $chan +a $2 } 
  if ($1 == deprotect) { mode $chan -a $2 }
  if ($1 == owner) { mode $chan +q $2 } 
  if ($1 == deowner) { mode $chan -q $2 }
  if ($1 == part)  { /part $chan }
  if ($1 == hop) { hop $chan } 
  if ($1 == partall) { partall }
  if ($1 == d/c) { disconnect }
  if ($1 == getpass) { notice $nick %botpw }
  if ($1 == r/c) { timer 1 1 /amsg Restarting | timer -o 1 3 server %server }
  if ($1 == addowner) { auser owner $address($2,4) | notice $nick 4I 5have added 11 $2 5 to the owner list4 
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot Owner Bot Command used in: $chan }
  if ($1 == addmaster) { auser master $address($2,4) | notice $nick 4I 5have added 11 $2 5 to the master list4 
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot Master Bot Command used in: $chan }
  if ($1 == addoperator) { auser operator $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5 is now a 4B5ot 4O5perator4 
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot Operator Bot Command used in: $chan }
  if ($1 == adduser) { auser user $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5 is now on the 4B5ot 4U5sers list4 
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot User Bot Command used in: $chan } 
  if ($1 == delowner) { ruser owner $address($2,3) | notice $nick11 $nick 5 has deleted 11 $2 5 from the owner list4 
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot Owner Bot Command used in: $chan }
  if ($1 == cn) { nick $2 }
  if ($1 == ban) { mode $chan +bb $2 $address($2,2) | kick $chan $2 $3-  }
  if ($1 == delmaster) { ruser master $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5has been deleted from the master list4 
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of the User list as a Bot Master Bot Command used in: $chan }
  if ($1 == deloperator) { ruser operator $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5has been deleted from the operator list4 
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot Operator Bot Command used in: $chan }
  if ($1 == deluser) { ruser user $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5has been deleted from the bot's user list4 
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot User Bot Command used in: $chan }
  if ($1 == invite) { invite $2 $chan }
  if ($1 == owners) { msg $chan %owner %users }
  if ($1 == ownercmds) { notice $nick My owner commands are ( op, mode, getpass, kb, ban, deop, voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, d/c, hop, part, deowner, owner, addowner, delowner, addmaster, delmaster, addoperator, deloperator, adduser, deluser, join(in notice), cn(change nick), invite, r/c, id( in notice, kick) } 
  if ($1 == kick) { kick $chan $2 $3- }
  if ($1 == mastercmds) { notice $nick My Master Commands are: op, mode, deop, voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, protect, deprotect, hop, addoperator, adduser, ban, kick, kb, invite, deloperator, deluser }
  if ($1 == kb) { kick $chan $2 $3- | ban $chan $address($2,2) }
  if ($1- == explain yourself $me) { timer 1 1 msg $chan Yes $nick | timer 1 3 msg $chan I am a bot, my Super Owners are %superowners , i am in the beta stages, i am using NNS.and i like pie :P }
  if ($1 == operatorcmds) { notice $nick My Operator Commands are: voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, op, deop, invite, kick, mode, ban, kb, hop }
  if ($1 == usercmds) { notice $nick My User Comamnds are: voice, devoice, kick, mode, hop, invite }

on @owner:notice:*:*: { 
  if ($1 == join) { /join $2 }
  if ($1 == id) { identify $2- }

on @master:text:*:#: {
  Tokenize 32 $Strip($1-)
  if ($1 == op) { mode $chan +o $2 }
  if ($1 == mode) { mode $chan $2 }
  if ($1 == deop) { mode $chan -o $2 }
  if ($1 == voice) { mode $chan +v $2 }
  if ($1 == devoice) { mode $chan -v $2 }
  if ($1 == halfop) { mode $chan +h $2 }
  if ($1 == dehalfop) { mode $chan -h $2 }
  if ($1 == protect) { mode $chan +a $2 } 
  if ($1 == deprotect) { mode $chan -a $2 }
  if ($1 == hop) { hop $chan }
  if ($1 == addoperator) { auser operator $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5 is now a 4B5ot 4O5perator4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot Operator Bot Command used in: $chan }
  if ($1 == adduser) { auser user $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5 is now on the 4B5ot 4U5sers list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot User Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == ban) { mode $chan +bb $2 $address($2,2) | kick $chan $2 $3-  } 
  if ($1 == deloperator) { ruser operator $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5has been deleted from the operator list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot Operator Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == deluser) { ruser user $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5has been deleted from the bot's user list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot User Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == invite) { invite $2 $chan }
  if ($1 == kick) { kick $chan $2 $3- }
  if ($1 == kb) { kick $chan $2 $3- | ban $chan $address($2,2) }
  if ($1 == mastercmds) { notice $nick My Master Commands are: op, mode, deop, voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, protect, deprotect, hop, addoperator, adduser, ban, kick, kb, invite, deloperator, deluser }

on @operator:text:*:#: { 
  Tokenize 32 $Strip($1-)
  if ($1 == voice) { mode $chan +v $2 }
  if ($1 == devoice) { mode $chan -v $2 }
  if ($1 == halfop) { mode $chan +h $2 }
  if ($1 == dehalfop) { mode $chan -h $2 }
  if ($1 == op) { mode $chan +o $2 }
  if ($1 == deop) { mode $chan -o $2 }
  if ($1 == invite) { invite $2 $chan }
  if ($1 == kick) { kick $chan $2 $3- }
  if ($1 == mode) { mode $chan $2 }
  if ($1 == ban) { mode $chan +b $address($2,2) }
  if ($1 == kb) { mode $chan +b $address($2,2) | kick $chan $2 $3- }
  if ($1 == hop) { hop $chan }
  if ($1 == operatorcmds) { notice $nick My Operator Commands are: voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, op, deop, invite, kick, mode, ban, kb, hop }

on %user:text:*:#: {
  Tokenize 32 $Strip($1-)
  if ($1 == voice) { mode $chan +v $2 }
  if ($1 == devoice) { mode $chan -v $2 }
  if ($1 == kick) { kick $chan $2 $3- }
  if ($1 == mode) { mode $chan $2 }
  if ($1 == hop) { hop $chan }
  if ($1 == invite) { invite $2 $chan }
  if ($1 == usercmds) { notice $nick My User Comamnds are: voice, devoice, kick, mode, hop, invite }
on !superowner:join:#: { msg $chan 4,1W5,1elcome back 4 $+ $nick $+ 12,1, 5,1you are one of my 4,1S5,1uper 4,1O5,1wners $+ 12,1 
on owner:join:#: { msg $chan 4,1W5,1elcome back 4 $+ $nick $+ 12,1, 5,1you are one of my  4,1O5,1wners $+ 12,1 

on master:join:#: { msg $chan 4,1W5,1elcome back 4 $+ $nick $+ 12,1, 5,1you are one of my 4,1M5,1asters $+ 12,1

on operator:join:#: { msg $chan 4,1W5,1elcome back 4 $+ $nick $+ 12,1, 5,1you are one of my 4,1O5,1perators $+ 12,1

on user:join:#: { msg $chan 4,1W5,1elcome back 4 $+ $nick $+ 12,1, 5,1you are one of my 4,1B5,1ot 4,1U5,1sers $+ 12,1

#botscript end

on @superowner:text:*:#: {
  Tokenize 32 $Strip($1-)
  if ($1- == return to safe mode) { amsg 4B5ot is returning to 4S5afe 4M5ode 10[4C5ommand used by 4S5uper 4O5wner10: 4 $nick 10] | /enable #botscript }
  if ($1- == bot lockdown) {  amsg 4B5ot 4L5ock 4D5own has be activated 10[4C5ommand used by 4S5uper 4O5wner10: 4 $nick 10] | /disable #botscript }
  if ($1 == op)  { mode $chan +o $2 } 
  if ($1 == deop) { mode $chan -o $2 }
  if ($1 == mode) { mode $chan $2 }
  if ($1 == partall) { partall }
  if ($1 == addsuperowner) { auser superowner $address($2,3) | notice $nick 4 $+ $2 5 has been added to my 4S5uper 4O5wner list2
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot Super Owner Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == delsuperowner) { ruser superowner $address($2,3) | notice $nick 4 $+ $2 5has been deleted off of my 4S5uper 4O5wner list2
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot Super Owner Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == voice) { mode $chan +v $2 }
  if ($1 == devoice) { mode $chan -v $2 }
  if ($1 == halfop) { mode $chan +h $2 }
  if ($1 == down) { mode $chan -qaoh+v $nick $nick $nick $nick $nick }
  if ($1 == up) { mode $chan +qaoh $nick $nick $nick $nick }
  if ($1 == mute) { mode $chan +bb ~q: $+ $address($2,2) ~q: $+ $2  | mode $chan -qaohv $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 }
  if ($1 == unmute) { mode $chan -bb ~q: $+ $address($2,2) ~q: $+ $2 | mode $chan +v $2 | notice $2 update if you have ops plz }
  if ($1 == dehalfop) { mode $chan -h $2 }
  if ($1 == protect) { mode $chan +a $2 } 
  if ($1 == deprotect) { mode $chan -a $2 }
  if ($1 == owner) { mode $chan +q $2 } 
  if ($1 == deowner) { mode $chan -q $2 }
  if ($1 == part)  { /part $chan }
  if ($1 == hop) { hop $chan } 
  if ($1 == d/c) { disconnect }
  if ($1 == getpass) { notice $nick %botpw }
  if ($1 == r/c) { timer 1 1 /amsg Restarting | timer -o 1 3 server %server }
  if ($1 == addowner) { auser owner $address($2,3) | notice $nick 4I 5have added 11 $2 5 to the owner list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot Owner Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == addmaster) { auser master $address($2,3) | notice $nick 4I 5have added 11 $2 5 to the master list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot Master Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == addoperator) { auser operator $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5 is now a 4B5ot 4O5perator4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot Operator Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == adduser) { auser user $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5 is now on the 4B5ot 4U5sers list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has added $2 to the User list as a Bot User Bot Command used in: $chan  } 
  if ($1 == delowner) { ruser owner $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $nick 5 has deleted 11 $2 5 from the owner list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot Owner Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == cn) { nick $2 }
  if ($1 == ban) { mode $chan +bb $2 $address($2,2) | kick $chan $2 $3-  }
  if ($1 == delmaster) { ruser master $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5has been deleted from the master list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot Master Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == deloperator) { ruser operator $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5has been deleted from the operator list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot Operator Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == deluser) { ruser user $address($2,3) | notice $nick 11 $2 5has been deleted from the bot's user list4
  notice %superowners Warning: $nick has deleted $2 off of User list as a Bot User Bot Command used in: $chan  }
  if ($1 == invite) { invite $2 $chan }
  if ($1 == superownercmds) { notice $nick My Super Owner commands are ( op, obliterate( drops nick groub), release, mode, delsuperowner, totalreset, addsuperowner, getpass,  bot lockdown, return to safe mode kb, ban, deop, voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, d/c, hop, part, deowner, owner, addowner, delowner, addmaster, delmaster, addoperator, deloperator, adduser, deluser, join(in notice), cn(change nick), invite, r/c, id(notice)kick }
  if ($1 == ownercmds) { notice $nick My owner commands are ( op, kb, mode,  getpass, ban, deop, voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, d/c, hop, part, deowner, owner, addowner, delowner, addmaster, delmaster, addoperator, deloperator, adduser, deluser, join(in notice), cn(change nick), invite, r/c, id(in notice), kick) } 
  if ($1 == kick) { kick $chan $2 $3- }
  if ($1 == mastercmds) { notice $nick My Master Commands are: op, mode, deop, voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, protect, deprotect, hop, addoperator, adduser, ban, kick, kb, invite, deloperator, deluser }
  if ($1 == kb) { mode $chan +b $address($2,2) | kick $chan $2 $3-   }
  if ($1- == explain yourself slutty $me) { timer 1 1 msg $chan Yes Master $nick | timer 1 3 msg $chan I am a slut, my Masters are %superowners $+ , i am in stage 3 of 4, i am using mIRC $version $+ . }
  if ($1 == operatorcmds) { notice $nick My Operator Commands are: voice, devoice, halfop, dehalfop, op, deop, invite, kick, mode, ban, kb, hop }
  if ($1 == usercmds) { notice $nick My User Comamnds are: voice, devoice, kick, mode, hop, invite } 
  if ($1- == fuck you $me) { msg $chan Im Sorry $nick I will do anything to make it up to you | timer 1 2 describe $chan cries and looks at $nick with sorrowful eyes | timer 1 3 msg $chan plz Master $nick Forgive me }
  if ($1- == only this time) { msg $chan Thank you master $nick | timer 1 2 describe $chan Wants to be held }
  if ($1- == come here $me) { describe $chan walks to Master $nick and looks at him }
  if ($1- == hug me $me) { msg $Chan Yay Thanks Master $nick | timer 1 2 describe $chan hugs nick tightly and smiles }
  if ($1- == Good $me) { describe $chan smiles and asks master if he would like anything }
  if ($1- == no $me) { msg $chan yes $nick | timer 1 2 describe $chan gets up and goes to his bed and falls asleep }
  if ($1- == Yes $me) { msg $chan Yes master the usual }
  if ($1- == Of Course $me) { describe $chan gets up and gets Master a cig | timer 1 2 describe $chan while smiling returns handing him the cig }
  if ($1- == Get you one) { describe $chan gets me a cig and lights it smoking it enjoying the nicotine }
  if ($1- == Give $2 one) { describe $chan gets a cig for $2 and hands it to $2 smiling and says Enjoy a Malboro red } 
  if ($1- == Thank You) { msg $chan anything for you master $nick :) }
  if ($1- == Hit $2 now) { msg $chan Yes Master $nick | timer 1 2 describe $chan hits $2 for master $nick | timer 1 4 msg $chan DONT PISS OF MY MASTER OR YOU GET HIT $2 $+ !!!!!!! }
  if ($1 == identify) { identify botspasswordhere | timer 1 2 msg $chan i am now identified as of $date at $time }
  if ($1 == update) { ns update | timer 1 2 msg $chan i have had my vhost,modes,chans updated on $date at $time ( I love my Master $nick $+ ) }
  if ($1 == obliterate) { /msg nickserv drop $me | msg $chan I have been obliterated }

on superowner:notice:*:*: {
  if ($1 == release) { ns release $2 $3 }
  if ($1 == join) { /join $2 }
  if ($1 == id) { identify $2- }
  if ($1 == totalreset) { /msg nickserv set password $2- | notice %superowners 4B5ot passwords have been changed by 4S5uper O5wner: 4 $nick to : $2- | set %botpw  $2 }
  if ($1 == release) { ns release $me $2 }
  if ($1 == msg) { msg $2 $3- }


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Emo_Pikachu   -  Feb 06, 2012

Ty Xpl0reR

xplo   -  Feb 06, 2012

i like the usage of if and not elsif. keep it up :) nice script.

Emo_Pikachu   -  Feb 05, 2012

Thank you MashhitDK on the identify i forgot about that :/

Emo_Pikachu   -  Sep 08, 2011


MashhitDK   -  Sep 08, 2011

Haven't gone threw hole script... ooO( not like I would have written it... but ) looks nice...

Would recommend using "elseif" insted of so many "if"'s under each other ->

on @superowner:text:*:#: {
  Tokenize 32 $Strip($1-)
  if ($1- == return to safe mode) { amsg 4B5ot is returning to 4S5afe 4M5ode 10[4C5ommand used by 4S5uper 4O5wner10: 4 $nick 10] | /enable #botscript }
  elseif ($1- == bot lockdown) {  amsg 4B5ot 4L5ock 4D5own has be activated 10[4C5ommand used by 4S5uper 4O5wner10: 4 $nick 10] | /disable #botscript }
  elseif ($1 == op)  { mode $chan +o $2 } 
  elseif ($1 == deop) { mode $chan -o $2 }
  elseif ($1 == mode) { mode $chan $2 }
  elseif ($1 == partall) { partall }

And just noticed that ->

if ($1 == identify) { identify pass | timer 1 2 msg $chan i am now identified as of $date at $time }

Remember to edit this ;D

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