Pan's IRC ART - Volume 1

By Pangaea on Aug 23, 2011


UPDATE !! !!

This is the first instalment of my IRC Art creations.

To use simply put the text files into your root mirc folder, then use this command to activate each one
/alias (command) play $active (text file).txt 1000
Then to msg it to channel use the /(command)
1000 = 1 second per line.. you can edit that to your own value.

  1. 1up
    Rub some salt in somones wound by rewarding yourself a free life for winning an irc argument.
    Art Text File -

  2. Toad
    Toad from Mario
    Art Text File -

  3. Yin Yan
    Yin yan Symbol
    Art Text File -


UPDATE !! !!


0,1  0,3                                    0,1  
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(Yin Yan)

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Pangaea   -  Aug 28, 2011
napa182   -  Aug 23, 2011

nice work Pangaea but, you should have added away to trigger them being an alias or in a menu under channel then post a warning that you can be banned for flooding.
again nice work I like them.
i gave it a 4/10 cuz i had to add the rest of the code to make them work as an alias also i gave you a +Like
um you will have to change it a lil bit for it to work right something like this

menu channel {
    say 1,1..3,3....................................1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3............1,1............3,3............1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3........1,1....4,4............1,1....3,3........1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3......1,1..4,4....................1,1..3,3......1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3....1,1..4,4..0,0....4,4..................1,1..3,3....1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3..1,1..4,4..0,0......4,4....................1,1..3,3..1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3..1,1..4,4....0,0....4,4....0,0..4,4..0,0..4,4..0,0....4,4....1,1..3,3..1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3..1,1..4,4....0,0....4,4....0,0..4,4..0,0..4,4..0,0..4,4..0,0..4,4..1,1..3,3..1,1 
    say 1,1..3,3..1,1..4,4....0,0....4,4....0,0..4,4..0,0..4,4..0,0....4,4....1,1..3,3..1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3..1,1..4,4..0,0........4,4....0,0..4,4....0,0..4,4......1,1..3,3..1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3..1,1....4,4........................1,1....3,3..1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3....1,1............................3,3....1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3..........1,1..15,15............1,1..3,3..........1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3........1,1..14,14..15,15..0,0........15,15..14,14..1,1..3,3........1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3........1,1..15,15....0,0........15,15....1,1..3,3........1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3........1,1....15,15............1,1....3,3........1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3..........1,1................3,3..........1,1  
    say 1,1..3,3....................................1,1                                       

For some damn reason Hawkee's site likes to delete the color blocks from my example.

Um re-posted it like this here cause the site was deleting the color blocks I also had to use the line breaks cuz it seems to screw up hawkees webpage if i didn't... remember this is only an example nothing more

menu channel {
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$str(.,36)) 
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$str(.,12),$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$str(.,8),$chr(3),$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3......,$chr(3),1,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3....,$chr(3),1,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3..,$chr(3),1,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3..,$chr(3),1,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3..,$chr(3),$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3..,$chr(3),1,$chr(44),$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3..,$chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3..,$chr(3),1,$chr(44),1....,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3....,$chr(3),1,$chr(44),1,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$str(.,10),$chr(3),1,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$str(.,8),$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$str(.,8),$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$str(.,8),$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$&
    say $+($chr(3),1,$chr(44),1..,$chr(3),3,$chr(44),3,$str(.,36))                                       
Pangaea   -  Aug 23, 2011

would u prefare i upload the screenshots to hawkee, then past all the art code files in the snippets box?
Sure i could of done that, its just quicker to past links in.. i shall amend the posts if u wish

Pangaea   -  Aug 23, 2011

not sure what you mean jethro.. let me have a look

Jethro   -  Aug 23, 2011

Pangaea, why did you post a bunch of links to the images under "snippets?" You should have posted them under "images," which is right next to the snippets where you chose to begin with.

Pangaea   -  Aug 23, 2011

matcou, what the hell are u talking about? its just abit of irc art that im making nothing more nothing less, in what context do you guys think im spamming? ive been on this site for years and ive never once spammed. I have no idea where the hell you are getting your spam stuff from?
has anyone else a problem with this because i plan on posting more art im currently working on.. if so i wont bother posting it on hawkee, im sure ill find some other irc related sites that would be happy to get some new irc art since its pretty rare as it is.

If noone else has any objections I shall continue to post here on hawkee.

Matcou   -  Aug 23, 2011

You should work on a download alias to download the files. Or just write the contents to .txt files.

Pangaea   -  Aug 23, 2011

wtf? read the description part , ya tool

Bielie   -  Aug 23, 2011

AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)AkA Spam :)

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