ImageShack Picture Viewer. NOW You can view pics inside mIRC!

By FelicianoX on Aug 15, 2011

With this script you can browse through all of the pictures you've double clicked on. AND also you can right click a link and the picture will pop up in your mIRC screen!

Right click link to view pic inside mIRC.

[30 January] Will still work if you have ~450+ pictures saved.
[30 January] Removing pictures via dialog is now x5 faster/easier.
[25 March] You can now choose to open the last 250 pictures downloaded (Loads faster)
[25 Dec] You can now right click the link to view it/download it inside your mIRC without it having to open a browser! (Right click link)

Thanks to some help in #mSL and


100% by FelicianoX (#mSL @
ImageShack Picture Viewer

on *:LOAD:{ if (!$isdir($mircdirDLImages)) { mkdir DLImages | echo -a 06Thanks for using Image Viewer, memo/pm FelicianoX for questions } }

on *:START:{ .timerImageLinks 0 3600 imagelinkscheck }

on $^*:HOTLINK:/http\x3A\/\/((img\d{1,3})\.imageshack\.us)(\/\2\/\d+\/\w+\.(png|jpg|gif))/Si:#:{
  if ($mouse.key & 16) {
    openToolTip $1
  if (!$hget(ImageLinks,$1) && $group(#Image).status == On) {
    .disable #Image
    .hfree ImageLinks
    hadd -m ImageLinks $1 1
    .enable #Image
  if ($group(#Image).status == off) {
    .enable #Image
    hadd -m ImageLinks $1 1

menu @ImageShack {
  sclick: {
    if ($inrect($mouse.x, $mouse.y, $calc($window(@ImageShack).w -110), 3, 90, 20)) {
      window -c @ImageShack
      unset %file
    elseif ($inrect($mouse.x, $mouse.y, 10, 2, 110, 20)) {
      noop $input(Image deleted, oi, ImageShack Tooltip)
      .remove %file

on *:CLOSE:@ImageShack:{ unset %file }

alias openToolTip {
  if ($readini(ImageLinks.ini, Downloaded, $1)) {
    set %file $qt($mircdirDLImages\ $+ $gettok($1, -1, $asc(/)))
    var %width = $pic(%file).width, %height = $pic(%file).height
    window -Cpobfdk0 +b @ImageShack 0 0 %width $calc(%height +18)
    drawpic -s @ImageShack 1 19 %file
    drawtext @ImageShack 4 $calc(%width -100) 2 [X] CLOSE
    drawtext @ImageShack 4 10 2 Delete image.
    titlebar @ImageShack Picture Viewer ToolTip 
  else {
    noop $regex($1,/http\x3A\/\/((img\d{1,3})\.imageshack\.us)(\/\2\/\d+\/\w+\.(png|jpg|gif))/Si)
    window -Cpobfdk0 +b @Downloading 0 0 350 40
    drawtext @Downloading 4 10 15 Image is being downloaded, please wait...
    titlebar @Downloading image, please wait.
    var %t $ticks
    hadd -m $+(ImageSocket.,%t) GET $regml(3)
    hadd $+(ImageSocket.,%t) Host $regml(1)
    hadd $+(ImageSocket.,%t) Tooltip $true
    sockopen $+(image.,%t) $regml(1) 80

#Image on

on $*:HOTLINK:/http\x3A\/\/((img\d{1,3})\.imageshack\.us)(\/\2\/\d+\/\w+\.(png|jpg|gif))/Si:#:{
  url $1
  if (!$readini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,$1)) {
    var %t $ticks
    hadd -m $+(ImageSocket.,%t) GET $regml(3)
    hadd $+(ImageSocket.,%t) Host $regml(1)
    sockopen $+(image.,%t) $regml(1) 80

#Image end

on *:sockopen:image.*:{
  var %a sockwrite -nt $sockname
  %a GET $hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)),GET) HTTP/1.0
  %a Host: $hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)),Host) $+ $str($crlf,2)

on *:sockread:image.*:{
  if (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
    var %a
    sockread %a
    if (%a == $null) {
      sockmark $sockname 1
  else {
    sockread &image
    var %o $gettok($hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)),GET),3,47))
    bwrite $qt($+($mircdirDLImages\,%o)) -1 -1 &image

on *:sockclose:image.*:{
  var %l $+(http://,$hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)),Host),$hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)),GET))
  writeini -n ImageLinks.ini Sizes $+(http://,$hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)),Host),$hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)),GET)) $bytes($lof($+($mircdirDLImages\,$gettok($hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)),GET),3,47))),k) kilobytes
  writeini -n ImageLinks.ini Downloaded %l 1
  if ($hget($+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46)), Tooltip)) {
    openToolTip %l
    window -c @Downloading
  hfree -w $+(ImageSocket.,$gettok($sockname,2,46))

alias ImageLinksCheck {
  !var %a $iif(%last,$calc($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0) -250),1)
  !while (%a <= $ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0)) {
    !if ($isfile($+($mircdirDLImages\,$gettok($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,%a),5,47))) == $false) {
      !remini -n ImageLinks.ini Downloaded $ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,%a)
      !remini -n ImageLinks.ini Sizes $ini(ImageLinks.ini,Sizes,%a)
      !inc %a
    !inc %a

dialog ImagesView {
  title "ImageShack Picture Viewer"
  size -1 -1 933 497
  option pixels
  list 1, 758 22 138 447
  box "Image", 2, 15 17 723 438
  icon 3, 40 33 675 410, $pic ,0
  text "Size:", 4, 24 464 100 17
  button "Copy link", 5, 667 464 65 25
  button "Open folder", 6, 758 464 70 25
  button "Update List", 7, 845 464 70 25
  button "Delete", 8, 580 464 65 25

alias -l pic return $+($mircdirDLImages\,$gettok($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,$iif(%last,$calc($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0) -250),1)),5,47))

alias -l pics return $bytes($lof($pic),k) kb

alias -l openimagelinks { 
  set %Last $iif($1 && $ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0) > 249,1)
  dialog -m ImagesView ImagesView

menu channel {
  .ImageShack Picture Viewer
  ..ImageShack Picture Viewer: openimagelinks
  ..ImageShack Picture Viewer 250: openimagelinks 1

on *:DIALOG:ImagesView:init:0:{
  !did -b ImagesView 5,8
  !did -c ImagesView 1 1
  !did -a ImagesView 4 Size: $pics
  !var %a $iif(%last,$calc($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0) -250),1)
  !while (%a <= $ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0)) {
    !did -a ImagesView 1 $gettok($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,%a),5,47)
    !inc %a

on *:DIALOG:ImagesView:close:0:{
  unset %Last

on *:DIALOG:ImagesView:sclick:1,5-8:{
  if ($did == 1) {
    !did -g ImagesView 3 $qt($+($mircdirDLImages\,$did(ImagesView,1).seltext))
    !did -a ImagesView 4 Size: $bytes($lof($+($mircdirDLImages\,$did(ImagesView,1).seltext)),k) kb
    !did -e ImagesView 5,8
  elseif ($did == 5) {
    if (%last) clipboard $ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,$calc($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0) - 251 + $did(ImagesView,1).sel)))
    else clipboard $ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,$did(ImagesView,1).sel)
    !did -a ImagesView 5 Link Copied
    .timerIV 1 1 did -a ImagesView 5 Copy Link
  elseif ($did == 6) {
    run $mircdirDLImages
  elseif ($did == 7) {
    !did -r ImagesView 1
    !var %a $iif(%last,$calc($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0) -250),1)
    !while (%a <= $ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,0)) {
      !did -a ImagesView 1 $gettok($ini(ImageLinks.ini,Downloaded,%a),5,47)
      !inc %a
    !did -b ImagesView 5,8
  elseif ($did == 8) {
    .remove $+(DLImages\,$did(ImagesView,1).seltext)
    did -d ImagesView 1 $did(ImagesView,1).sel


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[85]   -  Dec 26, 2011

good job...

FelicianoX   -  Dec 24, 2011


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